To Winterfell!

Author's note: You thought it was dropped, but it was me, exams, stealing away your author!

No, seriously, I have just finished 3 exams and 22.5 sweet ECTS points, and I underestimated the amount of work I had to put into it. Barely had time to sleep to be perfectly honest, but that doesn't matter now! I just finished, and can enjoy my sweet freedom until mid december where I have 2 more...

Anyway. I have a sweet chapter of 5.05k words for you guys here. You can expect around15-20k words for this week as well as the next, so I can catch up with what I missed from last week :) Damn, I missed writing this fic haha!

I also decided to switch up this chapter and the next, so it will be To Winterfell! in chapter 14 and Ill Tidings in chapter 15, which will hopefully arrive within the next 24 hours. Without further ado! Enjoy!


Castle Black, The Wall - 289 AC

POV | Maester Aemon (Targaryen)

He looked upon his young protégé with pride, as he was getting ready for their lesson for the day. Yes. The Blind Maester of The Night's Watch, looked. The ritual the young Aegon used had hurt, but he had decided that he did not mind a little pain, if he got to see again.

The ritual had worked slowly and had been written off as a miracle when his steward noticed that the discoloring of his eyes was lessening and turning into the pale purple eyes, he had for most of his life.

Seeing young Aegon for the first time was such a surreal moment for him. He was Valyrian in his exceedingly handsome features, but his hair was definitely Stark. He was also fairy surprised by his height, but then again being 5'3" was not irregular. It was mainly in specific families that such things happened, but he figured that some of that Umber blood was strong in his little grandson.

"Good morning, my dear boy. Have you broken your fast?" He asked with a slight smile on his face. He had been smiling a lot ever since Aegon joined him here.

"Morning gramps! Sure did. I am ready for our lesson. We are going to speak on the administration of an organization, right?" Aegon asked with an eager expression on his face.

Aemon's smile widened slightly. The endearing greeting never seized to brighten his day. He had truly missed having true family around. 'Blood is thicker than vows, it seems.'

"Indeed. Firstly, I will try to explain how an organization works. If you have any questions, do feel free to interrupt." His little apprentice nodded his confirmation and Aemon started off with a question to see the exact limits of Aegon's knowledge.

"What is an organization?"

Aegon took a second to think on it before he proceeded to answer:

"Well… I would say that an organization is a group of people who work together in an organized or structured way for a shared purpose. One could also call it a social structure that is created by individuals to support a collaborative pursuit of specified goals. An example of an organization could be The Night's Watch. A group created to protect the interests of humanity, by defending the Realms northernmost borders against Wildlings and The Others, if legends are to be believed."

Aemon smile spread across his face at the very eloquent answer. 'Thank The Old and The New Gods that this seedling is smart. Our family has hope yet.'

"Good. Now tell me, why bother?"

Aegon did not need a second to think on it this time. "Easy. Survival. Organizations enables humanity to succeed by pooling together our beliefs, norms, knowledge, skills, and techniques. The cooperation afforded by organizations support social learning and further innovation. Things we cannot accomplish alone, can be easily accomplished if we pool together our resources." Aegon took a breath before he proceeded.

"If we did everything by ourselves, we would have a hundred inventors of the same tool, instead of an organization inventing a hundred different tools. We grow faster, stronger, and better when we organize. Our knowledge stays alive, and the next generation can focus on improving instead of simply trying to reinvent what is already known."

Aemon nodded. "Good, now to summarize your points. Organizations are tools of different complexity that are used to implement strategies, exercise leadership, promote change, monitor risks, and so forth. Now, can you tell me which organization will be the most important for your future?"

"Yes. The 7 Kingdoms and the Principality of Dorne." Aemon raised an eyebrow to show Aegon that he wanted an elaboration to the very short answer.

"Ah sorry, yes. The Principality of Dorne and the 7 Kingdoms of The North, The East or Vale, The West or Westerlands, The South or Reach, The Trident or Riverlands, The Stormlands, and The Iron Islands is basically one large organization helmed by The Iron Throne. Each kingdom is a subdivision of the entirety of Westeros."

