I'm Uziel Carlos García uhh y Mendez I think. I'm a Latino but I am not particularly culturally aligned, I don't even speak that much Spanish. At school I hung with band kids, particular Eric who introduced me to this kid we call "Mormon" on account of being from a Mormon family but I think his real name is like Jonathan, my dealer. Not sure where he gets his shit but it's good shit. At first it was just weed and honest it's mostly weed but I started going a bit harder. But not like I am coping with anything, just curious. I only started Junior year when I went to watch Aliens, my friends and I got tons of snacks which we could hide in our hoodies, mine had actual inside pockets so I carried most of them. We went to a parking lot and smoked, during the movie we got really hungry. It was Eric, and two white dudes. It was hilarious. Eric and this other guy were not having a good time. Anyways, like after the movie Eric and the other guy were the harder ones. Out of curiosity I went to join them and there he was; Mormon handing out heroin. I felt like doing it so I bought some too.

Cost me about as much as a burger combo. Since I had bought some too, Eric invited me to his place where we could do it and chillax. Promised a good time, I didn't mind at all but first we ate dinner. Originally it was going to be at this Burger place but it was closed so we ate pizza. After that we went on our way, I of course turned off early and that other guy went on his way. There, while Eric was shooting up the dude that came with showed me how and I got it right away. Slowly dipping my feet into a new world. It was just numbing though at first until it hit and I was in heaven. I must have just sat there forever, total bliss with the warmth and general comfort I felt in my body. It's insane, powerful shit's hardcore. Going forward I did it many more times and the warmth only got more intense every try.

Outside of shooting up, I was failing my classes and my Dad got all up on my case for no reason. Like man, I am not gonna learn anything there. I regaled to that poor man of my slavery to the system, so my abstinence was well founded and entirely justified but anyways he decided to kick me out. "A damn disgrace, never talk to my girls again!" those were the last words he said to me. Prior to this turn of events, I had been living with him as I said before as well as my half sisters; Kimberly and Viviane. From there, pretty much all I did was do drugs with the remaining money I had. When I ran out, I got some from friends. When they stopped being my friends I went to beg and when begging didn't bring enough out I just stole. Sometimes some kids would ask me to buy a beer, I say I will but don't and disappear - I wasn't a fast runner probably because I am kind of ruining my body but I really have nothing to live for and it's not really a big deal. If I did I could just quit but anyways I disappear and quite well. Not sure where I got it from.

Besides kids sometimes adults pay me to have sex, now I never do since most of the time they were looking for a girl. I've always been considered "handsome" but usually never a girl though I had a friend that said if I were one he'd tap for sures. Now, these shenanigans don't go unnoticed. Cops try to bust my ass, but like usual I slip. Mormon usually supplied me, but one day he was arrested and I felt like shit for a couple of days before a friend of his spotted me. I didn't even have to pay but only for a while. Eventually one day I went to get my usual but he refused and said I need to pay off my tab. I was like "Fuck you man, thought you were just a good dude." naturally I should have known. I decided to not do it for a bit but that plan went through. I went back to that guy, I'm not sure what his name is but he prefers Darko. Since I could not pay he gave me a tip for something, he'd spot me for a while longer if I just stabbed this guy who got on his nerves; Henry Pao.

Pao was a big guy, I met him in a parking lot. Darko told me to stab him in the heart with a stake specifically. Odd request, is this dude a vampire or some shit? Goofy, but I wasn't about to give up the opportunity to keep warm. I still had an amount of self-discipline. So I decided to stalk him. He was much more of a night crawler, obviously though he couldn't be a vampire since he could walk around during the day. During the night was when he was most guarded, even when he was by himself I felt like I couldn't approach him - but during the day? That's when I would hit him. His usual routes were between the parking structure near the theater and a hotel, the varrio and a nerdy ass café and between the varrio and the college. I decided to hit him up during his visit to the parking structure on Tuesday.

Trouble immediately came to foot as I arrived, he immediately spotted me and he wasn't alone. I don't think he made my intentions so I walked by as if I were just going on with my business. But it felt ominous, like something I wasn't supposed to hear or see. I even walked up to the next level and they were dead silent. I could feel eyes on me even if they couldn't really have been looking at me. My plan was messed up, I was still going to jump him though I couldn't wait much longer. I'd been vomiting and getting jittery. Even now, my body trembles and is cold. I got in the elevator and went down and up levels so I could keep an eye on them a bit. After the 3rd round, I noticed my man was moving and not with the others. So on his way to the stairs I got out and rushed him and stuck the stick into his chest.

"Wh-wh" he started stammering, completely surprised.

While he was reeling, I decided to ditch. I don't think I had killed him but hopefully Darko will spot me. After getting to the theater, I felt like I was being followed as if that beast was chasing me. I try to act like a normal person but on the sidewalk I am being avoided. Like, what man? I'm normal. Am I really so different? Eventually though after walking a ton of miles I phoned up Darko, left a message "It's done, can we meet up? Please? I need this man." he didn't immediately call back so I called again but this time he answered "Jeez man, what's up?".

"I've done it."

"It? Oh, Uzi. Good job, I heard. Meet me at the usual spot."

"Alright, thank you Darko."

"Yeah no problem."

He hangs up and I immediately orient my way toward him even though it's getting pretty late. I'm sure he'll be fine with meeting me. After all, he owes me for that favor. When I get there, it's extremely late, like past midnight. He might've been here awhile. "Damn man, thought you might've collapsed. I thought you stabbed him near the theater?".

"Uh, I did but to get away I guess I just went too far."

"It's fine, I should have asked where you were. Now, here's some dope. Free from tab."

"Ah thanks Darko, you're the best."

"'Course. Be seeing you."

"Yeah, Goodnight."

We parted our separate ways, it's been a few days so I found a pretty alley. I kind of forgot where I usually set up but this seems fine enough. I find some cardboard to sit on and get into a comfortable position so when I get back up I am not all stiff and uncomfortable. Then I shoot up, I feel that high... but then I begin falling and falling... then blink it's all gone.