This means war

~If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by the truth

Gray clouds cover the sky, filled with thick raindrops. Ready to fall on earth. The temperature is low and the trees have lost all their leaves. It was winter, you could see it on the frost. They were the last days of Christmas vacation and everyone was gloomy. Christmas wasn't different from other years. Except for this year, Damon and Salvatore joined. It was pretty awkward but, on the other hand pretty fun. Damon got her a beautiful golden bohemian necklace. It had 3 golden chains of different lengths. On the bottom chain there was hanging a round pendant with a silver moon carved on. Around the round pendant his edge there were Latin words.

It must have cost a ton. But Damon said she was worth it. Even while Kol protested that she deserved so much more.

Kayla breathes through her nose and swallows. "You are different," says Kol, and teasingly runs backward next to her. "Yeah, well, I feel different," she jokes. "I like that you smile more." Kayla grins. "Well, let's make today a vampire-less day. No vampires except for you. That will make me smile." Kol chuckles. "Let's do that," he says. Kayla nods, grinning and runs inside the house. "You know what," she says. "What," asks Elena. "Excuse me, I believe she was talking to me," says Kol sassy. Kayla grins. "Let's get a drink at the grill. "Excuse me," ask Kol and Elena in unison. "Why not? I mean. Let's... how do you call it? Mingle..." "I don't think I ever said that," says Elena. "I will so get you for making fun of me," says Kol, angry, and follows Kayla upstairs. Kayla laughs. "Better catch me first then." "Oh, you just wait till I am here for real. Laughing, she runs into the shower. She enjoys teasing the original vampire. She doesn't know why... I mean. He is an ancient old dangerous vampire, but she enjoys teasing him and pushing his buttons. He would never hurt her. That she knows for sure.

It doesn't take long before Elena and Kayla are sitting at the bar with, of course, Kol next to them. "Elena looks over to Matt who is collecting dishes. "Since when does he work here? "asks Kayla. Elena lifted her shoulders. "You like working here?" " It's not that bad. The wait staff is pretty good and they can't keep a bartender to save their lives. I put my mom up for a job." "Mums, don't tell me about it" groans Kol. "How is it, having Kelly back" says Elena. "You know... back. Same old Kelly. She's trying. Sort of." "Hi" says Stefan and wants to take the chair that Kol sits on. "No" shouts Kayla and stops Stefan from sitting on top of Kol. Stefan looks surprised at her. "Oh I'm sorry, I get it" he says, and sits down on the chair next to it. "Sorry" Kayla smiles. Stefan shook his head. "Few, almost thought I was going to get squashed" blows Kol. "I won't let you get squashed", Kayla jokes. Stefan smiles softly. "He is still here, huh?" "Don't think he will ever leave" says Kayla, ignoring Elena and her sighing. "Yeah," says Kol overenthusiastic. Kayla chuckles. Stefan nodded. "Look, I understand it. But just.." "Yeah I know, be careful." "What do you think of me mate" growls Kol.

Everyone turns their heads and watches Damon, Kelly, and Jenna drinking together. "You got to be kidding me," says Matt. "Now they know what fun is," says Kol amused. "You know Kayla, this has to stop. I'm going to ask Bonnie to expel that vamp." "If you do, I will hate you forever," says Kayla and stands up. Elena grabbed her arm. "Can't I just chop her love?" "Kayla this isn't healthy!" "Oh no? Ever since I have known he is with me, and ever since I can talk with him. I feel better than ever because you know what? At least I have somebody to talk with" she says, and walks away. "Kayla" yells Elena, but Kaya ignores her. "Is that true love, you happy with me?" "Happier as you can ever imagine" she jokes. "Oh Kol, I swear I won't stop searching for you. The day that I find you, I will give you this big hug like you never had before." "My arms are open darling," says Kol and opens his arms. "I know, I wish I could hug you now already." "Me too Kayla Gilbert. Me too" he says softly. "Soon" she promises. "Children under our care. Five o'clock. This is not good" says Jenna. "Damn" curses Kelly. "Kayla," asks Jenna. "Just keep drinking Jenna, at least you are having fun," she says and walks outside. "Darling, that was a tad rude. But I like it" jokes Kol, and follows her.

