Future Spellcasters of Space/Chaos Marines

After the Horus and Great Division of Reality, Emperor was wounded and crippled by his once favorite son Horus Lupercal, forcing him on the Golden Throne only he'll never become the "God Emperor". The Dark Gods, punish him with life, and non-ending pain, soo much that he'll never be able to interfere the same way as he had against Chaos. With the rise of countless psykers and spellcastors, the Emperor was forced to allow the use of magic, under strict conditions and watch like the psykers, as he reverted his ruling from the Council of Nikaea, allowing psykers to fight alongside the various Astra-Division the Guard, Astartes, and even Skiitarii. But as a precaution from the Emperor a new division was made in the Legions and Inquisition called "Astarte Executors" & "Ordos Arcanum", that track down and kill all renegade or traitorous spellcastors that are a threat to the Imperium.


1.Shamans: The most powerful human or marines with vast amounts of magical power and potential. All are blessed with a least two or more lores of magic, that align with their souls. Because of their potential the Imperium, searches to recruit or eliminate these people if they are against the Emperor. Majority are integrated in the Astartes or Sisters of Battle should they be women, serving as their strongest weapons against heretical or renegade spellcastors.

2.Fire Wizards: Spellcastors with the power to command magical fire. Similar but at the sametime different than Pyromancy Psykers. For Fire Wizards have a magical immunity to methods of fire with exception of more powerful fire magic or hellfire. Many Salamanders have gain this blessing in the "Nocturne Burning Soul" as they refer to their fire magical power. Fire Mages are one of the most common in the Astra Militarum, and several are chosen as workers in hiveworlds using their magic either in battle or the betterment of the Imperium.

3.Frost Mages: A rare type of magic that few humans can be blessed with connection with the element and concepts of Ice. While for a time they were common in the Space Wolves homeworld of Fenrir, they were exterminated by the Imperium. After countless years Frost Mages have been slowly rising again, and the Space Wolves were forced to protect and fight along these "witches". Frost Mage command icicle winds, freeze areas and foes, and much more like summoning great ice wolves constructs into battle.

4.Alchemists: Alchemists are the souls that have a deep connection with metal base magic. For the Cult Mechanicus they are know as sacred vassals of the Omnissiah. Thus recruiting majority of these blessed souls into their Cult on Mars, actually the Astra Mechanicus has the largest numbers of Alchemist among all Terran forces. Blessed with not only metal magic but a natural deep connection with Machine Spirits, performing miracles on all technology, even able to restore the most broken machine vessel back to functional state, as long as they pray and channel their magics.

5.Wild Tamers: The magic that has the power to command beasts and the wild nature of this magic. Adhumans from the Beastmen that remained loyal are the most common using this magic, and taught those among the humans how to command this magical power. From summoning creatures that are the representation of Wild Magic, enhance beasts and xeno-creatures, and even provoke the inner beasts within humans. They are most welcome among the Space Wolves surprisingly and the Catachan Guards have also a large number of Wild Tamers.

6.Druids: The power of Life, the magic to manipulate nature. Possessing a deep connection with the life/nature of worlds. Unlike the vile fanatic cultists of the Chaos Goddesses Chi Aahtahg & Mandraggohza, Druids serve the Imperium and preserve life, making them great addition to Aggroworlds, and to battle in world teeming with life and nature. Nature is their shield and weapon summong great roots, deadly thorns, and performing strong heals making them respected among the faction they serve with.

7.Lightbinders: The zealot followers of the Emperor. Blessed with magical power of the Light, despite the prohibition of worshipping the Emperor, they secretly do so. Able to cast Light spells that not only very effective against daemons, hence several Lightbinders serving in Legions and Inquisition, aiding in the battle against the vile forces or Chaos. Dress as priest and bishops they are the most spiritual of spellcastors of the Imperium.

8.Shadowbenders: Masters of Illusions. Souls that possess a natural connection with the magic of shadows, focusing on casting illusions and attacking their foes mentally, making them deadly adversaries against low & mid-level psykers. Because of these magical abilities, assassins temples recruit these spellcastors and created the Umbral Temple of special spellcastor assassins.

