Special Agent Quinns

Two months had passed and the news about the two business men who was murdered were still on the tip of everyone's tongue. Due to the constant of murders being unsolved the FBI were brought In to handle what this department couldn't solve.

A month later they had found evidence that Mr Calvic and Mr Hughs were apart of a drug ring and so were the other unsolved murders.

They ran more investigation and question multiple people, the name Thorn was given to them by most of the individuals being questioned. Special Agent Quinns was in charged of finding Thorn with the help of her ten team members and the local police.

Quinns Is one of the most talented Special Agents which has solved 95% of her given tasks. Knowing this John and his friends were more careful even though It's part of his plan so that the FBI could help to clear out the dirty cops.

John then calls her and the conversation went.

"Hello Quinns this Is Thorn speaking and don't bother to try to trace this call I've protected this conversation." John said.

"Nice to finally hear from you Thorn." she replies.

"Well I heard you've been looking for me" John said.

Quinns replied "Oh yes we only want to ask you a few question, nothing to worry about unless your guilty"

They both starts to laugh but it came to a stop when John said "I am guilty, I killed them but I had my reasons"

Quinns said "That's what they all say before they realize their reasons were stupid"

"They were hurting people by selling drugs and weapons so I sent them to their graves" John said.

Quinns replies "Just make this easy and turn yourself In so no one gets hurt"

John laughs and said "You already know I won't, especially when I need to take down others"

She asked "Others like who Thorn?"

"Drug dealers and the corrupt cops on their payroll, so you have two choices put them behind bars or I'll go knocking on their doors with my Smith & Wesson" John said.

Quinns replies "Your a crazy you know that" As this was said the phone call ended.

As John and the other were gearing up to attack Emily's brother Eric Valtos, Asuna suddenly became sick and fainted after constant vomiting.

John then said "Emily you and Jordan take her to the hospital"

"Are you stupid John? I've changed my mind and decided to burn my family to the ground and now your telling me to go on sick duty" Emily yells at him.

John replies "I'm just helping you so go"

"Thorn she's right, we all have to face our demons even you John so let her be" Hope said.

John sighs and said "Fine Maxi you and Jordan go to the hospital. Take the Jeep and don't leave her until she's fine"

John and the others hops Into the van and speeds off towards the highway. They were all armed with enough weapons that could easily knock over couple armoured trucks.