Chapter 37

Mikan futilely tugged at the hem of her dress as she studied herself in the mirror. When she'd chosen it from the clothing menu, it had not seemed so short but it barely covered her ass and it seemed like it would ride up every time she moved. Worse yet, a slit on the side ran all the way up above her hip. She was going to have to be very careful if she didn't want to be flashing people the crimson panties she had on all night long. The dress was gorgeous, though. It was dark red of some shiny, soft material with white patterns swirling over it that made her think of clouds. It had a high neck but a little oval cutout on the chest that showed the tops of her breasts and very short sleeves she thought were cute. The dress clung tight to her body in a way that made her anxious and excited.

It wasn't something she had thought she would ever be wearing in public but Jaluadecen had been very insistent the moment he saw it. She was going to be meeting Princess Tsyirinsaku tonight and he was adamant that she look "presentable." His notion of presentable definitely differed from her own. But she hadn't struggled too hard. She didn't think it was a bad idea to impress the ruler of the ship. And Jaluadecen certainly knew better than her how to go about such a thing.

He had worked on her for over an hour before she'd even been allowed to get dressed. Her hair had been brushed until it shimmered and he'd used a band of red beads to somehow create a flaring crest of hair behind her skull. He said that her most eye-catching feature was her jet black hair, a shade that the fie didn't come by naturally. He'd also put something called "make-up" on her. Most of it she couldn't even see, beyond the effects. Her eyes and lips seemed larger and every little defect in her skin had been made to disappear. The only place she could actually see the paint was the flares of red on the sides of her eyes. She'd thought it was very strange when he did that but now that she was used to it, she thought it was kind of cool. Her fingernails and toenails had both been painted crimson as well.

Mikan tugged at her hem again and glanced toward the door to the bathroom. The moment he was done with her, Jaluadecen had disappeared in there, loudly complaining that he didn't have enough time. Mikan was starting to fret. She still had trouble with the fie's sense of time but the clock on her display told her they were getting very close to the appointed meeting time. Mikan wondered why he thought he needed to look impressive. Then again, she was starting to think he didn't appear in public without being dressed up.

Just as she was gathering her courage to knock on the bathroom door, he appeared. Mikan blinked at his outfit. His baggy shirt was dark blue with lighter blue patterns but the upper left quarter was pure mesh, displaying the left side of his chest and his left arm. His pants were baggy and of the same color but the upper right quarter was also mesh! If it had been a hair more to the left, it would have had to show some of his most private area. She could see any evidence of underwear but he had to be wearing some. He had to be!

His hair was done in his customary two braids, though she thought the plaiting seemed a little more complicated than it had been. He had charms sewn throughout the braids that tinkled lightly with every step. Were there more of them now? Did they gleam more than they had? Two streaks of blue so dark it was hard to see against his skin arced down from the corners of his eyes. He must have applied some other make up to his eyes as well, since they seemed sunken into his face like two black holes. His fingernails and toenails were stained black. He wore a silver bracelet with small chains that connected to rings on each of his fingers on his left wrist and silver chains hanging from the tops of his ears, dangling down past the lobes. He'd been upset that she had no jewelry of her own.

She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to appear stern. "Are you finally ready? We're going to be late."

"We're not," he said, calmly. "Unless you dawdle." He swept by her toward and headed for the door. Mikan glared at him, once he was past her. Wasn't he supposed to be her servant? As she followed, she noted that she could see his entire ass cheek through the mesh in his pants. 'I guess I should be glad my dress actually does cover my entire bottom, as long as I'm careful.' At the doorway, they put on shoes, black slippers for Mikan and white spiked heels for Jaluadecen. She didn't know how he walked in them but she was kind of curious to learn. They looked cool.

Even though they weren't exactly late, they were the last ones to arrive at the roof where they were gathering. Well, Century wasn't there but Mikan assumed she wasn't coming at all. Callum was there, looking just scrumptious in an extremely tight, almost sheer, black shirt with a deep v-neck and cream-colored pants that seemed painted on. He'd done something with his hair so that it fell around his face like black froth. His companion was not a fie, strangely, and half-hid behind Callum for some reason. She was wearing a sparkly black dress that was as short as Mikan's own but had a considerably deeper neckline. Mikan's eyebrows rose as she took in the sight of the alien woman. 'Her tits have to be nearly the size of my head!' She wondered what they would feel like to play with. '…And why is it that my thoughts went there?'