"Kayla" yells Jenna and runs behind her. "Uh oh, it follows" jokes Kol. Kayla sighs. "Leave me alone" she curses. "Kayla" yells Jenna and breaks her heals. "Damn" she curses and looks at her broken shoe. "Need some help" sounds a strong voice. Jenna looks up to a strong younger man. "Stupid shoe, I was running behind my teenager and.." "Here," he says, and breaks the other heel. "Thank you" laughs Jenna. "I'm Frederik." "Darlin, your aunt might be in danger," says Kol who hears the conversation. "That doesn't mean that you got to be the rescue squad" he yells when Kayla turns and walks towards Jenna.

"Was that Damon Salvatore you were with?" "The one and only" laughs Jenna. "You know him?" "He lives in the old boarding house by Wickery Bridge. He's still in there if you want to say hi." "Jenna" yells Kayla. "A cop is writing down your car, fast check it out." "Smart move darling," says Kol amused. Frederik laughs amused. "Oh shoot," says Jenna and runs hastily towards her car. "Smooth" laughs Frederik and walks towards Kayla. "Don't touch her mate. Fair warning if you value your life!" "That is a nice scent you wear. What is it?" "Vervain... Making it hard to eat somebody in this town" says Kayla Daring. "Watch your tongue darling. Also you aren't on vervain little liar." Frederik laughs. "I know someplace I want to visit and you are taking me there," he says. "I don't think so," says Kayla. "Don't lay a finger on her mate!" Frederik laughs and grabs Kayla in his arms. He places his hand over her lips. "I think so," he says and runs fast away.

"Kayla" yells Kol and tries to grab Frederik. Frederik stops suddenly in front of the Salvatore Mansion. He jumps through the window and pushes her onto the carpet. With a thud, Kayla falls on the soft carpet. "Kayla" sighs Kol and comes to sit beside her. "Keep lying Darling, just pretend that you are asleep. Or death. Keep your eyes closed. Listen to me. Please" he says softly. Kayla closes her eyes. "Good girl" he smiles.

Frederick jumps on Stefan and stabs him with a piece of glass. Damon pushes him off Stefan and starts to fight with Frederick. Stefan removed the piece of glass. Bethanne arrives and begins to fight Stefan. She pushes him to the floor, and he takes the leg off a wooden chair and stabs her in the heart. Damon sends Frederick across the living room. Frederick looks at Damon and Stefan and then looks at Bethanne, who is dead. He leaves. Stefan looks at Damon. "Damn" says Damon and rushes towards Kayla. "Keep lying Darling" says Kol. "Keep' em closed for a while." Damon carefully lifts her head. " I remember them from 1864. They were in the tomb." says Stefan. "Yeah about that" begins Damon. "Okay darling, slowly open your eyes." Happy Kol looks at Kayla when she does as told. "Kayla" sighs Damon. "You are alright." Stefan drags the body into the fireplace and takes another deep sigh.

