Sub Forces of the Chaos Gods


1.The Dark Druids of the Black Jungles: The devoted and fanatical worshipers of Chi, the last remnants of the corrupted and remade world of the Feudal World, Naulles. Feral humans with light grey skin which were corrupted by Carnage, and their leader the first Dark Druid, Lady Chi gifted them with psyker ability of dark druidism. She ascended to become the First Daemon Queen of Carnage, she went on to become their Matriarch Goddess and bringing them within the Warp, to reside in the Black Jungles and Forests that are scattered throughout the Nethervoid. They use their psyker powers and sorcery to bend and corrupt plant life into doing their bidding and create daemonic plant life known as "Dark Florrah" spreading defilement and corrupting to nature itself they reign the Forests and Jungles throughout the Materium.

Leader: Chi Aahtahg.

Greatest Rival: Greenskins.

Advantage Against: Feral Orkz.

2.The Daughters of Debauchery: As the mother and matriarch of the she-daemon race of Succubi, Kiira rules her daughters and servents as they ravish the world's. Kiira Blakenroze is the Second Daemon Queen of Carnage, that govern lust and debauchery, her daughters are beautiful and sensual she-daemons that possess unbelievable, twisted desires as they rip, tear, and seduce their mortal prey across Realspace. Their Charm ability make them a deadly adversary against all male species...aside orkz and tyranids...because of their dark desires their most strongest and twisted among them become high-daemons known as Hell Seductresses that are able to fly and have strongest seductive auras then their lesser rankings sisters. The Succubi adore their Mother Goddess above all, and will risk all to please her the youngest amongst them are made handmaidens that serve in the Dark One Castle at times they stay in that position or join either the personal army of their mother or of the Herald, the Brew Mistress.

Leader: Kiira Blakenroze.

Greatest Rival: Slaaneshi Forces.

Advantage Against: Male Enemies.

3.The Flesh Horrors: The horrific bio-mechanical abominations created by the third Daemon Queen of Carnage, Scalpel Bleedinhart. Mixing living subjects from various races mostly human, combining them with dark tech, and chaotic power they become techno-organic monstrosities hence their name. Close to being undead, mechanical creatures except the horrific experiment and biomancy done by the Daemon Nurse has granted them life eternal and take their freedom away, bound to their Goddess will and command they serve as aid for other experiments and soldiers in battle. Immune to diseases, time, undeath, pain and fatigue, they are a devastating force against several forces across the Galaxy and more. It is a better fate to die in the hands of these bio-mechanical abominations than become a hostage to them so they can endure the excruciating process of becoming one of the Flesh Horrors in Scalpel's eternal service.

Leader: Scalpel Bleedinhart.

Greatest Rival: Drukhari Haemonculi.

Advantage Against: Imperial Guard, Undead.

4.The Iron Kollarz: The adhuman creation of the humans from the former Hiveworld-Kolbaline, the best minds of that world manage to merge human with greenskin DNA creating the former workforce of that world, until a Gobo named Jade Emerlhyde was set freed from her bounds and in turn she lead a bloodstained rebellion against the humans. Turning the worker, smiths, weapon crafters, and system maintainers into psychotic monster that rampaged across the planet and beyond. She ascended as the Fourth Daemon Queen of Carnage, and return she ascended and fully corrupted the Gobos into Chaos, they were taken into the Warp, given their own daemonworld at the edge of the Dark One's domain, as well as given the sacred task to care for the Stigeon the Living Forge of Carnage. They became the primary forgers of the forces of Carnage, armed with deadly weapons from lapsguns, shotguns, to rocket launchers plus a number of Mad Max style vehicle they drive. Brutal green things, that only listen to the "Etarnal Boss" Jade she personally lead their rampages across the stars and worlds. They are the literal incarnations of anarchy and destruction, seeking to destroy everything and create weapons of dark nature for their Dark God and She Boss, they make up much of the "mortal" Carnage invasion in the Materium, for good reasons.

Leader: Jade Emerlhyde.

Greatest Rival: Cult Mechanicum.

Advantage Against: Imperial Guard.

