Reactions of the World: Greenskins, Tomb Kings & Chaos Dwarves

Location the Warhammer Old World-Badlands, Grimgor's Camp

Grimgor Ironhide the famous or infamous black orc warboss, was stomping around his camp, grumbling and growling as he passes orcs and black orcs that could tell that he was getting very angsty for he want a fight, and right now!!

He was about to cleave a git, with his infamous "Gitsnik" a large and blood spattered axe, who's name simply means foe killer, that's when

Grimgor has never gone more then two days without a fight, but all the gitz around

No one knows of Grimgor's early history, he came from the east, staggering out the Blasted Wastes with an unknown number of grizzled, tired and hungry Black Orc bodyguards, now known to other Orcs as "Da Immortulz" a powerful black orc that can go three days without war or his boyz pay the prize, but soon a sluggahboy came into the camp, to tell something very important to him.

Grimgor was obviously in a bad mood, as he struck the ground with his massive battle-axe, growling and snarling at the orc that came, he told him that everyone the humies, stuntiez, ghotiez (undead), and more were on the move sending armies across the world, endless gitz to fight!!

This was good news, as Grimgor smiled and pulled out his axe from the ground telling the boyz it was time to march, it was time to fight finally!!!

It was time for Waaaaagggghhh!!!!!

Warrzag da Great Green Prophet a masked feral-shaman and renowned but also respected orc, was currently leading a huge number of feral orcs to join forces with Grimgor, who Warrzag believes that is the chosen orc for Gork n Mork, so any fight he is going than he and every other greenskin should rush to join.

Gorbad Ironclaw the Warboss of the Ironclawz is back, many believe him death after his defeat at Altdorf, but now Iron Rock was his again and he was starting to amass a Waagh again.

Gorbad is one of the most infamous of all Orc Warbosses, the most successful as well as he amassed the biggest Waagh in Greenskin "history" uniting everything from orcs, to goblin, to trolls, and even to giants.

Gorbad also was one if not the only orc warboss that almost managed to crushed the Empire, attacking the already weakened Empire by the civil strife known as Age of Three Emperors, his armies succeeded in slaying Emperor Sigismund IV and wiping the Imperial province of Solland off the map.

He is the most hulking, most cunning and ruthless Orc to ever exist, many belived the stuntiez got him when he was forced to flee Altdorf, but in reality he killed all those stuntie gitz and was plotting his big return, he mounted on his War Boar, Gnarla, rised his axe called "Morglor the Mangler" in the air and yelled out, "WAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!" and was joined by all the boyz, for now that everyone was at war with everyone it was time for Gorbad Ironclaw to get on the action and prove that he is the meanest, baddest, and strongest Warboss ever!!!

Inside a dwarven hold renam Black Crag, the Red Fang Tribe reigns supreme, and their Warboss is name Gorfang Rotgut.

Gorfang is the infamous Warboss of the Red Fang Tribe and the current ruler of Black Crag, the former ancient Dwarf hold known originally as Karak Drazh, Gorfang is an immensely strong Orc but he lost an eye at the Battle of the Jaws, and wears an iron patch to cover the wound and the biggest rival Warboss, Grimgor Ironhide.

While eating the leg of a squig on his makeshift throne, one of his night goblins rushed in to tell him something, which he amongst the few warbosses that has night goblins in his Waagh, all he said, "Itz bettah be good. Orz youz gonna be my next snak!!" the goblin told him that bigger and badder fight is coming, possibly better than that git Grimgor, making Gotfang smile and he yell at the Night Goblin, "Welp spit itz out!!"

Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain is back addressing the orcs and goblins of desert regions, as his favorite goblin Niblit introducing his return, as he yelled at the boyz, "Wez just getting warming up!!!" making all the boyz go crazy!!

He is often referred to as Grom the Fat, or Grom the Paunch who is the most powerful Goblin Warboss to have ever lived, he was once a simple goblin from the Broken Axe tribe that ate a raw piece of Troll-Meat and forever changing him, turning him into a huge, chunky, and strong goblin that has regenerative abilities that he used to rise in power. 

