Chapter 2

I walk in trying to be subtle and I glance at his outfit; If it wasn't for his pink cheeks and dusty brown hair that caught my breathe then it sure enough was his cute white shirt and his white apron that did.

This tiny man was standing on his tippy toes and he was fixing some boxes on a shelf and it reminds me that I could help but I'm not going to.

" You good, bro?"

He doesn't face me, " What do you think?"

" You must be working here." He slow claps, "woo-hoo, you got it."

When he's done with the boxes, he turns around, "so you need anything?"

"Not gonna lie, yeah, but before I do I just thought I'd take a minute to admire how you look like."

The corners of his mouth flickers, " Just tell me what you need sir."


That man was fine and he was lookin adorable too. I mean he was just so tiny and reaching out for those boxes on his tippy toes.

I'm walking out to my car on this beautiful day we call Florida. It may be August and the heat may be killing me but that cannot ruin my perfect day. Excitement burst through me.

I really need that guy's number. Like he needs to be a part of my life. Like right now.

Hopefully not anything romantic though, cause I would mess that up quick.

The next day rolls around, and I'm on my way to the hangout center where everyone goes to or at least young people go to.


Georgie pov

They call him 'The Dream' and apparantly he is a 20 year old havik seeking, rebellion heaving, trouble making misfit.

For the last 2 weeks I had went around, with the notebook in my hand, asking people what they thought of him.

On my first list he's apparently:








Downright annoying

Some people can be so judgmental sometimes, because that "downright annoying" was kind of cruel if you ask me. It's none of my buisness though.

For some reason, about three months ago, he had moved away from this place. I can't exactly blame him. At the same time I love the peace that this place bringing.

"Oh my gosh, he's coming!" I snap away from my thoughts.

Oh my, the room hushes and everyone is excited as quiet impatience fills the room.

After putting my headphones on over my head, I choose a song after scrolling through my playlist.

' he's at the door!' I hear someone says and I sip on my loaded tea.

Love grows by eddison lighthouse plays through my phone.

I mentally snort waiting for this guy to come in.

Everyone listens and waits (including me) as the sound of the door opens up, echoing throughout the room.

Everyone screams loud roars and yeah's and dream's. I am in shock because he was not at all what I was expecting.

With a confident smile on his face he strides right in like royalty proud of his chaos. " AYOOO WHAT'S UP?"

I write loud on my second list. And flirtatious...He was the guy.

People clutter near the man giving him high fives and side hugging him while running and jumping.

Love grows- nope not today and I skip my song on my playlist.

I get up to go walk outside somewhere ;in my backyard more or less in their backyard but mine bc no one else goes into it.

Well that was interesting

I sit at my tree and my laptop and putting it in my lap. I take my lists out from my notebook. I like looking over them sometimes because I like getting to know people without really getting to know them. Then again maybe it's just hard.

"Hey I never caught your name!"

Oh no I've been spotted.

I embrace my things having hope that he hasn't spot me. Maybe he's talking to somebody and I as long as I don't make eye contact I should be alright.

Don't look up. "Hey you must have not heard me my name is dream and what is yours?"

Don't look up. "Call me Georgie."

Embracing regret, I slow down my speeding heart, because why did I tell him my name when I shouldn't have even been talking to him; it's to much strain and it wracks my nerves.

"So where you from, Georgie?" Fear and the regret consuming me I choose get up. I dust myself off and I walk away with my things in my hand.

"That's kind of rude dude!"

For some reason, I turn around "then go find somebody else to talk to!"

I walk on.


Dream pov

He's still hot though and yet irritation floods me; all he had to do was be like look I don't want to start a conversation and then I'm gone.

He didn't have to walk away like that that was so rude.

I go to the house with it still on my mind; corrupting all of the empty spaces. Hurt fills my rib cage to my stomach and purple bubbly mush clutters all of the places.

I enter my house.

"MAMA, WHAT DO I DO TO KEEP MYSELF FROM WHIPPIN SOMEBODY!?" I yell as I slam my front door closed.

She came from the living room, " Who done upset you?"

When we went into the living room, I sloppily fell onto the couch, "I don't know if I can handle even speaking about this."

"Son, just tell me, because I know that you're goin to anyway."

"Ugh if you insist." She rolls her eyes.

"Unce upon a time..."

"Really?" She raises an eyebrow.

"It all started yesterday," I say while fanning myself. "I decided to take a different route then my routine one, the one that I had before I moved here to new york."


"Anyways," I limp my wrist, "I found an optimistic cafe."

"Oh yeah that place is new."

I huff carrying on with my entagnising story, "I saw this dude,"

"Of course you did, anyway carry on."

"Let me tell you, he was so adorable."

"You mean Georgie?"

Excitement overwhelms me, "Yes that's the one!"

"What did he do?"

"Well I went out to my usual hangout place at "the hangout center" to see everybody and he was there!"

She looked confused. I'm confused too. "So I saw him slip out the back and I was like 'that's him that's the one; please don't leave me."

"And you followed him?"

I beamed, "Yes ma'am I did!"

"Well what happened after that?"

"I went out trying to catch his name, and he seemed like he didn't hear me at first, I said it again, 'Hey my name is Dream and what is yours?' "

I flail my arms into the air "He said in this British accent 'call me georgie' and I was like oh my gosh that must be a nick name so I decided to speak some more 'where are you from ' and like literally no reply and he just left. I know that not everyone is as talkative or as loud as I am but my gosh he could have at least told me to go on somewhere and like was that so much to ask?"

"Oh yeah, Georgie's one of those shy ones" She saids while pressing her lips into a thin line trying not to laugh.


"I'm sorry I just- poor thing done got harassed by a giant " She saids while snorting covering a hand on her mouth.

I try not to smile, "You're not helping, Ma."

With another question popping into my mind, I sit up, " Is Georgie just like a nickname, like why do people call him Georgie?"

" He says that something that he prefers to be called by."

" Can I ask about his first name?"

She shakes her head, " No one really knows his first name because he doesn't really tell anybody; You have to be like close to him. At least that last part is what I'm assuming."

I jump up, in a skyrocketing position , I put my hands on my hips Because I'm about to declare, " I shall make this new person my friend and find out what his first name is." Confidence bursts throughout me , because nothing shall stop me now.

Ma snorts, "pfft, good luck with that dream!"

"You're not helping Ma."