Regiments of Fallen Guardsmen: In order to fulfil their own agendas, Daemons, Champions of Chaos, or even Guard members themselves, were drawn into becoming lesser Chaos followers. For many it was to them to form their own personal armies, which can vary tremendously in size and strength or cause of devotion to one of the Ruinous Powers. The Traitor Guard are among the better armed and minded troops that Chaos Champions and/or Arch-Heretics have at their disposal. Like other Imperial military deserters who have turned from their Emperor and fled from Imperial justice. Occasionally entire companies, or even regiments of the Imperial Guard turn to Chaos, and take with them their vehicles and armory. These traitors, unlike other mutants and other vile beastmen, have not completely lost their military skills or sanity, forming a reasonably reliable core force amongst the slavering hordes of the Lost and Damned armies. Often these mortal guardsmen will fight alongside mutants or Daemons of the warp by summoning them by way of blasphemous rituals. Their allies are complemented further with monstrosities of all kinds, such as Chaos Spawns, hordes of mutants and Beastmen, and packs of Chaos Hounds.
A.Eight-point Astra Militia: In the Apex of the Horus Heresy and followed by Great Division, which literally shattered reality and merge dimensions into one, the rise or better said fall of countless Imperial Guard Regiments to Chaos, drastically increased. They rivaled if not equalled the same number of the Astra Militarum of the Imperium, that the Dark Gods formed a "system" of power and structure, to unite and lead these regiments into conquest and bloodshed, hence the Eight-point Astra Militia was formed, as the highest commanding regiment of the Fallen Guard. Literal jack of all trades, in Guardsmen warfare and battle style, they act as the Dark Gods voice to the populace, forming a somewhat structure military force of mortal humans in the Grimdark.
B.Rebels of the Dark Emperor: Dedicated followers to Dark Emperor, another name for the Chaos God, Laharl, consume by injustice, unfairness, and wrongs done by the higher member of the Imperium, they alite the flames of rebellion, and occasionally fall to the whispers of the Dark Emperor. Carnage, Ruin, and Madness incarnate they're sole purpose is to destroy the old structure of society, and bring fort fairness in Chaos and Carnage, one of the more if not the most controversial regiments of Traitor Guard or of Chaos in general, they seek to recruit and rescue the masses from the higher-ups and even those under Space Marines reign, while destroying everything else. Many worlds that have fallen to either attack or corruption of Laharl, have a large number of survivors from middle to low class citizens, but the Inquisition and even Legions have purged survivors, hastening the fall of these souls, and the surge of more recruits to this Chaos Regiment.
C.Warmongers of Bulwark: The bloodthirsty, and berserk, followers of the Blood God. Having fallen to the rage and bloodlust, they seek only battle and bloodshed, offering their victims blood and skulls, to their Dark God. Unlike other Chaos Regiments, the Warmongers are masters of close combat, using chainswords, chainaxes, powerfists, and other macabre weapons that they won, or pilfered, or made in the bloodsoaked battlefields they've treaked through. They see World Eaters, Khornate Berserkers, and Blood Daemons as Demigods that have been favored with Khorne's strength, and willingly serve them regardless of them becoming the next victims of their masters, for their creed is that of the Blood God itself, "For Khorne, does not care where the blood flows. But that blood flows." so if they fall, to a mighty warrior of Khorne, at least their skull shall have the honor of joining his throne.
D.Poxtilient Brotherhood of Decay: A Chaos Regiment, that have fallen to the loving embrace of Nurgle, subject of his gifts and love. Plague infected masses ranging from Guardsmen to average civilian all are welcome in the Grandfather, and Mother's Garden, possessing a massive amount of Poxwalkers in their ranks, this Chaos Regiment is a slow moving disease that infects and rots worlds in the name of Nurgle. Commonly seen serving under either the Death Guard or Doom Harbingers Plague Legions, as footsoldiers and willing followers. While not as tough or durable as a Plague Marine or Daemon, the Plague Guardsmen are quite capable and organized, overwhelming loyalists with slow bombardment and bolter-storms, recruiting/infecting countless in the pathogen they wrought onto worlds.
E.Fatewandering Sons: A peculiar regiment, that serves and worship the Dark God of Change, Tzeentch. Embracing constant mutations, and the increase of psykers and spellcastors amongst the ranks, even gaining many mutants and tzaangor in their armies. A very cunning and strategical Chaos Regiment, that prefers to use long range weaponry, psychic sorcery, and dark magic, their regiment is either lead by the most powerful psyker or spellcastor in their rank, or of a powerful tzeentchian sorceror, but that position is dangerous, should they prove inartiquit or fail the Lord of All Change task, than the next in power will dethrone him or her. While by far the "smallest" of the Chaos Guard Regiments, they are considered one of the strongest and more intelligent of them all, even with their weak points of weak close combat and few vehicles, the Fatewandering Sons have proven to be a invaluable tool for the Scheming God.
F.Legion of Endless Debauchery:
G.Blackforge Chosen of Hashut:
Cultist Legions/Heretical Fanatics of Chaos:
A.Slaves of Darkness:
B.Darkwings of Laharl/Carnage:
C.Blades of Khorne:
D.Maggotkin of Nurgle:
E.Disciples of Tzeentch:
F.Hedonites of Slaanesh:
The Chaos Knights/Heretic Houses of the Dark Gods: The Chaos Knights, also known as Renegade Knights, Daemon Knights, and the Questor Traitoris in High Gothic, are Imperial Knight combat walkers, their Fallen Noble pilots and Knight houses corrupted to the service of Chaos. Humanoid war engines that tower over their foes, each Chaos Knight carries an army's worth of firepower upon its weaponised limbs and hulking carapace. At close quarters, their roaring Reaper Chainswords and crushing Thunderstrike Gauntlets destroy what their trampling feet cannot, scattering terrified survivors before their unstoppable advance. The ground shudders beneath the godlike tread of the Renegade Knights. Even one such looming war engine possesses the firepower to annihilate entire regiments of enemy warriors, pick apart armoured columns, and swat squadrons of aircraft from the skies. Chaos Lords and rebellious demagogues will go to great lengths to secure the services of such a lone warrior, sacrificing whatever they must to ensure that this god of destruction fights at their side. Deployed in great number, the Questor Traitoris are more fearsome still, and have been known to bring entire worlds to heel, scourging them by blade and flame in the name of the Dark Gods.
Adeptus Heretica Astartes/Chaos Space Marines: Genetically enhanced super-soldiers commonly referred as the "Angels of Death" original formed in a legion, with total of 20 Legions made from the Gene-seed of the Emperor's Sons the Primarchs, that have fallen to Chaos and betrayed humanity. These legions betrayed the Emperor and the Imperium for Chaos marking the greatest and most horrific civil war in the history of mankind named after the original Arch-Traitor the "Horus Herasy" lead by the Warmaster, Horus Lupercal and turning these eleven legions became traitor and before the Great Division of Reality, the Doom Harbingers of Vladd Van Pandemie, the Emperor's Children of Fulgrim, the Iron Warrior of Perturabo, the Night Lords of Konrad Curze, the Orochi Legion of Asura O'naga, the World Eaters of Angron, the Death Guard of Mortarion, the Thousand Sons of Magnus the Red, the Sons of Horus of Horus Lupercal, the Word Bearers of Lorgar, and the Alpha Legion of Alpharius & Omegan.
