My eyes flutter, I am still warm. That's good, but now it's like the sun is digging through my skin and my bones. The wind whips my face and I grope it to find some kind of cloth which I hold over my mouth and nose. Before me is desert and I am being bounced around, on a horse I am also with another man dressed in metal and a white coat with a red cross on it. "Armel? Armel?" the man kept calling for this 'Armel' though clearly that was not me. I responded regardless, in what sounded something like French though I couldn't understand it directly I felt that I could understand what they meant. "Yeah Garlier, I am here... just tired is all."

"You certainly are bloody, damn Saracens aren't they busy with Tiberias?"

"I am not entirely sure it was a real man. It was demonic, I feel I only survived by the skin of my teeth."

"Really? I do not believe such a thing would happen. Maybe a possessed Saracen but.. an actual demon?"

"He looked unnatural, though it was dark so maybe I was mistaken."

"The people here do not appear like us."

"But so grotesque..."

"Well, maybe the desert has finally gotten to you. You better drinking."

"Maybe... I have been worried after Cresson."

"Ah... yeah Cresson. They really came upon us hard that time, it was unfortunate we were in such a small group."

"Well, who knew they would come over and attack?"

"Looking back, Armel you are aware that Châtillon attacked the Muslims?"

"What? So the truce was broken before that?"

"Yes, I was excited for it at the time. I barely escaped with our Grand Master. Now, well with this army surely we will show these Saracens."

"Surely, we will avenge good Christian men before the eyes of God."

"We shall be sure to rest so I will see your skills - maybe then I will determine whether I believe your story or not."

"I swear! It is true!" I start feeling a little flustered. Most of all, I have no clue as to where I am. I am Armel, this is Galier? I've never really been hit with such an experience before. Though, I could not relish it as the world disappeared and I felt myself rising and rising. It was like I was moving again but inside a car. As it were, that's exactly what was happening as I opened my eyes and was met with the ceiling of a van. A black man was touching my chest with some light radiating from his fingertips, they disappeared and he looked at my face "He's up brother. What do I do next?" he turns his head, I follow and I see someone in the front driving. "Keep it up, force him to breathe if you have to. If he gets aggressive, put him to sleep. Actually, it's better just to do it now."

I don't take long to follow, this guy's gonna knock me out. I've overdosed but these guys don't look like paramedics. So I scurry away to the other side of this mattress "Wait- wait- What is going on?! Who the fuck are you guys?"

"C-Calm down or I'll have to get rough."

"Just put him down, Ren."

"But broth-"

"Nuh-uh man. You don't have enough medical experience like me and you can't drive either. It'll be easier if he's out. Do it, even if you have to hurt him."

This 'Ren" immediately sicks himself upon me. Like he is a dog, I try to push him but he grabs my arm and twists it - causing me pain in the shoulder and he does so until it comes loose - or breaks. I am not sure but it hurts a lot and I yell at him to stop. I feel like he's going to kill me but I feel myself fainting and it all goes black as he plants his fingers on my face and forcibly closes my eyes.


Ren had put Uziel to sleep and repositioned him back to where he could monitor him comfortably. "Brother, his vril control is too wild. I can hardly stabilize him." he says. The driver, his 'brother' a man named Keaton who like Ren was well built but instead a white man, blonde hair was an experienced field operative and ex-paramedic. "It's fine Ren, we're almost there. Also we'll have to talk about what you call me." he said, kind of grumpily even though he is stressed given all he can do is drive. He felt that putting Ren with him for this was a good idea if an irritating one though. "What's wrong brother?"

"When we're outside spaces, you shouldn't call me your brother."

"But we are brothers."

"Yes, I understand, we should at least remain somewhat clandestine. We don't know what the enemy knows of our order."

"Oh, well we can just be like adopted brothers."

"Though, no one outside refers to their brother as 'brother' constantly adopted or not. Just say Keaton- ah we're close. How's he doing?"

"Well bro- Keaton. Though it's still wild especially after he woke up it's simmered down. I think the poison has been erased from his system."

Keaton stopped next to the gate, he picked up a radio "Brothers Long and Walker reporting, we have the subject. Over." and quickly he receives the "Noted, over." from the guard and is allowed in. He and Long quickly take Uziel into the manor hall where they had prepared a place for the subject. "OK Ren, I've got this. Just report to Paxton and be sure to inform Brother Jim too." he said, already focusing on Uziel as a patient. "On it." Ren hurries off, likely to the training grounds. "All-right, it's been awhile but..." Keaton gets to work regulating the 'subject' but like Ren said he had been simmering down to normal. He'll probably be alright but he decides to get to work healing his injection wounds, redressing and keeping him asleep. The drugs are probably still affecting his brain and his body has certainly been conditioned to it. Probably been using hard for around 5 years, a miracle "... but perhaps... well he shouldn't be able to be. His raw power only spiked here, this can't have been the only time?" Keaton mumbles to himself while checking through Uziel's circulatory system "Hmm.. some bursting likely from how wild it got and a few of his nerves are completely shot. He'll be able to move again but it might be a few days'' he continues on.

Elsewhere, Ren had already found Brother Jim and Paxton who was training around 20 students. But for benefit, backtracking. "My brother, we have recovered the subject. Brother Walker is keeping an eye on him as we speak." Ren speaks to the elderly Brother Jim likely in his 70s with a large but well kept beard and a bald head as well he is very well built. Larger than anyone in the vicinity in fact. "Good. Any troubles?" he asked, stroking his beard. "No, thankfully aside from being poisoned - self inflicted though, it would seem. His wounds did not mark vampiric activity."

"Curious. Perhaps his vril expenditure had been a reaction to a bad day with that terrible affliction. Little does he know, God has blessed him this day. He will be saved, hopefully he will be open to Christ's love as well and give up his ways for our ways - well, maybe that last bit is too hopeful. We are in a desperate situation after that massacre..." the old man hangs his head a bit. "But, the light will always be with us. Remember that Ren. Now, wait awhile and regale your first op." and Ren did so, after Paxton was done he had shared the same information.