True Strength

Ghoul god's were like universe's anomalies- 

A regular human being's path was one where they completed school by the time they were in their teens and university when they were a young adult. 

But every once in a while there was an exceptional kid who would complete university at age 12 defying all odds. 

Ghoul god's were those exceptional kids as while the vast majority of their species was simply not intelligent enough to understand the laws of the universe/ what to do after obtaining divine essence, there was a very small number of them who instinctively knew what to do, developing intelligence just like beasts did. 

These were the individuals that stood at the pinnacle of the ghoul society, however, for all their merits and heartwarming journey that they undertook to reach this pinnacle of power, it took Max a total of 4 minutes and 4 seconds to kill both ghoul god's standing across him.