The Daemonic Condemnation of Kolbaline Part 3: The Ravage

(General POV)

Location the Hiveworld, Kolbaline/Chaos Spire of Three Queens Top

It has been a couple of days in the Hiveworld of Kolbaline since both the Guard and Chaos forces have basically threw away strategies and tactics for brutal unbridled bloody combat between them utterly slaughtering each other in droves all across Kolbaline the mangled...burned...dismembered...or mutilated corpses from both factions' troops littered the scourged battlefields.

Currently, in one of the few shelters/forging sites belonging to the Kolbaline Guard many civilians were either working up top providing some resources and necessities for all while down below the shelter, in the blazing and incredibly unsafe/unmaintained forges making the Guards' weapons, vehicles and armors with what they have and recycled old gear from previous battles was under attack by a combined force of Gobos and Horrors.

As the brutes of the Flesh Horrors, the greenskins turned into mechanical abominations, the Gorrs used their mech-claws or drills to break through several places around the shelter, gaping holes allowing hordes of other Flesh Horrors and Gobos to storm into the facility and immediately cut, shred, drill, tear, shot and laps-fire at the poor defenseless people as the forces of Chaos butchered everyone in their way women, children, seniors and workers all meet a gorery end.

People were being torn apart by blades, claws, axes, and some still being oblirated by a massive Gorr Drill going through their chest until finally the screams and panic of the Kolbaline refugees alerted the stationed Guard the quickly responded with gun and laps-fire which the Gobos, and Bio-crafters responded in kind while adding various types of explosives ranging from grenades to rockets.

The battle took place in the typical grimdark factorum as the Kolbaline Guard was distracted by the attacking force of the Iron Kollarz and Flesh Horrors they failed to anticipate that the Skullheads and Cultists of Carnage strike the facility from another area cutting off the fleeing civilians those that tried to run or fight these Chaos touched fanatical worshippers only meet a gruesome end.

They captured all those who tried to escape to use for the ritual tasked to them by Kha'braxi some time ago as the main force deals with the Guard the cultists and Skullheads took the captives below, deeper into the forgers to prepare and enact the ritual unleashing the energy of the Immaterium into Kolbaline and allowing the neveborn children of the Dark One to walk and slaughter among them.

Binding the slaves in thorn wire piercing into the flesh of the captives and collars in the shape of the eight-point star with sharp spikes nearly piercing into the captives necks they were fully restrained and taken to another location to be sacrificed all the while the Gobos and Horrors were fighting against the Guard once they received confirmation of their plans coming to fruition the Gobos used their latest and most vile creation called Abyss Grenade, using Psy-Daemonicus Forging along with Warp sorcery and the best metals to forge these weapons of utter chaotic destruction throwing them all over the place as they retreat, the as foolish Kolbaline Guard were celebrating what they believed to be their victory one of the Abyss Grenades that was caught between one of the rails of the lower hanging bridges from the lower level of the facility started to blink in a violet light, and beeping slowly increasing in intensity as the area around the explosive showing signs of Chaos corruption of Carnage, exactly like they were designed to do literal handheld explosives containing the vile powers of the Warp and Chaos which not only cause great the Abyss Grenades were flashing and beeping erratically they all spread their thick black clamps and with a spark of violet all exploded with the force of Destroyer mark tank cannon shell and within a highly unstable location such as the forges, the force of the explosions completely laced with the corruptive powers of the Immaterium not only destroyed the building and area, but erased the life from the hundred of Guardsmen that were to busy celebrating to notice or even register their death that shallowed them whole clutching unto their incorporial souls being pulled into the thristing jaws of the daemons that dwell within the Warp but the real damage that the Abyss Grenades cause wasn't the massive destruction, soul ripping or extreme high mortality rate but what it does to the explosion zone...

The secret forge wasn't the first victim to the Iron Kollarz Gobos' newest daemonic explosives all meet the same fate of death and souls being pulled into the Warp, but the places the bombs went off were extremely corrupted almost looking like the Nethervoid has expanded to Realspace as the destroyed building are held together by a deep maroon colored biomass sometime having sharp spikes and needles or tentacles with stinger tips, large eyes and/or gaping maws filled with teeth not only that but the ground is covered in a unnatural violet colored soil with burgundy vines reaching out these places were deem hazardous by the Kolbaline Guard ordering all civilians, workers, and stationed Guard to abandon these "scourged" areas as many Guardsmen and Biologists have tried to investigate and examine this infection and the physical manifestation of Chaos corruption on a planet but all have either gone completely mad or mutated attacking their former comrades but that's only what's happening to the Guard and their perspective.

These Abyss Grenades created from most twisted adhuman (Gobo) minds of the infernal forges serve to further weaken the ever thinning veil between the Materium and the Immaterium spreading the taint of the Warp directly onto Kolbaline surface and hastening the process of the ritual sacrifices which are close to being performed and the daemons of Laharl to cometh.

Location the Chaos Spire of Three Queens-Top

Corex was joined by another Chaos Sorcerer that was reporting that already eight hidden facilities of the Guard have been destroyed, raided, and corrupted by their forces, and they have gathered enough captives to perform all the lesser rituals across the hiveworld all they're awaiting is his command, Corex chuckled as the though of the desperation and foolishness that Grabd Highlord De'sanguine carelessness from anger has made their raids and preparations go without any sort of hitch in their plans giving the sorcerer the order to proceed starting with the site in between four locations one a Guardsmen base, two recently corrupted areas and the ritual site.

Regardless if the Guard discover their forces and try to interrupt the first chosen ritual, they will soon be overwhelmed by the hordes of Carnage daemons that will join them, but Corex erred in the side of caution ordering the low sorcerer to also send some Crimsontear Battalion reinforcements to the site just in case the Chaos Sorcerer bowed to him and left leaving Corex as he watched the cocoon thinking that soon his time will come and that Kolbaline will finally be ravaged by the daemonic forces of the Dark One making the power hungry Warp sorcerer laugh as his horned helmed head looked to the marooned tinted black skies of his former homeworld and laugh in more greater and malicious tone.