
The last beams of sunlight disappear when gray clouds slide slowly before them. It is a cold and dark day... A typical fall evening in Montana.

With a deep sigh, Aiyana puts her blinker on and looks for an empty parking spot while she looks in the back mirror.

Her daughter, Enola, was just one and a half years old. For Aiyana, she was the most beautiful girl on the planet.

To be fair, Enola was an adorable child. She had two big bright blue eyes and long dark brown hair that was always neatly tied together. Her little body was a bit plump but not too much, and, just like always, she was dressed in the most beautiful outfits.

Aiyana thought it was important that Enola was always taken care of. She, on the other hand...

Aiyana did look after herself. None of that. She was a beautiful young lady. If you saw her slender figure, you wouldn't even say that she was a mother. She had long chestnut brown hair and deep brown eyes. She was a native American and proud of it, too. A little tribe symbol tattoo shines on her left wrist.

Enola cheers when she sees the target sign. Amused, Aiyana chuckles.

Enola was the happiest girl on the entire planet. It always worked like magic for Aiyana.

As a single mom, she worried a lot. It wasn't easy. She managed, but she was still worried. Enola's father had left them when she was six months pregnant. Since then, Aiyana has worked very hard for everything they had.

She nibbles her lip and parks into the empty spot.

Her black Volvo V80 turns, after which the engine slowly stops.

"Okay, we are here," she says and loosens her seatbelt. Enola claps her hands. Aiyana chuckles. "Just a second baby, mommy will come to get you right away."

Gently she closes the door and walks over to the seat Enola is strapped into. "Ouf, you are getting heavier with the day", she groans and lifts her child out of the car. Enola laughs and wraps her arms around Aiyana, her head. "I love you, mommy," she says. Aiyana smiles. "I love you too baby", she whispers and kisses her head. She hastily locks the car and walks over to the shopping carts. "Now you know, if you behave you get something," Aiyana says and places Enola on the seat. Enola hastily nods and places her hands on the bar.

While Enola is focused on Aiyana, her keychain from Disney World, Aiyana takes the time to get all the groceries they need. One thing she is happy about is that she doesn't have to calculate anymore. She is so happy that those times are over. Now she can just buy what they like. It cost her all her friends, but Aiyana didn't mind. If they can't understand their priorities, it's their loss, not hers.

Groaning, she tries to grab the box from the top shelf. "Come on" she curses between her lips. The box won't move. Why on earth is she only 5.4?!

She places the tip of her Converse sneaker on the plastic of the bottom shelf and stretches herself... almost...

Her heart makes a little jump when her balance disappears. She feels herself falling down.

A strong hand supports her back.

"Need a hand" sounds in a deep, strong voice.

Aiyana sighs. "Yeah I guess so," she says, disappointed. The man next to her chuckles. He takes the box without effort and places it on the lower shelf. "Now you can say you did it yourself" he jokes. Aiyana laughs and takes the box. "Thank you so much," she says, and turns. "Hey! You are Jonathan Young, right?" Jonathan swallows. "Yeah, that's me," he says, a fake smile on his lips. "That's cool. Love your music. Well, eh thanks for the box and the saving" she says and walks back to the shopping cart. Obviously impressed, Jonathan looks at her. He smiles wider. "Thank you" he blinks as he passes. Aiyana smiles and rubs Enola on her round cheeks. The little girl is still focused on the keychain. Aiyana looks up to see Jonathan talking to Caleb Hyles. He grins while Caleb waves. Amused Aiyana waves back. "Come one babycakes," she says, and continues with her groceries.

While she places her groceries carefully in the trunk, thick drops fall out of the sky. "Great she mutters and pulls her jeans jacket closer to hide her white black striped shirt.

"Mommy is right back sweetheart," she says, and closes the trunk. Hastily, she places the shopping cart back and runs towards the car.

"Pfew ain't that lucky" she says, and clicks her seatbelt.

The rain falls with tick drops out of the sky, harder and harder.

"Mommy," says, Enola. "Yeah yeah" answers Aiyana and starts the car. The Disney cover from Jonathan Young; bells of Notre Dame start to play. Enthousiast Enola cheers. Aiyana laughs and slowly leaves the parking lot.

Her wipers go as fast as they can. Kindly, she gestures to an elderly lady to cross over. Then her eyes spot something.

Hiding from the rain, next to the door stand Jonathan and Caleb. They both look frustrated at how the bus drives away from the stop, not much further. She can't blame them. The bus stop doesn't have a cabin or any dry place, and Target refuses to give up their paper bags.

