Chapter 38

After a moment of hesitation, Callum shook his head, though he seemed regretful. "I need to talk to Valencia," he said. Then he added, under his breath, "I put it off too long already." He stepped up to Bel and seemed like he was about to do something, then he jerked slightly and his eyes flicked to Mikan. He nodded to Bel and said, "I'll see you later." He looked at Mikan. "Are you coming now?"

Mikan hesitated and then shook her head. "I think I want to talk to Bel a little first." What had that been about? Was Callum about to hug her? Kiss her? How far had their relationship gone already? A hand tightened on her heart.

Callum nodded and said, "Well, hopefully Yemoramato gets us all together soon." Then he walked away, his long legs eating up ground. Shargi hurried after him.

"Well, that's too bad. I wanted to see him dance in those tight pants," Bel said with a cheeky smile. Mikan couldn't help but grin in return. "What about you, Mikan? I can show you how. We can talk later. I think your aide wants to get out on the floor. Men love to dance."

Jaluadecen made a noise of discontent but when Mikan looked at him she could see that his body was almost imperceptibly bouncing in time with the music. It made her heart feel warm to see him actually enjoying something. "Let's go," she said. "I like to dance, too." They'd had drums in her village that were brought out the night of food deliveries so they could dance in celebration. Of course, that had been a coordinated dance of thanks. It was an organized routine. What was going on here was pure chaos.

But she let Bel take her out there. The music was even louder on the dance floor. It felt like it was vibrating her bones. Jaluadecen stood at the edge of it for a moment and then threw himself into it. Mikan watched with fascination. He was pure grace, putting most of the people around him to shame with his flowing steps. His dance didn't seem like it should work with the violent rhythms of the music but it did somehow.

"What'd I say?" Bel said. "Love. It." Her voice broke the spell Jaluadecen had cast on her and Mikan turned to Bel. "Come on." Bel held out a hand and Mikan took it. Bel led her into the cavorting throng. They stopped in a little hollow of space and Bel turned Mikan so they were facing each other. "Have you ever danced before?" Bel asked.

"A thanksgiving dance for the carcha when they would bring us food," Mikan admitted.

Bel grimaced and stuck out her tongue. "Yuck! Forget about that. Dancing here is to forget about your troubles. Let the music animate you. Let it fill you and move you." Bel held up her hands above her head and Mikan swallowed hard. She seemed about to pop out of her vest. Then Bel moved, her body undulating. "Like this," she said, rolling her hips. "Or really, however you feel. The point is to stop thinking and let go." Mikan nodded hesitantly, unsure what Bel meant. She tried to copy the woman and her face suffused with heat. It was really embarrassing. Bel laughed, though it was mostly drowned out in the music. "You don't have to do what I do," Bel said. "The point is to let the music move you the way that feels best."

"I don't know what you mean," Mikan said, wishing she didn't sound so petulant.

Bel just grinned. She placed her hands on Mikan's hips and started to move them, swaying them back and forth. "Like this. Don't think." She pressed her pelvis into Mikan's. "Let go." Mikan's throat went dry and her heart started thumping so loudly she thought not even the music would drown it out. How was she supposed to let go when Bel was filling her mind with a hundred thoughts? Most of them lewd. She wished she could. It would feel so, so good to just stop thinking for a few moments. Bel noticed that something was wrong and her smile slipped. She stopped moving Mikan and said, "I think I know what you need." She grabbed Mikan by the hand and tugged her through the crowd.

They ended up in front of a long counter. A fie woman, gorgeous in a skimpy outfit, stood behind it. Behind her were dozens and dozens of pretty bottles filled with liquid of every color imaginable. "Bel!" the woman said. "I didn't know you were here tonight!"

"Avi! So good to see you!" The two women reached across the bar to hug each other. Then Bel tugged Mikan forward. "This is Mikan, one of the human pilots."

Avi looked at her and her green and gold eyes brightened. "I saw your fight on the news feed," she said. "Rebelling against the carcha with basically no resources. Fucking boss," she said, bobbing her head. "Whatever you want is on the house tonight!"