Between his Waaagh! Grom defeated the Dwarfs and invaded the Empire, vanquishing several of its armies and ravaging many of its provinces, building a fleet, he later accomplished what no other greenskin ever manage he invaded Ulthuan, the homeland of the High Elves, where he was finally defeated by Eltharion.

Although most "Waaaghs!!!" are commonly led by Orcs, Grom was to prove exception, Grom was extremely large for a goblin, while nowhere as tall as an orc, Grom was immensly fat and strong and became known as the largest Goblin ever!!!

Rising his "Elf-Biter" a huge, brutal and deadly axe, also known as the Axe of Grom with both hands, as he plans not only to return to Ulthuan to beat the "pointy-earz" but also fight everyone else as everyone was moving including his biggest rivals, and other great enemies to krump!!

Skarsnik the Warlord of Karak Eight Peaks, was in the middle of a great fight, a fight that has been going on for years!!!

As the Night Goblin Warboss, was cutting down both dwarf and skaven with his legendary pointed staff with three stabbah-blades, the "Skarsnik's Prodder" that was pulsating with magical energy, channels the might of Gork (or Mork) to lance out with weird, terrifying power while his loyal, huge squig name Gobbla was chomping and eating dwarves and ratz left and right.

He is called the Warlord, cause he took Karak Eight Peaks, from the dwarves and ever since not only has his ego went up as the greatest night goblin warboss ever, but is also able to fight and outsmart the stuntiez n ratz almost every day in a endless three-war between him, Belegar Ironhammer, and Queek Headtaker.

Now his boyz are telling him that their might be a chance that he can rise into greater power and fame, with all the other bosses on the move, along with other people to krump and stab, Skarsnik was practically laughing from soo much wicket join, especially with that joy and excitement showing through his blazing red eyes!!!

In another part of the world, in the north of Karak Kadrin in the northern World's Edge Mountains, the Bonerattlaz Camp, there was Azhag the Slaughterer, one of the most infamous Orc warlords in recent history.

He brought a trail of ruin and destruction to the northern lands of the Old World, laying waste to cities, fortresses and mountain strongholds wherever he went, up top his head lay the key to his power and uncommon intelligence in tactics and warfare an ominous iron crown which emanated an ancient evil long thought forgotten from history.

It is this crown, a relic of olden days, which granted Azhag sorcerous powers and gave him the vision he needed to command a Waaagh! of epic proportions.

The ominous crown, known in ancient times as the Crown of Sorcery, would constantly whisper into the primitive mind of the Orc warlord, telling him of a grand conquest that lay to the south, of a great plan that needed to be fulfilled, victory once more followed victory, and after much notoriety, the deeds of Azhag had travelled far and wide, luring Greenskin tribes by the dozens into joining him on his Waaagh!.

Azhag and his wyvern Skullmuncha, were getting ready to lead the Bonerattlaz Waagh, for another huge fight, when his crown started to whisper to him again, telling about a big, big battle that was soon happening a lot different armies are going to clash in the west, making Azhag very excited and happy as he followed the crown's advice and prepare to lead the boyz truth Nagash was calling to it as Arkhan manage to partially resurrect him, and only with them rejoined can Nagash regain his full power and rule the world, so as the Tomb Kings were starting to rise out Nehekhara, then the crown started to close the distance between it and it's true master.

The movement of all the various factions, because of the descend of Laharl Valboga, which is making the Greenskins very, very happy with big armies moving around, they'll have plenty to fight for a long time, hence all the biggest and even the smallest no-name warbosses were setting out for Waaaaagggghhh!!!!

Location the Deserts of Nehekhara, the Tomb City of Khemri

Nehekhara, which translates from High Nehekharan as the "Great Land," once also known as the "Kingdoms of the Sun", yet now and forever after known as the "Land of the Dead" and the "Kingdom of the Dead" by the people and scholars of the Empire, Tar Uritharhain by the High Elves, and Grimaz-Ankor by the Dwarfs, was once a mighty and far-flung ancient civilisation of Men and is the current homeland of the Undead Tomb Kings.