Heretical Main Chapters
1.The Doom Harbingers-The Second Legion Astartes, created by the Emperor and fathered by the Primarch, Vladd Van Pandemie, a legion that were master in war machine and chemical weaponry, using their own specialized machine of warfare, designed and build by their primach and master Deatharms a title given to the lead engineers and commanders of the Legion, because of these chemicals that the Emperor forbid them from further testing and using them, many of the Astartes and even the Primarch himself grew sick and mutated which inevitably lead them to the path of Nurgle for salvation. As a Nurgle worshipping Traitor Legion, they remain quite the same in their style of warfare, only using the Grandfather's gifts along with their weaponry, chemicals, and Plague Machines, the Grandfather even blessed them with the genius service of Arch Death Priest, Daedalus, into their legion and is treated with great respect and honor amongst them, they've have a strong bond with the Death Guard and Primarch Mortarion, but have been known to fight together against the Loyalist forces of the Corpse Emperor.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Haze of Nurgle-A splinter cell that both serve and acts mostly on their own, under the command of the 2nd Captain, Yuri Buphulus the Harbinger of Rust, their warband employees a large number plague machines and corrupted vehicles and mechs from blighted worlds they've attack, a warband horrifically mutated and infected cybernetic implanted plague marines and death-machines.
2.Carrion Hands-A warband created by Lord Pandemie himself using the most militarized marines, and arming them with plague-bolters, and other usual plague marine weaponry along with carrionthrower, infector bomb and other weapons that made the Doom Harbingers a feared force in the Galaxy, they serve as slow moving plague and onslaught on any battle testing the weapons that would soon be use by the main legion and the Death Guard in War to come.
2.Emperor's Children-The once proud 3rd, fathered by the Primarch, Fulgrim, they were the only Space Marine Legion to bear the Emperor's own name and His own icon, the "Palatine Aquila" granted to them by His hand as a symbol of the Legion's martial perfection few were ever so honoured amongst the ancient Space Marine Legions this was the start to their dark fall to decadence and ruin, for the need to prove their honor, skill, glory, and right to bear such honor has lead them to the pursuit of perfection, and in turn caused to betray the Master of Mankind than the Emperor's Children also sometimes known after their fall as the Lords of Profligacy, are a Traitor Legion of Chaos Space Marines who devote themselves solely to the service of the Chaos Goddess Slaanesh, the Princess of Pleasure. Fast masters of melee and administrating pain, known for their use of sonic weaponry and horrible mutations the Emperor's Children embodies their Dark Goddess fully, Lady Slaanesh chosen who derive pleasure from inflicting and feeling pain.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Cohors Nasicae-A warband of the Emperor's Children, lead by Lucius the Eternal, chosen by Lord Fulgrim to form another force in the Legion, under the Dark Princess' instructions, given a unique replica of one of Fulgrim's weapon the Laer Blade for his use perfectly.
2.The Consortium-The Consortium is a warband of affiliated Chaos Space Marine Apothecaries from various Legions under the command of Fabius Bile. Formed in the aftermath of the Great Division of Reality, Emperor's Children needed more numbers and other horrific sensations as well as forces against their enemies and victims. Fulgrim intrusted Bile to form and lead this warband and division of the legion, the only thing that unites members of the Consortium is an interest in fleshcrafting and scientific pursuit; members enjoy a great deal of autonomy, and Bile encourages individual ambition so long as it poses no risk to his goals.
3.The Golden Host-A united of Emperor's Children, that was tricked by Fabius Bile, as the latter promised them new augmentions in exchange for some kind of service. They then were sent its Lucid Circle, a Noise Marine squad, as delegation to negotiate with Fabius, however, the Apothecary abducted the Unit's representatives and trade them to Drukhari, the delegation's survivors were eventually freed in Commorragh by Lucius the Eternal and his warband, enraged Eynzilium the Carnation King, wanted vengeance and Bile's head for the betrayal seeing their worth Fulgrim secretly told Bile to sacrifice one of his nearly expiring clone to seath Eynzilium's rage which is did and now wears a Bile Clone rotting head on his waist belt, and then was given the honor to forming a new warband and it was named the Golden Host.
(Changed much of the lore not only for the Emperor's Children, but other Chaos Legions, cause there will be no fall or shattering, cause the Chaos Gods will insure their ultimate forces stay "somewhat" united and stronger than cannon.)
3.Iron Warriors-The 4th Legion, under the heraldry of Primarch, Perturabo. The Iron Warriors, who were originally the IVth Legion of Space Marines, specialised in the breaking of sieges and assaults on static fortifications, which made them great rivals of the Imperial Fists Legion, said to construct the greatest static defences in the Imperium. It was this rivalry between the Legions, and between their primarchs Perturabo and the Imperial Fists' Rogal Dorn, that helped turn the Iron Warriors to Chaos. Like the members of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Loyalist Iron Hands Chapter, the Iron Warriors have a strong predilection for replacing parts of their body with cybernetic enhancements. When struck with a mutational "gift" from the Ruinous Powers, most Iron Warriors simply cut off the mutated appendage, if possible, and replace it with a mechanical one. Bit Perturabo and the Iron Warriors have a unique relationship with the Dark Gods, different that all other Chaos Legions, by the mercy of the Dark Harbinger, Perturabo's beloved adopted sister was spared his blind rage and was name the Iron Queen of Olympia, serving as Perturabo's trusted advisor and confidunt, then came Lord Hashut who save their worth granting them the Infernal Forges were they bind daemons to weapons and machines, while they don't worship on the traditional sense the Lord of Iron, and his Sons are grateful to Chaos, and specifically the two Dark Gods, Laharl and Hashut.
Warband of the Legion-1.The Bitter Sons-Is a warband of the Iron Warriors Traitor Legion. The Chaos Space Marines of the Bitter Sons were deployed to the Macragge System as part of the Ultramar Campaign under the Black Legion Lord Abaddon, their brutality and siege attack was like their predecessors of the Iron Warriors, even managed to capture one of the Hive World of Ardium's three subterranean hive cities, Hive Magmaria, and fortified it against the Ultramarines' expected counterattack. But Guilliman and his Chapters managed to rescue the defeat them and the 1rs Chaos Crusade, while fleeing Perturabo and his fleet intersepted them, believing they'd be executed for desertion, instead they were welcomed back and made a official part of the legion...with the condition of each warband member having a bomb to kill them should they betray again.
