Chapter 4

" Maybe you should just let him go, give him some peace."

" Let's not be negative here sap nap."

" You know i'm being realistic here-"

I shush him up by placing my finger on him, " Now sap nap that is not a positive attitude. I can't just give up." I decided to invite my friends while I'm out here with me, Shopping.

" Bethany would you say that I was right?"

She looks up from her phone taking out an ear bud, "Dream, agree with sapnap." She places the ear bud back into her ear.

" Whatever, she wasn't even listening." Spotting a certain area, Bethany find sunglasses With different shapes and we all try them on; I find one with heart shapes, "Guys let's all take a selfie," We all take a selfie with the different shapes.

Bethany studies another pair, " Guys send that to me."

Inside sitting on a bench , we're taking a minute to decide our next move " Bethany say you're an introvert right?"

" I thought we were deciding on where to go next."

" I know I'm just saying like, what would you want if someone was trying to be friends with you?"

" You can't just buy Georgie's friendship, dream."

"Well no," I left my finger up in the thinking mode, " but I could offer something, to you know, speed up this whole friendship thing."

" Sometimes these things takes time Dream."

" But I don't have that kind of time." It's been about 2 weeks since I've been here and not much progress has been made.

She sighs, " Dream there are so many fishes in the sea."

" You make it sound like this is some kind of romance."

" Come on me and Sap nap want to go look at something."

Softly smiling, she shakes her head as we go on.


Nobody pov

He takes a deep breath and he walks out. The August wind slips through his green flannel and baggy ripped jeans; The hangout center scenic view take rest in his eyes. Sunlight slipping through the trees, leading him to find his man luminescently glowing through the trees of the sunlight with his hair hanging over his eyes as he ducks down into his work.

Dream is in awe and starts forget why he was here because right he has to bring it.

The careless extrovert slips his hand in his bag trying to remember where he put it And that ladies and gentleman is a form of an uh oh.

Georgie carries on with his work not being bothered by his presence.

Dream, making a lot more noise than what he had intended to, scavenges through the bag. He shakes it a little violently and eventually leading him to shake it on the ground.

Georgie carries on with his work and yet has a little smile on his face as he raises his eyebrow.

" Come on, where is it?" Stuff pouring out he then digs on the ground. Eventually he finds it, then he has to find his glasses; Finding his glasses with the white heart shapes he puts them on top of his head and holds it out.

"I HAVE IT," Georgie perks up and his lips flicker out in amusement.


Georgie slowly puts down his stuff and gets up onto his knees. He has his wrist on the ground.

He crawls a little bit before getting up. Slowly walking over, He looks at me securely. It was as if he's waiting for something bad to happen and dream doesn't know why.

Back to dream pov because the author messed up and knew that it was going to happen but some reason decided to try it anyway.

He takes a minute to write out a note in his journal. Eventually, he makes it out to me and he's slowly inspecting the gift. " Is this for me?"

" No, it's for my non existent girlfriend, of course it's for you." I beam, holding it out to him.

Careful not to make too much contact, he takes it out of my hand, "Thank you."

I go back and forth on my heels with happiness flooding through me, "You're welcome."

"Right...well I accept this as I'm gonna now. Thank you really."

His stuff is still laying on the ground. "Oh no wait, Georgie!"

He was already gone.

I open the front door and I peak inside, scanning the area. From the main area, Georgie was nowhere to be seen.

I ought to find him so I can give him the stuff back, But maybe I could just return it to him.

I know I shouldn't touch his stuff without his permission but like, it's gotta be returned to him right?

It's the right thing to do.

As the many reasons screaming in my head as not to do it, I walk out picking up his stuff.

Nope, I can't do this.

I put his stuff down. My eyes, however, spot a certain journal.

This is why I would mess up a romance very quickly. I'm too impatient for anything.

I made some sort of progress today, so I really didn't wanna bring that down back to 0, but like is just sitting there and I really wanted to know what he thought about me. Like when he was writing something down earlier, was it about me?

Of course next to the journal, was his laptop, and some papers stacked in it and it was really just a couple of notebook papers.

As much as I really wanted to know who he is And his favorite music playlist, I decided to leave that for another day. Of course I wasn't going to go through it, because that would be just plain out wrong.

His journal, however, was catching my eyesight, so how wrong could it be? No, is wrong, it's very wrong.

What did he write about? Did he write about me? Does he hate me?

My finger skim on the notebook and I peep around looking to see if anybody was there. No, I shouldn't do it.

I pick it up, looking at the back.

Two big words saying 'READ ME' were printed on the back and well now I have to read it.

If I read it, and he finds out he might get mad and dislike me. However, if I don't read it, my curiosities may not cease. It would probably bubble up everyday and be like, "Hey, remember when you could have looked at that notebook and seen whether Georgie likes you or not, as a friend?" It might crumble up every cell of my body, thinking "what does Georgie think?"

It's an invasion of his privacy.

It literally says, "READ ME"


Georgie Pov

I knew I should have wrote it on a sticky note than on the journal. I wanted him to open it to read the instructions that I gave him. Now he's going to overthink it, because of course he is.

Then, when he actually does what I want him to do, he's going to feel so guilty about it that he might just go back to New York.

We can't have that, now can we?


Dream Pov

I feel so guilty I might just have to cut my visit short. He's going to be so mad. I don't think I can handle the dishonorable look that he gives me once he finds out that I opened his journal.

The shame I'm going to face-

Oh wait there's instructions inside.

Dream, skip all the pages with words on them, skip one page over, then read the page with two words.

For me?

' Skip all the pages with words on them.' I start flipping through them, coming across a blank page.

'Skip one page over.' So I skip it.

' Then read the page with the two words.'  I run my fingers gently across it finding the two words.

Show me

Well I'm done. I close the journal and I place it down and I walk back inside. Now I am even more confused and I seriously doubt that he would be explaining that one to me.