Nehekhara is located within the deep south of the Old World, Nehekhara stretches across the expanses of the lands and valleys between the Great Desert of Araby to the west, the Bitter Sea to the east, the rugged arid plains of the Badlands to the north, and the steaming jungles of the Southlands, whilst the land of Nehekhara was once fertile, populous and prosperous, it is now a desolate kingdom of barren wasteland and searing desert. In addition to the centuries of war and neglect, the lands were forever tainted by the necromantic enchantments of the Liche Nagash's Great Ritual.

The Land of the Dead is now a ghost-haunted realm where countless unquiet spirits and elementals flit around great mortuary temples and dark tombs. Their cries can be heard screaming in the wind as they cross the vast tracts of Nehekhara's baking deserts, preying on those foolish enough to enter the cursed land in search of treasure.

Khemri is the most important city of the ancient empire of Nehekhara, in its time it was the centre of the empire and the greatest of Nehekhara's cities, it is located on a river now known as the Great Mortis River, the land around was flat, surrounded by fertile flood plains and then expansive deserts, leading to Araby.

The fertile lands provided ample food for the population and the flat desert around gave them advanced warning of incoming enemies its position on the river allowed it to command the trade routes to the east of Nehekhara.

Most other cities in Nehekhara, when not rebelling against its rule, paid vast amounts of tribute in gold, slaves and military units, this made Khemri the greatest centre of trade and finances, military power and it boasted the biggest pyramids for its dead.

Settra the Imperishable the legendary king and conqueror, both in life and unlife he was currently in his throne room with his trusted warriors and his herald, Nekaph, and his greatest and most trusted liche priest Grand Hierophant, Khatep, as the signs were everywhere.

It was time for the great Empire of Nehekhara, to rise again with all the other "empires" and "kingdoms" occupied with each other and the weaker Gods, especially the new one to descend that his tomb priests managed to sense, it all matter not to him for it grants Settra the moment needed to expand and rebuild the fallen empire and rule everything once again.

Settra was and still is a king of Khemri, he was born in a time when Nehekhara was plagued by drought, famine, disease and war he was determined to lead his people to greatness, he was an arrogant, vain and tyrannical ruler, but also especially devout and instigated the building of many great temples so as to earn the favour of the gods.

On the first anniversary of his coronation he beseeched the gods to restore Khemri to its former glory and to give him the strength to unite all of Nehekhara under his rule, he sacrificed his own children in a grand ritual to demonstrate his dedication, commitment and worth.

The gods were pleased and when the Great Mortis River flooded for the first time in decades Khemri was purged of its sickness and collected a harvest of unparalleled size, seeing this as evidence that he was the chosen of the gods Settra became the first Priest King of Nehekhara.

Between the great legions of Khemri and Settra's own ruthless military genius he swiftly conquered the other cities and became the first king to unite all of Nehekhara under his rule.

But in the end, his life ended and he was entombed like many other Priest Kings, Heroes, and their armies, centuries later the Usurper King Nagash cast a great ritual over the entire of Nehekhara, causing countless dead to rise from their graves bound to his will however, with the Great Necromancer's assassination at the hands of Alcadizaar they were left with no guiding force, interestingly the hundreds of risen Priest Kings found they had been brought back with their minds, memories and willpower intact though without the golden bodies and a paradise to rule they had been promised.

Among those risen was Settra and he demonstrated his power and military defeating many rivals, and regaining control over Khemri, like now...Nekaph the Herald of Settra, the most loyal and emissary, renowned for his tremendously powerful physique and strength both in life and death, armed with a magical weapon that Settra once used and bestowed to him, Flail of Conquered Skulls is gold coated skulls.

Always by Settra side and call, when Settra will begin his campaign of conquest he'll be there to fight beside him and destroy his enemies.

The Grand Hierophant, Khatep, he is also the Liche Lord of Khemri, he is the oldest and wisest of all the Liche Priests and the first member of their order to truly deny death's embrace, if not the ravages of time, he is ancient beyond memory, cadaverous and hunched over as if he carries the weight of epochs upon his shoulders.

