Final Judgement

( The universal court ) 

The broadcast had already ended and the only thing that was now pending was Hades's judgement of Max's future.

Regus had lost the narrative and his reputation, but while Max's political play rattled Regus for a while, the Vampire Monarch was ultimately made of stronger stuff and managed to regain his composure once a few minutes had passed. 

The worst that could happen had already happened and there was nothing more to lose for Regus. 

Regardless of Hades's decision today, his and Max's enmity had been set in stone. 

Max realised this too as once Regus regained his calm, his eyes no longer displayed any fear of being exposed as they did moments, but had rather reflected to the supreme gaze of a monarch, a gaze that was common in every resolute man that Max had ever met. 

It was undoubtedly a bit earlier than Max had hoped for, but deep down he always knew that this day was going to come sooner or later.