
John was peacefully asleep until Sheriff Gardner came knocking on his cell. John turns with a grimace look on his face, while Sheriff Gardner was present with a smile as if she enjoys annoying the hell out of him.

"Wake up Keen you have trial In the next hour and you'll love this judge. Judge Murdoc, she couldn't wait to meet the man who murdered her sons" She said laughing.

John looks at her and said "Well I'll get a shower and then let's go"

"What your not scared? You might get a death penalty" The sheriff said.

John laughs "Sheriff I don't fear nothing In this world and If you piss me off right now I'll kill you so move"

The sheriff looks at him and opens the cell door. John walks out and went to have a shower. An hour later John was ready and he heads to the sheriff office.

John opens the door and said "I'm ready to leave now"

"Keen I'm In a meeting and how did you walk pass my deputies?" Gardner yells at John.

John replies "Simple I just glared at everyone and walk pass them. Your deputies are bunch of pussies, they're scared of me even when they're armed"

"What's the meaning of this Sheriff?" The mayor asked.

"I'm sorry sir but my deputies are scared of him, they have never encountered a lunatic before"

John then said "You know I'm right here Sheriff?"

"Kid didn't you learn to knock before you enter a room? Now leave or I'll call the ward In whatever prison your heading In" The mayor said.

John laughs and said "Mr Mayor you have no Idea who you are talking to. So Sheriff mind telling him"

"Sir that's John keen He's" She said.

Before she could finish The mayor interrupts her saying "AHH I know who you are. Your one of the keen's sons but that doesn't mean I can't give a call to the ward does It"

John then walks over to him a slaps him in the face and said "Why don't you shut up and let the lady finish you politician scum"

"Kid did you just slap me, Sheriff arrest him now" The mayor yells

John laughs as he slaps him again and said "You fool I'm going away today and I'm already detained by them. So if you don't let the sheriff finish I'll slap you again"

The Sheriff sighs and then said "As I was saying this Is Thorn this towns most dangerous person In It's entire history"

"What your Thorn? But your just a kid" The Mayor said while shaking.

John said "Well no time to chat with you I'm running late for my date and I need a lift"

"I'm busy Keen so you need to stop scaring my deputies and they'll gladly give you a lift" The Sheriff replies.

John laughs and said "Well I'm an high class murderer so I need the best to transport me"

Suddenly the door flies open and all eyes turns to stare at who would dare to enter the room.

"Well Keen since everyone's either scared or busy I'll take you to court" Quinns said while holding the door.

The mayor then said "Agent Quinns please take him away I'm begging you"

John the walks to Quinns and asked "How do I look?"

"Like you slept well and I wished that wasn't the case" Quinns replies.

John smirks and walks off towards Agent Quinns' car. Another hour later they were outside the court yard and to John's surprise the whole town came out to see the verdict. He then opens the door and everyone inside the court room turns and focus on him. John glares and walks towards his chair.

"John Keen your two hours late, tell us why and do remember your live on television" Judge Murdoc said.

John laughs and replies "I was just preparing myself to be able to look at your ugly face"

"Well you have no lawyer so you get to start first" she said.

John nods and walks to the area beside the judge and facing everyone else. He then said

"Well I'm guilty, I murdered your dirty cops, slaughter your drug dealers. I had more to end but you had to walk In my path and stop me from protecting this town"

"Wait you just made yourself guilty" The judge said.

John laughs and said "Yes Judge and one thing before the jury decide to put me away"

"What's that?" The Judge asked.

John replies "Tell me where the missing kids that your son took and your going to ship on the black market"

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

John glares at her and said "You know those kids from The Bargley children home"

"Are you accusing me of being a human trafficker?" The Judge asked.

Quinns then pulls her firearm and points it at John and said "Keen don't you do this"

John then smiles at her before leaping onto the judge and holding her as on hostage. As everyone starts to scream John then said "Drop the gun before I snap her neck Quinns"

Quinns laughs and said "You think your faster than a bullet" John then started to squeeze her neck and glaring at Quinns.

John said "Quinns drop It and you know I can sense the moment your about to fire. At that moment I'll rip her throat out"

"Shoot the bastard Agent" Judge Murdoc yells.

John then asked "What If she misses? Its best If you talk"

"OK they're In the old ship yard " The Judge said.

Everyone looks at her in shock and then yells out "Kill that ogre of a woman, that two faced bitch" After hearing this John smiles as the judge started to beg for her life.

Quinns said "John don't she's not worth being shot for"

John slowly releases her neck and placed his hands In the air. Quinns walks over and cuffed his arms and drags him back to the car.

"Why would you do that, your more screwed If she was bluffing" Quinns said to John.

As she said that her partner radios in saying "Quinns we found the kids, they're In a bad shape. Murdoc will be going away for a long time"

Quinns then sighs as she was bringing John to the van until a judge stands in front of her and said "I'll see over this one case right now so bring him"