Valencia seemed less than pleased by the woman as well, glowering at her the way she did. Maybe that was why she was hiding behind Callum. Valencia wasn't dressed up quite as nicely as the rest of them, in a green sweater that bared her shoulders and a short yellow skirt with her hair done in her usual twin tails. Mikan couldn't decide if she didn't know she needed to dress flashy for the Princess or if she didn't care. With Valencia, it could easily be either one.

Valencia's aide stood beside her. He was a fie man with pink skin and bright pink hair cut short. He was very pretty--though not as pretty as Jaluadecen--with large pink and red eyes, a square chin and fleshy lips. He wore no shirt, showing off his well-muscled body. Strangely, he did seem to have loose bands around his wrists right where sleeves would normally end. His pants were tan and just as tight as Callum's. There was a sort of vacancy in his eyes and smile that made Mikan lean toward ignorance when it came to Valencia's aide. Maybe he hadn't told her.

Callum's eyebrows raised when he saw her. "Mikan. You look…" Mikan blushed and managed to keep her hands away from the hem of her skirt, though they twitched. Callum's eyes flicked in the direction of Valencia, almost too fast to notice, and she thought he changed what he had been about to say. "Very nice." Disappointment welled up inside Mikan but she consoled herself with the belief that he had been about to say something else. Valencia stared at them both suspiciously. Though he was turned away from her, Callum seemed to sense it. "By the way, this is my aide, Shargi. She has been very helpful." Shargi, behind him, twitched and shook her head as if to disagree. 'What is that about?' "Shargi, this is Mikan."

Shargi bowed low, her long hair flopping forward. Between the hair and her boobs, Mikan was surprised she didn't topple over. "Shargi is honored to meet Mistress." Callum frowned at Shargi with concern. Mikan wondered why Shargi called herself by her own name. Callum had certainly gotten a weird aide.

"I'm honored to meet you as well, Shargi," Mikan said, imitating the bow as best she could. When she straightened, Shargi was staring at her like she was mad. A very weird aide. 'What's going on with her eyes?' As if she sensed the thought, Shargi looked away. "This is my aide, Jaluadecen." Mikan glanced at her aide, who had a very cool expression on his face. 'Though it's not like I got the most normal of aides.' "Jaluadecen, this is Callum and Valencia." He bowed slightly in that strange way to Valencia but didn't for Callum. He didn't even look at Callum. Anger simmered in Mikan. What was that about? 'God, I have enough trouble understanding humans…'

"Alright," Valencia said, when it became clear Jaluadecen wasn't going to say anything else. "This is my aide, Driptajabpit," she said with a lazy wave.

"Glad I'm finally meeting everybody," he said happily. His voice was a lazy drawl. "Call me Drip." He nodded at Jaluadecen. "How you doing, Lua? Having fun?"

Jaluadecen gave him a look that should have frozen Drip's blood. "How many times to I have to tell you not to call me that?" Mikan gave him a questioning look and with obvious reluctance, Jaluadecen said, "We work together." Mikan felt foolish. They were both aides. Obviously they would know each other.

Drip guffawed. "You never change, Lua."

Before Jaluadecen could say anything, if he was going to, a car roared overhead and then circled around to land. It was much longer than Bel's car had been, sleek and dark red. It settled a little distance away from them and a door slid open. The three humans glanced at one another but it was Drip that set out first. He had a swagger to his walk that emphasized his broad shoulders and tight butt. Callum shrugged and followed, drawing Shargi and Valencia in his wake. Mikan, too, with Jaluadecen trailing behind all of them.

The inside of the car was dim, with two bench seats facing each other. Shargi, Callum and Valencia already occupied one bench, which placed Mikan between Drip and Jaluadecen. Drip smelled spicy and Jaluadecen sweet. It made her very nervous. She glanced around but could see no evidence of a driver. Yet the moment they were all fastened in, the car lifted and sped away from their apartment building.