9.Storm Magus: The Storm Magus are special spellcastors connected to lightning magic, many believe that they are connected to the furious storms that surprisingly manifest. Apart from commanding the power of Thunder & Lightning, but can not only sense the shift of weather phenomena. The largest number of Storm Magus comes surprisingly from the Ultramarines, and are very capable of fighting alongside psykers in battle.

10.Tidemasters: The souls that are connected to the Sea in many ways. This deep love and connection has awaken the magic over the Tides and Ocean, some even hydromantic powers. Able to predict the shift of the tides and currents making them assets in large Oceanworlds, and fighting against the daemons of water. While they are able to cast various water based magic, they are strongest when in direct contact with seawater or riverwater.

Loyalist Spells

Fire Magic-Fireball, Flame Storm, Fiery Blast, Piercing Bolts of Burning, Meteoric Conflagration, Cascading Fire Cloak, Parch, Scalehide & Flame Sword of Rhuin.

Ice Magic-Chill, Chilled Voice, Winter Walk, Death Frost, Frost Blade, Frost Fang, Frost Shield, Form of the Frost Fiend, Permafrost, Crystal Cloak & Crystal Sanctuary.

Metal Magic-Searing Doom, Metallic Sheen, Glittering Robe, Rule of Burning Iron, Hammer and Anvil, Metamorphic Warding, Transmutation of Lead, Gift of Chamon & Gehenna's Golden Hounds.

Wild Magic-Animalistic Surge, Hunter's Senses, Predator Instincts, Call of the Wild, Dominante, Empower Beast, Wild Rampage, Furious Beast Spirits, Calming Aura & Primal Power.

Life Magic-Almanac, Barkskin, Green Eye, Roots, Storm of Thorns, Wall of Gaia, Healing Leaves, Overgrowth, Cure Blight, Cloak of Dain, Earth Gate, Earthblood, Earthpool & Nature's Embrancing Mercy.

Light Magic-Brilliance, Blinding Light, Channel Energy, Healing Boon, Abulla's Snare, Assault of Stone, Banishment, Daemonbane, Birona's Timewarp, Cleansing Glow, Clarity of Thought, Claw of Apek, Deathly Shards & Enlightenment.

Shadow Magic-Hush, Bewilder, Cloak Activity, Shadow Grove, Shadow Knives, Crown of Taidron, Doppelganger, Grand Illusion, Shroud of Invisibility & Universal Confusion.

Lightning Magic-Thunderstrike,

Water/Tide Magic-Tideshift,


1.Ruinlords: The most powerful human or marines with vast amounts of magical power and potential. All are blessed by the Dark Gods with a least two or more lores of magic, that align with their souls. Because of their potential they are commonly leaders of Chaos Warbands or Chaos Cults across the Galaxy. Because of this they have a more stable connection with Chaos Magic that risk of Mutations to Chaos Spawns is low. But just as they are blessed, they are also cursed, with the Chaos Gods gaze intensely upon them, should they fail their punishment will be great hence the Ruinlords are desperately trying to reach daemonhood, and have some rope of mercy should they fail.

2.Pyromancers: The dark souls connected to the power of hellfire. Insane pyromanics, that have a fanatical fixation with fire and burning everything from flesh and worlds. Many of the pyromancers are shrouded in daemonic fire a dark bargain with the Dark Gods to enhance their magical power over the darker form of fire magic, but should they fail the flame will consume both body and soul. Their known to be fight alongside Dark Drakes, or various warbands of Tzeentch & Laharl.

3.Astrobenders: Tzeentchian spellcastors. Only the followers of the Lord of All Change can harness this dark magic over the stars. Casting powerful destructive Star Spells, manipulation on a lesser extent over celestial bodies, but this could prove fatal for the castors, they have star divinision, and lastly being under direct sight line from stars their magic is much more powerful. Astrobenders, have a natural high-deposition of mutation, and worship not only Tzeentch but the Star Daemon, Zelos. The most powerful Astrobenders, are from either the Thousand Sons or Disciples of Tzeentch, for they are the most fanatical zealots to Chaos God of Change.

