Black owl

"Uta? Are you alright?" Zeno asked, he walked toward Uta and sat beside her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, is it possible to speak with Hina, like this very moment?" Uta asked.

Zeno gave an awkward chuckle, he was shocked by the way Uta was reacting but he was reacting but that didn't worry him all too much.

He sighed before standing to his feet, "Alright fine, but right now she's probably out hunting" Zeno uttered.

He stood up from the chair and walked over to his desk to clear the table and grab his black jacket that was resting on the chair's armrest.

"Hunting? Hunting what?" Uta asked.

"Glinxs of course," Zino replied.

. . . .

A small town located on the east side of Rizaha called Hamadan was been overrun by Glinxs.

One of the jobs Hina and her soldiers do is to assist other villages when they are under attack from these monsters.

Hina leaped onto one of the building tops so she could get a good eye view of the area.

She could see the Glinxs matching in from the other side of the village, "They are coming from …. " Hina muttered.

And somewhere at the left side of the village were three male warriors, each with a cursed weapon charging toward the Glinxs.

"Listen up!"

Hina yelled, looking down at her soldiers who were already prepared to fight, "Take as many civilians as you can, take them away from the village" She ordered.

"I'll take care of these monsters in the meantime, your top priority is to defend the people," Hina said before speeding off.

"You heard her move!" Aino, a higher soldeir of the black owl squad (Hina's team) shouted.

Hina kept charging toward the Glinxs, when she was close enough to one, she leaped to the sky with her sword brimming with fire.

It took only one slash for her to split it in half, 'They keep coming!' She frowned.

She kept her advantage by keeping the Glinxs at a safe distance away from where the village evacuation was taking place.

The Glinx were held bound on entering the inner village, even going as far as ignoring Hina who was attacking them.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?"

Hina yelled as she began chasing after the Glinx, just as she was about to get close another Glinx showed up at the side.

It sent a powerful kick at Hina, even though she was able to block the impact with her sword which spiltted the Glinxs legs, the force still sent her flying.


She went crashing into one of the buildings, she didn't waste any time before she came back outside.

"I've had enough of you guys"

A small dark portal appeared beside her, and the bottom half of a sword was showing, she reached for it and pulled it out.

It was a sword that was emitting a dark mist as she moved it around, "Prepare yourself you-"

She suddenly spotted a small girl coming out of a hut right where the four Glinx were charging to.

"Where did everybody go" The little girl muttered as she kept looking around.

"Runaway!" Hina yelled, as soon as she took a step she was charged over by a bigger Glinx.

She was able to maneuver it before it damaged her by cutting his horns while in mid-air.

Upon landing on the floor, she released a powerful dark energy that didn't just blow the Glinx in front of her into smithereens, but the blast also went casing after the Glinxs.

The blast was only able to take out one Glinx which left three more Glinx moving toward the girl.

She was so terrified that the shock rendered her immobilized throughout the whole event.

Hina desperately tried to catch up to the monsters but just like hers, their speed was amazing.

One of the Glinx leaped to the sky with its mouth open to eat the girl as it began falling to her position.


Uta suddenly appeared behind the girl with her signature hand sign aimed at the Glinx, a huge red bolt of raw energy fired from her fingertip and straight for the monsters.

The blast destroyed all three Glinx and even blasted buildings alongside it.

Zeno walked up to the girl before going to his knees, "Are you okay?" He asked.

The girl began tearing up before hugging Zeno as if she had known him all her life, Zeno smiled before hugging her back.

Hina suddenly arrived there, a sigh of relief made its way to her mouth when she saw that the girl was safe, "Thank goodness" She muttered.

She was even more surprised when she saw Zeno with the girl, "Zeno what are you here?" She asked.

Hina carried the girl from Zeno's soldier before placing her on the ground and pointing her to where she should go.

"Well…" Zeno stood up from the ground and dusted his clothes, "Uta here wanted to speak to you" He uttered.

"You came all the way out here, just for that? Lord Zeno, you should really make your decisions more wisely" Hina lectured.

She sighed then placed her sword back in her shaft, "So, what was so urgent that you had to see me in the middle of a mission?" Hina asked.

"While you two do that, I need to go speak with the village head" Zeno uttered before walking away.

Zeno walked away and headed to where the civilians were being held, 'I don't feel safe leaving both Hina and Uta alone' Zeno thought to himself.

Hina glared at Uta before dispatching her black sword, "Why were you looking for me?" She asked.

Uta sighed with her eye brown twitching, she slowly opened her eyes before asking, "Are you an Ankia?".

Hina's eyes widened before she moved back, 'How... how did she know that?' She thought to herself.

He arrived at the refuge point to see members of the Black owl attending to the wounded and helping those who are lost.

The second in command suddenly spotted Zeno walking into the area, "Lord Zeno, what brings you here?" Aino asked with her head slightly bowed.

"Aino, you look pretty as always" Zeno uttered, "I'm looking for the leader of the village".

"Oh, Lord Truk, please follow me, I'll take you to him".

Aino took Zeno to where the village head was, from the expression on Truk's face Zeno knew he was going through a panic state.

"Lord Truk!"

Zeno called out, Truk immediately turned to see Zeno walking towards him, blue eyes, and black hair only one person in the whole nation could look like that.

News of the Successor and his people clearing the Gelinx attacks has gotten so wide that almost everybody wants to see him.

"The Successor!"

Truk uttered, he stood up from where he was sitting and went over to Zeno with a pleading look on his face.

"Thank you for saving my village, take you!" Truk begged while holding Zeno's hands.

"You don't have to go that far, it was nothing,"

"My people would have died if not for you,"

"That's nothing to thank me for, my subordinates did the job, not me, beside that… I have something to discuss with you"