Family Dinner

As they were now back Into Jongstrom he rode to Mr Calvic's home. John sighs as they park the motorcycle and enters the house, the family members rushes out to see and greet Anna. Mrs Hughs came out with a smile on her face as she runs and hugs her sister.

"So John Keen I see your still alive" Mr Calvic said as he approaches John.

John laughs and replies "Well Is It me or Is It that you got even shorter than before"

"Ha I thought you'd gain some pounds by now John" Mr Calvic said.

"I thought you would have stayed off those junk food but I guess nothing has changed" John said.

"Shut It and follow me John" Mr Calvic said as they walked Into a private room.

John then asked "What's so Important that you have to call me here CC"

Mr Calvic fills a glass with scotch and hands one to John. "So Talic Is moving In the drug business, he's taking most of our areas and we want him dead"

"So why am I here?" John asked.

"Simple you don't like him, your already planning to kill him so why not do It for some cash" Mr Calvic said.

John laughs and said "1.5 million that's the price for him dead"

"You know that's not going to happen John be realistic" Mr Calvic said.

John replies "OK 500K, and some weapons, like aks with scopes, some explosives, and some magnums"

"Ha you've become a greedy little shit but that's simple" Mr Calvic said.

John laughs and replies "I never said I was finish listing. I need back my Z3 and one of your snatch vans"

"You bastard what the heck are you planning? John don't go Into something you can't return from" Mr Calvic said.

John said "Just remove your trackers from them and have the cars ready by time dinner Is over"

He starts walking to the door and then he stops and looks over his shoulder "Don't be scared of the monster you helped created and from now on It's Thorn" he then continues walking to the others.

John took a seat next to Anna and whispers "We are staying for dinner"

While at the dinner table Mrs Calvic asked "John are you single?"

John laughs and replies "Well yes I'm a fugitive and the best way to be caught Is by holding ones girlfriend a hostage"

Mrs Hughs laughs and said "Well If there Is also a girl being hunted and Is on the run just like you wouldn't you date her"

John sighs and replies "She's not my type and I'm sure she's crushing on another guy. He also digs her but they're too dumb to make a move" Anna started to blush.

"Are you sure John? To be honest you don't look like the type who knows about feelings" Mr Calvic asked.

John sighs and said "Look on her face and that's the end of this topic"

They all nods and silence took over the room for few minutes until Mr Hughs said "John you heard of your brother getting kicked out, what's his name again ugh Is It Jordan"

Mr Calvic then said "I heard he was caught with enough drugs to send him away for thirty years, but because of his parents connections he got away and Is working at that car mart"

John placed his utensils down and said "Anna I'm ready" He gets up and starts walking towards the door.

"John please one more hour" Anna pleaded.

John glares at her "You heard what I said didn't you. CC I trust what I asked for Is around the front?"

Mr Calvic nods, John turns and walks out the door. Anna then gets up and rushes after John.

Anna then said "Thornton why did you do that? Is It that you want me to resent my family as much as you do?"

John placed his motorcycle In the van and said " You drive this car home and If anything happens to my car I'll hurt you" he then hops Into the van and heads home.

On the way home Anna speeds passed him. He tries his best to keep up with the z3 but couldn't. Police begins chasing John for speeding, John then pulls over to avoid being followed home.

The cops approached his van and yelled "Put your hands through the window now" John did as he was told. The cops came up with his firearm was In their palms.

To his surprise It was the same cops that he had run Into a while back. John laughs "If It Isn't officer Cooper and Gustav, How has It been for you"

Cooper then replies "We've been good and you can go"

John laughs and said "I'm not ready to leave. So why Is It that your always here and no one really comes this way."

Gustav replies "It's none of your business and he said you can go so leave before we arrest you"

John glares at him and exited the van and walks to him. Cooper quickly jumps In between them and said "It's because we are at the bottom and no other cops respect us not even rookies"

John backs down and said "I can see why, so here's the deal I'm going after someone big, so give me your numbers and I'll call you to clean up" The cops gave him Their number and drove off.