Chapter 23

Mikan ran away from him again but Callum felt relieved and hopeful. And also horny. Right as before she'd left, Callum had noticed her nipples harden and her face take on that particular blush that he'd learned meant she was aroused. He didn't know what prompted it but it had left him hard. Callum looked down but the crotch of his jumpsuit was the only place that didn't really stretch easy. In fact, it was kind of painful to have it trapped there. Callum glanced around, though he had no idea who he was looking for. He was completely alone in the storage room. It felt kind of wrong somehow, to masturbate outside of his room but he couldn't exactly just walk around like this.

After a few more moments of dithering, Callum threw caution to the wind and peeled his jumpsuit down to his thighs. He was bent forward at the waist, his hands still on his jumpsuit, when the door wooshed open. Callum froze, afraid to look. Was it Mikan, come back for some reason. How would she react to this? How did Callum want her to react? Then a much worse thought occurred to him. Was it Cat? If it was, he wasn't sure he would be able to live anymore.

"Well, well," a familiar voice said. Relief flooded through Callum. It was Nita. Just about the only person who wouldn't have a problematic reaction to catching him with his pants down. "And here I was worried about you. I thought you and Mikan got into a fight when I saw her run from here."

Callum slowly straightened up, trying to cover himself with his hands. Even though she'd already seen it. Thinking about that night made him even harder. "No, she had to hurry to...take care of something. I think things went well."

Nita had a wide, slightly mocking grin on her face. "So you two finally talked and it made you both horny, yet she's run off and left you with an impressive boner. Silly girl."

"I don't think either one of us knows what our relationship is yet. She probably doesn't want to make it more complicated than it already is," Callum said, feeling uncomfortable. He needed to figure that out himself.

Nita laughed. "You know, I never pegged you as somebody that would have complicated relationships. You were always so straightforward. I figured you would settle down with Valencia one day and I was just hoping to be your one wild night during your youth."

"What?" Callum wasn't sure he heard that right. "You wanted to...with me?"

Nita rolled her eyes. "Did you forget that right before everything went to hell, I had your cock right in my hands. I was planning to fuck your brains out that night if I could get away with it." Callum swallowed hard. Nita stepped into the room and the door slid shut behind her. "And here we are again. You and Valencia aren't together. You and Mikan are "complicated." I don't think I have to worry about the aliens." She put her hands on her hips, arching her back slightly. She was in her jumpsuit so every inch of her body, with the exception of the padded crotch, was on display. She gave him a smokey look with her green eyes. "What do you say we continue where we left off?"

Callum made a kind of strangled sound, unable to come up with any words. He thought it was probably a bad idea to add another complication to his life and relationships but he couldn't move or protest as she sauntered closer. His cock was also now almost painfully hard. He'd fantasized about Nita so many times before. She was older, gorgeous, exotic and dangerous. And right in this exact moment, he could not think of a compelling reason to resist her.

Nita stopped just in front of him. She leaned forward until their lips were almost touching. "Do you want me to stop?" Nita breathed.

"No," Callum whispered, before he really even thought about it. But it was too late, then. Nita kissed him. It was different from the clumsy, searching kisses he'd shared with Mikan. This was a fierce and almost dominant kiss. She was kissing him and owning it completely. When she let him go, Callum struggled to catch his breath while Nita was only breathing a bit harder than usual. She grinned at him and her hand wrapped around the shaft of his penis. She'd torn off the sleeves of her jumpsuit so she wasn't wearing gloves. Her hand was hot and soft. So much better than his own.

She started pumping back and forth, slow and steady. Callum was so worked up that he was on the brink almost instantly. "Nita," he moaned, "I'm about to…!"

She released his cock and said, "Ah, ah. Not yet. We do need to hurry so that you can get back to training with that android. But I have to have a taste." She dropped down to her knees and peered at his manhood. "You have a really nice cock, Callum. I mean, it's not just big, it's also got a nice shape. I might even call it pretty." Callum wasn't sure how he felt about that. "Nice shape, crazy size, pretty color. It's just really...nice. I've seen more than a few in my day and this is way up there. Most cocks are ugly as sin."

"Y-you've seen...a lot of them?"