"Good. Now explain how The Iron Throne works." Aemon felt a sense of peace descend over his tired body. He had educated many members of his family since he earned his links, he had counselled even more, yet none were as quick-witted as the young Aegon before him. 'We finally have a chance at redemption. As long as he learns to kill the boy in him. I will do whatever it takes to see to it. I will put the last vestiges of my being into seeing it done, this I vow. When it is done, I will give him what He left and with the right execution, The Three Headed Dragon will rule once more. Better, hopefully.'

A new sense of determination entered the old Maester as he looked upon the Hidden Dragon Prince.

"The Iron Throne is a functional structure with the King acting as the overall leader. The King rules through his small council, as their purpose is to execute the King's orders.

1. The Hand of the King is the main executioner of the King. Where the King decrees the overall direction, he wishes the kingdom to develop in, it is The Hand who must attempt to make it happen.

This depends on the King though. In my opinion, The King should do his utmost to control and work on implementing his policies. The Hand should function as an assistant or operating officer of The King. Elsewise you get a power discrepancy as with Aerys II and Tywin Lannister.

The Hand of the King should be someone who can be trusted to advice and serve without external loyalties. If that is not possible, it should be someone The King understands and can use and manipulate effectively.

2. The Grand Maester is truthfully the position I dislike the most. He is selected by the Citadel to advise the monarch on governance.

The issue is, where does his loyalties lie? Pycelle showed the Realm that his vows meant nothing, and The Citadel's denial of Magic and Otto Hightower's role in The Dance of Dragons makes me question their aims and loyalties even further. The Citadel is too deep into the pockets of The Hightowers, and I don't like it."

Aemon smiled a sad smile at that. Decades at The Wall had led him to similar conclusions. The Citadel, despite having studied there, was not to be trusted implicitly as many Lords did. Only the Faith of 7 held a similar amount of influence as The Citadel, albeit The Citadel held a significant amount of influence in The North, whereas the Faith held little.

His grandson continued with his very considerable thoughts on the governing organization of The Iron Throne.

"After The Grand Maester we have the third position:

3. The Treasury led by the Lord Treasurer or Master of Coin who oversees the treasury for the kingdom and is arguably one of the most influential people on the small council, especially if ill-controlled.

The Master of Coin has authority over The King's Scales, which is the keeper of the royal weights and measures, who enforces the measurement standards throughout Westeros.

A dangerous amount of influence to give one man, since it has a huge impact on tariffs and duties collected by the crown.

The Master of Coin also manages and selects The Keepers of the Keys who control the keys that open certain doors and chests that belong to the royal household, and these keepers oversee the items that four different locks guard. The first lock is for the king's jewels, the second lock has charge of the king's purse-funds for the king's personal interests.

Two keys I honestly think should be in the hands of the king himself.

The third keeper holds the key to the Red Keep's armory, and the last holds the keys to the king's manors outside of the capital, King's Landing.

Again, keys who should be in the hands of others to spread the power held in their grasps.

The key holders' responsibilities also include hiring assistants, overseeing investments of personal wealth, and acquiring such things as the king desires.

I cannot stress how easy it is for these key holders as well as The Master of Coins to screw over the king if they are not properly monitored. It might be a good idea to insert a Master of Coin who is at odds with The Master of Laws or The Hand, so they can keep each other in check.

To make the position even more influential, The King's Counter, who manages taxation in Westeros, also falls under the jurisdiction of The Master of Coins.

Another position that should be heavily monitored to ensure that it isn't infested by a malicious magpie."

Aemon was once more surprised by Aegon's actual depth of knowledge on the bureaucracy of the seven kingdoms. The boy obviously wanted to rule. Aegon would not have spent as much time actually understanding the intricacies of the organization if he did not wish to use and improve it.

The boy took a sip of tea, or whatever one would call the dried herbs they used here, before he started speaking on the overseer of law and justice.

"The fourth member of the small council is:

4. The Master of Laws or lord justiciar who oversees the law and justice for the kingdom. He has authority over:

The King's Justice, the royal executioner. The King does not swing the sword here.

Though I'll have to admit that I like the Northern idea of 'He who passes judgment must swing the sword.' It is much too easy for someone of power to tell others to die. If the judge truly believes in his own judgment, he should be forced to prove it. It might come off as barbaric, but so is beheading all criminals.

The Lord Confessor, chief of the royal torturers and the confessors, royal torturers are positions I feel are highly unnecessary.