5.The Crimsontear Battlion: Once a proud squadron that belong to the Kolbaline Guard, until the daughter of a High Lord turned to Chaos, and in turned took control of the military force turning them into Carnage worshipping Guardsmen. With these newly corrupted men and women Cassandra rouse to power and caused carnage across her former homeworld gathering followers from various regiments and squadrons and much more from the Guard stationed across the planet. Creating a army of Carnage Corrupted souls, daemonic warmachines, and even the first true Chaos Sorcerers. Eventually her achievements, her slaughters, and leadership lead her into becoming the Fifth Daemon Queen of Carnage, and the completion of the Crimsontear Battlion. Aside from the Alderi they are the most advanced military/Chaos force in the Galaxy, always training and battle ready to be called out to war and slaughter in the name of the Dark Master and Mistresses, while predominantly loyal and obedient to Lady Cassandra they live to serve their God and his Queens serving as small reinforcements for their armies but a major force for their Lady and Goddess that is the only one allowed to command all the divisions of the Battlion. Ever evolving and upgrading their weaponry following still the beliefs of the once hiveworld Kolbaline, creating new weapons and working side by side with the Iron Kollarz to make greater and deadlier warmachines and daemonic engines.

Leader: Cassandra Crimsontear.

Greatest Rival: Imperials.

Advantage Against: Tyranids, Genestealers, Votann.

6.The Bloodstained Snow Beasts: A former sub-race of Eldar, spawn by the gestation facility in the plante Ymir, the Shi'lanorai or Frost Eldars were once the subservient people task with guarding the frozen world, and obey their Alderi masters. Having a warrior/hunter like mentality this lead the former princess of the Shi'lanorai into the service and worship of Carnage, and in turn rebel against her former father and slave-masters the alderi which she despises. Condemning her entire race and they willingly follow her, as their Queen and now Goddess, the Bloodstained Snow Beasts made their new home withing the Realm of Laharl, mutating and corrupting themselves into true apex predators. As they willingly and graciously serve the Dark One and the Eighth Daemon Queen, they became the beasts they always were meant to be, along with gaining the dark blessing of Carnage their ice sorcery has become greater along with many new mutant creatures joining their ranks.

Leader: Crystallyl Shik'Adammine.

Greatest Rival: Alderi.

Advantage Against: Drukhari.

7.The Dwellers of the Deep: The name that mortal call the horrors, underneath the dark waters. They servents of both Daemon Queens, Scylla and Nyo, that specializes in underwater combat and invading waterworlds, the horrific masters of water based combat, with Mermaids drawing in victims with singing, even deadlier when their Daemon Queens join in battles. While a daemonic force that is highly specific in combat style, it also make them one of the few daemonic forces that have next to contenders against them. With the exception of the Tyranids, when they first clashed the xenos evolved to be able to fight and consume biomass in Waterworlds or Floodedworlds under the control of either or both Scylla and Nyo.

Leaders: Scylla Cantrelle Atattes & Nyo Blackwaters.

Greatest Rival: Tyranids.

Advantage Against: Humans.

8.The Ambrossian Shroud: The Warband, that belong to the herald of Carnage, L'litha the Brew Mistress. A succubus that rised in power and favor all because of a mistake overwhelmed by the sense of persecution, paranoia, and self-destruction in order to gain forgiveness she scouwers the Materium in search of ingredients for the perfect Ambrossia Brew to replace the one she discarded carelessly. During these expeditions and harvests she created mutated servents and also gained succubi followers, as well as created a new hell beast exclusive for her sisters. The warband has proven to be invaluable to the Dark One and Ladies so they secretly support her and watch over the succubus herald, as she terrorizes the Realspace.

Leader: L'litha the Brew Mistress.

Greatest Rival: Festus' Forces.

Advantage Against: Eldar.


1.The Legion of the Gorequeen: Once a mortal turned Daemon Princess, Valkia was chosen to become the beloved wife of the Chaos God, Khorne and ascended to become the first Daemon Queen of Blood. While the forces of Chaos, especially Blood were rising in power across the multiverse the Gorequeen began to rise a daemonic and mortal army predominantly composed she-daemons her own daughters known as the Blood Valkyries, she formed a great army to slaughter, fight, and collect blood and skull for her and her beloved husband, Khorne. As time passes more women answer the call of the Gorequeen, becoming war-maidens and follower of Khorne, making this Chaos force predominantly female. Valkia welcomes men if they're true warriors, if not they become sacrifices for her and her daughters, eventually this force shall become one of the dominating forces of the Legion of Blood.

PS: In the Horus Heresy Aftermath, World Eaters and more are drawn to serve under the Daemon Queen of Blood herself, and gain much more bloodshed than ever before.