Nita glanced at him with half-lidded eyes. "You had sex with a different girl two days ago." Callum couldn't argue with that. He wasn't really jealous anyway. More curious. He'd known Nita for a while now but he knew very little about her. She deflected every attempt to learn much of her history. "Don't worry about the cocks I'm comparing it to, just take the compliment." As if to add a period to her sentence, her tongue swiped over the head of his cock.

Callum shuttered and almost lost it right there. Before things went too any further, though, Callum decided to see if he could push his luck a little. "Can...can I see your breasts?"

Nita raised an eyebrow "You can pretty much see them now." It was true. The pilot's suit hugged her breasts so closely that he could see her hard nipples.

"I like your tattoo."

Nita laughed. "Well, I can't fault you there. I like it, too." Nita peeled her jumpsuit down past her navel, revealing the stingray tattoo that covered most of the front of her torso. She also reached up and undid her hair, which was almost always pinned up. The scarlet tresses fell down to her shoulders and she suddenly looked softer somehow. She bit the corner of her lower lip and said, "I love the way you look at me."

"I love the way you look," Callum said. She was so gorgeous, in a different way than any other woman he'd ever seen. Her tattoos, her piercings, her dark skin and most importantly, her utter confidence in her own skin.

"Sweet talker," she said. Then she took his penis into her mouth. She took it in further than he could believe. Where was it even going? Down her throat? It felt incredible. After a moment, she pulled all the way back and let it fall from her mouth. She coughed a couple of times and Callum saw that her eyes were watering. "I wanted to see if I could get it all inside but it's too big. God damn." She coughed again and then went back at it. She didn't take him as deep this time but her tongue was everywhere and she gripped the base of his shaft and began to pump it.

Callum didn't last very long. He couldn't even manage more than, "Nita, I'm…!" before he was ejaculating in her mouth. Nita pulled back, letting his cock free and taking his last spurts across her face and tits. Callum's legs felt so weak that he barely managed to stay standing. Nita, grinning, wiped the cum off her face with one finger and stuck it into her mouth. Then she rubbed the semen on her chest over her tits like it was lotion. Nita pulled her jumpsuit back on and stood. She leaned forward so her lips were next to his ear. "Now some of you will be with me all day."

Callum blushed and got hard again all at once, leaving him a little lightheaded. Nita laughed and danced away from him. "You'll have to take care of that one on your own." She left the room, leaving Callum alone with his erection.

He put a hand on his head and laughed softly. It was actually kind of nice to know that Nita was still going to treat him the same way. Callum did take care of himself, remembering what Nita looked like just a few moments before. Then he decided he needed a shower. He spent the rest of the day training with Myna. Things went better this time, with him able to handle more of her projections. He hated to admit it but the experience was probably much more valuable than his training with Valencia had been.

The next week settled into a rhythm. He would spend the majority of the day and early evening training with Myna, while Mikan did the same with Nita and Chajin and Yemoramato did whatever they did. At night, they would all eat dinner together along with Riley, Catriona, Dahri and Jeffs. It was strangely nice. Like they were a very odd family. Dahri turned out to be the most important component, since she would chatter to fill up any silence. Yemoramato was as closed off as ever and Chajin made everybody nervous, even if she was mostly quiet now. Though, actually, Callum was a little unnerved by her behavior. She seemed to be planning something but he couldn't imagine what.

On the other hand, his relationship with his sister was much better now. She seemed to be sleeping at least marginally better and, while her smile still seemed fragile, he saw it more. She was talking to him again and meeting his eyes. He still thought it was a little odd how close she stayed to Riley but if he made her feel safe, Callum wasn't going to complain.

Things with Mikan seemed to improve as well, though that was harder to tell. She still almost invariably looked away whenever they met eyes but she did that with pretty much everyone. She barely spoke at the dinners unless Nita cajoled her into it but at least she was showing up. Callum still wasn't really sure how exactly he felt about her and he didn't really have time to think about it.

The only missing piece was Valencia. Catriona and Riley subtly and not so subtly suggested he go and talk to her but Callum wasn't sure what to say. Nothing had changed. In fact, things had only gotten worse. Nita had taken to visiting his room at night. They weren't having actual sex. Nita was always in control and always brought him off before he did anything to her. Callum wanted to ask why but he let it be since he was conflicted about the whole thing anyway. He felt like he was simultaneously betraying both Valencia and Mikan but he also couldn't seem to turn her away. He needed to figure out how he felt and what to do but he didn't even know where to begin. But he knew he needed to figure it out soon.