The trip was short, for which she was very grateful. Jaluadecen was stonily silent, practically radiating waves of icy anger. Drip chatted away about nothing at all and didn't seem to mind that Mikan barely answered him. Valencia shot hot glares toward Shargi, who shrank in on herself. Callum comforted her but that only made Valencia glare more. Mikan distracted herself by trying to see what kind of underwear Valencia and Shargi were wearing. 'Green for Valencia and…nothing for Shargi?!' Mikan couldn't be sure because the woman had such thick thighs but…

Mikan hurriedly scrambled out of the car when it set down. The rooftop it had brought them to was empty, as far as she could tell. Daylight was fading, shrouding much of it in shadows. Mikan had asked why there was a day and night cycle on the ship and apparently Shimayasumota rotated to imitate the cycle on the planet Fie. The rest of the party exited the car and they all stood around waiting. The car didn't leave but nobody came out of it either.

After a little while of nothing happening Valencia muttered, "What the hell?" and went to the front of the car. She was about to knock on one of the opaque windows when a beep from behind them drew all their eyes. Doors to an elevator opened and Bel stepped out. Mikan's breath caught at the sight of her. It always seemed to. She was just too pretty. Her outfit sent Mikan's heart hammering. Her red pants were just as tight as Drip's and seemed to merge into red heeled boots. Her red vest ended well short of the waist of her pants, showing off her midriff, and only a single button was fastened, revealing a generous amount of cleavage. Her pink hair was slicked back.

"Sorry," she said with a half-bow and an apologetic smile. "You came sooner than I expected." Mikan didn't think she could stay angry at Bel if she flashed that smile, no matter what she had done. "Come on," she said, waving them to the elevator. "Lady Tsyirinsaku is ready to see you." Mikan set off immediately and the rest followed.

As she had calculated, being the first there let her squeeze close to Bel as they all piled into the elevator. 'God, she smells good,' Mikan thought as she pressed into the older woman's side. The elevator door closed and they started to move down. As it did, Bel's hand snaked around and softly fondled Mikan's ass. Mikan squeaked but tried not to draw attention to it. She was so surprised, she didn't really have another reaction. "That's quite a daring outfit," Bel said very softly. "You look amazing." Mikan thought her heart was going to pound its way out of her breast.

As the elevator slowed to a stop, Mikan could feel...deep, pounding rhythms and the moment the doors opened, they assaulted her. The sound seemed to vibrate her bones and stir something deep inside her. Mikan had never heard the like. It was a strange, almost violent, excitement. How could a sound do that? The huge room Bel led them into was dark but for dim lights of red and violet. People were everywhere, talking or dancing. Seeing them, Mikan was glad she had dressed the way she had. Most of them were wearing even less than she was.

On a ring around the room, men danced. They were lithe and pretty and dressed in nothing more than boots, panties and jewelry. Mikan's face flushed at the sight of them. Their dancing was more than suggestive. It was downright obscene. On an even higher but smaller ring, women danced and Mikan flushed even harder at seeing them. They also wore nothing more than boots, panties and jewelry and their dancing made the mens' seem tame by comparison.

"Obscene," Valencia muttered. It was hard to tell in the dimness but Mikan thought her pale cheeks were stained with red as well. Bel flashed her a mysterious smile and led them through the spacious room.

As they wound their way through, conversations stopped as fie caught sight of them and stared. Most of the dancers didn't though. On the floor, men and women danced together so closely and so intertwined they might as well have been fucking each other. In fact, once or twice Mikan was certain that she did see couples actually having sex right in public! What kind of place had they been brought to for their meeting with a woman who was supposedly a princess?

Bel led them up a long winding staircase that took them right by some of the dancing men. One of them, in heeled boots, body glitter and a wide-brimmed hat, winked at her and thrust his hips. Mikan's eyes went as wide as they could but she quickly looked away. She felt embarrassed and yet, she was a little excited as well. Had he noticed her? Little, plain Mikan who looked like her brother? Bel had said she looked "amazing." Maybe she hadn't just been teasing?