Leader: Valkia the Gorequeen.

Greatest Rival: Slaaneshi Forces.

Advantage Against: Emperor's Children, and other Slaaneshi Forces.

2.Warpack of Flames: The followers of Bellona, the Second Blood Queen. Ranging from mutants to even a large amount of Bloodgors, and blood she-daemons all faithful to the Roman War Goddess. Waging constant war and destroying temples dedicated to other Goddesses especially those of Slaanesh or slaaneshi aligned temple, making them one of the most hated enemies to followers of the Dark Princess. They deadly in combat, hitting hard, fearsome in close combat, and refuse using any bolters, lapsguns, autoguns, but Bellona accepts throwing explosives or burners, all to cause massive amount of damage and destruction to the worlds and enemies.

Leader: Bellona the War Goddess.

Greatest Rival: Slaaneshi Forces.

Advantage Against: Imperial Guard, and Sisters of Battle.

3.Bloodwitches of Scarlet Mother:

Leader: Skarlet the Scarlet Mother.

Greatest Rival:

Advantage Against:


1.Maidens of Plague Matriachs:

Leader: Aiikila the Swarm Queen of the Garden.

Greatest Rival:

Advantage Against:

2.The Fecundites: The gangrenius and disease ridden force of the Leachlord himself. When the Grandfather summoned him to another world Festus began not only brewing and experimenting new diseases and poxes for the Maggotking but also started gaining followers both mortal and daemonic. As the Plague God, gain control of his old homeworld Festus began spreading disease and vile gaining the aid of many daemons and much more, obtaining greater knowledge of phage and plagues he never knew existed and using the Warp, he started drawing in loyal mortal for the Cradle of Human Life to join his forces. This made him quite influential in the Garden, and also elevated him onto the rank of a Exalted Champion, pleasing the Dark Apocathery.

PS: In the Horus Heresy Aftermath, several Death Guard and Doom Harbingers join the Fecundites out of respected for the greatest Plague Champion in the Galaxy & Warp.

Leader: Festus the Leachlord.

Greatest Rival: Tzeentchian Forces.

Advantage Against: Humans.


The Skaven/Veermyn: The Skaven, the children of the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth, after being taken into the Prime World, he blessed his minions with new powers, and knowledge of the new world of billions of worlds and stars, filled with countless souls to feast Ultnarth.

They earned their name Veermyn from a Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos, name Calxius Vayne Sindrie, who lead an investigation on the hiveworld of Veer, at first they've suspected a Genestealer Uprising until they've found the genestealer cult completely massacred. Further investigation not only human sign remain, and rat were everywhere that's when a bell started tolling, getting louder and stronger every rung, and at thirtieth rung, they came. A giant force of actual ratmen wearing repainted flag-armor, pieces of machines, and more all painted red, lead by a massive red armored rat with a bone rack on his back, wielding a sword and hammer, the battle was a massacre, only the familiar servo-skull of the Inquisitor, survived and relayed the final message and moments of the first encounter with the Veermyn.

There are Skaven/Veermyn everywhere in the galaxy today. They live deep within the settlements of many races, from hiveworlds, deathworlds and more awaiting for their time to rise and conquest, destroy, and corrupt the overworld in the name of the Great Horned Rat. These daemoninc ratmans steal whatever they can, they have a basic understanding of technology of other races...except Greenskins, thanks to Clan Skryre and an enthusiastic, if somewhat haphazard approach, to experimentation through Warpstone. They strip the machines of others to get to the raw materials they require for their devices, crippling city sectors or ships, sometimes with fatal results. Veermyn are naturally secretive and appear to possess a great deal of cunning, so much so that rumours of hivecities of seeing these Veermyn/Skaven are just about credible as Imperial Propaganda. The clans enhanced by their Dark God they become a cross between neverborn and beastmen these verminous warriors rise up out of the ground, armed with bizarre weapons that spit warpfire, lasers, and searing chemicals, along with psychic and magical forces. As the vermintide is rising and destroying the imperial worlds, rivaling the level of the Orkz and Genestealers, many Inquisitors and Highlords claim that they don't exist,

The Skaven/Veermyn Clans

1.Skryre: Clan Skryre is one of the several Skaven/Veermyn Great Clans of the Warp/Galaxy. Its specialty is the horrible combination of arcane/psyker sorcery with mad, warpstone-based science and engineering to create some of the greatest and most diabolical warmachines to have ever graced the tunnels of the great Under-Empires. Its members, known as Warlock-Engineers, are both technological inventors and wizards alike, whose expertise aids in the manufacturing of all kinds of war-machines and weaponry for the use of those among the other Skaven/Veermyn clans willing to pay. Many of them are full-fledged wizards themselves, capable of manipulating the Lores of Magic to cast spells on their own, but their most potent of weapons lies in their use of their own deadly weaponry.