2.The Iron Butchers-They are a unique Chaos Warband devoted to the Blood God Khorne, formed by members of both Iron Warriors and World Eaters that Angron banished, combining the heavy artillery and tactical approach of the firsts with the unmatched brutality and melee skills of the seconds. The two factions of the Warband are not, however, fully merged, and as such internal divisions and feuds are still common. Despite that, Iron Butchers are known to be uncommonly militarily organized, at least for a Khornate Chaos cult. They are also known to avoid the use of daemonic allies. They prefer employing heavy weaponry and daemon engines to break the enemies' defense before storming the battlefield with hordes of berserkers. Under the command of Vhorrax the Warsmith, they became a terror that only the foolish or suicidal dare face, cause of this infamy and their abilities, Perturabo sought them and joined them to his Legion, making them an official warband of the 4th.
4.Night Lords-They are synonymous with terror and murder, for their favoured mode of warfare is the unfettered application of brutal, overwhelming force. They show no mercy whatsoever, eschewing all subtlety and guile for wanton bloodshed and destruction. While such an approach might appear mindless, at one time it was different.Ten millennia ago, the Night Lords' Primarch Konrad Curze was driven to acts of extreme violence by a deep-rooted desire to punish the guilty and impose order upon the anarchy in which he grew up. Only later, when the doomed primarch surrendered his soul to the Ruinous Powers was his relentless drive for justice perverted into the form it now takes among his gene-sons. When the visions overwhelmed Curze, madness only remain awaiting for his vision of his death to be made true, upon his final verse of his final words "I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your false Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication." the Chaos God, Laharl, saved him freeing him of his torment and creating a whole new monster. Madness...or more like lunacy, no longer impeding him, Konrad Curze was reborn as a Daemon Primarch and reforge the Night Lords into Laharl worshipping Chaos Legion, causing unimaginable terror and bloodshed under his name.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Atramentar Vive-Under the command of the returned Sevatar the Condemned, he was about to meet his end in the battle of Terra, when a Chaos Rift opened and the Dark One, Laharl, saved him and upon Curze's ascension he was returned to his Legion. A warband composed of Terminators and Raptors making them the most fearsome and brutal force in the Legion, under the service of the true Lord of Night.
2.The Skinblades-The Skinblades are a Chaos Space Marine warband of the Night Lords active in the Choraplex. They are known to have crafted an entire forest out of bones and skin of their victims on the Warp-washed world of Garrethe. Impressing the Dark One, he instructed Konrad Curze to seek and absorb them as a warband of the legion.
5.Orochi Legion-The eleventh legion of the first funding, fathered by the Primarch, Asura O'naga the Shinigami Emperor of the world, Izanami. They learned all the culture of Bushido and Ninjitsu from their Primarch and new homeworld, once a honorable legion that were expect of brutal melee over the use of firepower believing dying in battle is the greatest honor, so even mortality wounded they fought on and have a utter disdain over dreadnoughts and refuse to use them hence both their high losses but massive kill counts on the battlefields. When the Emperor of Mankind, dishonor their practice of marriage and having enhanced female warriors known as onna-musha, kunoichi, goki, and nobushi, then he dared to disrespect and defile their secret temples to their ascenstors of shadows, the whispers of the Dark One, lead them and their primach into the Darkness and worship of Laharl becoming one of the first traitors along with the Word Bearers, revealing themselves in the Istvaan Massacrer.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Dishonored-Members of the Legion, that suffered Pre and after the Horus Heresy, having suffered many injustices from the Emperor and his lackeys. They under the command of Cpt. Kojiro Deadeye, they made a pact of vengeance and retribution under the Dark God of Oaths, and swore to slaughter every last follower of the Corpse Emperor, not seeking power, glory, or even conquest they go from world to world killing every last Imperial member be they worker to Space Marine. Seeing this dark pilgrimage honorable they were given the blessing of their Primarch, and they swore another oath should he ever need them they'll swiftly answer the call and slaughter their father's enemies until non-remains.
2.The Riders of Hiiga-Under the command of first captain, Okita Yomu, the masters of riding beasts later changed for infernal engines, customized without guns but more designed for high fast movement, and more melee attachments. Wielding long spears, pikes, and scythes into battle, they're considered the most fear warband under the banner of Laharl. Fanatically loyal to their God and Primarch their word is sacred, and must be upheaval above all.
3.The Daughters of Orochi-An unusual warband, composed of the widows and fatherless women of Izanami, that lost their husband/father, taking the super enhances of the Legion, to be deadly warriors and make the Galaxy pay for their lost. The Wives of the Dark One, have taken a notice and liking of this warband and send many of their female followers and spawns to fight along this warband. Lead by the Empress, Noriko O'naga, they became the only "female" warband of Chaos under a Chaos Marine Legion, they travel the Galaxy corrupting the world and recruiting/adopting daughter into the service of Love, Darkness, and Carnage, impressed the Dark One granted them a special world of their use, and the Emperor of Izanami honor them as part of the Legion.
6.World Eaters-Originally known as the War Hounds, were also once the XIIth Legion of the twenty First Founding Space Marine Legions, and one of the first to betray the Emperor of Mankind for the service of Chaos and the Warmaster Horus. This Legion was a collection of nearly inhuman monsters long before Horus became corrupted and monsters they would remain, only with what little remained of their restraint and their Humanity stripped away after their fall to Chaos. The World Eaters are now the dedicated servants of the Blood God Khorne, the Chaos God of war and murder, and live for nothing more than to spill blood in his name. The World Eaters' Primarch Angron was one of the first of the Space Marine Primarchs to join with Horus when he turned against the Emperor and began the Horus Heresy, and first to achieve Daemonhood, as the first amongst his traitor brothers to become a Daemon Primarch. His loyalty to Khorne assure even with the agony of the butcher nails on his brain, when he return to destroy Nuceria, the descendants gladiators slaves were alive and present him the skulls of those they're ancestors slain along side some red armor warriors, telling them their true leader, Angron, would return, accepting them into his forces and wearing the skulls of his family Angron began his purge of Nuceria, he later learn his patron God, Khorne was responsible for this act and merciful honor, Angron became a devoted servent even in the pain of the butcher nails.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Butcherhorde-The Warband of the infamous, Kharn the Betrayer, it is a large warband of Chaos Space Marines comprised of a coalition of multiple World Eaters Traitor Legion warbands. They've slaughtered their way across the galaxy, the warband has grown to encompass all manner of Khornate devotees, both in respect and fear of Kharn.
2.The Black Feast-The Black Feast is a warband of Chaos Space Marines that splintered from the World Eaters Traitor Legion. The Black Feast are a cannibalistic sub-sect of the World Eaters who devour the bodies of the fallen after battle as a final mark of disrespect for their weakness. Abaddon inlisted them during the first Chaos Crusade, despite the slaughter and feast these cannibalistic berserkers, were responsible for during the crusader, they've were defeated and found by Angron's second, Kharn who brought them before they're Primarch that spared them...if they bound themselves under oath of the Dark One, to serve him and the World Eaters, forever.