The top of the staircase ended at a platform that was level with the small ring of dancing women, close to the roof of the room. Two long, semi-circular couches faced each other on that platform with a small table between. On one couch a lone woman sat. Mikan recognized her. Yemoramato, who'd fought with them on Ragrun and called Tsyirinsaku to rescue them. She was a beautiful woman with pink skin and long aquamarine hair done in a braid that fell over her shoulder and between her breasts. Mikan thought she might have been as pretty as Bel—though her features were much sharper—if scowls and sneers weren't her two most common facial expressions. She was dressed for wherever they were, in a very dark red dress with a minuscule skirt and a neckline that nearly reached her navel. Though that wasn't far off how she normally dressed. It was strange, since she seemed to spurn any kind of approach. Mikan couldn't imagine her letting someone into her bed.

The other couch had three women seated on it, though only one could be said to be really sitting. That was Tsyirinsaku. Mikan had seen her only once, when the fie first came to their rescue, but she would never forget that face. Her features were sharp enough to cut diamonds, striking for their severity more than beautiful. And her eyes...they were violet and yellow and seemed to literally burn with intensity. When they flicked across Mikan, she took a step back as if she'd been struck. Tsyirinsaku also had the darkest hair she'd seen on a fie, though it was a deep violet rather than true black like Mikan's. It fell past her shoulders and seemed to meld into her dark dress. The dress was pure black, sleeveless with a floor-length skirt and modest neckline. When Tsyirinsaku uncrossed and recrossed her legs, however, Mikan saw that the skirt was slit up one side all the way to the hip.

The two fie women with her wore very little. Just strips of shiny material that barely covered the most sensitive areas. One of them had very light blue skin with much darker blue hair spilling to her waist. Her "clothing" was gold. She was kneeling on the couch next to Tsyirinsaku, her arms wrapped around the Princess's shoulders, massaging her gently. The other had dark pink skin with short pale pink hair and silver strips. She was on the floor with her arms around Tsyirinsaku's leg, nuzzling it. This...was not what Mikan had been expecting.

Bel sauntered over and sat down easily next to Tsyirinsaku, on the other side of the blue-haired girl, resting one arm along the back of the couch and crossing her legs. "Sit," she said, smiling encouragingly at the humans.

Before any of them could move, Yemoramato snapped, "What are they doing here? I thought we were to discuss me returning to active service."

Tsyirinsaku glanced at her and Yemoramato only managed to meet her gaze for a moment before glancing away. "So we shall," Tsyirinsaku said. Her voice was deep and full of the confidence only gained when people leaped to obey you.

Valencia walked forward, her back straight and shoulders back. Mikan had no idea how she could maintain her confidence like that but she was envious. She sat down next to Yemoramato, not deigning to notice the scowl Yemoramato gave her. She sat very straight, though, betraying some nerves. With an almost inaudible sigh, Callum sat down next to her, leaning forward with his arms on his knees. Mikan scurried to sit down next to him, arranging her legs so she didn't accidentally show off what was underneath her skirt. The three aides moved around to stand behind the couch. Jaluadecen was completely devoid of visible emotion, Drip had a relaxed smile and Shargi seemed to be the only person more nervous than Mikan herself. Mikan was starting to feel a great deal of affection for the alien woman.

Tsyirinsaku studied them with eyes that seemed to peer into their very souls. Mikan tried not to fidget. She almost jumped when Bel said, "Would you like something to drink?" The three humans stared at her blankly and she laughed. She had a very musical laugh. "Of course. My apologies. Let's see…" She opened her display and scrolled through something, tapping a few things. "I think that should do. What about you, Yemoramato?"

"I'll have a repter. No garnish."

"Of course." Bel's smile turned slightly mocking and Yemoramato's face darkened. Bel tapped a few more things and then closed her display.

"Where is the other one?" Tsyirinsaku asked. The displeasure in her voice made Mikan hunch in on herself.

Bel seemed completely unruffled. "She is proving to be both elusive and stubborn. I do not think we will be able to fold her in with our regular forces. I will make a separate accommodation with her."