2.Mors: Clan Mors is one of the most powerful of the Warlord Clans, ruled by the equally ruthless Lord Gnawdwell. Due to recent victories and prodigious expansion, Clan Mors is very near to matching Clans Eshin, Pestilens, Moulder, and even Skryre in sheer power and influence in the Old World. Mors grew in number, and power to another level when they came to this new world, known for taking parts of power-armors for their own, as well power-claws, chainswords, chainhalbers, powerspears, and more. Yet even in this new world, Mors continues to flaunt its power, and none of Great Clans have been able to against them, they serve as the main force of the Skaven/Veermyn.

3.Rictus: Clan Rictus are warriors that are all vicious and grim, but it is for their inordinate numbers of huge, jet-black furred Stormvermin, that they are rightly feared. Able to produce a large amount od elite warriors thag are stronger and more violent than any Clanrats, and lesser Skaven go to great lengths to keep out of their way. In contrast to their dark-armored warriors, Clan Rictus' banners tend to be white with symbols depicted in black or dark red. Unusually, Clan Rictus is not affiliated with its own distinct rune, but instead uses all manner of runic devices, made their own by the addition of jagged claw-marks.

4.Eshin: Clan Eshin is one of the Great Clans of the Skaven/Veermyn which specialises in the deadly and secretive arts of stealth, murder, poison and assassination learned from the realms of the exotic Far East of the Old World. Out of all the other clans which populate the Under-Empire, Clan Eshin is by far the most secretive and hidden of them all. This mysterious clan has eyes and ears everywhere and its deadly operatives are scattered throughout the Under-Empire as well as secreted about within the cities and settlements of the surface dwellers of the Galaxy. They are known to some level with the Drukhari/Dark Eldars exchanging Warpstones and Slaves for assassination jobs.

5.Mordkin: Clan Mordkin was one of the many Skaven/Veermyn Warlord Clans that made themselves known in the Under Empire for fighting against the Undead legions of Nagash. They are experts of fighting in hot desert terrains, fighting against Tomb Kings and Undead in the Old World, they've been fighting against Nagash for centuries, with the intense Sunlight, blanching their furr with greyish spots on their brown furr. Clan Mordkin has developed some unique traits one they wear the bones of both their dead kin and of their prey, and they developed a voretious appetite known to barely taking captives for slavery, instead they devoured their captives, letting the meat rot first before their meals as the Mordkin ratmen's appetites.

6.Pestilens: Clan Pestilens is one of the Great Clans of the Skaven/Veermyn that are feared throughout the Under-Empire for the vile diseases and plagues these ratmen have created, mastered and unleashed upon the mortal world. Probably the most feared of all the Great Clans, these Skaven/Veermyn are watched carefully by their enemies and allies alike, having been the main aggressor and instigator of both of the great Skaven Civil Wars that ravaged much of the Under-Empire for four centuries, and almost succeeded in overthrowing the rule of the Council of Thirteen. They've are known to focus on jungle and swampworlds, and having some rivalry against the forces of Nurgle, but of all the Clans, their the ones that have the most largest deathtoll and successfully corrupted many worlds in the name of the Ultnarth the Great Horned Rat.

7.Moulder: Clan Moulder is one of the Great Clans of the Skaven/Veermyn of the Under-Empire, and its infamous Master Moulders specialise in the creation of some of the most horrific and fearsome war-beasts to have ever existed through breeding, mutation, and surgical alteration. With the blessing of Warp, they have gained biomancy and psychic options to created more horrific monstrosities, and even new daemons that have earned the interest of the other Chaos Gods, Chaos Legions, and even Drukhari. Such is the high demand for these ferocious creations that Clan Moulder is one of the wealthiest of all Skaven/Veermyn clans and other dark forces of both Materium & Immaterium. While many are jealous of Clan Moulder's might and wealth, few dare to openly challenge them, not when the clan can field an entire army of grotesquely mutated war-beasts and daemonic rat creatures.

