
Waving her hand to the right, Rachel sent a block of power ice that erected from the ground and charge toward the Boss slayer.

Boss Slayer managed to block the attack, using his blade to slice the ice in two, "You are quite the fiesty one" He uttered.

Rachel paid no mind to what he was saying since she was still in a trance, stretching out her hands a giant ball of dark force began to build up.

"Twist!" Selvin yelled and Rachel's hand went twisting anti clockwise, leaving the dark force to deplete into the air.

Rachel's arm bones broke almost instantly leaving her hand to fall and blood to spew out if it.

But even with this, she didn't show a hint of expression that she was in pain after that, her face was still very calm.

"Nice one kid" Boss slayer uttered, he dashed toward Rachel with his sword aimed at the side.

Just as he got close, Rachel looked at him with her bright red eyes and he fell straight to the ground.

He felt like multiple tiny hands were eating him from the inside out, using the open holes in his face as a means of escape.

He coughed with his knee to the ground as blood began to drop from his nose, mouth, and eyes, 'How is she able to inflict so much damage on me, I have high magic resistance' Boss slayer thought to himself as he kept on coughing.

One of his servants drew out her sword and charged toward Rachel, her sword was covered in red flames as she yelled, "Get away from the master!"

Upon getting close, she stroked her blade at Rachel, only for her to see that Rachel held the tip of the sword with her fingers.

Shocked, she desperately tried to pull her sword away from Rachel's grasp, the look of terror Rachel was giving her was starting to affect her mentally.

Rachel's fist began to glow, she was about to hit the soldier but then Slevin came to save her.

Selvin ran toward Rachel, "Don't move!" He yelled, a blue invincible chain showed up around Rachel's body that disabled her to move.

She just stood there still, unable to move a muscle, the chains themselves were swimming all around her body.

Selvin sighed, "Are you okay?" He asked the female soldiers.

"Thank you master Slevin" She uttered, bowing her head before heading over to check up on her leader.

Boss Slayer was on the ground, the magic Rachel casted on him had gone but the afterpain was still as painful.

"Master!, Are you okay?" The female soldier asked.

Boss slayer coughed, "Yeah, I'm fine, that son of a bitch really got to me" He coughed again, using his hand to rob his throat.

Slevin smirked, "I can't believe she got you." He said mockingly as he moved closer to the boss slayer.

"Shut up" The boss slayer stood to his feet, "And her? What are we going to be about her?" He asked.

They all turned to look at Rachel who still couldn't move from the imaginary chains that were tied around her.

They took her to Hina, who requested that they lock Rachel inside the anti-void, and they did just that.

They locked her up in the anti-void, an anti-magic prison that drains all magic users of their strength.

. . . . . . ..

*Present day*

"Wow, talk about beautiful" Anna wowed. One of the maids in the house took her out for a stroll around the Rizaha farming fields.

This was one of the ways the country made its money, by selling fruits to nearby villages, not only but they also have their Assassin team composed of the three Ninjas who help protect Selvin, the village's healer.

He was the one that came up with a way to heal those affect by a Demonic possession. The name of this squad was the Sed squad.

"Please this way," The maid said, using her hand to escort Anna toward the other part of the village.

"Sure" She responded, walking toward the maid.

They got to the river where some men were fishing and some were building boats, "This is for real?" Anna asked, feeling surprised at the view.

"Yes, lord Zeno came up with a lot of ways for the village to make income in the few weeks he's been here" The maid replied.

"It's still hard to believe that Zeno is the leader of a village though" Anna muttered to herself.

. . . . . .

Zeno was in his room, working on a way he could defeat the recent raise in Glinxs attack that has been happening in villages.

"This is difficult" Zeno groaned, "I wish Hina was here" He muttered.

There was a sudden knock on his door, and he immediately composed himself, "Come in" He uttered.

Uta walked into the room with Ava following right behind her.

"Oh Uta, I'm sorry we didn't discuss much, but this came up and I just had to do it," Zeno said, pushing the ink to the side so he could focus on them.

"It's cool, I just wanted to discuss something with you" Uta uttered, "But first I need to know, what happened? You were kidnapped and all of a sudden you're a lord"

Zeno smiled, "It's kinda hard to explain, they said something about me being a Successor to the Ankia or something like that, although I still don't fully understand it" He responded.

"So they knew right away that you were the successor?" Uta asked.

"Yes, pretty much, what? Do you know something I don't?" Zeno asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Ava asked.

"Only an Ankia can easily get a read on the successor, so if they knew you were one, they must have an Ankia too" Uta muttered, the picture suddenly hit her.

"Hina? No way, it can't be her".