
A month later John and Maxi were racing on their motorcycles, John was riding with Emily and Maxi was with Anna while Raven and Hope was tagging along In the Jeep.

"Emi you better hold on tight" John said. Emily wrapped her arms around John's waist, John then lifts one wheel off the ground and continues this for about a minute until he enters the town. He gently placed the other wheel back down. Maxi Laughs and went faster flying passed John and Emily. Maxi starts dodging cars, Anna gripped his waist harder than before and started to scream.

John then did the same to catch up with Maxi. Maxi then drifts into the car mart and stopped in a parking space. John then did the same thing and shuts his motor bike off.

"Thorn I totally won that race so tell me what the dirt off my wheels taste like" Maxi said laughing while the girls pulls up in the mart.

John replies "You and I know I was busy stunting, that's why you got the lead"

Raven steps out of the car and said "While you guys discuss who won we will be checking out cars" The girls then left them arguing and started hunting for a new car.

An employee approached the girls and said "Welcome to Sk Car Mart, My name Is Jordan how may I be of assistance to you ladies?" With his helped the girls began their search

Few minutes later John and Maxi came to check on their progress. Maxi asked "Haven't you girls picked the two cars yet? Don't tell me It's that hard" Maxi then stopped and began staring at Jordan.

"Maxi what are you doing here I thought you guys went to a different country or died" Jordan said.

Maxi laughs and hugs him "JK how have you been?" Maxi asked.

Jordan replies "I'm back on my feet now, It's been rough after I got kicked out"

Jordan looks at John and said "John good to see that your fine"

John nods and replies "I see you've reduced yourself to this"

"What do you mean by that? This Is a nice work" Jordan said.

John then punches him In the face "Girls only take the black M8 and let's go"

The girls went to purchase the car while John went to sit on his motorcycle. Few minutes later the car was ready and they were all set to leave.

John walks over to the Jeep and opened the back door and said "Jordan get In"

"What I have a job now I have to be responsible, I got another chance to make my life right and I'm not screwing It up" Jordan replies.

"We need to go quickly and you don't have a choice" John said.

Jordan raise his voice and said "Listen to me I'm not going and I'm eighteen now so don't treat me like a child John"

"Well you leave me no choice brother, Raven handle this" John said while walking to his motorcycle.

Jordan laughs and replies "You really think I'm scared of a girl John"

Raven the quickly punches him In the face knocking him out and tosses him In the back.

As the girls drives out the security guard came running out.

John yells out "He's my brother and he escaped from a psychiatric hospital so I'm taking him back"

"Show me some ID then sir" the security guard said.

"Really I don't have time for that I'm In an hurry and just look we practically have the same face" John said before he rides out accompanied by Maxi.

The girls tied Jordan down to the bed waiting on John and Maxi to reach home, who went shopping. When they had finally reached home the girls let John In and exited the room.

John loosed the restraints and said "Why did you have drugs?"

Jordan gets up and replies "Don't act like you care John, you got kicked out but you never came around to check on me or Jayanna"

John grabs him by the neck and asked. "Where did you get the drugs from? and I won'task a second time"

"OK from a guy who said he knew you he didn't leave his name, now let me go" Jordan said.

"Describe him now" John said.

Jordan replies "He was a short, overweight Mexican looking guy who wore a suit"

John rushes to the kitchen and took up the phone and made a call.

"Hey John nice hearing from you, I love what you did to Talic" Mr Calvic said.

John replies furiously "You gave my brother drugs to sell why?"

"Oh that, no hard feelings I was trying to get both of you on the payroll so we can make some big cash together" Mr Calvic said.

"I'm going to end you Just like Talic but first I'm going to crumble this little town you call home and then your family so that you suffer"

Anna rushes into the kitchen and said "Thornton what are you going to do to my family?"

John looks at her "I'm going to burn them to ashes, don't worry I'll save your sister and her child" He then walks out and went outside.