Torture does not prove anything. Most people break under a certain amount of pain. Torturing people, to admit crimes they have not committed, serves no one except for the true criminals.

The Chief Gaoler, overseer of the royal dungeon. The Chief undergaoler. Undergaolers and Gaolers as well as Turnkeys are also under his jurisdiction.

This makes sense, but I still feel there are a lot of improvements to be made. I do not like the idea of having prisoners directly below the Royal Chambers, no matter how many guards are in between the prisoners and the Royal Family. Maybe creating a separate prison in the Dragon Pit or a similar space that will never see use again."

Aemon stumbled slightly over that. "You do not believe that Dragons will return to us, my boy?"

Aegon looked slightly surprised at that question, until the reason clicked. "Oh, of course I do. I just don't think I will ever allow for our family to lock up the Dragons again. Have you seen my companions? They are as large or even larger than destriers at this point, and their freedom and the magic in our bonds have allowed them to grow even larger. I imagine the locked-up quarters of The Dragon Pit to play a major role in the decline of our house."

"Hmm. That does sound reasonable. Where would you keep them, then?" Aemon was intrigued by this, not many cared to put as much work into minutia, and if Aegon was one such person, then he might have a very valuable Ruler under his tutelage.

"The Kingswood, and before you speak of the lost hunting areas and such, I intend to limit them to the private areas of the King, and it is only meant as their residence, not the only place they can hunt. Blackwater Bay will be their second hunting ground. Besides, allowing them into the Kingswood should make the outlaws have second thoughts of using it as a hiding place."

And once more, he was surprised by his grandson's knowledge of the issues of the Kingdom. "I am relieved that you have thought of actual reasons for the relocation, and not just the usual 'because I am King' rhetoric."

Aegon laughed at that, "don't worry, gramps. I don't intend to use that as a solution for everything." He laughed again. "No, sometimes soft power can be more useful than actual hard power. It's a good thing to master, and it also lessens potential discontent amongst vassals."

"It calms me greatly that you realize that. Jaehaerys the Conciliator used it, and people still remember him as one of the greatest. That is the legacy I wish for you as well." Just as he finished his response, he was hugged tightly by his grandson.

"I promise to do you proud." Aegon's voice was thick with emotion and Aemon could not help but feel a slight lump in his throat.

"You already do, my son."


Castle Black, The Wall - 289 AC

POV | Ser Alliser Thorne

"Faster! You need to take them out swiftly when you're one against many. C'mon boy!"

Aegon spun around, with the grace and agility of a feline, but the bite of a viper. He used his rotation, to smack one opponent in the face and another behind the knee. Before he used the tip of his spear to dig into the ground and jump behind another to move away from the encirclement and hit his flabbergasted opponent with a kick behind the knee and a whack to the head.

The last two were moving towards him swiftly, but he turned left and pounced on one of them, which made him retreat right onto the body of a fallen. His opponent stumbled, and as he looked up, he saw a spearpoint ready to drill through his skull.

"I yield!" Aegon did not give him a second thought as he thrust his spear towards his last opponent. Catching him on the shield hard enough to push him off balance before he swept him off his feet and ended the match.

Alliser's lip curled up slightly as Aegon followed his instructions perfectly, he looked at the victor and his smile spread further when he realized that the boy was not prideful about his victory. 'Good. Whilst he should be proud due to his age, it is much better that he stays humble. Defeating five men is no simple feat, but any armored Knight would easily have done the same. Sadly, the quality of men on The Wall is lower than elsewhere. I'll have to train them properly so they will be more worthy to meet him in battle.'

"Well fought, lad, but remember not to play around with your opponents again. It is disrespectful and might lead to your demise." It was pretty obvious that the boy did not intend to play around with them. That was obvious to Alliser after having trained him for a couple of moons, but that did not mean he was going to miss a chance to give him proper advice.

Aegon tended to be slightly too soft on his opponents in Alliser's opinion. 'He needs to stop caring about their pride and self-confidence, especially when the training is about teaching him to fight multiple opponents. He has a kind heart, but he needs to temper it more, less he ends up regretting his future actions.'

Aegon nodded, once, sharply. "Yes, Ser! This will be the last time."

Alliser clapped once. "Good, next group, attack."

Another five men started encircling him, just as Aegon exploded into motion. 'How he moves so fast I will never know.'