Leaders: Council of the Veermyn/Skaven Fiends.

Rivals: Genestealers, Orkz, and Necrons.

Advantage Against: Genestealers & Votann.

PS: The Council of Thirteen have been replaced by chosen champions and Elder Daemons of the Great Horned Rat, Ultnarth, serving the Skaven/Veermyn-blight as they conquer and corrupt the Galaxy in the name of their Dark God.


1.Sisterhood Branches of the Chaos Amazons: The Chaos fallen Themiscyrain/Greek Amazons of Mythology, eternally beautiful warrior maidens, that were blessed by the Olympians with sudo-immortality, and near demigod like abilities. Originally they view their oath to the Olympians as a great honor, but apart from their late queen, Hippolyte enforced the obedience and devotion to the Greek God, but as the years passed the amazons saw themselves as underused, and all but mentioned slaves of Gods that don't deserve their devotion or worship. Until the Blood God, Khorne attacked Greece that it cemented the seed of doubt into the amazons, and during the Chaos invasion of Greece they meet Gods...Goddesses worthy of worshiping. This cost them Queen Hippolyte, but the amazons completely gave themselves to Chaos, specifically into the service and protection of the Goddesses of Chaos, forming various branches that are dedicated to one or more Chaos Queen Goddesses.

A.Dread Maidens of the Ladies: The Undivided and largest branch of the Chaos Amazons, they serve and worship all the Chaos Goddesses/Queens equally. This make them the most respected by the other amazons and even forms a bond with the other branches, as they also work as the recruiting world for other amazons that better suited for the other branch that exclusively serve one Pantheon of Chaos above the others.

B.The Order of the Dark Warrior Maidens: The Sisterhood under the service of the Carnage Queens, they worship one or all the Dark Ladies. Serving in all their armies, wielding broadsword or scimitar and shield in battle with the exception of the amazons that receive a blessing of a claw by the Dark Goddesses. They are extremely aggressive and mentally unstable, borderline insane and depending on the Carnage Queen that they have the most favor from will dictate their overall mutations/blessings. From Cassandra their great commanders bound in blood gold parts, from Kiira they are extremely beautiful and sensual, sprouting horns and tails, or from either Scylla and Nyo, they become as close as war-mermaids that ancient legend said to serve the weakling of Poisedon, and soo on all depending, on their temple these amazons are dedicated to in the following of Carnage.

C.The Bloodshields of the War Goddesses: The Sisterhood under the service of the Blood Goddesses, either being their deadliest warrior maidens or blood priestesses to them. Embracing the bloodlust, the battlehunger, and distaining all matter of psyker/spellcasting in any kind with the exception of Blood Rituals and Sacrifices to their Blood Goddesses. Majority of this sisterhood have mutations that let them resemble the holy daughter of the Gorequeen and War Goddess, the Blood Valkyries, they use many heavy weapons and armor, many taking inspiration from their Blood Goddesses using their weapons for their more skilled and strongest members of their sisterhood.

D.The Sisterhood of the Putrid Bloosoms: The Sisterhood under the service of the Queen and Princesses of the Garden, the loyal protectors and warriors of the Royal Ladies of Plague Garden. They have the blessing of Decay and Famine from the princesses, and sometimes their Mother, Aiikila, blesses them into becoming hosts for various insect swarms. Unlike the norm of the followers of the Plague God, these Amazons have retained much of their speed and agility, at the cost of great hunger, consuming the dead, and the decay to sastify themselves making them feared and reviled by many, but in the love of the Plague-Mother and Princesses, and the honor of serving them all shall be fead and infected in their loving embrace.

E.The Azurian Daughters of Evolution: This Sisterhood serves Lady Eve. They embrace mutations for with them they'll achieve the ultimate evolution, becoming the Ultimate Warriors. Eves is their mothers and Goddess, her child the symbol of the sisterhood, they embrace pregnancy but any male baby is sacrificed to the Change Gods, while daughters are accepted and rised as members of the Azurian Daughters. Unlike the other sisterhoods these amazons embrace and use spell-casting, but reject psykers for they see magic superior and divine, over a defection that is psyker ability and power.

