mission 01

As John was now seated along with the jury members and reporters, he stands up and then said "I'm guilty so there's no need for this to continue"

"John Keen your to serve fifty years In solitary confinement" The Judge said as he dismisses everyone.

The officer came, removes John from the court and placed him in a van and said "Your going to the box kid and I hope you enjoy It "

The van speeds of on the highway heading towards Jongstrom prison. An hour down the road they came upon a road block and the van came to an hault. One of the officer went armed to see If he could clear a way.

The scene was empty so the officer lowered his gun and started to clear a way through the road block. Successfully he cleared a path and the van was able to pass. As the officer opens the door, a tranquillizer dart came flying into his neck and he was out cold as his upper body was In the van, while his legs weren't.

A loud uproar was now in the van as the other three officer see their partner's unconscious body. The officer who was driving drags up his legs and slams the door shut before driving off. To their surprise all four tires were blown out.

"John Keen It's pick up time, so this Is your first mission. Escape without killing the cops, Oh I'm jamming your radios" Red said through the officer's radio.

John stares at the officers while formulating a plan to escape while his arms were bound. The officers were armed waiting for the doors to be breached and for John to make a move. John jumps up and started to strangle one of the cops with his legs, as the others turn and starts to hit John repeatedly.

John releases the officer after removing the keys. Another officer punches him and placed him down to sit.

"Try anything like that again and I'll shoot you In your black face" a cop said.

After hearing this John glared at them and the moment they were focused on the door he quietly removes the restraints from his arms. John quietly moves and took the unconscious cop side arm.

"Drop the gun before I drop you, I watch you removes those restraints and I thought If you just leave we would be fine. Even after that you still want to hurt us" One of the cop said.

John looks at him and said "Well then If your partner hadn't made that comment I would've made It slide but now I don't have a choice so let me go"

The cops then turn and started to whisper, One turn and said "Drop the gun and then you can go kid" John drops the gun and rushes out through the door.

"Well that's a weak ass exit you made their Keen" Red said as he laughs.

John glares at him and then said "Hand me that grenade launcher now"

Red then hands him the launcher and said "Keen let this be the first and last that you give me an order"

John then fire six grenades onto the van and watches it as it explodes.

He turns to Red and said "The name Is Thorn and If anyone repeats that name I'll kill you. Now let's get out of here"

"Your so violent and again you gave me on order" Red said as they speeds off.