Art of Torture

Few months later the baby boy was now one year old and the triads were more desperate about getting their hands on little Jun Lee. Knowing this John made everyone stayed home and trained until the day had come when they will try to rescue baby Jun's parents. Asuna was even trained day and night by Raven to be more capable of protecting her nephew.

While everyone was around the table having lunch excluding Cooper and Gustav, Asuna gets up, raises her glass and said "I want to thank everyone for taking care of us and most of all John for saving me from those guys. I was so scared when my sis told me to keep running after all I am just twenty two with a bright future and now here I am with my life feeling a bit normal, so thank you all"

Hope smiles and said "Well I speak for all when I say your family and we are grateful for John"

Maxi replies "Hell no I'm not, this guy made me follow him here, turned me Into a criminal and worst of all he left me In the hills for weeks. I would punch the guy but I'mterrifiedof Raven"

Everyone started to laugh.

Anna then jumps up and said "I am sorry for giving you so much headache and your right about my In-laws they're trash"

Raven then said "Thank you for saving me and giving me another chance"

Anna then said "We are also sorry for making you kill so many people and I think we should kill our own monsters from now on, we can see what It has done to you Thornton so allow us to do It"

"Thinking about It John should be the one apologizing, he made us Into monsters, criminals and he hasn't kill everyone's monster" Jordan said while everyone stares at him.

"Yeah your right I haven't killed anyone's monsters only mine and I did turn everyone Into monsters, everyone but you. You made yourself Into one and I'm tired of your shit so as of now we aren't family we are just related by blood" John said before walking out and went for a drive In his z3.

John was now speeding on the highway heading Into town, he flies passed a cop car which then begins to chase him. John didn't realize that he was being chased because of his foul mood and the extremely loud music playing from his car stereo.

He then pulls up at Mr Calvic's favorite restaurant that he spends his lunch time at. He then placed his mask on and took out his p90 and went rushing Into the restaurant. As he enters he open fire killing Mr Calvic's four body guards.

The cops heard the firing and came rushing Into the restaurant. As they came through the door they came face to face with John's gun.

John then looked at their names and said "Oh your not the corrupt ones your lucky, now handcuff this fat man, his hands, feet and tape his mouth or I'll start shooting everyone"

The cops quickly did as they were told.

John then said "OK now don't follow me, I don't want to kill good cops and stay good or I'll be coming through window and slitting your throat" John then speeds of back to his base.

When he finally reaches his home he sounds his horn, everyone rushes out of the house with their pistols to see what was the Issue. John then pops the trunk and said "Help me with this big load of shit.

Maxi, Raven and Jordan came over and pulls Mr Calvic out the car and tied him onto the tree.

After the tape was removed from his mouth Mr Calvic then said "John what are you doing you know my people will find you and gut you like a fish, so release me and that will never happen"

Anna looks at John and said "Thornton I know I said do what you have to do but can you spare him I can't watch this"

"Well For once I agree with you kid, your always talking bull I always tell your sister to send you back to Mexico I guess I'll stop" Mr Calvic said while laughing.

Anna replies "You know what Carlos I don't care what he's planning to do to you. The last guy who was tied to the tree got ten nails hammered Into his legs and arms. So I hope you have plenty of fun"

John walks Into the garage and returns with a black box.

Mr Calvic laughed and said "John what are you going to do? We all know your not a torture type and you don't scare me"

"Well you know the amount of persons I killed for you, It had me going crazy. So the only way to keep my sanity Is by getting really fond with blood" John said.

Mr Calvic replies "Still don't scare me kid"

John then injected him with a drug that would keep him awake. He then removes a hand drill and begins drilling Into Mr Calvic's left knee cap. Mr Calvic started screaming and begging John for mercy, as John stops drilling Mr Calvic looks into his eyes and realized that he was no longer that weird teenager he once took under his wings.

As Anna rushes into the house and Hope, Maxi and Jordan started to throw up at the sight of his dislocated knee cap, Raven and Emily were laughing and mocking Mr Calvic.

"Get away from me you guys are monsters, how can you be laughing while watching someone getting his knee drilled out?" Asuna ask while look at them.

"Asuna It's fine we are just ridding this town of It's oppressors" Emily said while taking the drill and started on the right knee cap.

Raven then hands John a a glass of scotch and said "We are just messengers for the reaper"

"What your all crazy and why would you say that, are you planning to kill every corrupt person from this town?" Asuna asked.

"Yes If that's what It takes then yes" Emily said as she rips out Mr Calvic's knee.

"Ha good luck with that you crazy bitch and I hope when your brother times Is near you don't beg for him to be saved" Mr Calvic said breathing heavily.

Raven then inserts another dose of the drug into his arm and said "I don't remember this drug's name but It will keep you from passing out so have fun"

She then takes a blade and started to remove his fingers and kept giggling as he begins to scream again.

Few minutes later Mr Calvic was gasping for air as you could hear the air expiring out of his body. Raven then gave him another shot of the drug and he took a deep breathe.

As his breathing regulate Mr Calvic said while crying "Please just kill me, I'm sorry for betraying you and making fun of you John so please stop. You took my knee cap, Toes and fingers, what else do you want?"

John replies "I'm going to end your world and all your family so real soon they will join you. Maxi man up, you too Jordan and cut his limbs off"

Jordan said "I'm no monster like you, I won't mutilate this man no matter how much he deserves It and get that Into you head"

Maxi nods and said "He's right we can't do this no more"

Raven walks over and punches them both In the nose " You Maxi you said you'll kill for him now and Jordan you claim he wasn't making any progress so there's only two ways this can end. So get up and cut him up or you both get a bullet to the head" She then points a gun to their heads.

"Raven stand down, your going too far" John yells.

"No you shut up John, this ain't no game you can't keep spoon feeding them It's time for them to realize they can't hide behind you and theirs guns" Emily shouted at John.

While they were all arguing Anna rushes out with and ax and made one swing which removes Calvic's leg. As he cries out Anna lifts the ax and drops it removing the other leg. The ax falls to the ground and she started puking.

"What did you do Anna you wanna be just like them?" Asuna asked.

Hope then looks at everyone and summons up all her courage and walks over with her machete and made to heavy swing and removes both his arms. Mr Calvic started to cry as he said "John please help me we were friends"

"We are not your kind" John yells as he walks over and placed a bullet Into his head.

Hope the removes his phone and checked his meeting and said "He Is meeting Hughs to trade drugs and weapons with a guy name Fargo. So to keep up their connections maybe the meeting will still happen"

John smiles "Anna and Raven make sure these three stay here and Emily, Hope masks on we are moving out" he said as he placed his mask on and runs to the black van with Mr Calvic's body.