
~Even the death tell story's

It was a morning that everyone hated. A morning where everyone wouldn't want to leave bed. Where they just turn around and sleep on. Rain, cold... The perfect November cocktail. Still, that didn't stop Kayla from doing her daily morning routine and refusing to drive with Bonnie so she could walk to school.

Kayla takes a deep breath before entering history class." Don't worry love, as always I'll help you." Kayla looks at him. She gives him a warning look. "I won't distract you, darling, relax." "We'll see about that" sighs Kayla and sits down at the desk. Kol takes a seat next to her and smiles. "You are interesting Kayla, I'll give you that." Kayla looks, not understanding at him. Kol just smirks and points to the new teacher, entering the classroom.

"Good Morning everyone. Alrighty. My name is Alaric Saltzman. It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origin. My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough. You'll probably want to pronounce "Alaric" but it's "Alaric," okay? So, you can call me Rick. I'm your new history teacher." Kayla looked up at the young guy. She quickly hides her drawing pad under her book. "I don't think history involves that much drawing love." Kayla rolls her eyes. "So when the natives fought back, it was a horrible battle that lasted for nine days." "I bet it wasn't as horrible as your name Mate" jokes Kol. Kayla suppresses to burst out laughing and places her hand in front of her face. "Miss Kayla Gilbert," asks Rick. "Something funny you like to share with the class?" "Oh no, I'm sorry mister Saltzman. I was just thinking." "Well feel free to share your thoughts." "This is gonna be interesting" laughs Kol. Kayla growls under her breath. "I just was imagining the faces of all those cool and tough-looking cowboys, who believed that the natives were nothing more than wild and uneducated beasts when they were beaten off their horses by the organized natives." "Good saving love" smiles Kol. Rick nods. " Those were the right words to describe how the people of the new world saw these... wilder-lings, as they called them. Thank you for that." Kayla nods. While Rick keeps talking about natives, Kayla finishes her drawing. Kol smiles. "Making a portrait," he asks sarcastically. His own face started to become more and more detailed on the paper. Surprised by the bell, she jumps up. "Miss Kayla, Mister Jeremy could you stay a little," asks Rick. Jeremy looks at Kayla who looks back at him. Sighing, she keeps standing. "Do they still spank kids in school love? If so, I think you're getting some." Kayla tried her best to ignore him. "You know that your old teacher had a jackass file? No joke. "He lifts the file up. "It's organized with labels. It has all the troublemakers in it. But really it's just an opus to you two." Jeremy looks at him in alarm. "Well well" jokes Kol. "Don't worry about it." Rick throws the file in the trashcan. "I'm not him. Clean slate. Now...let's talk about grades." "I know it's been a rough couple of months, but I've been trying to turn them around. So is my sister right?" Kayla nods. "Yeah, I just.. yeah." "Yeah, I saw that. But, the problem is, we're halfway through a semester and half a failure is still pretty bleak. And as for you, Kayla. I see you drawing but I don't see you studying. This is the part where you say to me, "But what can I do to change that? I'M glad you asked! How do you feel about extra credit?" "Yeah, yeah, totally! Whatever" says, Jeremy. "Kayla love, you should say something," says Kol. "Oh yes right, of course," says Kayla. Rick smiles. "Good! Write me a paper, then." "About," asks Kayla and Jeremy at the same time. "History. Pick a topic, keep it local, and no Wikipedia-regurgita. These old towns have a rich history, so just get your hands dirty, make it sing, and your back on track. Deal?" Jeremy nods and pokes Kayla. "Yeah" mumbles Kayla. "Kayla for you, I see you drawing but I do not see you writing" jokes Rick. "Tum-tum-tum" Jokes Kol. "Oh shut it" sighs Kayla. "Sorry?" Jeremy looks up, surprised. "Eh I shut it most of the time, I mean. I shut myself off. I do that. I know, I'm sorry mister Saltzman." "Is it me or are you getting better in these savings love" grins Kol. Rick nods. "You must make me a drawing. I saw you do that for Mister Tanner and I was impressed. Jeremy, see you in class." Jeremy who gets the cue, kisses his sister's jaw and walks away. Kayla swallows. "What drawing do you want?" "I want you to make me a drawing of a vampire. A realistic one. Not one of the blade movies." "Hello Mate" jokes Kol. Kayla swallows. "I want you to draw me how a vampire would look. Right now.." "If they were real right?" Rick smiles and nods. "Thank you for this opportunity. That's a cool ring." says Kayla. Oh, thanks. It was my father's. A little garnish, but family, you know? You got a week." Kayla nods and leaves class. "You and I got to talk my friend" whispers Kayla, and rushes out of the room. "Is there something else you would love to do then" jokes Kol smirking? Kayla rolls her eyes. "In your dreams" she growls.