Following the casting of Nagash's Great Ritual, civil war threatened to destroy Nehekhara, it was Khatep who took it upon himself to restore order, he broke the magical seals of the Great Pyramid of Khemri and awoke the greatest of the Tomb Kings, Settra the Imperishable, at the end of the mighty incantation Settra arose and smote any who opposed him.

Before long all bowed their heads to Settra, and though he sat once more upon the throne of Khemri, his wrath was great, punishing those responsible and naming Khatep his Liche Priest Lord, forever serving beside him his lord and king.

He stopd right beside Nekaph holding his Liche Staff, and his ancient scroll of power, he advised Settra that they first had to deal with the largest threat to his glorious campaign, which are Nagash that has been partially resurrected and regardless of how inferior this new God might be, this Laharl Valboga and his Champion, Ixion Daemonhart, might still pose a threat to his conquest.

Settra agreed he must first unite the last remaining powers of Nehekhara behind him and kill both Nagash and Arkhan the Black, before they cause him any problems, then his sand filled halls were visited by two figures that he never expected to come to him.

The first was Apophas the Cursed Scarab Lord, Apophas appears as a flowing "body" made of scarabs with only his skull as his remaining bone, he searches the world for the soul he thinks can set him free but in truth no two souls are the same, and he has cursed himself to an eternal hunt.

His story begins with his greatest downfall, as let his jealousy overcome him and he slit the throats of the other members of the royal family and proclaimed himself king in -1563 IC, he was not, however universally adored, and the people of Numas rose up and dragged him to the temples to be judged.

Regicide was the most terrible of crimes in ancient Nehekharan law and Apophas would not escape punishment because of his position, where normally the bones of the criminal would be scattered across the desert, Apophas was entombed alive within a casket full of scarab beetles, Apophas' screams could be heard through the walls of the temple but eventually they subsided and the casket was opened, all that remained was a skull, not even the beetles were there the skull was inscribed with a curse and thrown to the desert to be damned even in the afterlife.

Usirian, the Nehekharan god of the dead, claimed Apophas's soul on his death to torment in perpetuity however Apophas struck a deal with Usirian, that he would find a soul of perfect match to replace his own, and Apophas returned to the realm of life as the Cursed Scarab Lord.

And the other was Sehenesmet the Grand Vizier of the tomb city Quatar in Nehekhara, made a new construct body compose of the strongest bones from various creature, orkz, beasts, and warriors, as Sehenesmet is Tomb King that operate the Bone Giant on his chest.

The city is famed for its towering statues, mainly representing the gods and mighty kings of the past, Sehenesmet is responsible for a good deal of these, and in his current state he has been caring for them for many centuries, his devotion to his work has been seen by many of the tomb kings.

He is unmatched in his abilities and has refined his magic to allow him to raise many workers to help him, it is he who inscribed the monoliths that guard the entrance to the Valley of the Kings and he has created a land of walking statues, talked of in hushed voices by the Arabians.

It is said he even animated the great stone guardian of Quatar, a hybrid of lion and eagle, it is now rumoured that he has put himself into a giant construct to gain extra strength so that he may build grander projects for the glory of Nehekhara.

They kneeled before Settra, as Khatep told him that he gained both Apophas and Sehenesmet, service and aid in these upcoming battle and throughout the campaign for Apophas it grants him a chance of redemption and finding the soul needed to break his curse, while Sehenesmet wants to be the royal constructed like olden times, Settra permitted and accepted their service and honor to grant them what they desire...but also warn them that should they betray him, there was no where to hide from his wrath.

With that Settra began to prepare his army to fully conquer Nehekhara again, eliminate all remaining threats before finally expanding the borders of his territories beyond the Kingdom of the Dead.

High Queen KhalidaBeloved of Asaph, the Warrior-Queen of Lybaras, was a well loved and respected figure across Nehekhara and is now a Tomb Queen.

She was intelligent, patient, brave, beautiful and had a strong sense of justice and honor, and when needed, Khalida's body is infused with the will of Asaph and she rises to lead her army of archers, who were buried in tombs next to her, against her enemies.

Her flesh returns to its original beauty, resembling pristine pale marble, her body filled with the divine energy of her patron goddess.