F.The Decadent Sisterhood of the Fallen Rose:

The Beastmen Warherds

Beastmen: Are a violent, war-driven race of savage mutants with animalistic traits and qualities to them, that seek only to plague and destroy the civilisations of Men and the rest of the mortal world. They prey on the weak and defenceless, striking at lonely settlements without warning in a rampage of destruction before disappearing into the protective darkness of their dark wilderness, running away from the dire retribution that often fails to follow. By the grace of the Bat, the Dark God, Laharl, these primitive savage monsters were taken away from their desolate old domains, and taken across the Galaxy divided into two breed the Purebreed which originated from the Old World, and the Advbreed which used to be slaves of humans and the Imperium, until the warherds enhanced with greater strength, intellect, and a basic understanding of technology uniting the herds under the banner of Chaos Undivided, or a specific God, or Beast Mothers like Nyo Blackwaters, Tai Tai Shien, ect... Because of their savage fury, relentless violence, dark magics as well as sorcery and access to several firearms from the Adbreeds they became a force that strike fears to hearts of hivecities. Many serve under either a Beastlord, Bray Shaman, or a Chaos Champion that will bring them more battles and glory across the stars. Taurox the Brass Bull is considered the ultimate beast that ascended onto greater daemonhood as a Elder Daemon, and is consider the Beast God by the herds, and many answer his call when he comes to the Materium to slaughter.

Beastmen are divided in several sub-species

1.Gors: Are the most common type of Beastman, distinguished by the fact they possess horns. Gors are a broad class of Beastman that also comprises more specific sub-types. Below the Gors are the lowly breeds of Beastmen which look up to them for leadership.

2.Caprigors: Caprigors are one of most common breed of Gor, recognisable by their goat- or sheep-like heads and legs and their curling or straight goat-like horns. Resembling Old Terran folklore of creatures called Satyrs only much more beastial like in all aspects, quite agile beastmen in many terms speed, jumping and climbing.

3.Ungors: Ungors are much more variable in appearance than the other Gor subtypes. They possess some form of horns, but the Ungors themselves are not recognisable as either Caprigors or Bovigors. The most favoured Ungors might possess a spectacular array of horns, or a single, fine horn, but most have only small or misshapen horns, which other Beastmen find contemptible. They also are possess of the most humanoid appearance among the Beastmen, which does not enhance their respect among their brethren.

4.Centigors: Centigors or Centaurs are centaur-like Beastmen who are a cross between four-legged creatures, such as horses and oxen, and the upper body of a humanoid. As a result they are able to wield brutal weapons while possessing the great speed and strength of beasts of burden.

5.Bray-Shamans : Bray-shamans are the intermediaries between their tribe and the Chaos Gods who possess either the ability to wield the Winds of Magic like other wizards or be a powerful Psyker capable of bending the Immaterium like other sorcerors. The majority are not powerful enough to challenge the tribal chieftain, but some ambitious ones are more than willing and able to fulfil both positions. Bray-shamans are marked apart from other Beastmen by their heterochromatic eyes, which means that one eye is typically a different colour than the other. The specific colours are believed to signify the favour in which the shaman is held by a particular Chaos God. A Bray-shaman might repeat the colours of his eyes in his robes, so that he might display the sacred colours of the different Chaos Gods.

6.Minotaurs: Minotaurs are massive Beastmen who possess the head and hindquarters of a bull. Standing nearly ten feet tall, Minotaurs are a class of Beastmen unto themselves, but are nonetheless often seen amongst their tribes. Very physical strong and extremely violent and aggressive, commonly falling in the service of Khorne, becoming Bloodbulls, or they rise in power in their pack becoming beastlord commonly called a Doombull.

7.Cygors: Are cyclopian beastmen that are massive, and a distant cousin of the Minotaurs, but because they hail from the most tainted of all the realms of the Old World, they have diverged greatly from their kin. Cygors roam the worlds that have the misfortune of spawning or having one of these monsters, smashing through things they cannot see and laying waste to anything in their path. Their single eye allows them to see the material plane poorly, as they are only able to truly discern the flow of the Winds of Magic and the Warp, across the Materium. They hunger for only one thing that soothes their unquenachable hunger the souls of wizards, spellcasters, and psykers across the battlefields and planets.