"I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night" says Damon, and hands Kayla a glass of water. "Thanks" mumbles Kayla. "Yeah. And then what? We turn to the rest of that house of vampires and say, "Oops. Sorry" jokes Stefan. "You kill them all" jokes Kol. "I cannot believe you made a deal with her" groans Elena, who had just arrived because of Stefan's phone call. "And of course, this one is here also" sighs Kol. " It was more like a helpful exchange of information. And it's not like I had a choice. She's...scary. Besides, she's gonna help me get Katherine back." ",Of course Damon gets what he wants, no matter who gets hurt in the process" says Elena. "Don't be so snarky" groans Kayla. "Damon deserves some happiness." Damon looks at her. "I must agree no matter how much I hate that mary sue vampire" jokes Kol. " I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb. I've earned snarky" says Elena. "No you don't, you always think you earn to be a bitch. Oh poor Elena. But guess what? You aren't the only one with hurt feelings" yells Kayla suddenly. "You tell her darling" says Kol. Elena scoffs annoyed while Damon walks away. " This isn't being very productive. We're going to figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires. Yeah? Hmm" asks Stefan. Kayla sighs. "There is an easy way to find out how many vamps are in that house." "Really now?" "If I can get close enough, Kol can peek inside, they won't see him." "That's not a bad idea" says Stefan impressed. "Darling, you need to be against the house for that." "You are not getting near that home" says Elena. "I agree with Elena, it's dangerous." Kayla sighs. "If we want to find out how many vamps are in without going inside, this is the only way." Damon peeks his hand back in. "You know, I am going to fix this clock and you... Just think" he says to Stefan, and walks away again. "That's really the moment for fixing a clock" asks Kol. "Talk about priorities." "It's his home" defends Kayla. Damon looks at her while he walks back inside. "Is there something I don't know about?" Kayla shakes her head. "I'm going for a hunting party" says Stefan. "That guy did a number on me last night when he stabbed me. I gotta get my strength back up." Kayla swallows. "Don't think about it" sighs Kol. "I've got two liters of soccer mom in the fridge. No" asks Damon. "Seriously" sighs Kayla." "Such a class" scoffs Kol. "I will be back." "Say hello to Bambi for me" jokes Damon. "Bambi" asks Kayla. "Oh you didn't know? Stefan only drinks animal blood." "For real," asks Kayla. "So how does that work?" "He is weak" spats Kol. "Mind compulsion might not work," says Damon and closes the clock. "Hey Damon, can I please take a short nap here?" Damon looks at her. "Of course, You can use my room. Second door on the right in case you forgot" Kayla nods. "Thank you," she says. "You seriously going to sleep in his bed" asks Kol. "I'm exhausted," says Kayla Soft. "I think he has a weak spot for you" groans Kol. "Jealous" teases Kayla. Kol scoffs and follows her into the bedroom. "Not a chance", he mumbles, and lays himself down next to her. Kayla chuckles and closes her eyes.

"Kayla" resounds loudly. Kayla opens her eyes. "Kayla" asks Damon again. "Sorry Damon" she mumbles. "It is okay. I need that ghost boyfriend of yours." "What" asks Kayla. "Boyfriend" says kol angry. "How you.." "It is okay, Elena told me everything. I understand, kind of. But I need you, well not you, him. Please. I wouldn't ask if I didn't need to, okay." Kayla nods. "What"s wrong" she asks, and sits up. "It's Stefan. Pearl has him. "Oh, forget that you are bringing her into this," groans Kol. "What do I need to do," asks Kayla. "Kayla No" yells Kol.

"Pearl! Open this door. I swear to God I'll bust through and rip your head off" yells Damon and bounces on the door. Kayla pushes her back against the wall so that Frederik can't see her, as promised. "What a smart move" says Kol, annoyed.

Frederik opens the door. "Pearl's not home. Hmm. Beautiful weather. Not a ray of sun in the sky." "So they can move outside. Be careful Kayla" says Kol. Kayla swallows. "Where's my brother?" "Billy" yells Frederik. Two vampires drag Stefan into the hallway. "You're dead." "Whoa. I'm sorry. You haven't been invited in. Miss Gibbons?" "Yeah darling" says the old woman, who slowly walks into the hall. "Never let this bad man in" says Frederik. "I'll never let him in" says the woman. "Ugh" groans Kol. "145 years left starving in a tomb, thanks to Katherine's infatuation with you and your brother. The first few weeks, every single nerve in your body screams with fire. The kind of pain that can drive a person mad. Well...I thought your brother might want to get a taste of that before I killed him. Billy." Billy stabs Stefan with a stake. Kayla closes her eyes when she hears him moan. "You have a nice day" says Frederik, and closes the door. Damon groans. "Damon" whispers Kayla. "I do not have to be invited in." Damon shakes his head. "Not going to happen." "I am going" says Kayla. "You are not" says Kol and Damon at the same time. "We got to do something" sighs Kayla. "We can't let them hurt him. We got to get him out of there." "I know but I don't know how to get him out,. "I can get him out," whispered Kayla. Damon looks at her. "Kol, you look in front and behind me, where the vamps are, and tell me if they are coming. I'm good a sneaking. Damon just stands ready. Please." "Kayla" sighs Damon. "This is happening," says Kayla. "Call Elena, make sure that she is ready to flee with Stefan. " "Elena will have my head" he groans. "The magic ring man" says Kol. "Right! Tell Alaric to come. His ring might come in handy."