Khalida is the undisputed Queen of Lybaras, with armies of the greatest archers in all Nehekhara, her rouse to power and glory cause a rift between her and Neferata her cousin who grew jealous of her beauty, fame, power and authority that she tried every means to dethrone or kill her, creating a hated rivalry that lasted to Undeath.

When Nagash's Ritual she was risen and she regain control and brought peace to Lybaras again, and ever since she's been in a century long war against Neferata even managing to exile her out of Nehekhara, she wield a green staff with coiling snakes called the Venom Staff, using it to lead all wars from the frontlines, she is one of few rulers that has remain neutral and out of Settra's command.

Her spies have told her that her biggest rivals and enemies, Neferata who has returned and reclaimed control of Lahmia, and Bahiti who has started to expand her territory have both began to move, along with Settra and another mortal enemy Nagash also being steered into action.

So she too has started to move, especially since her Goddess has been contacting her that a great evil has descended onto the world, and she is needed so she'll answer Asaph call once both Ankha Bahiti and Neferata are crushed she'll start to chase after this evil.

Neferata the Queen of Lahmia, has returned to Nehekhara after many of the tomb kings have mobilized, seeking to reclaim Lahmia, and get revenge on her most hated rival, her cousin Khalida.

Neferate also known as the "Daughter of the Moon" one of the most ancient and beautiful vampire in the Old World, owes much of her success and her survival to her own seductive beauty, a cunning demeanour and a secret network of exquisitely beautiful, female Vampire spies that has since infiltrated the nobility of all the Human kingdoms of the Old World.

The Matriarch of the Lahmian bloodline, and the leader of a large number of beautiful vampiress called the "Lahmian Sisterhood".

Sitting upon her luxurious throne within the former Dwarf fortress-city called the Silver Pinnacle, Neferata has, since the time of her exile from the lands of Nehekhara, been plotting and weaving a web of intrigue and alliances from all the remaining Vampire bloodlines, hoping to unite or enslave them under her rule as she seeks to restore the city of Lahmia to its former glory, rebuild the Temple of Blood and reinstate herself as the city's eternal queen.

But now it was finally her opportunity to end her rivalry with Khalida, not only that but also she can eliminate her other rival Ankha Bahiti the Queen of Tombs.

Ankha Bahiti the Queen of Tombs also known as the Witch of the Metal Skull, she rules a Tomb City that didn't survive the fall of Nehekhara, buried deep below the harsh sands of the desert.

That city was called Aumm'Nak the Catacomb City, Bahiti was born as Aiin'Nak in Aumm'Nak daughter of the King of the city, devoted to the Nehekhara Gods, and practitioners of various rituals and forms of worship, and Ankha Bahiti was a talented and beautiful young woman devoted to the Gods and the betterment of her people, until she found a book, it was called the Tome of a Thousand Soul and her descend to dark magic she'd truly believ it secrets and knowledge could benefit the whole of Aumm'Nak but it lead to it downfall instead...she practically became obsessed over the book and even created her own spells to resurrect those that have died long ago and slowly restore them by draining the life-force of other creatures, she showed this as a way to become immortal to her father and priests, but they branded her a heretic and punished her.

Aiin'Nak was banished to the underground maze were all the criminal and traitors of their city were thrown in to suffer and die, withering away in the dark and forgotten, but before they did the same to her they took the book, and scarred her face and then encasing said face with a skull like mask made of stone and metal that has curse encryption on the inside of it.

Once placed on her bleeding face, the magic encryption activated and bound to her face forever, as the sunken eye-holes were now glowing in a greenish eerie light to them.

Then her name was change to Ankha meaning "Dark Witch" in their tongue, as she was tossed in with the unwanted underbelly of their city, down their in the endless corridors, stairs, and death traps she learn that it wasn't just criminal thrown in their but all the unwanted, political rivals, lesser ranks as in peasants and homeless, and much more.

She became the leader of these people, as she saw this a sacred duty to guide and protect these people, teaching them the arts of magic and necromancy, using this new Life-Syphoning to sustain themselves in all ways, also clearing the maze of all true criminals, and forming a growing society underneath Aumm'Nak.

