
~Life is too short for drama,let it go

Kayla smirks and looks at Kol. They are sitting in front of each other with a chess board between them. Focussed, Kol looks at the board. He bites his lip. He asks to move the last white piece. Kayla holds her breath. "Checkmate." He looks up at her. After the rather stressful months, latest time Kol kept Kayla entertained with something he did know. He knew that she was strong enough to handle everything, but he was terrified that her own thoughts would hurt her once again. "How is that possible" shouts Kayla, "You were losing!" Kol chuckles. "It is called bluffing darling." "That is not fair, you were there when the game was invented!" "I beg you pardon" jokes Kol. Kayla grins. "Don't deny it!" Kol shakes his head. "You can be happy that I like you" chuckles Kol.

"Kayla, can you... and your magical boyfriend come down" yells Damon teasingly. "He is not my boyfriend" curses Kayla. "Owtch Darling, now you just hurt me." "What? Cause you are not magical?" "Ha, so funny" he says sarcastically. "Psh you would be bloody lucky to be my girlfriend" he says upset. "Ehm, I don't think so." "Why is that?" "Cause for one you are a ghost and for another you are a thousand year old spoiled little prick. "Touche" mumbles Kol and hang his head down. "Owh I'm sorry" she jokes. Kol smiles. "Ill get you for that" he says. "Can't wait" jokes Kayla and runs down. "Woman" curses Kol and walks behind her.

"Thanks for letting me invite Caroline" says Elena. "She could use a day of distraction.

"She's not the plus one I'm worried about" sighs Jenna and continues; "Why is Damon coming?" "Because Alaric is a pity-taker." "Why do you guys Hate Damon? Maybe you should give him a chance" says Kayla angry. "Easy now love" orders Kol. "Found the shot glasses" says Mason, enthusiastic. "Hey Kayla" he greets and kisses her jaw. "That will be my exit" says Jenna. "Come on Jenna" laughs Elena. Damon enters. "Hey Kayla" he says and hugs her. "Don't get too familiar with my girl mate." "I brought drinks. "Ooh the expensive stuff" laughs Mason and looks at the bottle that Damon brought with him. "I like you already." "I'm just happy to be invited" says Damon with a grin. "Sure you are" jokes Kol. Rick smiles. Mason looks at Damon. " You know. I've heard great things about you." "Really, that's weird, since I'm a dick" says Damon. "You got that right" scoffs Kol. "You are not a dick" says Kayla. Mason smiles. "Is there somebody in this town you don't like" he asks Kayla. "Count on that" says Kayla. Kol chuckles. "I have a feeling I know a few names" he blinks.

The food smells delicious but Kol is so angry that he cannot take any of it. "Don't tease me darling" he says. Kayla smiles. "The food is really good" she says. "Just wait" Kol grunts.

"Dress! Ballerina! Ballet! Puppy! Puppy! Puppy with a tutu" yells everyone while Damon draws on the board. "No.Dog. Hound dog. You ain't nothing but a hound dog!" "Dancing with wolves" says Kayla, unamused. Damon looks at her. "Kayla wins... again..." "How is that a wolf?!"

Kayla takes a sigh and walks towards the kitchen for more drinks. Damon of course, follows her. "Aunt Jenna's getting tipsy.""Will you stop plying her with alcohol?" "I want her to like me.""Wont happen mate!" "Do you have silver" asks Damon. "Yeah we have a set, under the kitchen sink." Damon nods. "What are you up to?" "Nothing" jokes Damon. "Bet you aren't" sighs Kol. "No really, what's up" asks Kayla curious. Damon looked at her. He walks closer. Kayla swallows and looks into his eyes. "Mate" warns Kol treathening. Damon swallows. "I want this town to be safe. Safe for you. And for that I need to arrange some things" whispers Damon. Kayla nods in understanding.

"Mason" says Damon. He puts the plate with a big cake on the table. "Why don't you start us off" he says, and turns the silver knife towards him. Mason looks at the knife and takes the piece with his hand. "I'm sorry, I'm an animal" he jokes and licks his finger; Kayla chuckles. "You'll fit right in then" she says and takes a piece. "So you guys went to high school" asks Kayla. Jenna nods. "Mason was the guy that all the girls were lining up for. "Huh. I pegged you for a lone wolf." "I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were." Kayla looked, not understanding, at Kol. Kol lifts his shoulders. It was obvious that there was something going on between those two. "How about a toast?" "Yeah! I want to make a toast to my new friend. Damon Salvatore" says Mason. "Oh bloody hell, even you can do better" grunts Kol. "Cheers"

Kayla and Mason are filling the dishwasher while Damon walks in. "Jenna brought out Guitar hero." "Oh no" sighs Kayla. Kol just scoffs. "Is that something from this time? like a game?" "It might be time to mutiny. ""Well, I just I happen to like "guitar hero. So you, my friend, are barking up the wrong tree" " OK, enough with the innuendos. You win. You're hilarious." "I knew it" says Kol. "Knew what?" "Werewolf" he says. "Wait like the full moon werewolfs? They are real?" Mason looks at her. "I am not your enemy Damon." "Let's not spark some age-old feud that doesn't apply to us." "Wait so you are a werewolf, and you are a vampire and there is a feud between the two species" asks Kayla. "Ancient old feud, like the story I told you" says Kol. "Why dont you ask your boyfriend. I'm sure he'll give an original answer" says Damon, bitterly. "He is not my boyfriend" scoffs Kayla. Mason looks at her. "I'm lost." "Oh didn't you know, she has an vampire ghost... stalking her." Mason observes her. "Ugh Damon, Sometimes you are impossible" Kayla says and walks up to her room. "Sometimes darling" says Kol amused. "At least we know what his problem is now" sighs Kol. "We do?" "It is obvious darling, he is a werewolf." "Mason is a werewolf" she asks surprised. "But he is Tyler his uncle so what about Ty then?" "Safe to assume that your ex boyfriends favorite position is doggy" jokes Kol. Kayla gives him a look. "What I've said" he asks. Kayla rolls her eyes and walks inside her room.