It doesn't take long before Alaric arrives. With a bag of vampire weapons under his arm, he stops next to Kayla. "Well, well, a teacher at day. Vampire hunter at night" jokes Kol. "You are a vampire hunter," asks Kayla. "Eh sort of" sighs Alaric. "What are you going to do?" "I'll improvise" says Alaric and walks toward the door. "Oh good, dead man walking" says Kol. Alaric sighs and knocks on the door. "Oh, good, someone's home. Uh, could I use your phone? My car broke down a few miles up the road. This was the first house I saw." Frederik smiles. "Well, lucky you. " "Yeah. Lucky me. It's no trouble, is it?" "Not in the slightest." "Really, that works" asks Kol. Kayla lifted her shoulders. "Great. Whew." Alaric chuckles and walks inside. "So he can enter and I can't," says Kayla. "Your life is worth more" answers Damon. "I gotta give it.. he is right darling." Kayla sighs. "Oh, I'm sorry. He's not allowed in the house." "Get her out of the house, now" says Damon. "Miss Gibbons, are you married" asks Damon. "No" she answers honestly. "Close your eyes Kayla" orders Kol. "Oh god" whispers Kayla. "Parents, children, anyone else who lives on this property," asks Damon. "No just me honey. "Good" says Damon and breaks her neck. "Was that really needed" gasps Kayla. "Yes" says Damon and walks inside. "Trust me, it was darling" says Kol. "Compel her, she is human I said" roars Alaric. "And? I'm not" answers Damon and walks fast inside. "Basement," says Kol who hastily runs back to Kayla. "Basement," says Kayla. Damon nods.

Elena runs past the door and goes down a staircase that leads to the cellar. She tries to open the door, but it is locked. She busts out one of the windowpanes, unlocks the door, and opens it. A man is standing guard by a door at the end of the hallway. Elena gets her vervain syringe out and is ready to attack, but Damon gets to the man first. He sees Elena. "Ofcourse, poor little Elena couldn't resist" groans Kol. "Elena...You shouldn't be here..." whispers Stefan, weakly. He is tied up with ropes. "She was supposed to stay in the car" groans Damon. "Darling, the ropes are burning hot for vamps" says Kol. "Damon, don't touch the ropes" whispers Kayla and starts to untie the ropes.

"Elena get him in the car, I'll distract him. Take Kayla with you." "Forget that. I am helping you" says Kayla. "Darling, for once do as told. " Kayla shakes her head. Frederick sees another staked vampire in the dining room. Damon catches him by surprise. They fight. Damon gets Frederick on the floor and starts punching him. Two vampires come up from behind and pull Damon off. Frederick leaves. The vampires and Damon start fighting. One of them approaches Damon from behind. Damon doesn't see him, but Alaric shoots at the vampire with a dart. "I'm going after Frederik" yells Damon. "Damon lookout" says Kayla. Right on time. Damon kills the vampire. "Nice save darling" laughs Kol. Alaric is reloading his dart gun. A vampire attacks him. Kayla pulls him away. "Woah Darling" laughs Kol when she throws him on the floor. Alaric stabs him with a vervain syringe. Damon comes back into the hallway. " Frederick's gone." "Let's get out of here." Kayla nods. "Uh darling, don't go outside just yet." "Wait" says Kayla but Damon opens the door already. A dozen vampires await them. "How many darts you have left" asks Damon. "One." "Not enough." "Darling. Walk slowly backward" says Kol.

"What's going on here" yelled Pearl all of a sudden. Kayla looked up in surprise at the Asian lady. "Me? Your merry little band of vampires spent the day torturing my brother." "Trust me. The parties responsible for this will be dealt with." "Our little arrangement doesn't work unless you learn to control them." "This wasn't supposed to happen." "Well, it did. If I had a good side...Not a way to get on it." "Damon" whispers" Kayla. Damon sniffs. "Come on," he says. Alaric and Damon walk away with Kayla between them. Kol follows them. "You are going to be dead soon" he says to Pearl her face. "Kayla, your phone", says Kol. Kayla sighs and picks up her phone. "Hey Jer. What? No way?! They found Vickie" says Kayla and hangs up. "Oh damn" says Damon soft.