Pick up/Set up

As they were on the way to the airport Raven asked "Why are we going to the airport? Judging by the type of van you made me drive I'd say It's someone Important"

"Not by the slightest Rave" John said.

Raven asked "So It's a hit?"

"We're going to pick up my Ex from Jongstrom" John said.

Raven replies "John that's a dick move, you just got Into a relationship with Emily"

"I promise you It's nothing like that" John said.

Raven looks at him and asked "Then why are we going to pick her up

"I want to know how she got my number. Plus she claims she has something Important to say to me" John replies as they were now silent heading into the airport parking zone.

John went into the airport trying to find her. As his eyes started scanning the airport in case it was a trap, their eyes both met. She had blonde hair, a pale skin, and the bluest eyes John had ever seen in his entire life.

She approaches him and said "Hi John nice to finally see you after all this time"

"Wish I could say the same thing about you. Let's go" John said.

She looks onto to the floor and said "I'm sorry for this John"

"For what?" John asked.

Suddenly he sees his parents approaching. "What did you do?" John looks at her ferociously.

As they were now at their feet his mom said "Hello John, How are you?"

"Don't ask like you give a shit Shereky" John said as he clenched his fists.

Shereky looks at him and said "I see you still lack manners"

"Don't act like you know shit about me you old bitch" John said.

Timothy then said "You better watch your tone boy"

"So you finally speak dad but you can't tell me what to do, you worthless shut" John said as he glares at him.

Timothy then slapped him across his face and said "Don't forget your place"

Raven then reaches into her coat and held onto her pistol. John then said "Raven It's way crowded here anyway. Let's just leave"

As they were walking towards the van Shereky runs and held onto his hands. "John were not here to fight, let's go somewhere we can talk" She said.

John nods and loaded their luggage into the van. He then took them to a motel, where he rented two rooms.

As they were all in one room Shereky then said "We need you to protect Sarah for awhile, her boyfriend Owly got Into some big trouble. Now their after her trying to get to him but he's nowhere to be found. We know you don't like us but we're willing to pay you to take care of her until this blows over"

"So why bring her to us, why not send her away to another country?" Raven asked.

Timothy then replies "We aren't dealing with you girl so keep quiet besides their Is a bounty on her head"

"Actually old man your dealing with both of us but mostly me" Raven said as she glares at him.

Timothy then said "Hold your hoe John before I smack a bitch"

Raven then pulls her pistol and turns the safety off.

Shereky then said "Both of you stop and Timothy go outside until we are done talking please"

As he walks out the room she then said "John I know I did you wrong but I'm begging. She's a good girl, even though she left you for your best friend, so don't let that cloud your judgement"

"Ain't It funny how your begging now. After all the shit your sons told me you did to them" Raven said laughing.

Shereky then replies "I gave them everything and all I asked In return was for them to get Into a college, not even has to be a good one. Both of them let me down. But all I'm asking Is that you'll live up to your heroic name and protect Sarah"

"Lady I don't know what you've been told but your son ain't no hero, he Is a wanted man and a real menace to society. If you think I'm Joking google It" Raven said laughing.

Shereky then yells "Could you please be quiet I'm talking to my son!"

"I'm no longer your son you made that clear. You only have a daughter, Sarah that Is. I always thought you were a heartless monster but I see It was just towards me and Jordan" John said.

Timothy then runs In and said "Boy you were always a waste of flesh to us but you could for once In your life be useful. If not I'll show you a real monster. We started this shit"

"You want a war with us old man, I did a lot a dirt myself I don't need no goons to get shit done" Raven said as she laughs.

Timothy laughs and said "Because I'm the man, I run this shit"

"Then why don't you protect her yourself?" John asked.

He replies "Because I can't trust those goons not to switch"

"Then how are you gonna war with us old man" Raven said laughing.

Timothy then walks over to Raven and grabs her by the neck and said "I'm tired of you yapping your mouth"

Raven then hits him in his windpipe, as he releases her and started gasping for air. She jump kicks him and sent him fly through the door. As Sarah runs to grab Raven's gun, she grabs her hand and lands a left hook to her ribs. She falls to her knees and held on to her stomach.

Timothy then sneaks up behind Raven and throws a punched which she easily avoids. She looks dead into his eyes and said "Really how are you gonna start a war with a beast"

"Enough of this!" John yells.

Shereky then asked "John will you take her under your protection?"

"I'm not the one who you should be asking, It's Raven" John said as he sits back down.

Shereky looks at Raven in disgust and asked "So will you or will you not"

"Sure but the price Is we don't see your faces until you've sorted out the Issue" Raven said.

As she grabs the girl and hauls her to the van.

John gets up and said "Well Tim In case you decide to come after her, you should know a wolf Is even stronger with It's pack"

John walks up to him and held onto his shoulder. "You guys need to leave before there Is anymore unwanted company"

"Maybe our story can change son" Shereky said.

John replies saying "I doubt that will ever happen"

He then walks off towards the van.