This time, Aegon showed no hesitation and no mercy. His motions were fluid, as if he had practiced daily with his spear for more than two decades. He needed only sweeps and thrusts that seemed to almost bend the spear as if it was a viper and not wood and steel. Mere seconds passed before the fighting ended with grown men groaning on the ground in pain and embarrassment.

This time Alliser smiled broadly. "Perfect, my King." The last past whispered beneath his breath.

Aegon's purple eyes met his own, and Alliser felt like the boy heard his whisper. A small knowing smile crept onto both their faces, and two small bows followed. One of respect and one of devotion and servitude.


Castle Black, The Wall - 289 AC

POV | Aegon Targaryen

He groaned as he laid among his five cuddly companions. Their body heat turning his small room into a comfortable space in the otherwise dreary Caste Black. He was leaving for Winterfell in an hour, and he was enjoying the last bit of comfort for the next moon. They had to travel 600 miles from Castle Black to Winterfell, and Aegon did not look forward to it.

He raised his, now five bags of holding up. All pitch black with tints of red that showed the motif of a Dragon on three of them and a Direwolf on two others, when they were held in the exact right light.

The colors were quite symbolic to Aegon. The black of his own hair woven into the leather of wolves, and the red of his own blood turning into the symbols of his houses. For some reason, he felt as if he had created the exact number of bags he would need for the rest of his life. Three parts dragon and two parts Direwolf felt just right.

'It's interesting that my hair is needed to hold the magic of space extension, and that my blood is the best conduit for powerful magic. It's unfortunate that I'm unwilling to do the rituals that need more… permanent sacrifices. To think that one of my eyes would be worth more than 49 living human sacrifices.'

He was not willing to lose his depth perception for supernatural strength, besides, it would cost Freya and a Giant as well. No way was he going to sacrifice that for a Giant's strength. Freya as a sacrifice would never happen. His eye was worth more as well, and Giants were more useful alive. 'Unless…'

He shook his head. 'An issue for my 17 year old self. He will probably be better equipped to make that decision anyway.'

His back was resting on Fenris' huge form, and he had Freki and Geri cuddled up on each of half of his torso. They had been faster than Hel and Freya this night and the two Queens had decided to snuggle around the two smaller wolves instead.

Calling the wolves smaller was almost unfair, considering they had become as large as hounds in only three moons, but alas, with Freya and Hel as large as coursers and Fenris larger than a destrier, the two wolves were indeed quite small.

'Hmm. It's time to go. Benjen is almost done packing, and I'd rather meet him in the courtyard than have him teasing me for cuddling with these happy fellows.'

He could of course hear everything that happened in the Castle, and he had to admit that it was quite the neat ability. One of the many he had been honing since he finished his own rituals. Probably the wish he loved the most as well, especially after the sets he had made for his companions.

He had considered enhancing their senses, but with them already being impeccable and further enhanced by their time at The Wall, he decided to focus on strengthening their bodies and vitality. Three rituals each and all painful ones as well, but none of them had even considered declining the opportunity.

His three first companions had seen the pain he had gone through, and they still decided to continue, and Freki and Geri were not wolves to be trifled with either. They saw their three siblings writhing on the ground in immeasurable pain as their bones, organs, ligaments, vitality, vitality, vitality, and skin was changed and improved, yet they still went through with it.

Only Freya did not need the vitality ritual, whilst the others did, if they were to live until they reached at least 80 years healthily. She had connected her lifeforce to Aegon's so she would accompany him until his own death. She had instead gone through the Aura ritual as well as a flexibility ritual and a ritual meant to strengthen the warg ability.

After Aegon had realized that all his companions could share their emotions through their connections, he started considering whether the animals could eventually learn to warg into lesser animals as well. An experiment and ritual that went perfectly and has allowed Freya to warg into housecats for now.

Aegon had done the skin hardening ritual as his set at 7 years, and he would do the strengthening of his bones, organs, and ligaments when he turned 9 in a few moons.

His favorite ability was still his warging an ability he realized he would not need to amplify ritualistically. He was damn powerful, and every strong beast amplified his own powers. After Freki and Geri joined up, he had managed to warg into a murder of crows. At the same time.

'The Three-Eyed-Raven ain't got shit on me.' The ability had allowed him to spy on the entire North and spy he did. 'Well, except Greywater Watch. The bog devils sure as hell live up to their reputation. They almost hurt my consciousness when they tried to hunt random raven or RR #17 for lunch.'

