
The wind blows slowly through the open window and plays with the gray curtains. Birds chatter right outside the window. Kol can't even remember how long he has been sitting next to Kayla already. It seems ages. He just hopes she comes through. He was so angry at those damn Salvatores. This was their fault!

Kayla takes a deep breath and opens her eyes. "Oh, bloody hell", Kol sighs, relieved and goes with his hand through his hair. Kayla groans softly, blinks twice and takes a moment to see where she is. To her surprise, she lay on her bed, in clean fresh clothes. Her wound is gone, the sun shines softly on her face, and a thick blanket adorns her body. The boy next to her looked worried at her. Wait, the boy next to her?!

Afraid, she screams and jumps up. Bloody hell love, you make me shit myself like that!!" "Who the heck are you" she shouts. Kol looks around. "You can see me?!" "Of course, I can see you?! Who are you? What are you doing here?!" "I was here the whole time darling. Relax, let me explain to you, but first, you need to calm down. Sit and relax!! Relax Darling!" "No, who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing in my room?!" "Kayla darling, I was here the whole bloody time! Now stop screaming so I can explain myself before you make me aroused." Kayla swallows and lets her trembling legs fall down. "Kayla," he asks. "Allow me to introduce myself! I am Kol Mikaelson... The original vampire. And the fanciest of them all, if I may say." Kayla swallows. "What? More vampires? And the original? What does that even mean? Is that like? Something special? Like a king?" "Oh bugger. I really need to tell you the story, don't I? Elijah is so much better at this." "Who is Elijah? Why are you here?" He rubs his hair. "Well... You see, I'll tell you, but you really mustn't scream like that. It arouses me." Kayla swallows and takes a step closer. She sits down on the bed with him and nods. "Fine, I won't scream. Tell me who you are and why are you here?!"

"I have one sister and four brothers." We were a family 1000 years ago. My family comes from 10th century-era Europe, from where my mother, named Esther, and her sister Dahlia were captured by Viking raiders. They were the only survivors and were kept alive so Dahlia could aid them by using her witchcraft. Esther was allowed to live freely, given she was in love with one of the Vikings, Mikael. Believing herself to be in love, she turns her back on her magical heritage to marry Mikael, a wealthy landowner, and powerful Viking warrior. She and her sister Dahlia, who since childhood had been her best friend, had sworn an oath to protect each other always and forever. Dahlia was distraught that Esther would rather lie with their captors than escape with her, as she lived like a slave. A year later, Esther discovers she is barren, and her desire for children ends in failure. Desperate, Esther turned to her sister for help. Dahlia performed the ritual at a high price, and Esther became fertile. She gave birth to a daughter named Freya, who was quickly followed by a boy named Finn. By the time they left the Old World, Esther was pregnant with their third child, a boy named Elijah. Mikael was a good husband and a doting father, who adored his children but especially loved his daughter Freya. However, during Esther's third pregnancy and while Mikael was away, Dahlia came to collect her price; the first child of the first generation, just as Esther had promised. She had also promised that she would give up Mikaelson's first child for every generation to come. Dahlia took Freya, and Esther lied to Mikael, telling him their daughter died of the plague and that she burned the body to stop its spread. Not wanting to lose any other children to Dahlia, Esther convinces her husband Mikael, along with Finn, the unborn Elijah, and Esther's friend, Ayana, to leave for the new world, where several Viking colonies already existed. There, they settled in a village on the location of the future town Mystic Falls. Their neighbors were powerful warriors, and they quickly became a part of society. Mikael became a fierce warrior who helped the werewolves in battle, while Ayana became the village healer and taught Esther how to use her magic. Esther quickly became a very powerful witch, even considered by some to be the most powerful of her time. However, the loss of Freya had badly hurt Mikael, and he grew distant from his wife. Eventually, Esther took a liking to the young werewolf leader of the village, Ansel. The two began an affair, as Mikael still neglected Esther. Esther eventually became pregnant with Ansel's child; and, realizing what Mikael would do to them if he ever found out, she returned to her husband. When she gave birth to a third boy, Niklaus, it renewed his hope for a family. Three more children would be born to Mikael and Esther; two sons, me and Henrik. And a daughter, Rebekah. However, Mikael had become harsher as a result of Freya's loss. While he loved his children, he wanted them to be fierce warriors, and his children came to fear him. To prevent Mikael from finding out about her wedlocked son's nature, Esther gave Klaus a cursed pendant, which weakened him and prevented him from triggering his curse. This led him to be viewed badly by Mikael, and he suffered the brunt of his violence. Esther also forbade Ansel from seeing their son; but the werewolf remained close, knowing that Klaus would one day trigger his curse and need him. Despite Mikael's contempt for Klaus, the family was a close one. When Klaus was abused, Esther taught him to hum a song, sung by the starlings she'd brought to the new world long ago, the song that her sister Dahlia and she used to hum. However, the family's happiness comes to an end when Klaus and Henrik, fascinated by the werewolves, snuck out of the caves to see them turn on the full moon, which was forbidden by their village's laws. Henrik was killed by the turned wolves. Desperate to protect their remaining children but refusing to run again, Mikael and Esther planned to use magic to prevent them from being hurt. Mikael had Esther turn him and their children into beings faster and stronger than werewolves, with their own fangs to attack, and heightened senses, and unable to be truly killed. Esther, upon her husband's request, called on the power of the sun for life, and the ancient white oak tree for immortality to make her children stronger and immortal, while also using the magically spelled blood of a to allow them to be reborn as a powerful new species. Mikael and his five remaining children turned while Esther remained a witch. However, for every new strength, a weakness plagued them. The sun that granted life would burn us and keep us inside until dark. The vervain that grew on the white oak tree could burn us and prevent mind compulsion. A silver dagger dipped in white oak ash can keep us in an induced coma-type state until the dagger is removed from our hearts. daggers can only be used by mortals or Original vampires, other vampires and werewolves that try to dagger an Original will have their own life claimed, while neighbors who had once invited us into their homes could now keep us out unless they are invited, and wood from the white oak tree is the one thing that can take our immortal lives away. The worst of the weaknesses was the terrible hunger for blood, like the thing that had made us vampires, it was the thing we craved above all else. We had become the first of the vampire race. The Originals. In our hunger, we massacred half of the village. When Klaus made his first human kill, he triggered his werewolf curse, revealing his mother's infidelity. In his rage, Mikael slaughtered half the village before killing Ansel himself. He then forced his wife to suppress Klaus's werewolf side by using the blood of the doppelganger. Furious at his mother's betrayal, Klaus killed her and blamed Mikael for her death. Mikael fled from the village in his rage, followed by Finn and me. After burying our mother, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah also left their hometown.