This is when she became the Queen of Tombs, and was giving the last name Bahiti which the name of lesser God, that these people pray to that govern fate and judgement, fitting for their new queen, years passed and Bahiti despite the mask stay beautiful and beloved using the corpses of the criminals as mindless footsoldier and guards for her underground queendom, until she finally found the way to the above ground into the main city and she rallied her army of living and undead to storm and take over Aumm'Nak, which she did and consumed the life-force of the corrupt advisors, her father, and the rest of his accursed family completely cutting herself off from his line and ascending to a greater throne.

Throughout her rule Aumm'Nak, prospered and the Queen of Tombs became a name both respected and feared in Nehekhara, when she learned of the eternal battles between Neferata and Khalida she intervene and attacked them both for the people, even taking many former subjects from them and granting them a better life in Aumm'Nak.

This started the ever hated rivalry between the three Nehekharain queens, until a battle Neferata managed to hit her with a very deadly poison that forced her to retreat, soo rare and viotile that is a lead to her death, her people weeped and morn for her, for years after her passing.

She was entombed in the Catacombs of Aumm'Nak, and without her Aumm'Nak fell as her people gave on life without her, and many willingly entombed themselves with her, without any people or armies to defend or preserve Aumm'Nak, that all invasions and attacks destroyed it and the sandstorm buried what was left.

When Nagash's Ritual failed, she and all her people were resurrected and using the underground ruins of Aumm'Nak, they fought to expand her domain and finally end her long rivalry with Khalida and Neferata.

Now it was time for the forces of Aumm'Nak to rise and restore the prosperity of Nehekhara, in her rule.

Nagash is the first necromancer, the creator of those dark magic, and the First Lich, one of the most powerful mages of all time, both in life and undeath, he was caused the destruction of the civilization of Nehekhara and created the Undead across the world.

He became the Usurper to many kings, and created several cabals of acolytes, the Black pyramids to enhance his necrotic powers and control over death, and wrote several books of necromancy, a truly brilliant but vile being in life and death.

Finally killed when he tried to resurrect and bound the ancient armies of kings Nehekhara to his will, only for his ritual to interrupted and causing the rise of the Tomb Kings, but he was reborn as a liche and slain much later again.

Until his must loyal acolyte and lieutenant Arkhan found some of his skeletal remain and resurrect him again, only greatly diminish in power, as he reawaken in undeath he saw Arkhan kneeling before him and started telling him all that has occurred during his death...

Arkhan the Black is a great Liche and one of Nagash's foremost and earliest servants in the ancient city of Khemri in Nehekhara, both in life and in death, he is the most able and trusted of Nagash's lieutenants.

When Nagash sought a cabal of followers to assist him in usurping the throne of Khemri he found them Arkhan and his compatriots, in particular they were convinced by a demonstration of his newly created art of necromancy, the group supported Nagash by kidnapping victims off the street, this served to both supply Nagash with bodies for his experiments and to undermine his brother's rule.

Arkhan and the others started to learn to rudiments of necromancy themselves during this time, and he was the first of Nagash's followers to partake of the elixir which granted eternal life, becoming the first of Nagash's so-called 'Immortals'.

Upon his death he use the great powers and teachings of his master, he revived himself as a undead lich, and used those dark magics to resurrect Nagash, but his power were not enough to fully reviving him, together once again they plan not just to conquer the lands of Nehekhara, but bound all the Undead to Lord Nagash as they were originally meant to be, and using said legions of undeath to regain Nagash's lost power from his Crown of Sorcery, to ascend him into greatest power and rule the world in complete undeath and immortality.

Nagash thanked his loyal follower, and began to prepare for the upcoming wars for all will bow before him the living, the undead, and the Gods!!!

Location the Dark Lands, Zharr-Naggrund

The Dark Lands are a stark and cheerless place in the Far East of the Known World beyond the boundaries of the Old World where nature has rent the ground and burst the mountains apart.