7.Death Guard-Are one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines. They worship and devote themselves exclusively to the Chaos God Nurgle and as a result of his mutational "gifts" they have become Plague Marines; Heretic Astartes who are eternally rotting away within their power armour and infected with every known form of disease and decay but who are immune to all pain or minor injury. When the XIVth Legion was first raised on Terra by the Emperor during the First Founding, its Astartes were known as the Dusk Raiders. After the XIVth Legion was reunited with its Primarch Mortarion on the world of Barbarus, he renamed the Legion the Death Guard. The Death Guard are a Traitor Legion entirely steeped in the power of Nurgle, the Chaos God of Death, Disease, and Despair, their very essence the epitome of all that vile Chaos God stands for, they were given by the captain who became Typhus, upon Warp navigating in the domain of the Grandfather. Their bodies are hives of filth and decay, their flesh eternally rotting away even as it is renewed by the ceaseless process of death and rebirth. Once, however, the Death Guard were the strongest and most resilient of all of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, the inheritors of Primarch Mortarion in whose genetic image they were created. Mortarion grew to maturity on the world of Barbarus, a planet steeped in a toxic miasma where the Human population cowered in the dark lowlands, fearful of the overlords that preyed upon them from their mountaintop keeps deep within the fog.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Maggotborn-The warband lead by Typhus the Traveller, this was the first warband of the legion, under steap conditions. Since that day of Typhus betrayal and under Nurgle's behest the two have settled into a tense but tolerable arrangement, Typhus fighting at Mortarion's behest when the cause is suitably great, but otherwise remaining free to maraud throughout the Imperium at will.
2.Corpsemakers-The Corpsemakers see the destruction of the Imperium's grandest strongholds as their profane duty. Burrowing into the bedrock of enemy bastions like maggots through flesh, they undermine and corrupt the foundations so that the entire structure soon falls. A more bloodthirsty warband, that only focus in honoring the Plague God, in the aspect of death and rot.
3.The Bilious Ones-They are a warband or vectorium of Heretic Astartes of the Death Guard Traitor Legion's 4th Plague Company. They are commanded by a Death Guard Sorcerer and are one of the few Death Guard warbands which likes to enter battle amidst living carpets of Nurglings, the Lesser Daemons of the Plague God Nurgle.
8.The Thousand Sons-The Thousand Sons are one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines who are sworn solely to the service of Tzeentch, the Chaos God of change, intrigue and sorcery, though they were once the Imperium of Man's XVth Legion of Space Marines. The main feature that distinguishes the Thousand Sons from the other Traitor Legions is the sheer number of psyker mutations that have always existed amongst the Space Marines in this Legion. Every current member of the Legion possesses psychic abilities and they prefer to use Chaos Sorcerers and guile in combat, relying on their psychic powers and sorcerous knowledge to earn them victory. It was through deceit and manipulation that the Thousand Sons, eventually fell to Tzeentch's thrall, do to the machinations of Horus using Leman, Magnus had no choice but to offer himself and his Legion to the Great Deceiver, along with all the souls of Prospero, the planet itself was taken into the Warp, and turned into servents of Tzeentch. As a result of an ancient spell known as the Rubric of Ahriman that was cast soon after the Thousand Sons fell from their homeworld of Prospero during the early days of the Horus Heresy, every Thousand Sons Astartes that lacked psychic powers had his soul fused directly into his power armor, but the Great Division, added to their number so their are quite of number of sorcerers added to the overall amount. The Thousand Sons have become living embodiments of sorcery animated by the power of Chaos and the will of the Lord of Change.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Mind-Eaters-Is a thrallband of Heretic Astartes of the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion led by the Sorcerer Hasophet. Hasophet, the Magister of the thrallband, employs a large number of warpspawns and mutalisk warp beasts in his warband. Hasophet, believed he had received a vision from Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Change, that promised that he would eventually ascend to daemonhood if he completed nine hundred and ninety-nine special rites that would further the Architect of Fate's plans in the mortal realm. But Tzeentch's schemes are rarely straightforward or completely understood, even by his most devoted servants. After almost 10,000 Terran years of carrying out each of his appointed tasks, Hasophet and his warband suffered a fate very different from the one they had hoped for but one still pleasing to their ever-scheming patron. Eventually Magnus came and blessed Hasophet for his power, and talents as the first official warband of the Thousand Sons, and Lord of Spawns.
2.The Crimson Sons-They are a warband of Heretic Astartes dedicated to the Chaos God Tzeentch that was originally formed by members of the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion. The Crimson Sons warband was exiled by its Primarch Magnus the Red for aiding in the casting of the disastrous sorcerous ritual known as the Rubric of Ahriman. In the wake of this ritual, the Crimson Sons were exiled from the Planet of the Sorcerers, and have wrought mayhem in isolation from the main body of the Thousand Sons ever since. Like so many sects in the Thousand Sons Cult of Duplicity, how their actions ultimately serve the will of Magnus the Red is unknown to all but the Crimson King. Tzeentch reveal this secret to Magnus, seeing the worth and actual loyalty of these sons, he searched for them and brought them back to the fold.
3.The Prodigal Sons-The warband of Ahriman himself. After reflecting on his actions of casting the Spell of Rubrik, he realized he has damned his brother and has dedicated himself to fix the effects of his spell, and save all that were turned to dust. All the while he hunts for the Black Library of the Halequins, soon after all the invasion of Fenris, Magnus appeared before him and offered some salvation by reinstalling him and his warband unto his service once again.
9.The Sons of Horus-The Sons of Horus, originally known as the Luna Wolves, were the XVI Legion of the original twenty Space Marine Legions. Their Primarch was Horus, known to them as Horus Lupercal, and to Imperial history as the instigator of the Horus Heresy, the first great Imperial civil war. Their primach was honored as the Warmaster, and is adore and worship above all, they are masters of offense and said to be the greatest force of all the Legions, only challenged by the Imperial Fists being their exact counter. At the apex of the of Terra, and when the Gods caused the Great Division, the Emperor was locked in battle with Horus, but the Dark Gods stopped both the Warmaster from delivering a fatal blow to his former father, and saved him when the Emperor dealt his oblirating blow, ending the battle in defeat and fleeing all Traitor forces to the Eye of Terror, with Horus Lupercal, the Warmaster of Chaos still alive and ready for his ascension.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Black Legion-Lead by Abaddon the Despoiler, favorite and most skilled son of the Warmaster.
2.The True Sons-Are a large splinter warband of Chaos Space Marines that was formed at the sametime, as the Black Legion and are dedicated to Chaos Undivided. Following the defeat of their Primarch Horus at the hand of the Emperor, the Dark Gods save him and these former Sons of Horus, carried their father to safely, during the final battle of the Horus Heresy and the XVIth Legion's subsequent flight from Terra into the Eye of Terror, Horus' Legion continued to worship him as a god. They are at odds with Abaddon, and the Dark Fists, but under the Warmaster's order they stay their blades...for now, being fanatical to their Gene-father and unquestionably loyal to him above the Dark Gods themselves, make them a worthy choice for a warband under the Warmaster.
