A favor for a favor

It's another bright fall morning in beautiful Montana.

It's been four days since Aiyana gave Jonathan& Caleb a ride.

Woozy she opens her eyes. The baby phone on her nightstand lights up every time Enola shouts mommy.

"Mommyyyyyyyy. Mommy mommy momyyyyy." Aiyana sighs. "Coming" she yells and stands slowly up. Her dark nightgown whispers on the bright sheets.

Alo happily jumps off the sheets and follows her in the light corridor. "Good-morning princess," says Aiyana and looks at the little girl who stands upright in her crib. Enola just grins. "Slept well?" "Yeah" she shouts louder as necessary. Aiyana chuckles. "Come on" she groans and lifts Enola out of her crib.

Humming a song she takes Enola her pj of and fills the bathtub.

Sighing Aiyana sits on the floor next to the bathtub and pours bath foam in the water. "More," asks Enola happy. Aiyana laughs. " you wish," she says and pets Alo behind his ear. The dog lazily lays on the bathroom floor while Aiyana washes Enola.

As every morning she first puts Enola in a bath, dresses her, and puts her in front of the TV for a short while.

She lets the dog out in the garden, makes breakfast and coffee so they can wake up in peace.

This morning wasn't different from other mornings only it was a lot chillier today. Autumn was here... you could feel it. The leaves had the most beautiful colors and the pumpkins were as ripe as they could. Fall was Aiyana her favorite season. She couldn't get enough of it.

Surprised she looks at her iPhone X when the famous sound alerts her.

"Hello," she says and fills the dishwasher. "Hey Aiyana, this is John.. eh sorry to disturb you but could I ask you a favor?" "Isn't that why I gave you this number" chuckles Aiyana and closes the dishwasher. "Yeah" mumbles Jonathan. "What's the matter sweetheart," she asks. "Our bus got Hijacked or something I dunno. She doesn't drive apparently today." "Give me twenty minutes okay?" "Thank you so much!" Aiyana chuckles. "See you soon." She puts the phone down and wipes her hands. "Enola we gotta go to the store soon so clean up your toys" she yells. Not waiting for a response, she hastily pulls a red burgundy high neck sweater on. "Alo, I will be back before you know it baby," she says and kisses the dog.

Suddenly in a hurry, she puts an adorable yellow jacket on Enola and a pair of red little doctor martins, matching hers. "Be good, I will be home soon" she says to Alo and closes the door behind her. The dog didn't even move. He just kept laying on the couch.

Happy Enola cheers while they drive towards the little townhouse of Jonathan and Caleb. Listening to the Metal Disney album of him she softly sings along for Enola. To be fair, it was the worst time ever. It was almost two o clock and that meant almost Enola her nappy time. She really didn't want to have a tired toddler in the store. But she really needed to go shopping anyway and she just couldn't disappoint Jonathan. Nor Caleb but especially Jonathan.

A smile curls on her soft pink lips when she sees Jonathan and Caleb outside, busy with hand paper rock. Those two are just too adorable she thinks.

Jonathan cheers and grinning steps in the car next to her. "Hi Aiyana greets Caleb and waves to Enola. "Hi Enola! Oh you have such a beautiful dinosaur!" Enola hastily pulls the bear back. Caleb laughs amused. "What were you guys doing," asks Aiyana and slowly drives backward. "Decided who was sitting in front" laughs Jonathan. Aiyana chuckles. "Poor Caleb" she says and looks in the mirror. "I suck in that game" he groans. "You know I was looking for a good way to describe you. I found it. You are a precious cinnamon bun." "Thank you" Caleb says over enthusiast. Jonathan just laughs. "And what about me?" "You are more like a Kodiak bear" Aiyana grins. Jonathan smiles while Caleb laughs. "Really thank you so so much Aiyana. Once again, you are a lifesaver." "It is no big deal," says Aiyana. "I told you to call me whenever needed." "I just wish we could do something back." Aiyana smiles. "Your company is more than enough."

Once again their conversation is shut by the ringing phone. "Oh man" curses Aiyana and picks up the phone. "Hey Aiyana, it's Sarah. Look I can't come babysitting tomorrow. I'm so sorry, i had an accident and broke my leg." "Oh man" curses Aiyana. "I'm so sorry." "It's okay, just take care of yourself Sarah. Get well soon!" "Thanks, Aiyana. Bye." Aiyana pushes the button and sighs. "Sorry" she says and smiles comforting at Jonathan. "It's fine. Hey, don't worry okay. I and Caleb can babysit." Caleb looks up. "Oh yeah why not. I mean Enola is an adorable child." "Yeah" says Jonathan and smiles. "Oh that's so sweet but you really don't have to." "No. You help us out. We help you out." Aiyana looks at Jonathan. "You sure?" "Yeah" Jonathan and Caleb say at the same time. Aiyana smiles a bit again. "What you think Enola, can Jonathan and Caleb babysit tomorrow?" Enola cheers. "Okay then" laughs Aiyana. "It's from nine am till ten pm tho." "No problem" laughs Jonathan. "Okay, thank you guys so much! I will pick you up. No worries." "Thanks" smiles Jonathan. "Hey it's going to be fine" he assures. Aiyana smiles. She doesn't know why but she trusts him. She doesn't even really know him that well. Heck, it's the second time she sees him but she just knows that he was honest. And Caleb? He was just a sweet guy with a good heart. Everyone could see that.

