Death follows

They went full speed rushing into town, heading to the meeting place. John and Emily was seated in the back and getting their weapons ready as they were only a minute from the place.

Hope pulls up the front of the building and John and Raven flies the back door open and throws couple grenades into the building, while Hope went to set an explosive onto Fargo's van.

As the grenades went off the men came rushing out of the building, John and Raven immediately took cover and opens fire. Fargo came out and went straights to his van and speeds off, Hughs did the same thing and went the opposite direction from Fargo. '

They rushed back to the van and speeds after Hughs' van. Hope then press the explosive trigger, as the van exploded Hughs got timid and jumps out of his car. He injured his leg, so he went hopping into the river to cross over to the other side.

"Ditch the body here and meet me around the other side of the forest, stay away from the river" John said as he grabs a rope and went chasing after Hughs.

As he enters the water Hughs was already entering the forest, John went swimming even faster. As he exited the river he went rushing In after Mr Hughs.

Few minutes he caught up to him and shouts "Hughs stop running and stand up like a man you bastard"

Hughs then turns and pulls his gun and squeezed to John surprised the gun was empty. He drops the gun and pulls out his knives "John what a waste you have become, now I'll have to kill you with knives"

John laughs as he pulls his knives out and went rushing towards him. Hughs then kicks him In the stomach which only pushes him back a bit. John got up and attacks as Mr Hughs laughs as he evades every swing as he was an master of melee attacks. He then slices John In the back and under his rib cage.

John steps back as he grabs his wound and said "Damn it your too verse on how to kill with a blade so my plan B"

John pulled his S&W and points it at him.

"I see your not man enough to face me Is that It, you have no honor your no better than Talic" Hughs said trying to convince him to drop the gun.

John opens fire and hit him in the leg and said "I know what your thinking" he then's wraps the rope around his neck and leads him out of the forest.

John smiles when he saw the girls and said "Get that spray can and write, WE ARE NOT YOUR KIND!"

Raven did as John instructed and wrote it as big as she could. John nods and climbs onto the top of the van and toss the rope onto the top of the street light.

"Any last word you want to say before I hang you?" John asked Mr Hughs.

"Just take care of my child let him have a future, even though It's not actually my child" Hughs said as he sighs.

John nods and jumps off the car, the force pulls Hughs to the top of the street light and his hanging began. John wraps the rope around the post and said "You have my word your wife and child will be safe. Say hello to Jack the reaper for me he-he"

John then made a phone call saying "Don't talk Jossie just get your kid and meet me at the Junk yard and bring two guards so everything looks fine" he hangs the phone up and hops Into the van.

Few minutes they were now at the junk yard. "Keep the van running the moment they show up and the shooting starts come get me" John said as he hops out the van.

An hour later Jossie shows up with four guards, realizing this John knew It would be hard to kill them while being close to them. He sighs as he pulls his gun and rushes out shooting two of the guards. Immediately he took cover behind some garbage, as the men opens fire shooting everything that moves.

A can suddenly came flying to the men and they began to shoot not knowing that it was just a can. John smiles as his plan worked, he then shoots one and kicks the gun from the other man's palms. As the gun drops the man pulls another gun from his hip and shoved it into John's face.

The man laughs and said "A million bucks for a skinny guy wearing a mask, well I'll be sure to collect"

John laughs and replies saying "I'm worth two mil I just killed two of your bosses and It's not your lucky day"

As that was said the van emerges from it's shadows and came speeding towards them. The moment the man turns to see what was coming his way, John pulls his knife and stabs the man five times into his right rib cage.

Jossie came out of the car and started to clap him.

"Well Isn't that Impressive you killed a man who had a gun to your head" She said.

"Well It's me or him so I choose him Instead" John said as he walks to the van.

Jossie then said "Well the scary part Is that he turned his head for almost two seconds and he gets stab Into his rib cage"

"Get Into the van and to get everything out the way I'll tell you the truth" John said.

Jossie looks at him with curiosity and asked "What Is It?"

"I killed your husband and left him hanging on a traffic light near the woods" John said.

Jossie grips him by the neck and glares at him while pushing him onto the van. Raven pops the door and was about to stop her until Hope held on to her. John was then tossed into the van by Jossie as she heard sirens coming towards them.

As Hope speeds off. Jossie starts to laugh and the others looks at her wondering if she had lost her mind.

"Thank you John, that man was a monster he took me from my family when I was eighteen years old. Even so he neglected me until he decided he wanted a child. I hate that man" Jossie said.

Raven turns and asked "Then why did you pinned Thorn to the van"

"I was the one who should have killed him because I promised his first wife I would before he killed her for not being able to produce a child" She said.

After this was said everyone remained speechless for the entire drive home.