Not just a lunatic

Thirty minutes later they caught up with the boat and John then smiles as he kicks Jordan, Raven and Emily into the water.

"Mifflin sorry that I got your helicopter burned and you know we have to ditch It so head to that hill up there" John said.

Mifflin nods and headed to the hills where he lands the copter.

As they exited the copter Mifflin said "Keen you ass I just got that copter. I know I owed you one from high school days but this Is too far man"

"I'll get you a new one" John replies.

Mifflin eyes widened "Are you crazy I'm burned now "

"Then I owe you one now, so let's go" John said as he walks to the fishing dock.

Mifflin follows him and then said "I'm wanted now so I need a cool name now"

"How about Milf" John said as he laughs.

Mifflin looks at him and said "HAHA so funny Keen"

"Well we're here at the docks now so let's get a boat lift to the others" John said.

Mifflin laughs and said "I got this"

He pulls down his mask and walks over to a fisherman. He puts a gun to the man chest and said "Give me your boat before I feed you to the fishes"

As he completes the sentence the other fishermen pulled out their guns and said "Bitch Is you lost"

Mifflin started shaking as he lowers his weapon and puts his hands over his head. John started laughing and the fishermen turns looking at him.

"John Keen, thought you were locked up" Pentium said.

John replies "Ten K for a lift to my boat"

"Straight to the point as usual, you should indulge In conversations. I'll take you so let's go" Pentium said.

As they were now leaving the docks Mifflin looks at Pentium and said " Are you guys like some fish Mafia or what?"

"Well back In the days fishermen were treated poorly by everyone. Mafia used us to move contrabands, cops forced us to snitch, people pay us what they feel like because we had no choice and assholes like you steal our boats" Pentium said.

Mifflin then said "So you decided to become a fish mafia"

"Actually few years back when a mafia guy tried to steal my boat an high school kid came out of no where and beat the living crap out of the guy. Like I'm serious about the crap part the guy literally shit himself" Pentium said as he laugh.

Mifflin said "So that was your motivation?"

"Let me finish the story. After a good beating the kid took his weapons, drugs, cash and handed It to me and said 'Use this to protect you and the other fishermen" Then he took the mafia guy and dropped him Into the water to drown" Pentium said.

Mifflin replied "That kid Is a beast"

"Yea, the next day he returned with 20K and told us to get weapons In order to stop getting mistreated. Few years later when he was being arrested I learn that his name was John Keen the Thorn of Jongstrom, the reaper's Scythe" Pentium said.

Mifflin jaws drop, he replies "You were talking about this guy"

"Yes, tell me how did you meet him" Pentium said.

Mifflin then said "I was the new transfer student at school and I attracted lots of bullies but the worst of all was Mike Scott the captain for the martial arts club, so I got my ass kicked a lot. One day In the hallway I got pinned to my locker and was about to get another beating when out of nowhere came a flying kick that sends Mike to the other end of the hallway. A fight went on and Mike was no match for the skinny black kid. Mike came back with a broken hand, two black eye and a fat lip. John returned with a broken nose and a suspension form"

"That serves him right" Pentium said laughing.

Mifflin then said "Let me finish. From that day I asked around and heard that's It's Impossible to be friends with the guy because he was a total loner on some black knight shit. So I gave up and a few months later I was walking home, when I realized that Old man Watts left his gate open and his dog Rex was staring me dead In the eyes. I ran for a minute or so until the dog finally grabbed my ankle, I fell to the ground and the dog made a big jump aiming at my neck. Out of nowhere came the black knight taking the bite on his hands before sticking his fingers Into the dog's eyes. As the dogs released his hand John kneed the dog In his windpipe and kicked It away before running off"

"Old man Watts always forget his stupid gate" Pentium said as he sighs.

Mifflin then said "I never caught up to him that day, I even stopped at the hospital and they told me that he never came In. Ever since school was peaceful because of him. A few months later I saw him on top of the school building. I went over to him and said Hey Thanks for saving my skin. He replied saying 'That's fine dude just stop being a pain' before jumping down and held onto a classroom window and climbed In. That day he was placed as the students representative and was even given the power by the board to get rid of any teacher or student who wasn't fit for school"

"I see so he was a man with great authority" Pentium said.

Mifflin replies "Yea but the school was peaceful until a new teacher came not knowing this and decided to bully a student and destroyed her personal belongings. John heard of this and gave that guy a good beating before getting him fired and band from being a teacher. John secretly used his savings to help out the girl and even tutored her. We found out after she thanked him at the graduation ceremony"

"So she passed and John didn't" Pentium said.

Mifflin then said "John never did the exams, Instead he was out risking his life trying to save a classmate who lost his parents from committing suicide. The school even offered him the chance to sit the exam but he gave It to his classmate. So everyone wasn't that surprised when we heard he was getting rid of the dirty cops and the scums of this town"

"I see he was always a violent kid" Pentium said.

Mifflin replies "You can say that but someone had to do It"

"So this Is you paying him back" Pentium said.

Mifflin nods and said "I'm burned now so It's best that I follow him until our time expires"

John then walks over to them and said "Pentium that's the yacht so we'll be taking our leave now. Thank you for everything"

"It's the least I can do and If you need anything please don't be afraid to call me" Pentium said as he held out his hand for a hand shake.

John then shook his hands and then jump on to the ladder of the yacht.

Mifflin then said "Hope we meet again In the future Pentium"

"Mifflin watch his back and be safe" Pentium said as he shook his hand.

Mifflin replies "No worries" He then jumps on to the ladder and climb onto the yacht.