She smiles and stops next to them. Surprised, Jonathan looks up when her window goes down. "You boys need a ride?" "That is very kind of you," says Caleb. "But we don't want to bother you." "Get in fool, you don't bother anyone and you both don't wear a jacket. Soon you guys are sick." Jonathan smirks while Caleb thankfully smiles. "The trunk is open," she says,, so and pushes the button. "Thank you so much" Jonathan says, hastily, hastily he drops himself in the front seat while Caleb puts the groceries in the trunk. "Hey" Caleb says offended. "Shotgun" laughs Jonathan. Caleb groans and closes the trunk. "Sorry Caleb, you'll have to sit behind him. Enola... be good okay." Enola nods. Caleb smiles at Enola and clicks his seatbelt. "Hi" he says and shakes her hand. Enola giggles. "Can you please type in your address then I'll get off the parking" she says. "Don't worry, not a crazy stalker." Jonathan laughs and types the address. "Thank you so much. I mean... we didn't expect this. Yeah, thank you so so much Caleb answers. "It's no big deal boys, trust me. Besides if you get sick... who I gotta listen to then" she jokes. Jonathan and Caleb laugh, suddenly noticing that she is listening to their cover of Hakuna Matata. "I'm Aiyana by the way and that's Enola. Caleb sweetie if she is annoying you just tell her no." "Oh no I love it" laughs Caleb who is playing peekaboo with Enola. "Yeah, he is a big toddler himself" says Jonathan. Aiyana laughs. "So anyway," Jonathan says and looks over to Aiyana. "I want to thank you for being a cool fan. You just said cool and walked away. That is so awesome. I thought first oh god here we go but that was unnecessary fear. Thank you for that." Aiyana lifts her shoulders. "You guys are human right. Just boys making awesome music." "That's so cool" says Caleb. "Hey wait.. you are Aiyana's free bird on youtube?" Aiyana nods. "You are the one who posts those cool comments on like every video," Jonathan says with a big grin. Aiyana chuckles. She looks in the back mirror to see Caleb and Enola dancing.

While she drives to their home she and Jonathan chat about life and music and many more things. She really likes those two boys. They are friendly, kind... yup she doesn't regret giving them a ride.

Suddenly a ring is heard over the music. "Sorry boys" she says and pushes a button.

"Hello Aiyana speaking."

"Good day I am calling for a.. well a situation. You see I'm getting married next week and my photographer just canceled us without warning nor reason." "Oh my, I am so sorry. Some just don't deserve the name photographer. You know what, email me the details and I will send you a contract tonight still. And because of the bs, the other photographer, did you get a 40% discount." "Oh my god thank you thank you so much. God bless you miss. I mail everything through right now." "You're welcome, talk with you soon. Forgive me" she says while pushing the button. "No worries" laughs Jonathan. "That was real nice you did" says Caleb sincerely. Aiyana smiles softly. "She deserves it." "So a photographer," asks Jonathan. "Good to know" he jokes. Aiyana chuckles. "For you. I don't charge." "Sweet" grins Jonathan. "Your husband won't mind," he asks subtly. "Oh no it's just me and Enola. And the dog of course." "Smooth" whispers Caleb. Jonathan just taps his hand away. "Yeah well, me and Caleb are housemates or whatever you call it. There goes this theory about us being gay but that is a lie." Aiyana laughs out loud. "That is the best one I ever heard before.

"There that house it is," says Jonathan and points towards a house."

Aiyana stops in their driveway and puts the engine out. "She writes her number on a post-it and hands it over. Jonathan smiles. Next time you are stuck in the rain or just need groceries give me a call." "You are too kind" says Caleb. He waves to Enola. Enola hastily waves back. "Thank you, for real," says Jonathan and hugs her before he goes outside. "Bye" says Aiyana before she leaves.

She takes a deep breath and starts the ten minutes ride to home.

"So" she says and opens the front door. Enola smiles. "Oofie" she yells as the dog slowly walks towards them.

Aiyana laughs. "Watch out Alo she says and pets the Dalmatian.

Aiyana her home is not a classic family home. It's a rustic chalet, with a big fenced garden and wide windows.

Inside it's the most beautiful and cozy place ever.

She hastily places Enola on the floor and unloads the groceries.

"Okay be good now" she says and puts on Disney channel so she can make some food.

While the evening races by her mind still thinks about Jonathan. Why she cannot stop thinking about him? Even when Enola is already long asleep, as she sits in front of the fireplace she still thinks about him. He seems nice. She would love to become his friend.

Oh Aiyana don't be stupid. You don't have friends she thinks it is hopeless and crawls in bed.