"Nonsense," Bel said. "Put it on my tab." She leaned forward and said in a loud whisper, "I'm trying to impress her." Avi smirked and Mikan blushed. "Get us, four...bamgan boskais," she said. Avi raised an eyebrow but soon four tall, thin glasses of a dark red liquid were set up in front of them.

Mikan hesitantly took the one that Bel proffered. Bel clinked her glass into Mikan's and then drank down the entire thing. Mikan followed suit. The drink was very sweet and tasty. When she lowered the empty glass, though, she felt dazed. Like she'd been kicked in the head. "One more!" Bel shouted, giving Mikan the next glass. Though she wasn't sure about trying another, she didn't want to let Bel down. She drank. The daze got worse. Her mind was fuzzy and felt a little unsteady. Bel took her hand again. It was such a warm, soft hand.

They returned to the dance floor. Bel pulled her close, moving Mikan's hips with her hands again. Mikan inhaled Bel's scent and basked in her heat. She didn't know if she could lose herself in the music but she thought she could lose herself in this woman. Did that make sense? God, what was going on with her brain? It was so hard to think. But why was she trying to think? Bel had said to let go. Stop thinking. Just feel. And for the first time she could remember, that seemed like something she could do.

Mikan danced. She didn't know what she was doing and probably looked ridiculous but for some reason she was okay with that. She danced with Bel and then others, drifting through the crowd as it took her. She found Jaluadecen and did her best to mimic his flowing style. She thought he was annoyed at first but soon he seemed more amused. A rare smile skittered across his face and Mikan thought it was beautiful. Mikan also drank, returning to Avi twice more for different drinks. They were all so delicious and they made her feel so good.

Then, with a startling suddenness, Mikan realized she needed to pee. It hit her so bad she almost lost it on the dancefloor. But she caught it, tightening up her muscles, and looked around frantically. How had it hit her so abruptly? She spotted Bel and relief washed over her. Almost too much. Carefully, Mikan sped to her. The woman was dancing with a fie man who was tripping over himself and staring at Bel with huge eyes. Mikan grabbed her arm and the older woman glanced at her with curiosity. "Where is the toilet?" Mikan asked. She giggled. "I'm about to burst."

Bel grinned. "Follow me." She took Mikan by the hand and led her off the dancefloor and through a side door. There, there was a line of women in front of another door. A bit in front of them a couple of men loitered outside another door. Bel sighed. "I was afraid of this. There is always such a long line here for the restroom here." Mikan glanced at her in confusion and then looked at the line of women in horror as understanding came to her. The line was at least thirty women deep. "I'm going to pee in my new dress," she moaned.

"No," Bel said. "We can't have that." She led Mikan past the line of women and to the two men. She gave them a dazzling smile. "Would you two be kind enough to wait while me and my friend use the facility here and make sure nobody comes in after us?" The two men both stared at her, clearly recognizing her. Then they tripped over each other pledging to do as they asked. "Thanks, boys," Bel said with a wink. She tugged Mikan into the restroom.

The first thing they saw was two men kissing each other passionately on a counter with three sinks built into it. Mikan's eyes bugged. She'd never seen two men kiss before. They were both very pretty. 'It's kind of hot.' Bel coughed lightly and the two men sprang apart. They fled the bathroom, blushing and not meeting the eyes of either of the women. Bel put her hands on her hips and said, "Ah, men's rooms are always so clean. They're so fastidious. I wish women could be the same way." Mikan glanced around. She supposed it seemed pretty clean but it wasn't like she had much to compare it to. "It seems like two of the three stalls are open, Mikan." She chuckled softly. "Do you want to wait? Or I can try and chase him out." She didn't seem thrilled at the prospect.

Mikan dancing a little jig, glanced at the stall with the door closed. There was a little indicator on it with fie writing in glowing blue. Mikan couldn't read it but she could guess. "Oh, my," Bel said. "I think we better just leave him alone. Come on, I'll let you have the far one." With that, Bel went into the middle stall. Mikan only hesitated a second before hustling to her own. She didn't want to pee on the floor after coming so close. She hurriedly pulled down her panties and sat down. The dress was so short she barely had to hike it up. Mikan could have cried when she was finally able to let go. It was so good.