He honestly did not care much about that slight loss of information, his Uncle had always called them trustworthy, and Aegon also remembered Lord Reed from their travels from The Tower of Joy to Winterfell, and he seemed to be a straight fellow without too much ambition beside getting home to his beloved wife.

'The other Lords though… Barbrey, Roose and Lord Ryswell were scheming in the background, except for their small fallout, when Lord Bolton allowed Domeric to foster at Winterfell.'

That had surprised Aegon a lot, but he was also really enthusiastic about that development. All his previous incarnations information on Domeric was positive. From that information he knew him to be a soft and chivalrous person, who favored the harp over the sword. His spies had only confirmed that.

Domeric was a kind person, no matter how you looked at it. He had also been terribly lonely at the Dreadfort and always longed for siblings of his own. 'That really explained why he sought out Ramsey Snow in canon. If Ramsey truly keeps developing in the direction my spies show me, then he will not get the chance before I make Mimir attack him with a knife in the night. The question is… Should I kill him before of after he actually commits a crime?'

That was a thought that haunted him. Ramsey had psychotic tendencies, but had he actually committed a crime, yet? No. Any loss of life committed due to Ramsey in the future, though. That would be on Aegon's conscious if he did not act. 'I have the power to do it. Do I have the right though? I need advice. Think I'll ask Benjen or gramps, blunt on one side, and wise as Odin on the other side.'

"Decisions, decisions." He muttered quietly as he started waking his companions.

"Time to go, buddies!"


Ten miles south of The Wall, Kingsroad - 289 AC

POV | Benjen Stark

"Hmm. Is there any particular reason you're asking such a… what did you call it? Hypothetical question?" Benjen was a bit worried about the topics his little, 'Not so little anymore', nephew asked him. Killing someone was usually not done outside of combat of execution. Murder was still a crime in the eyes of the gods, old and new.

"Aye, I am just wondering what would be right. I mean, what if the person is protected by someone with immense power, but he commits nefarious deeds and can't be charged because of that person keeping him safe and sweeping it under the rug?" Aegon sounded surprisingly angry. Benjen had rarely seen him worked up about much. Happy, annoyed, and sometimes frustrated. Never actually angry. Ned had told him that he had a temper at times, but this was Benjen's first encounter with it.

"Any particular hypothetical person?" The newly appointed First Ranger asked tentatively.

"Does that really matter? It could be anyone. A lot of evil scum exist around the world." Aegon's anger had calmed and turned into annoyance now.

"And you are absolutely sure that the person is mad and enjoys inflicting pain upon others?"

"Aye, I am sure." His nephew face turned solemn as he answered now.

"Then kill him." Benjen responded succinctly. He was pretty sure his nephew was talking about people like The Mountain and The Pig-Faced Knight. He could not remember others who fit the criteria of having a powerful liege who swept evidence of their crimes away. Those monsters deserved to die.

"Just like that?" Aegon responded in slight shock and what seemed to be relief in Benjen's opinion.

He nodded. "Just like that. They'll just hurt more and more people if left unchecked. If someone could kill them without gathering their liege's attention, then the world would be better off without them." Benjen raised his hand to stop Aegon's incoming interjection.

"If you're going to preach something about honor as Ned likes to say, then please don't. Some people only deserve death." His thoughts went to Craster that filthy disgusting pedophile and daughter-violator. He loathed that he would lose his head if he was found guilty of killing. So many times, had he wanted to gut him like the pig he was, yet his duty to The Night's Watch forced him to stay his hand.

If Aegon ever met a similar situation, then Benjen felt that his nephew should just kill the filth as long as he could keep the suspicion away from himself.

Aegon looked thoughtful now, as he rode along quietly with his eyes closed and his body still. It took him maybe 15 seconds before he opened his eyes again, and his haunting purple eyes almost smiled a relieved smile at Benjen. "Thank you for the advice."

Benjen lips lifted up into a crooked smile as well. "Don't mention it."


12 miles south of The Wall, Kingsroad - 289 AC

POV | Aegon Targaryen

Just as Benjen told him to kill the filth, Aegon finally felt the resolve to go through with his actions. 'I would be just as guilty as Ramsey if I let him kill and rape people, when I could have done something to stop it.'