Tsyirinsaku looked at her and Bel met her eyes calmly. Mikan didn't understand it. She thought if Tsyirinsaku fixed her with that stare, she might piss herself. But it was Tsyirinsaku that nodded, "If you think that is best." She looked away first too. Mikan wished she hadn't, since her gaze turned to the humans. "How are you finding Shimayasumota? Have your aides proved acceptable?"

Mikan's chest tightened with anxiety. She'd been hoping she could just sit silently. Callum answered first. "Your ship is incredible. I never imagined something like it could exist. Shargi has been an excellent aide. I couldn't have asked for a better one." There was a noise behind Mikan and she thought Shargi might have started crying.

"It's certainly more comfortable than living in a hut on Ragrun," Valencia said. Mikan would have goggled at her if she dared to look away from Tsyirinsaku. Talk about an understatement. And Valencia said it as if it was of little consequence. "Drip has been...fine." Drip barked a short laugh. Mikan couldn't believe how at ease he was. Unlike Bel, she thought that ease came from foolishness.

Now it was her turn to speak. Mikan dug her fingers into the skin of her thighs and focused on a point just to the side of Tsyirinsaku's head so she didn't have to meet that augering stare straight on. "I-It is very nice here, thank you. P-princess," Mikan said quickly. "Jaluadecen is a very good aide. He is very helpful."

Tsyirinsaku nodded but didn't say anything as a server reached the top of the stairs with a tray of drinks. He was a fie man and not wearing much more than the dancers. He placed a drink in each person's hand, though there was nothing for the aides or the two women wrapped around Tsyirinsaku. They came in a variety of different colors and different glasses. Mikan's own was a very pale yellow in a cone-shaped glass with a long stem. She accepted it with a murmur of thanks. Tsyirinsaku held up her own glass, a tall cylinder full of clear liquid, in a salute. They all followed her lead and then took sips of their drinks. Mikan's was sweet but with a tart bite. She liked it.

The Princess drained her glass and then casually tossed her glass to the kneeling woman without even looking at her. The woman caught it easily. "I'm pleased that you have found our hospitality satisfactory," she said. "I am seeing that the rest of your people are settled as well." Her voice was cold and her face was expressionless. She was so different from Bel and Yemoramato both. Her gaze turned to Yemoramato abruptly. "Yemoramato, I have decided to reinstate your position as wing commander," she said. Yemoramato's eyes lit up and she smiled. Mikan gaped. It was the first time she'd ever seen a real smile on the woman's face. Which made it extra uncomfortable when it curdled with Tsyirinsaku's next words. "I am tasking you with creating and training a new unit. These humans will be your first recruits."

"What?" Confusion painted Yemoramato's face. "But I have a wing. The Star Blossoms." Her voice was hollow.

Tsyirinsaku raised an eyebrow. "The command you abandoned? I elevated Arymiyatova to command and I see no reason to demote her."

"I didn't have a choice," Yemoramato said, pleadingly. "It was the only way." Tsyirinsaku didn't blink. "Damn it, Tsyirinsaku! That unit is my life! I built them! I made them the best wing in the entire fucking galaxy! You can't take them from me!"

"I didn't. You left them," Tsyirinsaku said, her voice cold and hard as ice. Yemoramato recoiled as if slapped. "I had to proceed as if you would never command them again. I did not know where you were and had no expectation that I would ever see you alive again. Commander Arymiyatova has proved an excellent commander. I feel no desire to replace her at this time." Yemoramato slumped. She looked like somebody had dumped ice water over her head.

"I've sent you a recruit roster," Bel said. "We want you to create a new wing of three squadrons. You'll have a full thirty-six yuuku, including Angra Mainyu."

Yemoramato activated her display, still looking half-dead. But the fire came back to her eyes as she read. "I recognize some of these names!" she hissed. "These are burn-outs and headcases! Failures! You're giving me failures!" She glanced at the humans next to her. "And fucking dirt-farming humans that don't know the first thing about real piloting!"

"Ah, yes," Tsyirinsaku said, seemingly unaffected. "You can recruit among the other humans if you'd like. Some of them may have the potential to pilot. But we can't expand upon the thirty-six allotment for the moment."