3.The Oath-Broken-Are a special Warband, born from the Black Legion, that are comprised of those Chaos Space Marines who have failed in the service of the Warband's master, Abaddon the Despoiler. Those that dare betray or fail the Despoiler or the Warmaster of Chaos are transcribed into this Warband, to have a seldom live long enough to regret their mistake, and those who do quickly come to regret their folly bitterly as their bodies and souls are subjected to the most abject of agonies. Yet the Oath-Broken are no true traitors to either Abaddon or Horus, but merely those who failed in their assigned tasks, or got badly mauled on the battlefield and crippled by horrendous wounds. Failures and cripples invariably lose the fickle attention of their mortal and immortal masters alike, and without the blessings of the Powers of the Warp to mend their limbs or knit their broken bodies together with mutations, the Oath-Broken are forced to fashion their own crude replacements: blades sutured to stumps, xenos appendages crudely grafted into empty sockets and ragged armour patched with whatever material the Eye of Terror deems to provide. Making them a "fallen" Warband that none wish to be apart of, but it is still numerous in their rank.
10.Word Bearers-The Word Bearers are one of the eleven, First Founding Space Marine Legions that betrayed the Emperor of Mankind during the Horus Heresy. They became Chaos Space Marines, their allegiance pledged to their Daemon Primarch, Lorgar and to Chaos Undivided. The Word Bearers were also the first Space Marine Legion to be corrupted by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos many solar decades before their counterparts turned to the service of the Dark Gods. Zealot worshippers and believers of the Gods and religion in principal, through the sins of the False Emperor, they've search for the origin of religion and fate, which the Dark Gods answered, blessing and rewarding them for their devotion and faith, proving Lorgar right.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Anointed-These are the most favoured Heretic Astartes warriors within the Word Bearers Traitor Legion and represent the members of an elite cult within the broader Legion. The Anointed wear fully enclosed, ancient suits of Terminator Armor and serve as Chaos Terminators on the battlefield. Each suit is a relic of unholy significance, as to don this armor is considered a great religious honor amongst those who serve the Ruinous Powers, veterans of this Warband, are then brought fort to their Gene-father, and receive a honor and mark on their holy, dark armors.
2.The Prophets of the Blighted Path-They are a warband of Chaos Space Marines drawn from the Word Bearers Traitor Legion who currently reside within the permanent Warp Storm, known as the Screaming Vortex, on the boundary of the Great Warp Storms that separate the Calixis Sector from the Koronus Expanse. The Screaming Vortex is a known haven for Chaos Renegades and Heretics. It is one of the zones within the region of the Halo Stars known as the Great Warp Storms, which takes the form of a vast, seething cauldron of Empyreal energies, every bit as intense as those that spew from the Eye of Terror and the Maelstrom. These frightening warriors have long maintained their presence within the Screaming Vortex. The Prophets maintain a potent force within their fastness, an orbital fortress trailing the world known as the Flaming Tomb, as close to the Inner Vortex region of the Screaming Vortex as any have gone. However, under the guidance of the Dark Apostle Naberus they have abstained from the constant warfare that grips the many other Chaos warbands of the Vortex. Instead, it is said they desire to see the rise of a great leader in the Screaming Vortex, one who can lead a war of destruction on the Imperium and allow them to follow in his or her wake, converting the survivors to the worship of the Dark Gods. Through divine vision, Lorgar searched for these sons, and brought them into the fold, charged with maintain control over the sector, and answering all calls of war.
11.Alpha Legion-The Alpha Legion is the Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legion about whom the least is known. The Alpha Legion was once the XXth Legion of Astartes created during the First Founding by the Emperor of Mankind to carry out His Great Crusade to reunite all of Humanity in a new golden age under His rule. They are experts in infiltration, covert operations, misdirection and diversion tactics, and their armies contain many Chaos Cultists and other mortal agents in addition to regular Heretic Astartes. The Alpha Legion's primarch is named Alpharius, and was actually one of the identical twin Primarchs Alpharius Omegon, two brilliant and secretive sons of the Emperor, one of whom was believed slain at the Battle of Pluto during the Horus Heresy by Rogal Dorn of the Imperial Fists but rescued by the Dark Gods, and the other reportedly after the end of the Heresy by Roboute Guilliman, the primarch of the Ultramarines, once again saved by the Dark Gods. Despite its seeming allegiance to Chaos, a closer scrutiny of the Alpha Legion's known history indicates that their seeming service to Chaos Undivided might actually be the greatest deception they have played upon the Imperium. With true accounts of the Horus Heresy the purview of the Ordo Malleus and only known to the bulk of Humanity as legend and myth, records of most of the Traitor Legions are very hard to come by. This is even more the case with the Alpha Legion, because the XXth Legion embraced misdirection and stealth as its primary means of conducting war. The Alpha Legion was the last of the Legiones Astartes to be united with its primarch, only serving under them for a few solar decades before the Horus Heresy erupted.
Warbands of the Legion-The Alpha Legion, doesn't need a warband, for they are all Alpharius, and heads of the Hydra.
Alternatas Astartes/Alternative Space Marines: During the final moments of the Horus Heresy, in the Siege of Terra many events have happened with the Dark Gods saving not just Alpharius but bringing back Ferrus Manus after Fulgrim turned into a Daemon Primarch. At the heat of the civil legionire wars, a great rift was burst fort over Terra and reality was torn asunder and new Space Marine reinforcement for both sides emerged and join the Siege of Terra, complete counterparts to those on the Prime World not only granting new hope for the Imperium but also great threat as the Alternatas of Alternatives in Low Gothic have join the Grimdark of the 40millenia.
Alternative Heretical Forces
1.Alternative Dark Angels, Leader: The "Fallen" Lion. Alignment: Tzeentch.
The Chaos Angels: In a alternative reality, the Dark Angel suffered greatly with Luther's betrayal and annex of Calliban, half the Legion turned traitor and the Lion along with his Sons purged the traitors, with Lion stabbing Luther in the heart. But it was not a victory, as all the traitors were killed, and several escaped and Lion made it his and his legion mission to expunged all record of treason done by them, leading to a life of unimaginable paranoia, mistrust, and even performing awful acts of citizens and other legion members, of Space Marines. All came tumbling down when Horus, discovered and exposed their deeds, the Emperor demanded El'Jonson to be brought to Terra to answer for his and his sons' action, in that panic and fear, Tzeentch spoke to the Lion, offering them salvation and freedom from all the judgement, all the mistrust, and paranoia they suffer in everyone else. He accepted and gave himself and his Legion to Tzeentch, damning his soul and eventually ascending to Daemonhood, renamed the Chaos Angels with the Fallen returning as elite Chaos Champion, they spread lies, mistrust, panic, and doubt to all. But unlike other tzeentchian legions, the Chaos Angels are quite skilled in open and direct combat, making up for lack of numbers of psykers.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Sapphirewing: The Sapphirewings are a order created by the Lion. Placing his rare sorcerors and psykers into onto one warband, which specializes in the use flying, corrupt vehicles such as Dark Talons, Nephilim Jetfighters, Stormhawks, Fire Raptors, along with commanding a massive legion of screamers and many tzeentchian Doom Knights ride on Disks of Tzeentch, making them literal terror in the sky.
