
~Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth

Everyone is preparing for the Mystic Falls High School Carnival. It was the high school event of the year. Caroline shouldn't get out of the hospital until tomorrow. Till her great frustration. She had to leave everything to her classmates. She had no trust in them either.

Bonnie, Kayla and Elena are taking care of everything. Kol looks around bored. "I never cared for high school. Now I know why. It is a series of boring events." Kayla chuckles. "Boring events is what makes high school, high school." Bonnie looks at her. "So what's he like?" "Who?" "That ghost." "Well, he's.." "Dont say vampire yet love." "I'm pretty sure Stefan revealed that you are a vampire." "Well don't say original." Kayla nods. "He's not a vampire like the others. He is sweet and old but not old. Like old Damon." "Thanks love" gasps Kol. Kayla rolls her eyes. Bonnie smiles. "I bet he looks handsome if he can make you blush like that." "I do not" answers Kayla. "You do" laughed Elena and Bonnie together. "Off topic but about Vampires, Katherine looked just like you. It's scary" says Bonnie. "She is my ancestor. Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria." "Yeah but still" says Kayla. "Your vampire ancestor and she didn't just resemble you like a family member would. She was you." "I can't explain it." "Kol" asks Kayla and turns to face him. "Eh" says Kol and steps backwards. "No, no Kol, you cannot escape this. Spill it." "Doubleganger," he mumbles. "What?" "Doubleganger, I told you love! I told you the story when you figured out she looked so much alike. Ask Stefan." "Ask Stefan about a doubleganger" says Kayla, and looks at Elena. Elena nods. "At least one vampire who is honest with me" says Elena. "Technically, you saw that you looked alike a while ago. Yeah, but I didn't know she was my doubleganger. "

It doesn't take long before the carnival has started. Kayla looks around. "Fancy a ring toss" asks Kol amused. Kayla shook her head. "I suck at that." "When I'm here, I'll show you how to do it. Kayla laughs. "I can't wait for it." "Me neither" says Kol and steps closer. Jeremy walks next to her. He hands her popcorn. "Terrible to say but I missed you my little sister." "Nice one to say" scoffs Kayla and takes the popcorn. " Make time for your bloody sister" growls Kol. Jeremy smiles softly. "I'm sorry Kayla, I just.. I'm sorry you got carried into all that crazy vampire stuff and freaky accidents." "Same for you Jer" she says and places her head on his shoulder. "But please... let's be family again. I need my brother." Jeremy smiled at her. Kayla pushes the popcorn into his mouth. Laughing, Jeremy eats the popcorn and puts his arm around her neck. Kol scoffs.

"Caroline" asks Kayla. Jeremy looks up. "Hey, welcome back" jokes Jeremy. "Shut up Gilbert" yells Caroline and runs away. "uh oh moody alert" groans Kol. Jeremy looks up. "What"s her problem?" "I don't know. Maybe I should.." Jeremy nods. "Yeah perhaps" he says. "Oh love do we now" grunts Kol. Kayla sighs and walks behind Caroline. "Something is up, I know it." "Car" she asks. She sees Bonnie, Damon, Elena and Stefan standing with the dead body of Carter. "What the heck" asks Kayla. "So the Blondie became the new vamp" jokes Kol. "She is? She's a vamp?" "Yes" answers Kol and Stefan. "How?" "Katherine" grunts Elena. Stefan and Elena take Caroline to wash the blood off. Damon took a shovel. "Come on, don't pout about it. I have got a body to bury." Kayla looked at him. "You are just gonna burry him?" "What else darling" asks Kol.

Bonnie looks at him and gives him a headache. He falls to the ground clutching his head and curls up. She opens a faucet with her powers and water starts coming out of a hose. "What are you doing Bonnie?! "I didn't do this" yells Damon. "Bonnie it isn't his fault." "Technically" says Kol. "Everything is his fault" says Bonnie. "Witch bitch" grunts Kol. "Bonnie! Bonnie, stop it! You're going to kill him!" Damon starts burning. "That's the idea" says Kol. Kayla jumps over the fireline and shakes Bonnie by her shoulders. The fire goes out as Bonnie's concentration is broken. "Why" asks Bonnie. "Because this isn't you. Bonnie, this can't be you."Bonnie shakes her head and leaves. Kayla runs towards Damon. He is burned and in pain. Kayla thinks. "Damon, feed" she whispers and gives him her wrist. "No" yells Kol." Damon grunts. "Kayla, I cannot.." "Do it" whispers Kayla. She holds herself on his vest while he drinks off her wrist. "Kayla, you need to stop doing this" growls Kol. Kayla sighs. "Damon, are you okay?" Damon wipes his mouth. "I will be" he says defeated. Kayla wraps her arm around his waist. "Let's go home" she says. "Don't go to his home darling. Please..." Kayla smiled softly at Kol. "It will be alright. I trust you Damon." Damon looked at her. He nods. "Thank you Kayla, for everything."