8.Ghorgons: They are the huge, four-armed, ox-headed monsters used by the Beastmen warherds. They have evolved/mutated from those Minotaurs whose extreme overconsumption of Chaos-tainted flesh triggered rapid growth and extreme mutation. As such, they now tower above the Gor herds, sprouting a line of rigid spikes in the back and an extra pair of arms, ending in bone blades instead of true hands. When capably channelled towards a common foe, the Ghorgon rampage through their ranks, brutally slaughtering their victims and consuming them whole. Their hunger however, is never sated. Should the well-spring of enemy flesh run dry, their ravenous focus is likely to shift, and those they once warred beside may soon become their next meal.

9.The Bestigors: Are larger and stronger varient of the Gors, considered the elite of the Beastmen tribes, mutant warriors blessed by the Dark Gods with the most spectacular horns, a mighty constitution and raw physical power that puts others of their kind to shame. They constantly enforce their superiority over the Gors and Ungors of their warherd with random acts of excessive violence.

10.Khorngors: A Khorngor is a Beastman, usually a Bestigor, who is sworn to the service of the Chaos God Khorne, god of war and rage. Khorngors prefer to bear the sacred colours of the Blood God such as red, have skin and fur which is almost a metallic brass in colour and texture, while their eyes are a milky white with red pupils. Many Khorngors possess the heads of great, slavering hounds with large jaws and fangs which drip with saliva. The most favoured Khorngors of the Blood God bear horns which take the shape of the skull-shaped Mark of Khorne.

11.Pestigors: Pestigors, are those Beastmen who have been born especially blessed since birth by Nurgle, the Chaos God of disease and despair, are renowned and feared among their kind. They are a repugnant foe: their hide splits from a hundred lesions, ichor runs from their eyes and mouths, and their fangs and horns blacken with rot.

12.Tzaangors: Beastmen are creatures of pure Chaos and so exalt all four Ruinous Powers equally in their worship of Chaos Undivided. However, sometimes a she-gor spawns a whelp that is clearly a chosen one of the Changer of Ways, its fur patterned with the Mark of Tzeentch, or its horns curling to form that god's unholy symbol. These creatures are known as Tzaangors, and are feared and respected among their herd. Drawn to the use of or sources of magic or psychic sorcery like moths to a candle, Tzaangors are unnatural Beastmen whose animalistic savagery combines well with their keen and cruel intellect.

13.Slaangors: Slaangors are Beastmen, usually a Gor or Bestigor, who have sworn themselves to, or been especially chosen by, Slaanesh, the Chaos God of pleasure and pain. Like many of the devotees of Slaanesh, the fur of Slaangors is often dyed in eye-watering pastel shades, their eyes green and saucer-like and their horns mutated or deliberately grown to form the Mark of Slaanesh. Slaangors, like many devotees of Slaanesh, can be powerful sorcerers.

14.Felinids: Are a recognized strain of Abhuman within the Imperium. They are primarily known as being native to the world of Carlos McConnell. Considered a rarity outside their world, they've adjusted their human DNA combining it with that of felines, using Dark Age Tech, resembling more feline bidepal humanoids that have greater physical abilities and sensed then "pure" humans. Oppressed and discrimated by the Imperium for their derive from the original genes, and despite the Emperor's best efforts and intentions they fell to Chaos. Becoming the Cat Goddess, Tai Tai Shien, footsoldiers, for the offering of freedom and more in-depth connection the feral cat inside their augmented genes, they primarily worship her above if not only her from the Beast Mothers. They serve as long range footsoldiers, that most of them are specialist long range sniper, working alongside several Chaos forces from Traitor Guards, Chaos Marines, and primarily Beastmen Warherd, hence officially becoming members of the beastmen species.

15.Catsabers: Thecat beastmen, that are exclusive female possessing either traits of humanoid or feline more predominant in their appearance, possessing no connection with Felinids, aside of breeding between them at most occasions. Their highly agile, swift, and seductive making them deadly fighters or even assassins in any warherds, catsabers are the daughters of Tai Tai Shien making them sacred and untouchable by other beastmen with exception that a Chaos God is angered by a failure. Those truly dedicated to Tai Tai Shien, are known as Feral Priestesses that are able to invoke some of their Mother-Goddess power into Realspace.

