The Final Preparations Turns Into a Harvest

(General POV)

Location the Immaterium-Realm of Chaos, Meeting Spot Outside the Chaos Gods' Domains

In a desolate and barren location, were none of the Chaos Gods has divine dominion over, all the Gods and Goddesses decided to meet and strategize against their new soon-to-be born brother Tzeentch.

Gathered in a circle, with their chosen Elder Daemons alongside their respected Dark God, acting as advisor and input on the upcoming war against the Sorceror God.

Beside the Dark One and the Dark Ladies (Chi, Kiira, Scalpel, Cassandra, Jade, Ruu, Ragna, and Crystallyl) are Ba'al, Mordred, Beelzabub, the Morrigan Triarch (Clo'thoa, Hather and Monica), Varimathras and Alcina the Elder Daemons of Carnage while Nidhog staying in the Nethervoid by command of his dark masters, and Phobos not participating in the Chaos War normal means he instead was harvesting dead and living souls for all the Chaos Gods under the command of Laharl, to strength all of them further for the upcoming war, as the rest stood beside their dark masters waiting for any possible threat to their Gods, and to strike down said threats.

Next to Khorne and Valkia are Skarbrand, Zsach, Wrath, and Kratos the Elder Daemons of Blood, while Karanak remained in the Blood Lands under Khorne's command all relatively "calm" but ready to fight and spill blood at any minor infraction done against their Blood Gods.

Lastly was Nurgle and his Fiancee, Aiikila who he was more than happy to introduce to his family, which surprised everyone except of course Laharl having been responsible for the Swarm Queen's birth.

The other Daemon Queens and respect wives of Laharl and Khorne, observe the insectoid she-daemon which exuded both a calm and reserved aura, but also clear strength, love, and devotion to Nurgle as she rested on her husband-to-be side happily contemt and "smiling" they assume not being clear, cause of her insect mandible coming out her slit wide mouth...with the Plague Gods are Ku'gath, Tsathogga, and the Glottkin (Otto, Ethrac, and Ghurk) while they were happy with their Grandfather and Mother display of love, like their rival Elder Daemons, they had their guard up and ready for a fight to break down.

Of course all the Chaos Gods and Daemon Queens could sense the hostility and intense atmosphere around them.

It was Laharl that began and stop any fighting, or inconveniences to occur in such a important meeting, so he said, "To calm our children's worries, I'll say this. I, Laharl Valboga, Chaos God of Carnage & Oath sweat that this meeting is for the future and betterment of Chaos as a whole. Swearing no other nefarious motives or schemes are in place, we're here to form a united front against the Sorceror God, Tzeentch and have no hostility with my brothers or sisters-in-law, this I swear. Will you swear as well?" as the Divinity of the Dark One was emenating power to form a binding promise, his wives Chi, Kiira, Scalpel, Cassandra, Jade, Ruu, Ragna, and Crystallyl, followed their husband's example and spoke next, "I, the Chaos Goddess of Corrupting Nature, Chi Aahtahg. I, the Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires, Kiira Blakenroze. I, the Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting, Scalpel Bleedinhart. I, the Chaos Goddess of Anarky, Jade Emerlhyde. I, the Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry, Cassandra Crimsontear. I, the Chaos Goddess of Twisted Innocence, Ruu. I, the Chaos Goddess of Rampage, Ragna Kaalika. I, the Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Winter, Crystallyl Shik'Adammine. Swear to not have any hostility against my kin." binding themselves to their beloved husband's oath.

Seeing this shocked the Elder Daemons, as the Carnage side was calmer now...but still hadn't lower guard until the Blood God and the Rot Lord made their Oaths as well.

The first to move were Khorne and Valkia, both bringing out their respected weapon, causing a bit of unease amongst the Elder Daemons, but soon that unease was quelled by the Blood Gods next action.

Stabbing their greatsword, and spear onto the barren earth and standing proud, they said, I, Khorne, Chaos God of Blood, hear, accept and agreed with the oath given by Laharl Valboga!!! I, the Chaos Goddess of War-maidens, Valkia, hear, accept and agree with the oath given by honorable brother, Laharl Valboga!!!"

As the Dark One was binding two more to his oath, Nurgle stood from his sitting spot with the help of his dear Aiikila as they spoke next, "I...Nurgle...Chaos God...of Plagues...hear...accept and...agree...with...the...oath...given by...Laharl Valboga. I, the future Queen of the Garden and Chaos Goddess of Swarms, Aiikila, hear, accept and agree with the oath given by honorable brother, Laharl Valboga."

With that all parties were calmer, and their meeting/war-council can finally begin...

They gave tactics and possible strategies against Tzeentch, but the Dark One stopped the war-council to mention one mayor disadvantage they'll have against Tzeentch on his home-terf.

Laharl told them, that Tzeentch's eyes are literally everywhere, and with him plucking at the strands of fate, despite their combined force drastically outnumbering their younger brother's forces, he can bend his realm or the situation...literally...for his and his forces favor.

This was their biggest obstacle now, since now they have much larger and competent leadership among their legions, they now need to beat Tzeentch's advantages.

Frustrating grunts came from Valkia and the Glottkin as they have experienced the impossible feats and accomplishments that Tzeentchian warriors and daemons have done cause some warp-shenanigans, as Ethrac looked to his side still surprised, the infamous Blood God was married and married with the vicious, Valkia.

He thought, "To think the infamous Gorequeen, and slaughterer of men. Would wed and ascend to actual Godhood, beside the Lord of Skulls. My brothers and I, must be vigilant to insure our Grandfather and Mother's happiness and prosperity in all worlds." as the newly ascended Elder Daemon, returned his focus on the Carnage God.

Ethrac and his brothers have never heard or face the Dark One or his followers, but even with their daemonicly greater enhanced forms and power he doubts that they could actually harm this...Laharl Valboga, even with Lord Ku'gath and Lord Tsathogga's aid.

The Dark One mentioned that he has a solution to that issue, as he told them, "As God of Oaths, I'm the direct antisisiss to Tzeentch. He is the God of Lies and Schemes, should I make a bet that Tzeentch can't refuse and wager many things that will draw him in he'll have to follow through, with what was promised, or my other divinity of Curses shall take affect."

Valkia and the Glottkin saw merit and great opportunity with the Carnage God's plan, and encouraged their respected Lord Husband/Dark God to agree with the Dark One's plan.

Both Nurgle and Khorne trust and known their brother well so they accepted his plan to bind their new brother, basically thick with the Trickster God.

Now the war-council can continue, Khorne suggested they attacked from multiple entry points like they did to Nurgle before, as he said that he glaced at Nurgle to actually...mess...with him, but to everyone's surprise the Grandfather had a comeback, "Yes Laharl. Cause...I Or am...I...wrong?"

As Khorne started to say, "Why you little, fat, rotten, piece of..." as he was cut off by Laharl saying, "Enough. We still have things to discuss and plan. We can talk about how Khorne, nearly got his ass handed to him by our little brother, later." Laharl's comment pissed off the Blood Daemons, while making everyone else laugh hysterically.

After Khorne rebuttal with, "Screw you, man-whore!!!" he and Valkia joined in on the laughter, with Wrath and Kratos both being unfamiliar with this kind of atmosphere, especially amongst such powerful, divine beings.

As Laharl and the other started to get themselves under control, he looked at Khorne and told him, that his plan wouldn't work because of the Realm of the Sorceror's unique affects, it would make it pointless of they plan to strike Point A and in a few seconds suddenly they appear and are fighting at Point Q, then suddenly be at Point E it would be utter Chaos for their forces.

So turning to Kratos he was going to ask his brother's latest Elder Daemon, with Kratos vast united experiences from his current and future selves, he has face all the monsters, enemies, and bosses from all the Games, and have all the experience from fighting in several war...some in the level of the Gods...

That's when Laharl realized they have a great opportunity for them all to drastically grow in power, and gain more divinities, Kratos former homeworld was already crippled to some amount by Khorne, should they invade all of that world and feast upon not only the mortals, and monsters from GOW universe...they can feast upon the Gods themselves, regardless if their weaker than them, new divinities, strength, and souls will be most welcomed...

(Author Note: I know, I originally promised to make the next world Doom, but I saw an opportunity to make all the Chaos Gods minos Tzeentch stronger, and make a quick new world jump/merger, since let's be real with how powerful Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle are now they'll wipe the Olympian quickly. But don't worry the Doom world jump, is still happening.)

Laharl gave a creepy laugh, as his face darken and he looked at his brothers and sisters-in-law, and said, "Hey how's about a family feast?" confusing Khorne, Valkia, Nurgle and Aiikila.

(GOW-Zeus POV)

Location the God of War World-The Boarders of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece/Mount Olympus, the Ruined Palace of Zeus

I rage and yell, as my fury caused great storms and lightning to form around Greece and strike upon my land!!!

That deity that has appeared into my realm and devastated everything...the all the temples were defiled and destroyed across Greece, countless mortals have died or been slain to cleanse from that unknown invader's influence but Hades has informed me, that none slain or purged have gone to the Underworld.

How could that be?

Hades and Persephone, are completely oblivious on what has happened to millions if not billions of mortal soul.

Then my son Ares, informed me that Sparta has also disappeared along with all the people that once originated to that city, under his watch and rule.

Just thinking of these impossible happenings, made me more angry as I crush the armrest of my golden throne, I look around at my destroyed palace, Hephaestus has inspected the damages, after I forced that deformed freak from his cave, he told that even with our divine workers it would take years to rebuild!!!

Not only that, his repulsive spawn Pandora has dissappear fearing what that meant for the Box, I quickly went to Cronos heading inside Pandora's Temple strap to that bastard's back and to my horror the box was gone!!!!

Enraged and...disturbed by the applications of the Box's disappearance, I quickly left temple not before I'd send the former King of the Titan, and my despicable father to the depths of Tarterus.

The only thing that has relieved my anger, but still the destruction cause to my kingdom, was unimaginable so I gathered as many Gods, I could to discuss what I need them to do, to restore my realm and hunt down that invader who responsible for all of this!!!

As thunder raged with the aid of my own emotions the other Olympians were entering the remnants of my palace.

My wife Hera, my brothers Poisedon & Hades, Persephone the wife of Hades, my sister Demeter with her Harvest Cornucopia, Thanatos the God of Death and his daughter Erinys, the beauty Aphrodite and her husband the Smith God, Hephaestus, my children Ares, Athena, Bellona, Artemis, Eos, Helios, Hermes & Bacchus, and the God of Sleep, Morpheus, and lastly the Sisters Lahkesis and Atropos with their sister Clotho remaining in their island, have gathered under my command.

(Appearances GOW models-Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Erinys, Helios, Eos, Hephaestus, and the Sisters of Fate; Hades Game models-Persephone, Morpheus, & Aphrodite; Smite models-Ares, Hera, Hermes, Bacchus, Bellona, Artemis, and Athena; Shin Megumi Tensei model-Demeter.)

These were the only ones that were able to come the other Olympians were handling the chaos that was wrought by that damn unknown God.

Standing from my broken throne, with several of the Gods clearly showing unease around me, I demanded answered for apart of sending out the entire Pantheon to quell the anarchy that is ravishing my realm, but also bring me answers on who invaded and stole from us!!!!

The souls of mortals, Sparta, the Sword of Olympus, Apollo or Helios' Bow, Hermes Greaves, and even my...son Kratos, all taken by Him!!!! (Khorne)

Athena stood forward banging the end of her spear onto the floor, and informed me that they have uncovered nothing!!!!!?

I didn't listen to anything else she said, as lightning and thunder surged over my body, I stomped my foot causing a lightningbolt to strike on the broken roofs and exposed columns of this...this that use to be the paradise of my Pantheon!!!!

Before I could give commands to my Pantheon, Artemis yelled to me, "Father!!! Look!!!!" I along with the other Gods looked at the scenery across the open balcony.

I saw a great vortex starting to form in the sky, and the same feeling as that invader emenating from said vortex only...only there was more than him...