Mira unleashed

Max charged towards Satan's army with the dragon's over his head and the Bloodfall clan on his back. 

Before he could even reach the sea of ghoulish soldiers who were the ground support for Satan's dragon army, powerful explosions rippled across the battlefield as [Dragons Breath] met with [Dragon's Breath]. 

Max was undeterred by the explosions as he ignored the shock-waves and simply scanned the ground troops to figure out their strength and numbers. 

At about 600,000 strong the army of ghouls were outnumbered by the Bloodfall vampires and with only two tier6 god's amongst their ranks, Max knew he could make short work of the forces. 

[ Danek Ghoul ] ( Tier 4 ) - A dark faction warrior by the name ' obie' of the ' Danek Ghoul ' species. 

This species is known for its cannibalistic tendencies and extreme aggressiveness.