4.Metalbound: Those dark souls that are connected to metal magic. Obsessed with the manipulation of metal and forging daemonic machines, earning the gaze of two Deities, Hashut & Vashtorr. Many have replace their weaker flesh with corrupted machines and daemonic weaponry so Chaos can flow directly onto their core. While not much like the most common Metalbound come from the Iron Warriors, if they become to fanatical they are banished.

5.Bray-Shamans/Beastmasters: The chaotic beastmen spellcastors and the souls that the feral bloodlust of beasts. The more destructive force of the Wild surge in their souls, and provides them with this dark magic. The power to cause the primal beast loose in the mind of people, dominate and corrupt creatures into Chaotic monsters under their will, and much more. They also have a deep, dark connection with herdstones, bestowing them with greater power and magic.

6.Dark Druids: The fanatical followers and worshippers of the Mother of Dark Florrah and the Princess of Thorns. Acting like tribal and witch-priests, using dark spells and ritual to twist and control nature at their will, all in the names of Chi Aahtahg and Mandraggohza. Possessing poisonous magic and corrupt plantlife into daemonic plants under their control. They are rare to appear among the Chaos Marines, but many souls from death and feuralworlds manifest these dark magic, and if they survive the process they can become Marine, as well as a Dark Druid the only way for a Chaos Marine to acquire this magic.

7.Darth Bishops: The Cultists formed from those that have twisted their fate from the Emperor to the Dark Gods. Entering the service of the Word Bearers acting as dark apostles, priests, and more using their corrupted version of "light" or better called twilight magic. Casting curses and darkest of magic to debilitate souls of infidels to become easier prey for daemonic possessions and more.

8.Shadowmancers: Masters of mental corruption, degradation, and literal shadowmancy. Shadowmancers are able to cause huge amounts of mental attacks, while using the shadows to disposing targets. They're at the most deadliest in darker areas, surrounded by shadows and darkness, hence fighting against them in Space Hulks or Underhives surely means sure death. The Sons of Horus and Black Legion, are amongst the Chaos Legions & Warband that most produces these type of spellcastors.

9.Thunderbringers: Darker version of spellcastors aligned with lightning magic. The mainly bring fort untold destruction, and almost as their curse like the Shaggoth Prince, all worlds they set foot upon steer great, furious thunderstorms, empowering them and their magic. Because of this the majority of the Thunderbringers, are known to fight alongside Dragon Ogres/Ogryn and Shaggoths, during invasions.

10.Necromancers: Masters over death, and strangely favored by the Death God, Nurgle, and the Reaper, Nyz Pharos. Dark souls that are obsessed with commanding souls even after death. Possessing dark magic that cam rise any dead even from long period of death, known for their cruelty and defilement of both the dead and living, seeking immortality through lich-hood or in rare occasions daemonhood. While not as numerous as other spellcastors, the Necromancers are quite powerful and rarely align with anyone with exception of a mighty Chaos Lord or Daemon, preferring solitary commanding Legions of Undead.

11.Warlocks: The exclusive spellcastors that dedicate themselves in the magic of daemons from the second dimension of the Twisted Nether. Men and women that are loyal to Laharl and the daemons, casting dark, fel-magic consuming souls and life-force. Capable of summoning daemons exclusive to the Dark Harbinger, but "working" with other sorcerors, and spellcastors they can with permission summon other daemons from the various Pantheon for a lesser sacrifice. Warlock specializes in crippling victims with dark spells, using daemonic magic to weaken their opponents through physical, magical, and spiritual damage.

12.Abysscallers: The men and woman that dedicate themselves to the worship of the Sea, and the Goddesses that rule them Scylla & Nyo. This worship to these Daemon Queens grants them the darker side of magic over water and tides, the most favored become fish-like hybrids. As such the Abysscallers become much more adapt and powerful in underwater embierments, and are commonly seen leading the Children of the Abyss, another name for Water Daemons.

13.Chaos Castor: The general term of spellcastors that fully dedicate themselves to the magic of Chaos. Either a Monogod or Undivided follower of Chaos, they can range from anything from a Cultist, a Chaos Marine, or even a Traitor regardless they possess a natural alignment with magic. But desire to enforce the will of the Dark Gods, to receive favor and dark glory, they possess various names depending their allegiance, from the Orochi Legion: Acolytes of Darkness, Death Guard: Plaguecasters, Thousand Sons: Astrobenders, Emperor's Children: Glory-witches, Word Bearers: Dark Honored, ect...but regardless they are dark spellcastors that are willing slaves of the Ruinous Powers.

