Fairwell Eric

As they came ramming through the Valtos' mansions main gate, the firing immediately starts and bodies started to drop. The news came to Eric that Thorn and four other Individuals had breached their front gates. Eric locked himself into his vault with ten guards to protect him inside the vault and another ten on the outside.

As the firing drew near to his location, Eric's right hand man begins praying for protection from god.

One of the guard said "Never knew you were a believer Zack" The others started to laugh at him.

"Laugh all you want, but we are dead If they enters this vault" Zack said while trembling.

Eric then said "Are you loosing It Zack? Your a god damn murderer, don't tell me your afraid of a kid that calls himself the reaper" The men laughs at him again.

"That kid Is a sociopath, everyone who has messed around him Is going to visit his friend the reaper. You hear him coming and you know It's our time so you better pray" Zack said.

One the man then said "Your so full of shit Zack so shut your mouth. We can't be scared of kids, when we are In this type of business"

"You guys heard what happened to those guys In the woods when we made a moved after Hughs' wife, that was his doing and that was when he was a little scaredy cat" Zack said.

"What your kidding me" A man yells.

"No I'm not. Even his other works, those cops on the bridge, the triad goons, CC, Hughs and Talic. Oh and the guys we sent to merk Raven" Zack said.

Eric looks at with surprise and said "That's him, all of that and not get caught" The other begins to tremble like Zack and all took a seat. As they all started to pray for protection they heard shots outside of the vault.

Few minutes later the firing stops, as they look on the camera they see John placing explosives on the vault's door.

Eric yells "Get down everyone now" the explosives went off and so did the door. The men opens fire outside in fear, as they started to reload flash bangs were thrown into the vault. All nine bodyguards were immediately shot in the head.

Eric and Zack drops their weapons and came out from behind the desk with their hands up. John and the others emerges from the smoke with their weapons pointed at the two.

Emily shoots down the cameras and then said after removing her mask " Hello that was easy"

"Hello Emily, you have punished me by destroying our parent's legacy. So let us go and I'll stop hunting you and your friends" Eric said.

Emily laughs "You were my brother and yet you tried to kill me, even after I told you I don't want this building nor your dirty money"

"So what your going to kill me? That will make you just like me Emily" He said as he begins to laugh.

Emily smiles and replies "I won't, but he will" she points at John.

"You little pig your going to kill the last family you have" Eric yells at her.

John laughs and said "Your wrong, we are her family so you can piss of Eric. Burn the brother and toss the other one off the roof"

As the girls grabs them both Zack said "Thorn please I can change don't do this"

John look at him and signals the girls to stop. He walks towards him and said "You rather go to prison then Zack?" Zacks quickly nods.

John walks over to the desk and took a file and hands It to him and said "Pick which crimes are yours" As that was said John heard sirens and looks and saw them on the front lawn.

"Who call the cops, they don't move this quickly" Raven said as Eric laughs.

John then said "Quinns your too good, tie him to the chair and go home girls I'll stay so they don't see you leave"

Hope then said "No time to be a hero John, we go together"

"Do as I say, go now and take care of each other " John said.

As they leave Eric said "I guess you can give me another chance like you gave Zack"

John glares at him and said as he pours gasoline on him "Zack was always nice to her that's why he gets to live. You on the other hand Is total garbage so you need to burn" John then throws his lighter on him.

He begins to scream as John and Zack walks out of the building and lays flat on their stomach. The cops walks over and arrested them.

Agent Quinns walks over towards Thorn and removed his mask.

With a surprising look she said "Oh my god your so young, bring him to my van" As the cops placed him Into the van, she looks to the other FBI agents and said "Take the other one and get him to the lock up. Lock down this area"

She then speeds off Into her van.