
Few days have passed and they were still on the waters sailing into the waters of Florida hoping they would find a place of refuge as they laid low. The others where frighten when they saw the coast guard heading there way. Quinns then went to talk with them and after few minutes she returned with the go ahead to cross their borders.

Jordan looked at Quinns and asked "What did you say to them?"

"Vulcan made fake documents and I had my old badge so that's It" Quinns replied.

As they docked John looked at them and said "We'll be going our separate ways and meet up back In a month. We'll be going In pairs until then" John said.

Hope asked "Why I thought we were In this together?"

"It's safer If we travel In smaller numbers" Quinns said.

John then said "Raven go with Mifflin, Quinns, you and Vulcan. Jordan and Hope, Anna you go with Emily"

"Then who do you pair with John?" Emily asked.

John replies "I'll be fine, just take care of each other until we meet up back"

Quaver then said "So I get to be with my girl alone again, that's sounds fun"

"I still don't trust you yet Quaver, so I could care less If you return here" John said as he walked off.

During a month's time they all had settled down and started living legally except for Quaver who went back to selling drugs. He used his contacts to grow tall In the business and even grew bigger than he was before. He even had branches all over with more than hundred goons at each location.

John was now on the yacht waiting for the others. Quaver pulled up with his guards and his assistant, Quinns and Scott came by an Uber. Hope and Jordan drove up in a Volvo, while Anna and Emily came with a guy. Raven came by a motorcycle with Mifflin hanging onto the back.

"Why you hanging off the back like a lil bitch bro?" They all burst out into laughter as Anna said it.

Hope then said "Who's the new guy Emi?"

"This Is Will, Anna's boyfriend" Emily replies.

Quinns then said "Quaver who are these guys that you came with?"

"This Is my assistant Adriana and they're just my bodyguards" Quaver said.

Quinns then asked "How can you afford guards?"

Quaver then told them his story and it caused an argument which led to them pointing guns at Quaver and his men.

John then rose to his feet and said "Stand down! I want you all to think about this. We tried to save our town and we got nothing but bad names.They tried to kill us and I saw the so called good guys let out one of the most evil bastard this world has ever seen. So tell me do you think we can save this world and to be honest I no longer want to."

"I'm with you till the end bro" Jordan said as the others nods in agreement.

Raven then asked "So what's the plan?"

"We'll create a board that governs the operations. Quaver you and Mifflin will be the face of It. Quinns, Raven and Scott you'll handle the security. Anna and Emily you'll handle the cash. Jordan you and Hope handle the products" John said.

Quaver then shouts "What's going on this Is my business, I'll decide If you can be apart of this"

John suddenly points a pistol at his face and said "If you have a problem with my decision then I'll take It by force"

"Fine do what you want, but we split the cash equally" Quaver said.

Raven then said "You'll get what we want to give, remember your not one of us"

Quaver then walks over to her and said "I'm the face of this so I get equal amount as the rest of you"

"Well that's what you think but your nothing more than a swine that only wants to save his skin" Raven replies.

Quaver then grabs her by the hair and said "Stupid bitch I'm no swine I own my company and now I want fifty percent of the profits you can share the rest"

"Your right Quaver your the face we'll split the rest, now let her go" John said.

Quaver released her and said "See bitch I run this shit!"

"Raven give that piece a shit his fifty percent" John yells.

As those words left his mouth Raven pulled her pistol and emptied the clip into his chest. As he fell to the ground the guards drew their weapons and so did the others too.

John the walks over to them and said "What are you guys doing? You really gonna die for this stupid guy? Besides he's dead"

"Stand down, he's right that guy Is dead and you heard his last few words " Adriana said.

As they lowered their weapons John said "You work with Mifflin now and these four are both your personal bodyguards so pay them more. Now Adriana show us they way"