Chaos Spells

Fire Magic-Wrath, Ruin, Stoke Rage, Burning Stream, Gehenna Bomb, Kindleflame, Glare of Vulcatrix, Burning Head, Hellish Stroke & Pyroclasm.

Star Magic-Star, Starflash (Mega Star), Starfall (Giga Star), Celestial Flare (Omega Star), Astrocrash (Tera Star), Galactica (Petra Star), Blackhole, Sun Wrath, Cruel Moon & Guide of the Star God.

Metal Magic-Transmutation, Curse of Rust, Molten Gaze, Rain of Lead, Fool's Gold, Pillar of Iron, Caustic Slag, Corrupt the Machine, Soul Bounding of Steel, Razorsphere & Iron Maiden.

Beast Magic-Bestial Surge, Bray-Scream, Devolve, Primal Onslaught, Savage Dominion, Viletide, Tendrils of Atrophy, Vicious Stranglethorns & Summoning of the Incarnate Elemental of Beasts.

Corruptive Life Magic-Poison Thorns, Toxic Touch, Nethervoid Ivy, Infernal Barkshell, Daemonic Bloom, Flesh-eating Garden, Spread Blight, Curse of Thorns, Calling of Trents & Corrupted Mother's Desolation.

Twilight Magic-Curse, Unholy Force, Twilight, Soul Withering, Soul Agony, Drain Life-force, Cruelty, Dimming Hope, Dark Prayers & Dark Gods' Wrath.

Shadow Magic-Black Horrors, Dread Aspect, Choking Shadows, Shadowsteed, Horn of Andar, Pall of Darkness, Pit of Tarnus, Traitor of Tarn & Umbra Pendulum.

Lightning Magic-Thunder Burst, Bolt of Suffering, Lightning Cage

Death Magic-Amaranth, Animus Imprisoned, Compel Spirits, Reaping Scythe, Deathsight, Ashes and Dust, Death's Door, Death's Release, Purple Sun of Xereus & Soul Vortex.

Fel Magic-Shadowbolt, Fel-flames, Incinerate, Corruption, Nether Blast, Fear, Agony, Soul Leech, Ritual of Doom, Hand of Gul'dan, Summon Daemons (Carnage Aligned) & Curse of Weakness.

Water/Tide Magic-Abyssal Tidalwave,

Chaos Magic: Laharl-Darkbolt, Darker Rip, Black Haze, Void Vortex, Grasp of Laharl, Calling of the Void, Maw of the Arch-Daemon, Pulse of Darkness.

Chaos Magic: Nurgle-Plague Wind, Eruptive Infestation, Writhing Cloak, Blight Boil, Fleshly Abundance, Blades of putrefaction, Rancid Visitation, Miasma of Pestilence, Children of Nurgle, Curse of the Leper, Lance of Foulness, Stream of Corruption & Stench of Nurgle.

Chaos Magic: Tzeentch-Glean Magic, Fires of Change, Blue Fire of Tzeentch, Pink Fire of Tzeentch, Tzeentch's Firestorm, Gift of Change, Treason of Tzeentch, Infernal Gateway & Boon of Tzeentch.

Chaos Magic: Slaanesh-Fleshy Curse, Acquiescence, Beam of Slaanesh, Lash of Slaanesh, Slicing Shards of Slaanesh, Cacophonic Caress, Delectable Torture, Delicious Excruciation, Luxurious Torment, Titillating Delusions, Pavane of Slaanesh, Born of Damnation & Phantasmagoria.

The main difference between the Loyalist Spellcastors is that they'll use the classic spells from both Old World & Age of Sigmar, which Chaos Spellcastors use more darker and volatile spells, some even requiring a sacrifice from the spellcastor to cast.

All spells that were created by the Chaos Gods, with exception of the Lore of Lightning, and Chaos exclusive magic, they don't share spells, granting some difference and more units in both the humans and Marines.

PS: More spells will be added to the Lores of the Seas, Lightning, & Laharl as the story progress.