Amongst the peaks volcanoes spew black smoke into the filthy sky, in the plains the stench of tar pits and oil pools hangs heavily in the air, with steaming lava from beneath the earth's crust covers the ash wastes with a blanket of bubbling magma.

The Dark Lands are bordered on both sides by the Worlds Edge Mountains and the Mountains of Mourn, almost nothing can grow in the Dark Lands, with the dim light and choking air combine to ensure that the land remains devoid of vegetation, except for a few straggly black thorns.

It is in the Dark Lands that the Chaos Dwarfs make their home and have established their foul empire centred on the city of Zharr-Naggrund.

Zharr-Naggrund, and it is also called Mingol Zharr-Naggrund "Tower of Fire and Desolation" in the Chaos Dwarf dialect of Khazalid, is the capital city of the Chaos Dwarfs and lies in the heart of their empire, in the centre of the Plain of Zharrduk in the Dark Lands.

The Dawi-Zharr built the Tower of Zharr-Naggrund in the shape of a mountain, rising tier upon tier to its summit, at its top, they constructed a massive temple to their evil minor Chaos God Hashut, the Father of Darkness.

It is from there that the ruling Conclave of Chaos Dwarf sorcerer-prophets administer their empire, it is built out of obsidian, black volcanic glass whose surface reflects the flames of the myriad furnaces that burn both day and night.

The entire city is built on a series of tall steps, like a ziggurat, each step hundreds of feet high and surmounted by battlements that jut upwards like a row of ugly fangs, each step is square, and the bottom step is pierced by four huge stone gateways bound in iron, the gates are almost as high as the walls and massive beyond any obvious need.

From the east and west gateways roads paved with gold and brass lead to the Mountains of Mourn and the Dark Lands, the north and south gateways are the river sluices through which the waters of the River Ruin pour.

This cold river enters the city from the north and is put to use cooling the huge forges of the Daemonsmiths, powering the steam-driven engines, and flushing the effluent of industry out to the south, while the there it is the places that leaves the city, this river is stained red and yellow with filth, laden with noxious sediments and its steaming water is thick and poisonous.

A foul yellow cloud hangs about the river and its banks are choked with drifts of spectacularly coloured pollutants, with a thousand massive furnaces burn within the vastness of Zharr-Naggrund, smelting the metals that are the lifeblood of the city, the city is a huge living workshop empowered by countless slaves as this furnaces are full of smoke and noise, illuminated by its inner fires and driven by machines of vast size and power.

Gigantic steam-driven hammers stamp out sheets of iron and bronze with rythmic booms like the heartbeats of a cyclopean God, as massive cauldrons of bubbling metal pour out their molten contents into twisted moulds of intrincate construction.

Astragoth Ironhand, the High Priest of Hashut the minor Chaos God of fire, greed and tyranny, is the oldest living and perhaps the most powerful Chaos Dwarf sorcerer-prophet, many believe he is too old and has lost his strength and influence especially with majority of his body turned to stone, by the Stone-Curse of using the magic of Hashut.

His body is slowly succumbing to petrification, a long time ago he constructed a mechanical device by which he is transported from place to place, while his legs have long ceased to work and even his hands have now turned to stone, to an extent these have been replaced by the machinery grafted to his body.

This dark-magical engine was constructed by his slaves to plans created by Astragoth himself, and combines the undoubted skills of the Chaos Dwarf race with twisted dark science, centuries ago, he was responsible for the internal exile of Drazhoath the Ashen to the Black Fortress, when Drazhoath was just a minor Daemonsmith, but Lord Hashut demanded Drazhoath to return and join the council.

Drazhoath the Ashen, was also there much to Astragoth's displeasure, as they wish to kill one another, but their dark master said to stop and sit on a "chair".

Drazhoath is the Chaos Dwarf sorcerer-prophet who serves as the Lord of the Black Fortress in the Dark Lands and commander of the fell Legion of Azgorh, Drazhoath was first sent to the Black Fortress in effective exile after losing favour in the brutal politics of Zharr-Naggrund as a minor hell smith, but has since risen to become its lord through his innate cunning and bitter, ruthless ambition.

