John thoughts went wild, thinking of ways he could destroy Calvic. A couple of days later he still hadn't come up with any ideas on how to get rid of him. Maxi and Jordan enters the room where John was.

"Thorn maybe you should just let this go, Anna Is worried about her family" Maxi said. John suddenly puts on his mask and took up his knife and S&W.

"Thorn come on man, don't do this" Maxi pleaded.

Jordan looks at him and ask "What's your plan? You know I made a mistake to trust him"

"Well he should've known not to get my brother Involved In his plans" John said.

"What's your plan?" Maxi said.

John grins and said "I'm going to cut of the heads of his empire" John walks to the garage, Anna was waiting for him on his motorcycle.

John said "Oh not again"

Anna sighs and said "John this Is my family so stop or we won't be friends anymore, so please stop"

"Anna If such things happen and you attack me, this Is my advice to you then. Run so far and don't turn back because my soul Is already filled with rage" John replies he moved her aside and starts his motorcycle.

"Remember who stuck his neck out to protect you when they wouldn't" John said as befor speeding off.

An hour later John pulls up at the dock in front of Quaver's home, he then went around back and forced his way into the house. He then gets a chair and sits at the door waiting on Quaver to get home.

A day had passed on John was still posted at the door munching on any food he could find in the house. Finally a car pulls up outside, John smiles as he could her the footsteps walking to the door. They door was unlocked and pushed open, to John's surprise It was a woman and a baby.

John jumps up and asked "What are you doing here?" The woman was so shocked that she fainted. John sighs as he shuts the door and drags her body to the couch and holding the baby with the other hand.

Few minutes later the woman opened her eyes, she jumps up looking around for her baby. She started to cry as she runs around the house looking for her baby, she returned to the room and takes up the phone to call the cops. As she was dialing the number she looks at the window behind the couch and saw John in a rocking chair looking at her.

"Who are you and what do you want?" The woman asked.

John said "I saw you searched the entire house before you decided to check the room you were In first"

John walks towards her, she then said "Don't come close to me"

"If I don't how will you get your baby?" John asked as he hands her the baby.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I am looking for the owner of this house, are you his baby mother or something? John replied.

She sighs "I'm the house cleaner and this Is my nephew oh also I don't know where that man Is, he was here few months ago"

John said "Too bad I'll be going then"

She said "Next time don't park on the lawn please"

John stares at her and rushes to the window and look at the car and saw four men sitting inside. John realizes that the men eyes caught him.

John bolts the door and runs towards the woman and diving on top of her, she looses balance and falls on her back.

John then whispered "Don't move" After that was said, the men open fire onto the house. The baby was crying and the woman began to cry as shots were destroying everything.

The firing stopped and the men tries to force the door open. John jumps up and told the woman to lock herself into a room down stairs. The men finally kicked the door In and started searching everywhere.

John quickly rushes towards them from behind stabbing one In the neck and shooting two and before he could shoot the other one the man shot him. John fell to the ground, the man laughs as he continues searching for the woman.

The man kicks the door in where the woman was, she begins screaming as the man grabs her by the hair.

The man said "Your going to pay for getting Involved and for my friends too" As he drags her up stairs and was about to open the door a gun was placed at his head.

"Don't even think about It you scum, you shot me In the arm and you think your getting away" John said as he slams his pistol into the back of the man head knocking him out.

"Thank you, but I can't stay here more will come" the woman said.

"Follow me If you want to live" John said as he drags the man and placed him Into the trunk of the woman's car.

The woman asked "Are you crazy? What If I get stopped by the cops?"

"Just follow me, you'll be safe" John said before he made a call and rides off.

The woman followed John for an hour, a cop car pulled up in front of her car. She suddenly starts to shake as the cops walks over to her and said "Open the trunk now"

"That man he sold me out didn't he" she said before breaking out Into tears.

John rides and pulls up beside the cop car.

"Hey lady come over here quickly" John said.

She walks over to him and said "Did you call the cops on me"

John said "Take a seat Into the back and no more questions"

She took a seat in the back of the squad car and watched as the cops place the man into their trunk and ditched her car Into the woods and burn It.

"Cooper ride my motorcycle my arm Is killing me and I'm about to bring you guys to my base which means your no longer working for me" John said.

Gustav looks at John and asked "What does It mean?"

John laughs said "It means I trust you and we are now partners"

Gustav and Cooper laughed as they walked away.

John gave Gustav directions as Cooper followed behind them. Thirty minutes later they were driving on top of the hill as they heard shots fired and someone yelled out "Shut the car off now or we will open fire now"

The woman got scared as the baby star to cry again, Gustav did as the person said. Another voice yelled out "Now step out the car and off the motorcycle"

They all came out with their hands up, Anna then yells out "Stand down It's Thornton and the cops and a girl with a baby"

Cooper replies "Also a man In the trunk and Thorn has been shot so might want to hurry up and patch him up"

John looks at Anna and said "Your here and don't worry It's not your family and family meeting after I get patched up, so Gustav and Cooper don't leave"

Few minutes later John came and walks to the cop car and drags the man out the trunk. He grabs the man by the neck and said "Tell me who are you and why are you after this woman?"

The man laugh and replies saying "Your messing with the wrong group kid"

A blade was held at his neck by John as he said "I hate asking twice, so spill It"

"Well do what you have to do kid, not like I'm afraid of dying" the man laughs after saying this.

John gets up and walks over to the garage, he returns with a black box.

John then said "So are you sure you don't want to spill the beans"

The man looks at John and laughs. John then removes an hammer and a bunch of nails.

"I've seen this in an movie once. Tie him down" John Instructed the girls. They quickly tied him to a tree.

John begins to drive nails into the man legs and arms. After ten nails were driven into the man, John looks at the man as he said crying "Please I'll tell you everything you psychopath"

John replies "Really I have fifty more nails dude and this Is so much fun"

The man then said "I work for the triads and she stole a baby from our leader"

The woman yells "Heck no this Is my sister's baby, you only want him so you can make his parents do what ever you want them to do"

"So how can I find your leader" John asked.

The man looks at him "Kill me quickly now cause I won't give him up"

John sighs and said "It was worth a shot, I wish I didn't have to kill you but no choice" John took up his S&W and hands it to the woman and said "It's your choice what you want to do to him"

The woman points the gun at the man, she was trembling then suddenly a loud bang and a bullet went straight through the man's head.

Everyone turns to look at Jordan as he lowered his gun and started to vomit.

Maxi yells "Why did you do that are you stupid, you don't need to kill anyone that's why Thorn and Raven are here for, unless It was absolutely necessary"

"Well she hesitated and better we the criminals do It, than an Innocent woman" Jordan said.

Raven grabs him by the collar "This Isn't a game and other than John only me and Emily gives orders around here. So don't think because your his brother doesn't mean you can take matters Into your own hands"

"Raven let him go and she's right Jordan" John said. He walks over to the woman and grabs his gun and asked "What's your name?"

She replies "Asuna Yen" John nods "We can protect you so If you wish to stay you'll have to pull your own weight around here"

Asuna replies "Thank you, I longed the moment I can lay low for a while"

John said "Good now give me the baby and you and Jordan go bury this body up on top of the hill. Cooper, Gustav thanks for the lift and see If you can get some Info on the triads please"

Gustav and Cooper nods and was walking away as John said "Wait here's 5 grand It's not a lot but should be of use to you guys" He hands them and walks away with the baby.