She sat for a moment after she was finished, basking in the afterglow. Then she glanced around and spotted a little puff of tissue paper on the side of the stall. When she shifted to grab some, a jet of water shot up out of the water, gently bathing her ass and vagina. Mikan almost jumped straight off the toilet but the water stopped quickly and the toilet flushed. What was that? Mikan adjusted her legs so she could peer down into the toilet bowl. There was just a little pool of water, as expected. The toilet hadn't hit her with her own urine, though. It was too cold for that. She was sure of that. It had to be. Experimentally, she shifted again and the stream of water shot up again.

Mikan bit her lip. It felt really good. Dancing like that had seriously turned her on. And she had been pretty much perpetually horny since that night with Callum. At least, it felt that way sometimes. Mikan reached down and gently caressed herself. Her mind flashed to Bel, probably already finished and waiting. And there was a strange man in the same room, close enough to hear. Unfortunately, both facts just seemed to make her feel hotter. Mikan's hand began to work faster even as she told herself to stop.

"Are you alright, Mikan?" Bel said, just outside her door. Mikan froze, her middle finger inside her pussy. "I shouldn't have let you drink so much." The door started to swing open even as Bel continued to talk, "Also, let me show you how to lock these doors." Mikan screamed at herself to cover up but her body was paralyzed. Bel stuck her head in. Her pink and purple eyes widened at the sight. Then a slow grin stretched across her face. "Well, I didn't expect this. You're a naughtier girl than I expected." Bel edged inside and closed the door quickly. She tapped a place near the upper-center of the door and Mikan heard the soft whirr of a lock. 'I need to remember that.'

"W-w-what are you doing?" Mikan squeaked.

Bel's smile turned mischievous. She knelt down in front of Mikan and gently tugged her hand away. Mikan's breath came in short, sharp bursts. "Such a pretty little pussy. So pink." Bel said. Then she pulled Mikan forward a little, throwing one of Mikan's legs over her shoulder and licked all the way up her slit. Mikan had to clap hands over her mouth to keep from crying out. Bel didn't stop. Her tongue dove inside and seemed to find every pleasure point Mikan had. It was incredible. Better than anything Mikan could have conceived. She only had Callum to compare and if he was a talented beginner, Bel was a master. It felt like it only took her a matter of seconds to have Mikan shuddering and twisting in the throes of orgasm. Mikan screamed into the hands she had clapped over her mouth.

Mikan didn't quite black out but she did just drift for a long while, not thinking, trying to put the pieces of her mind back together. Bel sat back, also catching her breath. Then she took one of the tissue papers and primly wiped her mouth clean. She winked at Mikan and said, "Most delicious thing I've had all night." That kickstarted Mikan's brain again and her face went hot as a mech thruster. Bel took Mikan's panties, around her right ankle, and pulled them off as she stood up. Mikan stared at her. Were they going to do something else? But Bel shockingly stuffed the panties in a pocket of pants that seemed to tight to have them and grinned mischievously again. She unlocked the door and slipped out, leaving Mikan alone. With no panties.

And her legs splayed out with an unlocked door. With a soft yelp, Mikan snapped her thighs closed. She quickly but delicately cleaned herself up, cursing softly when she activated the jet again. Who had put that there? Luckily, she wasn't in the same horny daze and got up without frigging herself again. Though she kind of wanted to. 'What is wrong with me?' And what had just happened with Bel? She had gotten the feeling that fie were a little looser when it came to sex but that had still been pretty surprising. Was Bel some kind of pervert? And Mikan had to admit she thoroughly enjoyed it. What did that make her? Maybe more importantly, Bel was a woman! She'd just let another woman lick her to orgasm and far from being repulsed, she wanted to do more things with Bel. She wanted to return the favor. 'Oh, boy.' Mikan touched her hand to her forehead. She had a lot to think about.

But first, she had to get out of this toilet. Mikan stood and tugged her hem down as far as it would go. As proven by the hundred attempts before, that was not very low. She had wondered if the panties really made a difference with such a tiny amount of fabric but now that she didn't have them, she realized how important they were. Her belly felt like it had some kind of restless creature inside. She peeked her head out and looked around. Empty. Sighing in relief, Mikan scurried out and washed her hands. She glanced at the occupied stall and saw that it still was. She hoped he hadn't heard anything. Also, that he was alright.

