Founders Party

~Time together as a family is a gift

It'S a beautiful morning like usual. Cold but beautiful. It was school again after a well-needed vacation and the whole town was up and ready.

Kol looks smirking at Kayla, who packs her things. "What," asks Kayla, amused, and looks into Kol's bright eyes. Kol shakes his head. "Jeremy" yells Elena next to Kol, in his ear. "Bloody hell" yells Kol. Kayla couldn't hold herself. She bursts out laughing. "What," asks Elena." Kayla shakes her head. "No, for real. What's up?" "You shouted into his ear." "Oh. Ehm, tell him I'm sorry" says Elena not meant. "He can hear you" says Kayla and Kol in unison. "Come on Jeremy, going to school! Walking out the door now!" "You forgot this" says Jenna and hands her a bottle. "Thanks" says Kayla and takes the bottle out of her hand. She opens the door, John is here, he was about to knock. "Who the bloody hell is this?" "Uncle John" says Kayla Soft. "Elena" laughs John with a big grin and walks past Kayla. "Uncle John! Hi." Jenna looks at John. "What the hell are you doing here?" " Good morning to you as well," he says with a grin. " I said I'd be here before noon" John says and enters the house. "You did" asks Kayla. "Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things" groans Jenna. Jeremy walks down the stairs. "Uncle John hey." "This is your uncle" says Kol. Kayla nods. Jeremy slaps him on the shoulder and leaves. "Wait for me" yells Kayla, but Jeremy doesn't hear her. Or pretends like. "I had some business in town; I thought that a visit was in order." "How long are you staying,, asks Elena. "I don't know yet." "Well me and Kayla have to go to school so. Bye." Kayla follows Elena. "What the hell is he doing here" asks Kayla. Elena lifted her shoulders. "You know him.

So for real now, and I just want an honest answer. That vampire ghost. Is he with us right now." Kayla sighs. "I just want to know more." Kayla nods. "He is, right next to me." "Like always" laughs Kol. Kayla smiles. "And is he.. Hot" laughs Elena. Kayla laughs. "Smoking. The most handsome of all may I say" answers Kol. "His ego is bigger probably," laughs Kayla. "Owtch darling." Elena and Kayla laugh. "But you are okay? I mean. It's not a terrible haunting?" Kayla shakes her head. "He's... like Caspar, the friendly ghost." Elena chuckles. "I can be not so friendly also" jokes Kol.

The day seemed to take forever and Kayla couldn't help herself but fall asleep seven times in class. Luckily, Kol yells her awake. But it took too long for Kayla. "You really hate this class, huh" jokes Matt. Kayla groans. "The teacher is fine, but it's just boring as hell." Matt chuckles. "Still twenty minutes only luckily." When she finally survives the day and arrives home, the unwelcome surprise of uncle John awaits.

"The Gilberts have been a part of this town for a hundred and fifty years. We're one of the founding families and with that distinction comes certain obligations, including going to the party. One day, when you can appreciate the significance, I'll tell you all about your heritage." "Oh fudge, the founder's party" she whispers. She forgot. She wished everyone had forgotten." "The Gilbert's legacy" laughs Jenna. "Hmm, the Gilbert family legacy. I forgot how sacred it was. I'm not a Gilbert, so I was never cool enough to hear it." "Why do you hate John"asks Kayla. "Yeah I wonder the same" says Jeremy. "I don't hate him" says Jenna defensively. "Because we once slept together" laughs John. Jenna throws a bag at him. "So old John is a playboy isn't he" laughs Kol. "Took some lessons from you right" whispers Kayla. "Darling, what do you think of me?" "I'm standing right here" groans Jenna. Jeremy laughs. "You did" asks Elena. Jenna groans. "Biggest mistake ever." "But, to change the subject, we need to get ready for the founder's party." "They still do this kind of thing," asks Kol. "Sadly" groans Kayla. "I really don't want to go." "On your bed lays your dress. Go" says Jenna. Kayla sighs and walks upstairs. "Thanks for the choice" she says. "Come on darling, I'm sure you will look smashing" answers Kol, amused, and looks at the wine-red gown.

"Oh my" he whispers when Kayla leaves the bathroom. "Darling. You do look dashing." Kayla spins around happily. Kol laughs. "Do that again, your laugh is music in my ears." Kayla smiles happily. "You make me" she says. "I haven't had a reason to smile till you came around." Kol chuckles. Darling, I won't make you stop smiling. I promise," he says. Kayla does a courtesy. "Wait till I can escort you. I swear darling, you will be the star of the ball." Kayla chuckles. "Not if you escort me, then it will be you." Kol grins, amused.

But her enthusiasm turned fast. "Oh god! I shouldn't be here" says Kayla and wants to turn around. "You wish" says Elena and stops her. "You belong here darling." "You are a founding family" says Damon. "You need to be here." "You got that right" says Kol and looks again at Kayla. He admires her beauty, her body in the gown. Everything about her. "Come on, don't be a downer, it's a party for the founding families! That is us. That would be rude to skip it" says Damon. "I must admit that he is right" says Kol. "I really liked you a whole lot better when you hated everybody" sighs Stefan. "Oh I still do, but they love me" laughs Damon. "So much Ego" sighs Kayla and walks away. "You and him, could be friends" she jokes against Kol. "Awtch Darling, that's low. I have so much more class."