"So Vampires of these days... They all look like you, right?" Kol nods and drops onto her bed. Kayla looks at him. "What," he asks and sits up. "You've seen Damon, Stefan, Lexi, Vickie... I mean. I'm not the first vamp you saw love. And probably not the last one either." "No offense, but I sure as hell hope I did," she sighs and takes her sketchbook. She looks at the portrait she made of Kol. "Come in," she asks after hearing a knock. Jeremy smiles. "Who were you talking to?" "Don't darling" warns Kol. Kayla swallows. She hates to lie to him. "Oh just myself you know. Thinking about the task." Jeremy smiles and comes to sit next to her. "I didn't know you were down too." "Huh?" "Your points?" "She draws all the time, what you expect genius" insults Kol. Kayla swallows. "Yeah well, Tanner didn't like me I guess" Jeremy smiles. "Me neither but that's not the point. It is time for us to work on ourselves, Kayla. It's time to improve." Kayla nods. "I know that I just... wish it was easier." Jeremy wraps his arms around her. "I know" he whispers and kisses her head. "Hey you know, Bonnie and Caroline are doing manicures with Elena. I'm meeting Jenna at the grill. You should take some time off." Kayla smiles. "Oh, no bloody manicures. Don't drag me through that love." "You know I will. Sounds so much fun" she says. "Oh, I'm getting you back for this" groans Kol. Jeremy grins. "I love you." "I love you too" she answers, after which he leaves. "Please darling, I can think of so many more ways to have fun" Kol sighs. Kayla stands up. "It will be okay, just a little distraction and I want to know more about that stuff you said." Kol groans. "I gotta learn to shut it." "You got that right" she jokes and walks off the stairs.

"I got what right? Or who" asks Elena. "Oh, I uh... Nothing just you know. I was listening to music. The lyrics seemed so fit right now." Caroline looks bored up at Kayla. "Are we doing manicures or what? Who has their kit?" " Mine's in my bag." Elena hugs Kayla. "I'm so happy you decided to join." "Me too" she smiles." "Me not" groans Kol and crosses his arms. "Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie?" Kayla looks up. "Here we go again" sighs Kol. "While Bonnie asks politely; "what" Kayla demands a ruder answer with a cold; "What the fuck?" Caroline holds up the crystal, and Bonnie and Elena gape at her in shock. "What's that," asks Kayla. "I'm not lying to you, Caroline. I swear." " It's true. I watched her throw it into a field!" "Then explain it." "That thing is switched," says Kol interested. "Witched," asks Kayla. "Emily" sighs Bonnie and answers Kayla. "Who's Emily," asks Caroline. "And seriously, witched?" "The ghost" whispers Bonnie. "Oh hello, more Ghosts," asks Kol and stands up. " What is going on? Why am I not a part of this conversation? You guys do this to me all the time" yells Caroline. "That's not true" defends Elena. "Kind of" whispers Kayla. "Yes, it is. I can't talk to you. You don't listen" growls Bonnie. "Seriously, can we all stop being bitches" demands Kayla. "Though loving you" laughs Kol. "Look I'm a witch," says Bonnie. Caroline sighs; "And don't we all know it?" "See" yells Bonnie and jumps up. "See? That's what I'm talking about. I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it." "Oh fuck this" groans Kayla and runs to her room. "Kayla" yells Elena. "Good riddance darling" jokes Kol. Kayla groans long and deep and drops herself on her bed. Kol chuckles and comes to lay next to her. "Kayla," asks Caroline and nods. "Kayla we are going to have a seance, come join," says Caroline. "Oh, bloody hell love" growls Kol. "Eh, I'm good." "Please, for me? I can't live alone with Bonnie and Elena and that spooky woo-woo thing." "Oh fuck me" growls Kayla and stands up. "Darling, I'm not sure. You know with me around you?" "I'll protect you" whispers Kayla and follows Caroline to Elena, her bedroom.