Slowly she parks her car and shuts the engine down.

"You need some help," asks Jonathan. "No it's fine" answers Aiyana and lifts Enola.

Enola kisses Aiyana and wraps her arms around her neck. Jonathan smiles and closes the door for her. "You want to share a cart Aiyana," asks Caleb. "Why not," she says and locks the car. "I'll get one," he says and hastily walks forwards. "You okay there," asks Jonathan smiling and looking over the girl getting almost hugged till death by her kid. Aiyana laughs. "Yeah you know" she answers and takes a deep breath. Jonathan laughs amused. "I really admire you.. a job, a nice car, a dog, a house, and a toddler. You know if you ever need help. I'm kinda handy." "Thank you so much John. That means so much for me." "I just really worked so hard, while I was pregnant so I was sure that my little girl would have everything she should have. None of my friends understand tho." "Then they are not your friends," Jonathan says and looks at how Aiyana places Enola in the cart. Aiyana smiles. "Thank you.

Caleb hands her the cart and smiles. "I imagine you rather drive," he says. Aiyana laughs. "Yeah, thank you. I just cannot forget the dog food." "I can remember good" Caleb says. "Thanks, Aiyana smiles and follows the boys inside. She accidentally betrays herself looking at Jonathan his ass. Hastily she turns her eyes away. "Mommy" says Enola and points to a box of unicorn cookies. "Fine" Aitana smiles and takes the box. "If you behave, you get now one already." Enola hastily nods. Smiling Aiyana takes one cookie and hands it to Enola. She places the box in the cart and looks over to Jonathan. "Pizza is important," he says innocent with ten boxes of pizza in his hands. Aiyana laughs. "Sure it is" she jokes.

It doesn't take long before the shopping cart is almost full. Mostly by pizza and energy drinks.

Aiyana just needs some dog food while Caleb is searching for Ben and Jerry's. "That's not a bad idea," says Aiyana who takes a pot herself.

Caleb helps her with the dog food while Jonathan is looking between a pile of pink unicorn teddy bears.

"You would love to have this one," he asks Enola. Enola happily cheers. "She can right," asks Jonathan suddenly feeling guilty. Aiyana smiles. "Of course," Jonathan gives her the teddy bear which the little girl immediately hugs tight. "Thank you," Aiyana says and kisses his jaw. Jonathan smiles. Caleb chuckles and blinks at Aiyana.

While they are unloading their groceries Enola starts to get tired. What Aiyana feared for comes true. "Mommy" she softly cries" "we are home in a sec baby" she says and straps the kid in the car seat. "You know, let me," says Caleb and blinks to Aiyana. "I'll put the cart back" says Jonathan and hastily walks off. "Thank you guys, and I'm sorry" she says. "You don't have to be sorry, kids get tired," he says and softly rubs Enola her face. He signs really soft a gentle song that seems to work immediately. Enola her eyes just softly close. "Oh my god" says Aiyana surprised. "Can you move in with me" she jokes. Caleb chuckles. "Not without me," Jonathan says and gets in the car. Aiyana laughs and drives off. Once again they chat about making music. Pizza mostly, life and of course Tomorrow.

While Aiyana her nerves are getting a little bit tense the day just passes by.

As promised she gets up early so she can pick Jonathan and Caleb up. She is a little worried about their opinion about her home but that is not necessary at all. They just stare in awe at her house. "Oh my god" whispers Caleb. "This is a dream" jokes Jonathan.

Aiyana chuckles.

She hastily introduces them to Alo who is over happy as always, she gives them a tour and kisses Enola one more time before she hastily leaves for the wedding. Being a photographer was her dream job... only the long days were sometimes just too much for her. She cannot express how happy she is that Jonathan and Caleb offered to babysit. There is no way she could get a babysit the day before. And as they said they would they sent an awesome lot of photos through WhatsApp to her. Of them in her house being goofy, Them with the dog, and of course Enola.

A photo of Jonathan, who's holding Enola in his arms, close to his chest just makes her heart skip a beat. Why does she feel like that? It was just a photo... an adorable photo at the end but still... her heart just melts when he sends a photo of himself, Alo, and Enola. Just too sweet...

With her mind on that photo that made her stomach and heart flutter, she tries to focus on her job. But she just cannot get that image out of her head.

She can't wait to see him when she comes home.. them she means... right?

When that moment finally arrived, she slowly opens the door. It is already dark and only a few lights are on. Alo hastily jumps up, causing Jonathan to groan as he places his paw between Jonathan his legs. Caleb laughs amused. He almost can't come up anymore. Trying her best not to laugh Aiyana apologies. "Alo she whispers" and kisses his dotted head. "Hey guys" she smiles. "Hey Aiyana, Enola sleeps since seven or something," Caleb says. "Really? How on earth you do that?" Caleb laughs. "Hey you know, I have a spare bedroom. I am not going to make you guys walk outside. Or do you know how to drive a car?" Caleb shakes his head. "I do but I don't have a license," says Jonathan. "We'll take the extra bedroom" smiles Caleb. Jonathan swallows. "Yeah, probably the best" he mumbles. Aiyana chuckles and shows them the bedroom.

Happy she takes a peek at Enola who is a peaceful sleep. She doesn't even wake up to Aiyana kissing her forehead. Before she drifts off Aiyana thinks once again about that damn photo...