Rising in both magical and political power, for in battle Drazhoath is both a mighty sorcerer and an able warrior who leads his war hosts, bringing great benefits to the Dawi-Zharr, now Drazhoath is now for his bitter ambition and endless thrist for power, seem for that reason that Hashut has called him too.

Ghorth the Cruel is currently considered one of the most powerful sorcerer-prophets of Zharr-Naggrund, he is most likely second in power only to Astragoth Ironhand himself, he was accompanied by his greatest servent and considered the greatest dawi-zharr warrior, Zhatan the Black.

Zhatan the Black is the Chaos Dwarf Lord who serves as the commander of the garrison of the Tower of Zharr in the Chaos Dwarfs' capital of Zharr-Naggrund and a servant of Ghorth the Cruel, the second greatest of the ruling sorcerer-prophets of the Chaos Dwarfs, as a result of Zhatan's success in battle, Ghorth's workshops and forges can barely keep up with his commander's demand for weapons and munitions.

Acts of the most cruel and heartless nature are everyday occurrences in the Plain of Zharrduk, he insure that thousands of slaves endure unimaginable agonies in the pits of Zharr, mining out the poisonous wealth amidst choking fumes and impenetrable darkness.

Even Tordrek Hackhart, the Lord of the Black Krakken, Captain of the Dreadfleets, and Scourge of the Seas was there.

Before his descent into bitterness and jealousy, was once one of the most gifted Dwarf Engineers in Barak Varr and the undisputed master of building submersible ironcraft.

Ultimately, his intense rivalry with Red Brokk Gunnarsson was to be his downfall, and he was banished in ignominy for his failed attempt on Gunnarsson's life, thus forcing Hackhart to flee only for his former kin to chase after him, but he managed to escape in dark mechanical invention, a strange tentacled warship, that he calls the Black Kraken, that he had built after a series of troubled fever-dreams.

The once-proud Dwarf is no longer mortal, for the Ruinous Powers took him many moons ago, he set sail across the sea now a follower of Hashut, and turning into a Dawi-Zharr/Chaos Dwarf the most recent myths to surround the Kraken-ship speak of its allegiance to the Dreadfleet, though what unholy bargain was struck remains unknown.

Joining and rising through the rank of the dark kin, now the legendary Scourge of the Seas was there along many other mighty dawi-zharr.

Rykarth the Unbreakable is known for his toughness and courage, which set him apart from other Chaos Dwarfs.

He has faced many powerful foes and has triumphed every time, even knows for him having faced staring Archeon the Everchosen in the eyes without flinching or turning his gaze away, for his peerless might, toughness, and will he was named the Unbreakable, and ascended as one of the greatest Chaos Dwarf Lords in Zharr-Naggrund.

Last to be in the council room, was the dreaded, Zardrach of the Skull, he is the dark forgemaster overseeing a cliff-side Aesling quarry in northern Norsca.

Described as squat, broad-shouldered, encased in black steel and scaly strips of leather, he wields a massive double-handed weapon that is both axe, maul and pick, and wears a intimidating skull-faced helmet, hence his name.

Despite some "issues" he had on the past with the council, involving the forging of a blade called Fangwyrm, he later absolved himself by tracking it down and taking it back, by brutally killing the owner and throwing the blade in lava, since then his dark quarry has been reinforced and turned into a nearly impenetrable fortress of torment.

Said council was called by their dark, malignant God, Hashut the Father of Darkness, it needs some dark dwarvish sorcerors, to cast the first part of the summoning ritual

With all of them gathered and the ritual underway, it was time for the High-Priest to finish the summoning, as Astragoth who spoke the dark ritual to bring fort a minor manifestation of their dark master, so he may tell them reason for this summons, and why they should forgive pass transgressions between them.

Hashut appeared and told them of the new Mayor Chaos God, that has descended and he fear that this new God is after his domain over Darkness, Industry, and more soo he demanded them to unite and attack all the servents and armies belonging to Laharl Valboga, the Chaos God of Carnage, Darkness, and Smithing for Hashut will not be replaced or forgotten.

Swearing that they'll do as their dark master has commanded, the dark legions of Zharr-Naggrund were preparing for war!!!