2.Sorcerorwing: The warband that was funded and created by the Lion himself, making a whole new "Wing" composed of the most psychically and magically aligned members of the Chaos Angels. Taking the darker code of knighthood, sorcery, and ritualists combined it with a abundance of daemonic, magical weaponry, performing horrific rituals and having a large amount of Void Knights, Rubric Knights, and Doom Knights, acting a the eldritch, magical vanguard of the Legion and the Changer of Ways.
2.Alternative White Scars, Leader: Khan of Adrenaline-Jaghatai Khan. Alignment: Slaanesh.
The Scars of Slaanesh: In a alternative reality, the White Scars fell to their own hubris, addiction to thrill, speed, and mass killing that their Moniker of them being the "Laughing Killers" has become a twisted threat to all that come to their enemies. The thrill of the hunt and battle, has become both an obsession and a endless competition between the Sons of the Hawk, displaying their kills and trophies on their armor, and vehicles, with the greatest receiving the highest honors one being scarred by the Khan himself. Despite this barbaric practices and traditions they weren't suspected of treason until Dorn went to the Khan, offering him the greatest prey to battle and hunt...Space Marines, specifically those loyal to the Emperor. With this Jaghatai Khan and his Sons turned traitors, and as they fought, killed, and won battle against the loyalists forces, the Khan and the Scars started to feel another thrill in the kill of worthy prey, and their ego, pride, obsessions, and even their sensations became amplified by the grace of the Dark Princess, Slaanesh. During the Dornian Heresy, the White Scars had become a shadow of their former selves, and started taking some time to cause suffering onto their prey instead of going for the kill, eventually when the Khan, during a battle with Mortarion he lost his legs, but enjoyed the pain and thrill that was coming with his death only for Slaanesh to save him, and ascended him into a Daemon Primarch, with new legs and greater sensitivity on his legs and lower centurian body, after that Jaghatai Khan renamed his legion, in honor of Lady Slaanesh, they became the Scars of Slaanesh.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Delicate Cutters: The most skilled and eccentric warriors of Scars of Slaanesh, they are very elegant fighters using various blades, lances, and focus completely on agile styled combat, enjoying every cut they deliver into their victims. As for their chosen champion by the Great Khan, is Joghakhar Saros the Elegant Khan, under the blessing of the Gene-father and Slaanesh he was task to create this warband, and commonly they act as the footsoldiers for the main Legion, under Joghakhar Saros leading the charge of ecstatic bloodsheding.
2.Painseeker Hunters:
3.Alternative Space Wolves, Leader: Leman "Garm" Bloodfang Russ. Alignment: Khorne.
War Wolves: In a alternative reality, by the misguided action of the Wolf King, he and his sons fell to the thrall and hate of Khorne. At the aftermath of the Council of Nikaea, that the Emperor approved the use of the witches called Psykers in the Legions, Leman Russ felt it was his duty to safeguard from all threat, mainly psyker, especially the psykers of Thousand Sons belonging to his brother, Magnus the Red. Leman lead his fleets to the Thousand Sons' homeworld of Prospero, and attacked without warning or mercy, this travesty would become known as the "Burning of Prospero" as the Space Wolves and Thousand Sons clashed on the planet, Leman was unknowingly offering countless blood sacrifices and subcoming to bloodlust of the Chaos God, Khorne. The duel between Leman and Magnus, occurred only without the aid of the Sisters of Silence, they're duel and the legionary war between them was more even, which only served to infuriate the Wolf King more, and expedite his fall to Chaos. At the end, in baptism of Blood, Murder, War, and Violence, Leman and his sons fell to Khorne, and Leman Russ was no more only the beast, the Daemon Primarch of Khorne, Garm Bloodfang Russ, remained being pulled to Immaterium alongside his sons the Space Wolves, Dorn found and recruited the first Daemon Primarch, to his side and the Space Wolves were remade into the War Wolves.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Garm Skinwalkers: Chaos wulfen. A massive warband composed of the most mutated and bloodthirsty of the Blood Wolves, both Marines and Blood Stormwolves. Their more "blessed" become great beasts known as Garmkin. Garmkin are like skinwalkers from the Old World, but many khornate mutations and no possibility of reverting into humans again, only feral beast lead by Lupa-lord herding the packs of khornate wolves and beasts into the slaughter.
4.Alternative Imperial Fists, Leader: Alter Arch-Traitor, Dorn. Alignment: Undivided.
The Dark Fists: In the alter reality, Horus never fell to Chaos, thanks to some different events to the Prime World, such as a different outcome of the Council of Nikaea, and Magnus the Red being able to awaken and heal Horus from his nurglish coma. Chaos refusing to surrender, even after losing their possible Arch-Champion, in Horus, they're sights then turned towards Rogal Dorn of the Imperial Fists. From his constant dependence and use of the Pain Glove, has weakened his mental fortifications and power allowing Chaos a way in, and turning Dorn into their champion, and the new Arch-Traitor and leader of the forces of Chaos, and starting what it became the worst civil war on humanity in the alternative world called the Dornian Heresy. Dorn the Arch-Traitor, gained the power and blessing of the Four Ruinous Powers, and leading the Traitor Legions of the Dark Angels/Chaos Angels, the White Scars/Scar of Slaanesh, the Space Wolves/War Wolves, the Blood Angels, the Iron Hands/Iron Cast, the Ultramarines/Omegamarines, the Salamanders/Black Drakes, and the Raven Guard/Raven Acolytes, along with his own sons of the Imperial Fists against the Emperor and his loyal legions. The Istvaan Massacrer revealed their rebellion and headed to the final battle on Terra, called the "Siege of Terra" during the bloody battle, the Chaos Gods of the Prime World, consumed the weaker alternatives and caused the Great Division of Reality, merging both worlds saving that Arch-Traitor, Dorn from his death and joining forces with his brother Horus the Warmaster, and the prime Chaos Forces. They managed to cripple the Emperor, and both Horus and Dorn survived, but still "losing" the Horus/Dornian Heresy, fleeing to the Eye of Terror, learning of his weaker counterpart Dorn refused to use his first name and changed his Legion's name to the Dark Fists.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Black Claws:
2.Sons of the Dark Enforcer: A Chaos warband that named themselves after their Gene-father and the Alt. Arch-Traitor, Dorn's, dark title. When the Emperor was wounded and both Chaos Forces fled, a Imperial and Dark Fist united forming a brotherhood under the oath of Dark Harbinger. They Siggard and Igman started forming a warband of scattered brothers of both renegades and Chaos marines, forming a huge Chaos Warband of Chaos Undivided. Using a combine tactics of powerful defense and devastating fire power, preferring to fight and command Daemon Engines into battle. Because of the horror wrought by them, Dorn the Dark Enforcer came and not only inlisted their loyal service, truly earning their name of the Sons of the Dark Enforcer. Their number rivals Abaddon's Black Legion and they have come to many confrontations of dominace and favor of the Dark Gods, making them hated rivals.
