
After a few minutes he came up on her side honking at her. She looks over and increased her speed.

John calls her phone and she answered saying WHAT!"

"Emi stop I want to talk to you, so pull over" John said.

"I don't want to talk to you at this moment John" Emily replies as her speed increases.

John then said "EMY stop don't let me ram Into your brand new car"

"John you wouldn't dare to" She said.

He replies "I would so stop"

She hangs up and went even faster. John then went chasing after her through traffic, skipping cars trying to catch her. They went drifting around a corner where John almost hit a fire hydrant. Gears begins changing rapidly as John attempts to keep up with her. As they where now on a farmer's dirt road John car begins sliding and sent him flying into a huge hay roll. John opens the door and slowly rolls out and lays on his back.

Emily then stopped and rushes over to him and said "John are you okay?"

John groans as he got up and pins her to the car and said "I'm fine just my ego got bruised"

"Okay John Keen you have my attention, what Is It?" she said.

John said "Emi after you stormed out of the bar a old guy came over and gave me one of the best advice in my entire life. After that I learned something"

"And what's that?" Emily asked.

John then smiles and said "I'm madly In love with you Emily Valtos, we are both broken but together we can become whole again. I wanna be with you and I wanna come home"

"Really are you sure?" Emily asked.

"Yes I want to make you the eye of my storm" John said smiling.

Emily started blushing and said "John your a bandit, you already stole my heart. So I'm about to steal your kiss" She said as they began to make out on the car.

"John meet you at home and I would hurry so you can steal my kiss" Emily said.

John laughs as he starts his car and said "Your car Is way over there so lets see you reach before me" John then speeds off hurrying home.

As they both entered the house they were ambushed with curiosity of the others. They grabbed them and place them behind a table.

Scott then said "Emily you never turned the camera and mic off, so we heard and saw everything"

"John you really think your a monster to us" Hope yelled saying.

Raven then said "You don't have to worry we are your family, we'll be here to the end"

"Thornton who are you calling an Idiot and what kind of stupid love confession was that?" Anna asked.

John then sighs and said "I'm sorry everyone except for that Anna"

Anna then grabs him by the collar and said "John why are you always so mean to me?"

John then hugs her and said "I'm kidding Anna, I couldn't do this without you nor without anyone of you guys"

"I'm glad to hear that I make you do the responsible thing" Quinns said.

Scott replies "Your calm for someone who's a mom figure to a twenty year old and your not even old as yet"

She glares at him.

John looks at them and said "Thank you all for everything, now enough of this mushiness"

John lifts Emily up who had already fallen asleep and brought her to her room where he tuked her in and gave her a kissed on her cheek.

He then went back downstairs

John looks at the time and said "Raven get the tour van we got a pick up"