"I won't even be able to form a flight with this collection of trash!" Yemoramato snarled, surging to her feet. "This is unbelievable! I won't accept this!"

Tsyirinsaku slowly stood. Her two attendants let her go, silently snarling at Yemoramato. "You will do as I command," Tsyirinsaku said. She said each word slowly and calmly but with utter finality. Her tone was frozen but her eyes were blazing.

The two women glared at each other but again it was Yemoramato who looked away. She stared at the ground for a moment and then muttered, "This will never work." Then she turned and stormed away. Even in the situation, Mikan couldn't help but notice Yemoramato's hips rolled when she stalked away. Was it the heels she wore that did it? They were beautiful shoes. And with thin, high heels. How could she walk so furiously in them?

Silence reigned as she left and Tsyirinsaku sat back down, her attendants winding themselves around her again. Bel broke the silence. "She'll cool down after a while," she said with a grin. "She really is a very good commander if you can roll with her…" Bel rocked her head back and forth, "...swings in temperament." Swings? So far she seemed to have just one temperament. Bad.

"As Bel said," Tsyirinsaku said. "Angra Mainyu will be assigned to the new flight and you will continue to be its primary pilot, Callum and you its secondary pilot, Valencia." They both nodded, looking grim. "Your mech is yet undecided, Mikan, but have no fear that you will be left behind. I reviewed the battle and was impressed by your skill, especially considering your inexperience." Mikan almost swallowed her tongue. The compliment had been delivered in a cold way but it was a compliment. Mikan got the feeling Tsyirinsaku didn't just throw those out. "Now, you may all go, to enjoy yourselves here or return to your quarters."

Valencia was the first to her feet. She gave Tsyirinsaku a tight-lipped frown and then hurried away. Drip chased after her, shouting, "Wait, why don't we stick around for a while? Valencia? Valencia!" She didn't slow. Bel watched them go with a frown of concern.

Callum was the next to stand and Mikan bounced up right behind him. She didn't want to be left behind. He gave an awkward bow and said, "Thank you for seeing us, Princess." Mikan imitated his bow.

Tsyirinsaku's eyes flashed. "I am not a Princess," she said, with a hint of anger. Callum seemed confused by that. Mikan could understand. Everybody called her Princess. Why should he have known any different?

Bel saved them, jumping to her feet. "I'll see you out," she said. She took them down the staircase, with Jaluadecen and Shargi quickly following. When they were partway down, she stopped and glanced back. "Lady Tsyirinsaku isn't actually a princess," Bel explained. "She was a scion of a powerful family but not actually royalty. Since most people on this ship think the royal houses are all extinct, they want to raise up Tsyirinsaku. She doesn't think it's right so she can be a little touchy."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea," Callum said. Mikan wondered why he sounded genuinely apologetic. Tsyirinsaku had been totally unfair!

"Don't take it personally," Bel said. "She has been even more on edge than usual since Yemoramato came back. It was...difficult deciding what to do with her." Bel continued down the stairs, drawing them in her wake.

"I don't know if your solution is a good idea," Callum said. "She seemed so angry. Do you think she'll do a good job building this new unit? Setting me and Mikan aside, didn't you say that fie pilots become useless when they lose confidence in themselves. Yemoramato isn't very...encouraging."

Bel laughed. "That's a diplomatic way of putting it. Don't worry, though. Yemoramato often has to be forced into things kicking and screaming but she usually likes them once she gets over herself. This is the best use for her. She trained the Star Blossoms into the best unit we fie have ever had but she's actually a somewhat mediocre battle commander." Bel stopped. She looked at them, utterly serious. "None of you are ever to repeat that to her. Please."

Callum, Mikan and Shargi tripped over each other assuring Bel that they would never. All eyes swung to Jaluadecen. He grunted sourly but nodded, muttering, "When would someone like Yemoramato even give me the time of day?"

They reached the floor and Bel stopped. "You could go home now if you wish but we could stay, too." She glanced at the large space in the middle of the room where a morass of people were dancing. "Some drinks and dancing." She grinned at them. "You're all dressed for it."