Despite originating in 10th century Norway, most members of my family, all but Freya, Finn, me , and Henrik, carry non-Scandinavian names. The rest, apart from Niklaus, carry biblical Hebrew names: Mikael, Esther, Elijah, and Rebekah. The name Mikaelson, or any variants, would likely be in 10th century Norway." Kayla swallows. "So you are... dead?" "No love. I am daggered in a box by my brother... Klaus." Kayla swallows. "No offense but your family sounds like a bitchy terrible group of asses." Kol chuckles. "That they are love. I don't fancy my family. That's it. Honestly, I don't care about that family. Always and forever they promised. Not me." "So why are you here with me then?" "The bracelet. Your blood on it bounds us. The rest beats me." Kayla sighs. She thought about everything he said for a moment. "How can a bracelet bind us?" "Blood linked my darling. I am stuck to you." She gives her head a moment to think about all the information.

"I need to get some food." "I ain't holding you darling. Just for me.. Don't mention to anyone yet that I'm with you. Especially not the Salvatores, will you." Kayla nods. "So you know them?" "We aren't buds if that is what you mean." Kayla sighs and walks down. "Kayla," asks Elena. "Are you okay?" Kayla nods. She comes to sit next to Elena and Jenna on the couch. Elena smiles when Kayla rests her head on her shoulder. "You're wallowing," says Elena, and opens her eyes. She looks at Jenna. "My wallow is legitimate. I was dumped." "Yeah. Well, Logan's a jerk" says Kayla. "You didn't get a brush-off e-mail saying: "I'm leaving town. See ya.""Wanna keep it down over there" asks Jeremy. "'You are in no position to give demands mate" scoffs Kol. "Why, what are you doing" asks Jenna. "Homework" "What an interesting turn of events" laughs Kol. "Yeah tell me about it" whispers Kayla. Elena looked at her, not understanding. "Since when do you do homework?" "I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow so..." Alien or possessed" asks Elena. "Replicant"'asks Kayla. "Maybe it looks like Jeremy but it isn't" answers Jenna. "It can hear you" he scoffs. Elena sighs. "Want to come with me," she asks, and looks at Kayla. "Nah I'm good," she says, and rushes to her room. Truth be told, she wants to hear more from Kol. Now she finds out that an ancient old vampire is linked to her. She wants to learn the truth... about everything.

"So... tell me. You've been my whole life here or just from the moment I placed the bracelet on ?" "From that moment love thought that was clear.""And if I put it out, then what?" "I don't know. I just know we are linked now." "So I cannot find you and pull the dagger out?" "You would actually do that for me?" Kayla nodded. Kol smiles a bit. "Unless you are a witch it's impossible. I have no idea where my brother has me stashed." "So witches are real?" "Your friend, Bonnie. She is a bloody powerful witch." Kayla swallows. "And that Salvatore?" "That girl, Katharina, he was talking about. I knew her too. She betrayed them. They gave their lives for her. To rescue her. And at the end, It was all for nothing." Kayla swallows. All of a sudden, she starts to feel even more sorry for them. So, since you can see everything... Vickie, she?" "Dead" says Kol not interested. Kayla swallows. "since you can see me now... You must have a near-death experience. Otherwise, I would still be invincible. True hell if you ask me. I'm not gonna lie. I am happy that you can see me, hear me. I wished for your attention so much. When you cry, the most. I wanted to let you know you weren't alone but I couldn't." "You saw that?" "Yes, everything except the showering part. I may be a handsome devilish vampire, but I know how to show some respect." Kayla smiled. "Just.. please, do not ever sleep with Damon Salvatore again. Just for me." Kayla blushes and hides her face. "Hey, Kol, it is right?" "Yes." "Thank you." "KAYLA" sounds loudly through the hallway.

