Shaman god strikes

" The king is a fraud! Long live lord Max! " 

" Congratulations prime minister Asiva, I think the lord may come home soon! " 

" Haha, this is the most joyous day of my life, all the charges levied on the lord were false! " 

" Was the Vampire King always so vindictive? " 

" Let's go make preparations for the lord's return, the palace should shine brighter than it did at new years " 

The atmosphere within the dombivili palace was joyous. However, just as the palace staff and some of the territory's most important personnel including Christian Grey, Jathi, Sebastian and Severus began celebrating, Angakok inched closer and closer to Asiva. 

With a blood blade in his hand, he moved without leaking the slightest aura and with the stealth of a veteran assassin.