He closed his eyes and connected with Mimir within seconds. 'Hey boy', Mimir responded with a series of happy emotions. 'Yeah, I'm glad to unite with you too! Listen, Plan Red Snow is in motion. Remember to take any money you can find. Make it look like a robbery.' Mimir send a short affirmation through their bond, before Aegon slipped into himself again.

After a short conversation with Benjen, he started feeling bored with the speed as he slapped his own forehead in annoyance.

His uncle looked amused and asked with a hint of humor in his voice. "What now, did you forget something?"

He shook his head, "no, or yes. Not at Castle Black though. I was just thinking that we're riding agonizingly slow."

Benjen shrugged. "There is nothing to do, we can't just kill the horses to get there in a fortnight. We have to travel slow and steady."

"Not really. If you're brave enough, you could ride on Fenris, and I on Hel. The slowest and yet the ones with best stamina are Freki and Geri, yet they can run 50 miles per hour for around 16 hours a day. Fenris and Hel on the other hand, can travel around 65 miles per hour for 10 hours a day whilst saddled. Maybe even faster and longer if they really push themselves."

His uncle looked absolutely gob smacked and Aegon's grin of pride spread across his whole face as he continued.

"We could potentially be at Winterfell tomorrow, if you're up to it. It could buy as two moons extra with our family, without taking losing anything in the eyes of The Watch."

Benjen's flabbergasted expression gradually turned into a small fond smile. "Let's do it."

"Booya! You're going to love it uncle, I promise!" Aegon was almost bouncing in happiness. After having used Fenris as his mount for close to two years, he could never ride a regular horse. They were just pathetic in comparison.

His uncle's small smile turned into full blown laughter at the exclamation. "I look forward to it. Will you warg into the horses and get them to Winterfell? I would do it myself, but my limit is with Orin here." He pointed at the raven who just landed on his shoulder."

He agreed quickly. "Aye!" His eyes turned white, as did the horses, and they both nodded in confirmation, before all their eyes turned back to normal. "Done, they'll follow us at their own pace, and probably reach Winterfell in three weeks, since they don't have to waste their stamina on us."

The Ranger nodded in satisfaction, and they both started saddling their new rides. Fenris whined a little at losing his place as Aegon's mount, but a few whispers and belly rubs later, he looked ready to show Benjen who the fastest earthbound mount in the world was.

"Hey girl, I know we don't usually do this, but do you think you're up for the task?"

Hel tilted her head to the side, and it looked like she raised an eyebrow as well. "Sorry, Queen, I didn't mean to doubt you."

That seemed to satisfy her ego, and she nuzzled her head into his neck, as he hugged her back. "Love you too, let's go!"

Meanwhile Freya was looking on regally and Freki and Geri were just playing in the snow as the huge pups they were.

"To Winterfell!" Aegon commanded, and they all sped of towards their destination. A slight yelp of surprise escaped from his uncle, and Aegon grinned devilishly.


Author's note: I hope you liked the small lessons in organizations, showing no hesitation and ridding the world of filth, before it can proceed to harm others.

I really wanted to show what Aegon is actually doing at The Wall, as a lot have been a bit concerned with what he can actually learn there. Some wanted him to stay at The Merman's Court, but I want you to remember that those are some of the most powerful vassals of house Stark, and they also happen to believe in the 7. Whilst they might not hate bastards, the also won't spend their time educating one, unless Ned decides to slight them. Bad move, and Aegon would have refused it after The Hunt, if Ned had decided to send him there.

He is almost 9 and almost ready for the rituals at that age, and he has finally strengthened his Beast Guard as well. For those confused about their sizes, because of the annoying measuring system and their growth in the last 3 months, Fenris is nearing 1.8 meters and Freya and Hel are almost 1.7 meters tall.

They are also more than 5 meters long so you can just imagine how fucking humongous they are right now, though Hel and Freya are done growing. A regular tiger is normally slightly taller than 1 meter and 4 meters long, so they are absolute beasts. They are larger than Earth Bears at this point, though their width and weight is lesser in comparison to some of the largest bears who have reached 1134 kg or 2500 lbs.

Info dump, over! I'd like to finish with an apology, I don't know if I can actually respond to every comment I've gotten over the past week, but I'll try for now! See ya soon!