Kayla walks towards the bar where Tyler and Matt are sitting. "Don't lower yourself to his level darling." Tyler looks at Kayla. He sees her, puts the glass on the bar and waves at her. "Hey" greets Kayla and sits between Matt and Tyler. "How are you?" Kayla nods. "I'm okay. You?" "Are you drunk" asks Kayla and looks at Matt. "As a skunk" answers Kol who smells Tyler his neck. Kayla rolls her eyes. "Okay, I know it's a little weird but it's really helping me. The alcohol takes the edge off" whispers Tyler. "What edge Ty?" "You're totally that drunk high school guy at parties sneaking booze." "I am" jokes Tyler. "How worried should I be?" Tyler laughs and walks away. Kayla sighs. "Don't worry about it, darling. He is some kind of stupid." Kayla looks at Kol. "I wish you could dance with me" she sighs. "I'll take that offer" sounds a voice before Kol can answer. Kayla turns around to face Damon. "Don't even think about dancing with him love" says Kol. "Jealous," asks Kayla and takes Damon his hand. "You look beautiful," says Damon Soft. Kol scoffs. "Lame" he says. Kayla laughs, amused. "What"s wrong" asks Damon. "Nothing, I just think it's funny. How my sister and your brother are arguing behind our backs while we are dancing." Damon scoffs. "They forgot the important and rare pleasures of life" says Damon. Kayla looked up at him. "You are right, they did. And for a while I did too. But you helped me remind me. Thank you" she says softly. "Don't get soft with him just yet darling" says Kol while grunting his teeth. Again Kayla chuckles. It looks like hours that Damon is dancing with Kayla while Kol sits bored at the bar. Still trying to get a drink. Poor Kol thinks Kayla. When Damon finally lets go of Kayla she looks a moment for her brother or sister. The only thing she sees is Tyler sneaking away with Donovan's mother. "Are you joking me?" she asks. "Let it go darling." Kayla sighs.

She is planning to let it go until she sees Mat walking up to them. "Oh boy" Kayla sighs. "Here we go" groans Kol. Kelly and Tyler are kissing. Matt rushes over to them and catches Tyler. " What the hell are you doing man?" "Whoa dude calm down." Matt punches Tyler in the face. They begin to fight and in the fight Kelly gets pushed to the floor. Tyler hits Matt again and again and again. "Tyler" yells Kayla. "Kayla don't" yells Kol but Kayla doesn't listen. "Tyler" yells Kayla again and takes his arm. Tyler pushes her aside. "Matt! Stop it! Tyler! Stop it, you're hurting him!" Alaric rushed towards them. He pulls Tyler away and presses his back against the wall. "What the hell is this?" Elena is going toward Matt. The Mayor arrives. Kayla swallows. The mayor looked at Tyler. "I'll take it from here; I'll take it from here. Are you hurt? Go get cleaned up. It's okay. Go get cleaned up." Tyler leaves. Alaric helps Kayla. "Thanks for your help" says The mayor of Alaric. "Everything's fine. Everything is fine. Come on, everybody, back to the party. Let's go. Come on, have a good time!" "Is Matty okay?" Elena shook her head. "He is bleeding. Hard." "You got to be kidding me" curses Damon and looks at John entering again. "What's wrong" asks Kayla. "I just killed him." "You what?" "Ring mate" says Kol. "Damon, the ring" says Kayla.

"Thank you all, thank you very much, thank you. Thank you all for joining us tonight. In just a few moments, we will officially begin the countdown to our upcoming Founders' Day celebration and it's a very special one this year. The one hundred and fiftieth birthday of our town." Yells the mayor while a bell on a table is wheeled next to him.

"And...and I would like to welcome back one of our town's favorite sons to do the honor of ringing our official charter bell. John Gilbert, would you please join me up here?" Damon groans. John Gilbert applauds and rejoins the mayor. Damon is looking at him.

"One hundred and fifty years of community, prosperity, family. We take care of each other, we look after each other, protect each other." He looks at Damon. "It's good to be home." "How did you know about the ring" asks Damon. "Kol" whispers Kayla. Damon nods. "Where are you going, love" asks Kol. "I need to see if Tyler is alright. That was nothing for him" says Kayla softly and runs outside towards Tyler. "Tyler" asks Kayla." Darling, leave that asshole for what it is, will you. " Kayla sighs. "I know that's the best but, please Kol. I just need to." "I understand, says Kol soft. Kayla stopped abruptly."Dad, I'm sorry. I don't even know what happened. I was drinking and...I lost control. I can't explain it." "Kayla darling" whispers Kol. "Why are you whispering? They can't hear you" says Kayla softly. "Oh yeah" laughs Kol. Tyler his dad slaps him in the face. Kayla places her hands in front of her face. "That's the last time you embarrassed this family" groans the mayor. "Tyler" yells Kayla and hastily walks towards him. "Darling don't." The mayor looks surprised, after which he walks away. "Tyler" asks Kayla. Tyler looks at her. Tears into his eyes. "Tyler" she whispers and rubs his face. "What" asks Tyler. "Are you okay?" Tyler shakes his head. "Like you care" he says and walks away. Kayla sighs. "I warned you darling" says Kol. "Let's go home Kol" says Kayla defeated. "I would like that" answers Kol