Chapter 1

Some might say I cause mischief.

Stringing problem after problem without apology. However, the day came that I caught myself on a lie and when the time came I face my action I ran away



"Hey Ma, yes ma'am, I'm coming in about three weeks."

I don't think I thought this 'run away' thing through. Course I would need to visit my mom.

Looking out of my apartment window, I try and gather my thoughts together, all while sipping on my warm coffee.


I am dreading going back to the house.

Like electricity bolting throughout me, I feel the anxiety come in and I do my best not to feel it but I do, because it's a little hard not to ignore the butterflies swarming in your stomach trapped like a dam keeping all your floodgates from happening.

Not even a spoonful of sugar by Operation Ivan is helping me right now as I drive with the windows roll down.


As I passed through the shops in town, sickness passes through me. All the faint memories passes through my head, like that dam breaking, just flooding everything throughout my head without consent.

Not long enough, I passed through the neighborhood and I see that lady whose hair is now dyed purple.

Let's not talk about why her hair is dyed purple.

Finally arriving home, my car creeps up on the driveway.

The door swings open..." is that my baby boy?"


I run as fast as I can, after my car is parked, and I engulf her into a big bear hug. I pick my 5' 2' mother up and I swing her around.

" I'm so happy my son came in time for a visit, in time for supper too."

I follow her inside my old home and we go into the kitchen ; and she starts to set out the plates. " so tell me clay, how is the big city?"

" It is amazing!" She smiles but her gaze softens.

" I just hope you're not causing mischief down there too." She says slowly.

I hold my hands in surrender, " I am a changed man now Mama" I go around her for a fork.

She rolls her eyes "Mhm, I'm sure you are my dear."

When she turns around, I roll my eyes. " Don't roll your eyes Dream."

I press my lips into a thin line.


' I don't care if you don't like them, The neighbors are coming over.'

Operation Ivan: A spoonful sugar, blasts through my radio and the windows rolled all the way down; I drive till I don't even know where I'm going.

' But mama!'

' Clay Honey, I'm sorry to say this but it ain't your choice. So if you don't like it there's the door.'

I pass by all the tiny and familiar shops. Most of the time I'd rather go on a familiar path and routine But this time I think I'll go with something different because there has been occasions where I explore And come out of that routine.

I guess today can be that day.

' But Ma, you know how I feel about them, you know what I did.'

I take a slow right offering me more shops.

' I'm still here for you Clay, But I can't just give up on my social life just because you made a choice that you still won't take responsibility for.'

' Fine Ma I'll be back for dinner.'

' I love you son.'

I open up the door, gesturing for me that I'm about to walk out. She raises her eyebrows, gesturing a look for me eyes slightly widened, saying ' I don't care if you like 6' 4, you better say it back or I'm going to tackle you.' She didn't say this out loud though.

' I love you too Ma.'

While I'm driving, An interesting shop catches my eyes. Even on my occasional routine changes, I've never seen this one before.

Dandy town


Then it hits me like lightning.  I see from the window, a man who seems to be about my age with brown hair and dusty pink cheeks; they take my breath away.

I open the door to hear the little bell jingle.