Chapter 3

I really don't want to talk to "Dream" because what I want is to be in my peaceful bubble. I like sitting on the grass watching people be happy. I like my world of old music.

I like not being judged.

It's not that I dislike people more like they'll dislike me. Then again, I do feel irritation when people come into the store and I mean honestly, can't they just eat somewhere else like at a different place

If i'm being rude, then I honestly don't give a care because it's not like I have to be nice. To continue trying to be friend's with me would be hurting in the making; Everyone that lives here knows that I do not talk to people. So if Dream gets in pain simply because I would not talk to him, then that is on him.

Do I sound stuck up? probably do I care? not really.


Beaming golden eyes, a confident smile and hands behind his back, he walks to me. Pushing back the catastrophically long sleeve of his black-and-white shirt, he scratches his arm revealing black fingernail polish and three black bulky rings.

Love grows-

Skip, I don't even know where that song came from.  It was played yesterday on my phone.  Shuffling is complicated.

I get up.

"No don't go." He saids while reaching out for me. It's kinda funny.

I get past him turning around so I can walk backwards, " I'm sorry what?"


" Oh my music is too loud, I guess because it's a thing that people do when they don't want to talk to someone else." I point towards my earphones with a sly feeling.

This should get the message across to him, if it doesn't.

Then I don't even know.

I don't care how hurt he gets, as long as my nerves aren't getting strained from an actual conversation. Still, it is kind of entertaining to watch.

Determined, that's going on the list.


Dream pov

This man is just rude. Is it really that bad to be friendly? Is it really too much ask for a simple sentence of 'I don't want to talk to you, please leave me alone and go on somewhere '  But no he just has to leave the space that he's at just to avoid me.

Am I really that bad of a person? Am I too overwhelming?


I flop on my couch.

She walks in huffing out a breath, "Dream, I done told you, that boy don't like people. He's just shy. Maybe he's like antisocial. Maybe he's like both."

" Then what am I supposed to do?"

" Give him time and space I guess?"

I let my hand fall to the ground, "... But I don't have time and space."

" Right because you're only like staying for a month."

I stare off into the ceiling, "right only a month."

 She's pulling a chair from the other room, " Well let's talk about this, what are your intentions with this 25 year old?

" To find out his favorite music."

" Ok that was not at all what I was expecting you to say."

I feel confused, " You only know I kissed like one girl in the 6th grade."

" I know my son."  She looks like she's compressing her lips from trying not to laugh.

" You really want to talk to him that badly?"

Eagerness pulses through me, "Yes ma'am, I do, I want to get to know his favorite music playlist and I want to touch his hair and see how soft that it is."

" Don't be overwhelming, be slow, and give it time." She pushes the chair back where it came from.

There's so many people I could talk to, do I really need him in my life that badly? The answer is:

Yes, yes I do.

I wait for the day after tomorrow to roll around and I drive to the hangout center's backyard.  When he's there, he's always looking like he's a scene from some sketch book, with his dusty pink cheeks and his pretty brunette hair, his laptop in his lap, sometimes looking over his notes and sometimes drinking is coffee, his earbuds in his ears listening to some kind of music.

Want flutters through me, wishing that I could be with him listening to music with him with an ear bud in my ear.

I bet you, he prolly listen to that good music.

He makes eye contact with me.

I slow down my walking, and I try to  regulate my breathing and calm my aura down. I reach out to Georgie in a calming manner, " Hey there, buddy, I'm not here to hurt you, I just wanted to talk to you."

Oh, that just sounds horrible.

With a skyrocketing motion, he tends up, walking away. " You don't have to be afraid of humans, I just wanted to show you that I don't bite!"

Yet, come in all my words, he has a small smile of amusement, trying not to laugh.

"No, not today!" Covered in a white and brown striped sweater, he carries his things, carrying on listening with his music with his ear buds in his ears.

Sadness cracks pieces of my heart wide open and I realize how dumb i've been; Purple splatters filled the pit of my empty stomach.

Playing in my mind, I see Georgie turning towards the clouds, With a smile playing out the corners of his lips, with dusty pink cheeks sprawled across his face(My words did not make sense then.) He's shaking his chestnut brown hair with his delicately long fingers. 

Anticipation explodes through me as tomorrow comes around. Today is the day.

In translation for yesterday's monolog: He could slap me and I could say thank you. In conclusion, I  had all of my right adjectives picked out:


Not overwhelming


So I was ready to engage with this wild introvert, and I thought for sure he would engage with me, he walked away.

Excitement floods through me for the next day, hangout center time, he walks away; he does it again and again and again and again.

He destroys me and I'm begging myself to give up.

Dancing with my phone: HYBS plays  throughout the hangout center and a movie of Georgie standing on his tippy toes from that shop plays throughout my mind; When his lips light up with amusement actually showing that he's not annoyed with me, regardless of his introversion.

I can't