5.Blood Angels, Leader: Sanguinius the Bloodsoaked Angel. Alignment: Khorne.
Blood Angels: The Blood Angels' fall is a very unique case for they on Imperial record are classed as a 1rs Founding Heretica and Alternatas Heretica as well. In the case of alternatives, the Blood Angels under Sanguinius' orders embraced their violent, aggressive nature along with the thirst and consumption of blood, in a twisted way it saved the legion from the downsides of the flaw, (Red Thirst) but made them more monster than saviors. Horus and Curze tried to sway Sanguinius from these horrid acts, even threatening their brother with exposure to their father, soo he and his Legion stopped for sometime which sparked the flaw again, worse then any of the previous times. During a battle on a planet that was under the thrall of the Blood God, Sanguinius to regain control of his forces and quell the thirst that was starting to affect, even him ordered his sons to feast and drink on the blood of their enemies, as well as participating in this known as the "Crimson Feast" damning himself and his Legion, falling to Khorne. They ravished, slaughtered, and feed on blood across the galaxy joining Dorn in the rebellion against the Imperium, and this lead to the events that damned the Blood Angels of the main dimension. When the Great Division of Reality occurred, the Loyalist Sanguinius had been slain and the Blood Angels fell to the new flaw, the Black Rage, killing enemy and ally alike until the Alter Sanguinius, appeared in a abominable state of a Daemon masquerading as a bleeding angel, using his dark power to cleanse the Black Rage, from the Blood Angels tricking and corrupting them that he is their Sanguinius, ascended in Khorne's fury and with that all Blood Angels of both prime and alternative fell to Chaos and Khorne.
Warbands of the Legion-1.The Flesh Tearers: The Flesh Tearers were founded and structured by the Blood Angel, Sanguinius himself. Warband composed of the most bloody, savage, and bloodthirsty warriors of the Blood Angels, they came into action in the Devastation of Baal, or as the Sons of the Blood Angel refer to it as the Blood Ascension of Baal. They are true servants of the Blood God, though their heavy affliction with the genetic flaws of their Primarch Sanguinius and the resulting brutality that has led to many blessing from the Blood God. The only Astarte capable of commanding, and enforcing the will of their Gene-father, and Dark God is Gabriel Seth, known as the "Guardian of Rage". The Flesh Tearers are known for their bloodthirsty nature in battle, bad temper and are feared for the flaws like the Black Rage and the Red Thirst that they carry within their gene-seed, and they're most opened in embracing their vampiric thirst for blood, cause of this Gabriel and his men were blessed by another Dark God of Chaos, her name Luxina van Winkle Dracule, the Goddess of the Crimson Moon, turning him and the greatest champions of the warban into vampires loyal mainly to the Blood God, but have shown some reverence to the Night Lady.
2.The Lamenters: The Lamenters are an unfortunate Loyalist Chapter of Space Marines which were secretly created to replace the Blood Angels in secrets, even to themselves, originally believing themselves sons of Dorn at first. They are perhaps more than any other Chapter of the Second Founding, seems to have been cursed by a dark shadow that has long determined its fate. The Lamenters' accursed and haunted legacy seems to have tainted much of what they have achieved and their victories often become bitter ashes in their hands. The Lamenters have had a tumultuous -- often fraught -- history. They have twice been brought to the very brink of destruction, first during the Badab War and later in battle with the overwhelming horror of the Tyranids. Each time they have endured, oppression, disdained, scorn, ridicule and far worse, even their supposed Gene-father Dorn, scorn and despises them. But during a repenting crusade, they were under attack by the Blood Angels' Chaos Flagship, the Red Tear, they were overrun and captured, brought before the Blood Angel, Sanguinius, himself and a connection sparked immediately the Lamenters and Sanguinius knew that they were his Sons. Sanguinius reveled all the atrocities and injustices they've suffered was to their link to him, but now their free, reunited into the fold, they embraced Chaos and serve as a unusual warband of the Blood Angels, being more Chaos Undivided but worshipping Sanguinius as a their true God and father as they wage vengeance on the Imperium.
6.Alternative Iron Hands, Leader: Ferrus Manus the Machine Fiend. Alignment: Undivided.
Iron Cast: In a alternative reality, the Iron Hands and their Gene-father, Ferrus Manus fell to Chaos in a unique way. Gaining his metallic arms from the metal sustance known as "necrodermis" in Medusa from killing the "silver dragon" named Asirnoth, he also discovered some necrotyr technological relics that he kept secret from his Father and Brothers, when he gained command of his sons, brought them to the tomb uncovering the secrets of the Necrontyr and their technology. They became technological more powerful over the other Space Marines Legions, including the Iron Warriors, and the Salamanders, but Ferrus wanted more especially when he discovered that his metal arms aren't dead but alive, living metal, living machine, changing his mindset of "strength of flesh", one day while tinkering on one of the necrontyr devices, a accident occurred, blasting his mind with xeno-energy, opening his mind into the whispers of Chaos, believing them to be the one responsible for granting him, power and tech, he started enhancing his Iron Hands now renamed the Iron Cast both biologically and cybernetically as well as performing the same procedures on himself. But Emperor put a stop to this, ans planned to strip the Iron Cast their technology and barbaric techno-organic practices, until Dorn suggested they join him in order to be free of the Emperor's leash and to find more "GodTek" as they refer to their enhancements, machinery, and weaponry, the Iron Cast caused major damage to loyalists, during the Dornian Heresy and Ferrus even killed his longtime best friend and brother, Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children in the Istvaan Massacrer.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Crypt Masters: A special unit of the Iron Cast, that have mastered the art of raiding and infiltrating tombworlds, stealing not only Necron Tech but retreiving Archeotech from various worlds. So impress was not only their Gene-father, but also many other Chaos Legions and Warbands across the Galaxy, under the blessing of Alter-Ferrus not only did the Crypt Masters became a official warband, but also one that can be hired by the other Chaos Legions for raids and reinforcements. The Crypt Masters use heave gauss weapons, hover tanks and Chaos techmarines in battle, as well as raids.
2.Necrobane: A warband funded and lead by the Madalex Krag the Awaken, a vile Iron Cast that was entombed in a advance dreadnought, infused with canoptek, during the Great Crusade. His brutality, commanding presence and reverence, has gathered a large warband of techmarines, and corrupted dreadnoughts from various Chaos Warbands, following him into battle. They slaughtered several Imperial-world, and taken down countless Guardsmen regimens, and Astarte Chapters, earning the notice of Alt-Manus and he went to reclaim his prodigal son, Madalex Krag and making them an official warband of the Iron Cast.