"Be quiet and concentrate. Close your eyes. Now take a deep breath. Bonnie. Call her." "Emily, you there," asks Bonnie. "Really? "Emily, you there?"That'Ss all you got? Come on." "Fine, geez. Emily. I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen." Kol chuckles. He points his finger to the candle, which immediately lights up brighter. "Kol" whispers Kayla. Elena looks at her. "Kol?" "Oh Emily, I mean. I need to remember names better, sorry." Kol laughs. "I'm so sorry darling. I can't fight the desire to have some fun now right." "Emily," asks Bonnie again. The candles immediately flare up stronger.

"Did that just..." "Yeah, it just happened." " It's just the air conditioning." "Ask her to show you a sign. Ask her. Emily, if you're among us, show us another sign." "See? It's not working. " The windows burst open, scaring them. "I can't, I'm done. Bonnie rips the necklace off and throws it on the ground next to the candles, which blow out, scaring her more. "Get the light. Please, get the light". Kayla jumps up and puts the light on. "Kol I swear if you" she whispers. "I am not love" he assures. "You guys, the necklace. It's gone."

"kay, fun's over, Caroline. You made a point, and I get it. Now give it back" demands Elena. "When did we jump from being spooked to judging Caroline," asks Kayla. Caroline looked at Kayla. "What? Well, I didn't take it. What? What happened?" Bonnie sees the crystal on the floor in the bathroom. She goes in to get it. "Guys." The door slams shut as soon as she's inside the room. "You guys open the door! Help me!" "Kol" whispers Kayla. Kol sighs and walks into the bathroom. "Bonnie! Bonnie! What's going on, Bonnie?" "Bonnie! Bonnie! Unlock the door!" Kol appears again. "It's Emily," says Kol. "Whatever happens darling, you stay back. You do not get involved!" Kayla nods. The door opens. Bonnie stands with her head in her hands. "What happened? Are you okay?" "I'm fine." "Unbelievable. You were totally faking it." "Caroline, come on." "No! You scared the hell out of me." "Bonnie asks Kayla. " I'm fine. Everything is fine." "It's not your friend anymore darling." Kayla bites her lip. "Emily?!"

"Thank you for having me. I'll take it from here." "Where are you going?" "Back to where it all began." "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed." Kayla wants to follow, but Kol steps in front of her. "Room darling" She knew it wasn't a question. Kayla sighs. She slowly walks towards her room. "But?" "No but's darling," says Kol. Kayla sighs and goes to sit down on her bed. Jeremy knocks on the door. "Yes?" "You know where Elena is?" "She left with Caroline. Something with Bonnie." Jeremy nods. "Alright," he says, and takes her drawing. "It isn't finished," she says hastily. Jeremy smiles. "Secret lover?" "No" laughs Kayla and throws a pillow towards him. Jeremy laughs and dodges the pillow. "Alright alright," he laughs, and walks out. "No lovers," asks Kol amused. Kayla hides her smirk. "We have other things to do. I need you to show me your vampire's face." "My what," asks Kol. "I want to make a drawing for my class that will impress him. "I just wanted to knock him off his socks," she says mimicking his accent. "Are we joking now'" jokes Kol. "I thought I had the honor to do that for you." Kayla grins. "Yeah right." "Trust me Kol... Please." "You know Kayla, I know you and me, we are not the trusting type. But... I never said this before. I do trust you. And I really hope you trust me. But I do not want to scare you." "You won't scare me Kol. Okay. You won't. Please?" Kol sighs and takes a deep breath. He bites his lip. Before taking a deep sigh, he rubs his face. "I trust you... Kayla Gilbert" he said with solemnity. Black veins appeared under his eyes.

Kayla swallows. She must confess that her heartbeat just accelerates. His warm face turns cold, dark shadow colors under his eyes. Fangs appeared in his mouth. Black veins curled over his face. "Relax darling... I swear I will not harm you." Kayla nods. "I know. I trust you... Kol Mikaelson" she says with solemnity. Kol smiles softly by hearing this. He cannot explain it, but he really really trusts her... Why does he feel so different? Why does this girl bring up so many feelings... feelings that he didn't even know he had? Why does he feel so bad about showing his face to her? "Sit down.. please," she asks. Kol sits down on the bed, his vampire face emotionless. But if his heart would beat right now... he would go insane of his own heartbeat. With patience, he waits till Kayla finishes her drawing. She keeps adding more details, more shadows.. Until she finally puts down her pencil. Kol changes his face again and licks his lips. "You look, famished darling." Kayla nods. "If that means what I think it means, I know." Kol nods and slides up. "Sleep tight, Kayla" he whispers. "Sleep tight... Kol" she whispers before dozing off.