Warbands lead by Fantasy Chaos Lords/Champions turned into Space Marines/Sleeper Agents

Archeon the Everchosen Patron Legion: Sons of Horus. Allegiance: Chaos Undivided. Warband Color: Black, Grey, with Gold Trims. Warband-Chosen of the Damned: Archeon once the chosen bringer of Apocalypse, that was defeated and taken by the avatar of the Warp Gods, Ixion Daemonhart. The Dark Gods, erased his memories and placing him in the Lunar Wolves of Horus Lupercal, becoming a enhance superhuman, rising amongst the ranks of the Legion and even becoming a rival to Abaddon. Once the Primarch fell to Chaos, Archeon memories and powers started to return to him, in this new world he'll rise into power and glory where he failed in his former world, regaining his artifacts and rising as a powerful Chaos Lord. When the Siege of Terra failed, Archeon splintered off the legion and formed a massive warband with fleets of loyal followers that see Archeon as the true Chosen of the Dark Gods, even forming a intense rivalry against the Black Legion, The Hammerstorms, and even the loyalist/alternative Luna Wolves.

Wulfriek the Wanderer Patron Legion: Space Wolves. Allegiance: Chaos Undivided. Warband Color: Light Bluish Grey, White and Grey Trims. Warband-Wandering Pack: The Eternal Wanderer was spared and used as one "Sleepers" in the Astartes Legions. His memories erased and his tongue curse, sealed for the moment, he was placed on Fenris were he thrive and became a mighty warrior, taller and stronger than the average man. His fame and deeds earned the ear of Leman Russ, and he became a Space Wolf, a mighty Space Marine rivalry any of the greats of the legion, during these many campaigns in the Great Crusade, he slowly regained his trusted greatsword, and flashes of lost memories. When the Horus Heresy and the Great Division of Reality passed, and the Alter-Leman or as they call him Garm Russ invaded Fenris, the Gods decided to fully awaken Wulfriek. Regaining his memories, his curse, and his ship he and his most loyal brothers betrayed the Space Wolves, and fought alongside the War Wolves. Miraculously the Space Wolves managed to defeat the War Wolves and Wulfriek's Pack, but at great losses to the Legion, since then Wulfriek once again a proud champion of Chaos, has wandered the Galaxy hunting and fighting all that Gods desire him to face, amassing a large warband called the Wandering Pack.

Sigvald the Magnificent Patron Legion: The Emperor's Children. Allegiance: Slaanesh. Warband Colors: Pinkish Purple, Mauve, with Gold Trim. Warband-Exalted Decadent Host: After Slaanesh's forces were defeated in the Old World, seeing his worth and She Who Thirst wanted her chosen champion and saved her Gilded Prince, and placed him as a Sleeper amongst the Sons of Fulgrim, the Emperor's Children. For some "gene-mutation" Sigvald remained with golden blonde hair, and a majestic beauty that even his Gene-sire was impressed, and made him one of his trusted advisors and captains. His skills with the blade was unnatural and barely rivaled, only a few could hope to match his deadly swordmanship, such spawning a eternal and heated rivalry with Lucius. As the Crusade went on, Sigvald was one of the first of the Emperor's Children, to fall into twisted decadence and deeds, since Primarch, Fulgrim picked up the Lair Blade. His sadistic actions grew, and he engaged in every excess but never mutated, remaining perfect and beautiful, when the Emperor's Children fell into the abyss of Slaanesh, he regained his memories, abilities, and finally gained his first and only mutation being some elegant horns. He served throughout the Horus Heresy, and gained countless followers from within and out the Legion, under Daemon Primarch, Fulgrim's, surprisingly generous blessing, Sigvald was allowed to create his own warband, and have a massive freedom to do as the Dark Princess desires, but must answer any summons from Fulgrim, in exchange of this freedom. Since then Sigvald and his Exalted Decadent Host name after his former army, have reign terror and bloodshed across the galaxy in Slaanesh's name.

Arbaal the Undefeated Patron Legion: World Eaters. Allegiance: Khorne. Warband Color: Deep Red, with Black and Brass Trims. Warband-The Hounds of the Undefeated:

Aekold Helbrass Patron Legion: Thousand Sons. Allegiance:Tzeentch. Warband Color: Warband-Breathers of Fate:

Tamurkhan (Modified Ogryn Body) Patron Legion: Death Guard. Allegiance: Nurgle. Warband Colors: Warband-Maggotspawns:

Harald Hammerstorm Patron Legion: Unknown Allegiance: Chaos Undivided. Warband Colors: Warband-The Hammerstorm:

This Axillary will update with new armies and forces are revealed so all can remember and know which force is when mentioned.