7.Alternative Ultramarines, Leader: Roboute the Sapphire Tomb. Alignment: Undivided.
Omegamarines: The alter reality of the Ultramarines. In the beginning the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, rouse to power and prosperity on his homeworld of Macragge, even uniting the whole of the Ultramar Sector forming the second largest empire of humans in Imperial records. When the Emperor of Mankind came to Macragge, something unbelievable happened, Guilliman refused to serve or make his people suffer subjugation under the Imperium of Man, but in the after standing against the subjugators they've failed to remain independent and free. The Emperor with the emence power and number under the he's command Macragge and Ultramar were subjugated, and Guilliman was forced to take command of the Legion called the War-born, Guilliman saw the potential of Space Marines but not those loyal to the Emperor and the Imperium over him and Ultramar. Secretly he started purging every single Terran Astarte from his Legion, and replacing them with his true sons, Ultramar born becoming the largest legion of all the 20 Legions. Renamed the Ultramarines by many but in reality the citizens of Ultramar, and children of Guilliman call themselves the Omegamarines, for they're the end of all, and the strongest amongst all other. They never forgot the injustices and all but allout slavery that Imperium and the Emperor has done to them and their Gene-father, so they waited and plotted for their revenge, throught their campaigns in the Great Crusade, Guilliman and his sons took all technology, and useful materials to add to their own gear, vehicles, and tech for when they rise none can stop them and their pursue of freedom from the Emperor. When the Istvaan Massacrer occurred, Dorn approached Guilliman that refused to follow the Emperor's orders, Dorn revealed the powers of Chaos and their offer of power, freedom, and all that Guilliman desired, no longer needing to hide, they joined Chaos as worshippers all four Ruinous Powers, and joined the Arch-Traitor in the Dornian Heresy.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Adharon's Reavers: Once the Sons of Guilliman Chapter, that have become a Chaos Warband called the Adharon's Reavers. The Reavers are a warband of Heretic Astartes who operate as a small renegade corsair group under the former Sons of Guilliman Captain Adharon. This particular Chaos Space Marine warband was first identified by the forces of the Imperium of Man during the Siege of Vraks. Impressed by their skills, brutality, and ferocity the Alter-Guilliman went after them and found them, after proving his authority and power they saw him as their true Father, and join the Omegamarines in their Legion's reign of terror.
2.Angels of Sin: A large Chaos Warband, that originates from the Ultramar system, composed of thousand of traitors and renegades from the Ultramarines Chapters. They suffer a gene-failure that causes them gain several extra limbs and appendages, that are agonizing unless they gain a Dark God's favor to direct the mutations to a more beneficial, and less painful mutations, so they are extremely devoted in gaining the favor and notice of the Gods. Failure for them results in even greater, and painful mutations, hence they believe that they must sin to be save, cause of their atrocities, combine Chaos forces, and versatile style of warfare, has gained Alter-Guilliman's notice, and he personally went to recruit these wayward sons by force, making the Angels of Sin, apart of the Omegamarines.
8.Alternative Salamanders, Leader: The "Dragon" Vulkan. Alignment: Laharl.
The Black Drakes: The alternative of the Salamanders of Nocturne, sons of Vulkan, a legion that was driven to darkness, by the very people they've once sworn to protect. Vulkan and his sons suffer from affect of the Primarch's gene-seed and the radiation of their homeworld of Nocturne, has turned all the Salamanders, and Vulkan in charcoal black colored skin, with a ash like skin-texture and blazing red eyes, basically making them monsters and freaks in the eyes of civilians outside of their homeworld itself. Vulkan and his tried fought and died for the people of the Imperium, for little gratitude and opened distain towards them, Vulkan tried to connect with his brothers but apart from Magnus and Curze none appreciated or defended him or his sons, causing him and the Salamanders to falter fighting for those that openly mock and insult them. This lead to Dorn easily convincing the emotionally tired Lord of Nocturne and his sons to turn renegades against Imperium, but none of the Gods of Chaos seemed worthy or appealing to the Salamanders to worship so they were the only "Renegade" not "Chaos" aligned legion in the Dornian Heresy. When the Siege of Terra happened the Salamanders stood with the traitors, but once the Great Division of Reality occurred a new whisper came speaking to Vulkan and his Legion, a God that appreciate everything that a Salamander stood for, iron-crafting, creators, bonds brotherhoods, care for their people, and much more, this entity known as the Dark One, Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Bonds, Trust, and Smithing answer the pleads of the Salamanders, becoming the first of the Alternatas Astartes to become laharlish Chaos Marines.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Sons of Hellfire: Ballistic pyromanics, they embrace the flames as a divine force. They have mixed beliefs, worshipping Tzeentch, Khorne, and even Laharl in the honor of their Gene-father, for these Dark Gods have a connection to hellish flames, they are strong advancing slow force, and master of hellfire. Using flamethrowers, melta-guns, flame-arms (swords & hammers), and even becoming pyromancers of magic and psykers specializing in pyromancy psychic discipline. When they started to reign chaos and devastation on the Galaxy, the Dark Dragon himself went to find and recruit these Chaos Marine back to main legion.
2.Hammers of Hashut:
9.Alternative Raven Guard, Leader: The "Nevermore" Corvus Corax. Alignment: Tzeentch.
Raven Acolytes: Originally the Raven Lord, Corvus Corax and his sons, were traitors or worshippers of Chaos, but in the end were forced into Tzeentch's service out of despair and survival. During the Istvaan Massacrer Corvus and his sons suffered a great onslaught from all sides, that's when the Architect of Fate, contacted the Raven Guard's Primarch offering salvation of him and his Sons, in exchange for their eternal souls, Corvus made the pack and he and his Legion were taken into the Warp. Condemned they joined the Arch-Traitor, Dorn in rebelling against their father for true freedom and to insure the safety of the Raven Guard. As the Dornian Heresy progressed and now they fell from the "Emperor's Light" they fully embrace the will and mutations of Tzeentch. Becoming very Avian-Chaos mutants, mixing dark sorcery, and stealth slaughtering countless in the name of the Changer of Ways, when the Siege of Terra happened and the traitors were losing ground that the Ruinous Powers caused the Great Division of Reality, Corvus saw the other possibility of his and his Sons fate should they've survived the Istvaan Massacrer, and remained slaves to the False Emperor, and Corvus was disgusted and attacked the Raven Guard Loyalist. As the Lord of All Change bestowed them with a new power over magic, ascending to daemonhood and escaping Terra, after the Emperor was wounded but the Nevermore, continued attacking the weaker slave of the Emperor, the Raven Guard causing the Eternal War of Deliverence.
Warbands of the Legion-1.Azure Eagles: