My master once said....

Endorphins were being released all over Angakok's body as he seemed like a kid in Disneyland. 

He did not think he would have so much fun trying to torture Asiva, however, the hunt was rather interesting and alleviated his bad mood from before caused because of Max's court case. 

As he plunged the dagger into Asiva's abdomen, he was hoping to feel the sweet sensation of penetrating through muscle and the sprinkling of warm blood onto his hands, however, much to his absolute shock and dismay, when he plunged his dagger into Asiva's abdomen, she alongside every other figure in the room that appeared to be frozen in his time spell turned into butterflies and flew away, leaving Angakok absolutely baffled as to what was going on. 

Angakok couldn't believe his eyes, as momentarily the world seemed to spin around him as it seemed like yet another one of his perfect plans was foiled.