Kayla sighs and walks down. "Oh, bloody hell" Kol scoffs upon seeing Stefan. "Caroline's party is starting at the grill. Please come." "Do I have to?" "Come one love, I know you a bit now and I know partying isn't really a thing for you, but please, let's go to a party, right? Humor me? I'm bored. Make it amusing." Kayla scoffs. "Fine" she sighs and crosses her arms. "Thank you" cheers Kol. "I'm not doing this for you." "Okay," says Elena. "Eh.. sorry" mumbles Kayla and takes her coat. "We need to find a system for this" she whispers. "Oh, I got one, kill everyone who asks." Kayla rolls her eyes.

Kayla took a deep sigh when she and Elena entered the grill. She sees Stefan having fun with a blonde. "Lexi Smexi" jokes Kol. "You know her" asks Kayla, surprised. "Old love darling" "Yes, Stefan told me about her," says Elena, thinking it was on her. "Darling" warns Kol. Kayla turns around to face Damon. "Stefan smiles, alert the media." "You haven't given him a lot of reasons to be happy lately," says Elena. "Oh, you're right. Poor Stefan is persecuted throughout eternity by his depraved brother; does it get tiring being so righteous?" "It flares up in the presence of psychopaths" scoffs Elena. "Ouch! Well, consider this psychopath's feelings get hurt." Elena walks away. "You know Damon. I understand you now. And I'm sorry for everything you went through. Really" says Kayla. Damon looked at her. His look softens. "Nice one" scoffs Kol. "Oh bite me" she mumbles and walks to the bar. "I might once take up that offer", Kol jokes, and runs behind her. Lexi walks up to the bar. "Four shots of Scotch," she says, and looks at Kayla. "I'm Lexi, Stefan's friend. You are Elena her sister. Stefan told me about you." Kayla nods and shakes Lexi her hand. "Hey, good to meet you." "Lexi is a polite but dangerous bitch. I do fancy you now and then", Kol jokes. Kayla bites her lip, struggling not to answer him. "I'm not allowed to drink," Kayla says when she hands the drinks. "Do it for me, please. I need a drink" begs Kol. "Well, just do. Ain't it right Elena?" Elena nods. "Go for it, you deserve it." Kayla sighs and drinks the shot. "Oh my" she says and coughs her burning troth. "Pssh" jokes Kol while Lexi and Elena laugh. "You good?" "Yeah" groans Kayla. " You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk. He always seems so.." 'Uptight?" Elena nodded. "But not with you" Kayla coughed. "Well, that's the benefit of knowing someone for over a hundred years. You can just be yourself." "You would think that" groans Kol. "But not if they are family." Kayla gave him a comforting smile. Her heart aches for him. "You know the love of my life was human. He went through what I imagine you're going through denial, anger, et cetera. But at the end of the day, love really did conquer all. " Lexy indicates on Elena's scotch. " Are you going to drink that?" Elena laughs and hands it to Lexi. "I'm scared. Not just for me but for her" says Elena and points to Kayla. "I swear to protect her as good as I can" swears Kol. "Thank you" whispers Kayla. "But you're here...'cause you're crazy about him, I get it okay? I mean what's not to love". They look over at Stefan. "I can give you a list" answers Kol.

"Listen. Take it from someone who's been around a long time. When it's real, you can't walk away." "You can always love. You just need to know when." "Or need to know how to hold on" whispered Kayla. Damon sits down next to Kayla when Elena leaves. "Oh bloody hell mate, let her alone for once, will you." Kayla sighs. " I need you to answer a question, Damon. What are you really doing in Mystic Falls?" "Have you tried The Brittle? It wins an award" jokes Damon. "Cut the crap" sighs Kol. "Oh my god" whispers Kayla and looks at Sheriff Forbes, who captures Lexi. "Lexi" she sighs. "Keep sitting love, you don't want to see this." Damon holds Kayla. "Stay." He stands up and leaves. Kayla sighed. She places her hands in front of her face and tries to breathe. "Don't worry love, Lexi can face whatever she has to face." "I'm sorry Kol, but I gotta see if Elena is safe," she says and stands up. "Bloody hell" curses Kol. "Elena" yells Kayla. "Elena!" Elena turns with tears in her eyes. She looks at Kayla. "What's? What's the matter?" "Lexi," asks Kol in surprise. "Oh my god, whispers Kayla and looks at Damon, who carries the dead Lexi in the sheriff's car. "Stefan" yells Elena. "Please do kill yourself," says Kol for joking. "don't encourage him!" "Kayla" asks Elena. "Relax darling, they cannot hear me!" Kayla grabs Elena and holds her trembling sister. Lexi is dead... And Damon and Stefan... They fight. She doesn't understand why. She doesn't understand what's happening. But why on earth? Does this happen? With them? Over and over again? Trembling, the sisters hold each other. Both tired.. of all the dead people...