Talic's Execution

A month had passed and John and the others were gearing up to attack Talic.

John then loaded the Van and said "OK this Is It so Anna and Raven your the shooters from the van, Hope you'll be the driver. Maxi you and Emily will be posted on top of the cranes with snipers. No screw ups and remember this Is also a drug deal so leave someone alive"

John hops onto his motorcycle and starts speeding to Talic's warehouse. They were all waiting for Talic to reach before attacking. An hour later Talic enters the warehouse and the drug deal has officially began.

John signals to the snipers to start raining down bullets down onto Talic's men. As the firing starts the girls came smashing through the front gate and begins opening fire into the crowd. John came riding through the back gate and went riding into a window to enter the warehouse.

John jumps off the motorcycle and took cover as the bike went flying on to the roof of Talic's car. Talic and his men were pinned down from all cardinal points and had no choice but to take cover.

"Talic! we finally meet again but this time your my prey" John yelled out.

Talic laughs and replies "John Is that you, Ha ha you've finally made a move" Talic starts to move to another spot.

"John you got It all wrong a mouse can't kill a lion, not even when mouses form an alliance" Talic said.

"Talic we'll see what the big cat will do" John yelled out.

Talic laughs and replies "Men we are the kings of this Jungle, so pounce on that mouse now"

The men came rushing towards the direction where John is. John realizes and rolls out two grenades which cuts down most of Talic's men reducing the number to five. John then opens fire onto the men killing them.

John walks down smiling and yells out "Talic where are you? Don't tell me your not man enough to face me, like you said I'm just a mouse"

Talic emerges from his hiding spot "I see now your no mouse your a vengeful wolf but we all know a lone wolf can't take on a lion"

Talic drops his gun on stood In a fighting position.

John drops his gun to the floor and a serious look took over his face. Talic came rushing in towards John, throwing punches which he easily evadeds. John jumps back and pulled out his S&W and shot Talic in his legs and arms.

As Talic went falling to the ground John laughs and said "Your right I am a wolf so that makes me the better hunter" John then removes his motorcycle and starts It up.

Talic groans and said "You win John so take everything, the drugs, gun, all this cash and we'll never see each other again"

John laughs and said "I only came here for your life Talic, but thanks for the offer"

John then ties a rope around his wrist and rides out of the warehouse pulling Talic as he yells out in pain.

The others were outside with four men that was tied up and blind folded. Maxi said "Thorn these are the men who came for the drugs"

They then loaded the snipers, drugs, money and Aks into the men's car.

"Talic this Is where we part our ways" John said before shooting him in the head. "Maxi go get the men" John said to him.

He then brought the men out and John said "We are letting you go, we didn't come for you guys and you didn't see under our masks so take your car and go before the cops come or before I change my mind"

As sirens were heading there way John and the others rushes out of the compound and without a second thought the men did the same.

John laughs as he takes out his phone and made a call "Hey Cooper they're heading your way, they have no weapons on them so they should be easy"

While the other cops were at the warehouse Cooper and Gustav caught the men and brought them in. Just like what John promised they were now the face of the police station and was assigned to patrol the town. Cooper and Gustav ask If they could continue to patrol the road that they were given at first and their captain agreed.