Mikan left the restroom and saw that the line of men had reached ten. She winced and tried to smile apologetically as she hurried by them, tugging at her dress. Bel was nowhere in sight. Mikan made it all the way back to the dance floor without finding her. She stared out at the crowd of undulating bodies with despair. She really didn't want to go out there to look for her. The spell was broken now. She just felt drained and kind of nauseous, though her head still felt like it was floating.

"Are you feeling alright?"

Mikan jumped and would have fallen over if Jaluadecen hadn't quickly caught her arm. It was him who had asked the question. "You scared the pants off me," Mikan grumbled as she steadied herself. Of course, she wasn't wearing pants. Mikan pulled at her hem. She turned to him. He seemed perfectly sober. "Have you seen Bel?"

He nodded toward the stairs that led up to where they had met Tsyirinsaku. "She scampered up there after giving me a wink." He raised an eyebrow. "Did she do something? I'd heard rumors that Belmavidelko was more carefree than one in her position should be but I didn't really believe it until tonight."

'Carefree?' Mikan scowled. She wasn't sure that was the word for it. She was downright impudent. Stealing a person's panties of all things. Mikan tugged her dress. People couldn't see right? She felt like she was burning up. She glanced at the stairs. Maybe Bel wanted her to follow but Mikan didn't want to see Tsyirinsaku when Tsyirinsaku had a chance to see more than Mikan ever meant to show her. That woman certainly didn't seem to have much of a sense of humor and Mikan wanted to stay in her good books if she could. More than that, Mikan really wanted to lie down. "Let's get out of here," Mikan said. "I'm tired."

Jaluadecen raised an eyebrow but he nodded without questioning her. Mikan was glad for small favors. They went to the roof first but it turned out the car hadn't come back after taking the others back. So they had to take the public train. Mikan stood on the train, gripping a handrail to keep her hands away from her dress. Despite what Mikan considered the late hour, the train was packed. Sweat slid down her forehead and down her back. Incongruously, a different liquid slid down her inner-thighs. There were so many eyes on her, men and women, who seemed to like what they saw. Luckily, Jaluadecen's presence next to her kept them at bay. She couldn't deny she was excited by the attention though. She hoped they took the glistening liquid on her thighs for sweat.

It was a huge relief to get off the train and make her way to her apartment. Jaluadecen had to help steady her as her legs didn't seem to have much strength and the world tilted from side to side. They had almost made it to her apartment when a figure stepped out of the shadows and said, "Mikan."

Mikan yelped and tried to turn around and jump back at the same time. Her ankles crossed and she fell down hard onto her backside. The world spun crazily and Mikan had a powerful surge of nausea. She managed to get control of herself with a few deep breaths and, after a moment, her vision cleared enough that she could see the person who had startled her. Century, of course. The woman stood above her, her eyes very wide and glued a bit south of Mikan's face.

With a thrill of embarrassment, Mikan realized her legs were splayed open, making it very obvious to both Century and Jaluadecen that she was wearing nothing under her dress. Mikan snapped her thighs shut and glared at Century. "Do you have some reason for ambushing me?!" she snapped. Well, she tried to snap it but for some reason her words came out clumsy and a little slurred.

Century glanced away, her face red. "I just wanted to know what the meeting tonight was about."

Mikan reached a hand toward Jaluadecen, who helped her to her feet. Dizziness assaulted Mikan as she stood and she had to cling to Jaluadecen to avoid falling. "You could have, I don't know, come to the freaking meeting if you were so curious."

Century snorted, seeming to regain some of her usual attitude. "And let them try to tie strings to me? No, thank you. Century is an independent woman, loyal only to the true King of Man."

"Oh, god," Mikan moaned. 'This crap again.' Mikan's nausea came back stronger than ever. "Fine. I'll tell you but first I have to puke." They both stared at her and Mikan added, "I'm not joking." They jumped to get Mikan to the toilet. They almost made it.