Boxing Ring

When they had finally reached the estate Raven looks at John and said "Go do your thing John, you've got a lot of explaining to do man"

"Your not coming with me?" John asked.

Raven said "John I've had your back for along time and I'll have It till death. But this Is something you've got to do by yourself"

John sighs and said "Thanks Raven, lets go Sarah"

As they entered the building they walked to the spot where everyone was supposed to be at that time of the day. As they entered all eyes were fixated onto a computer screen that was used to connect a call with Maxi.

Maxi then said "Hello John, I see your always late and look who It Is Sarah. Are you guys back together now?"

"Maxi what do you want?" John said as he glares at him.

Maxi then said "I heard about the company and I want In. I want a quarter of what you all make. Don't forget you and I have been friends for a long time"

"How did you find us?" John asked.

He replies "Your dad, he thinks were still friends. Don't worry I'm In Florida "

"I see so when can we meet up?" John asked.

Maxi replies "Tomorrow at 12 pm the abandoned factory"

"Ok see you there M. Dogg" John said as he ends the call.

John then said "Everyone gear up were gonna kill that piece of shit"

"She's your ex! John don't act like we didn't hear that part" Anna said.

John sighed and said "Everyone this Is Sarah. Emi can I talk to you?"

They walked away a room In the back where Emily looks at him and said "You brought home a new girl, your ex at that. Did you mean half the shit you said to me!"

"My parents came to me and asked me to protect her until this blows over" John said.

Emily then asked "So why didn't you tell me?"

"I brought Raven for back up and someone who wouldn't have a biased opinion towards the matter" John replies.

Emily got even more upset after hearing this.

She then got into his face and asked "So your saying I couldn't make a decision?"

"Yes she's my ex, so why wouldn't you be biased?" John replies.

Emily then replies "Because that's not who I am John Keen"

"Fine I'm sorry" John said.

Emily replies "John don't let It happen again"

Emily then walks out the room and went back to the room where everyone was.

She walks straight up to Sarah and asked "Why are you really here, Is this some infiltration shit set up by John's parents?"

"What no way I'm really In need of John's help" Sarah replies.

Emily replies "Just do as your told and stay away from John"

"That's impossible if he's to keep me safe" Sarah said.

Emily then said "No need I'll keep you safe as possible"

"I'm sorry but I don't think you mean that. If I can't have John I want someone who isn't emotionally attached" Sarah replies.

Emily nods and said "Fine you can have Raven as your babysitter"

"Emily don't draw me into this" Raven said.

Emily the rolls her eyes at her and said "Your already involve, so why stop here?"

"What the heck is wrong with you" Raven asked.

Emily replies "You going behind my back when I thought you were my friend. Although you really don't have friends"

"Don't blame me for doing my job, last time I checked I don't remember having an obligation to any of you here" Raven replies.

Emily then walks up to her and said "Bitch step into the boxing ring and see what happens"

Jordan the intervene and said "Hey I've had enough, stop this shit"

"Jordan move aside it's just the ring nothings dangerous about that" Raven said as she walks towards the gym room.

As they both entered the ring, they equipped the protective gear and stood in their fighting stance. Emily had her right foot forward and both her fist at her chest height. Meanwhile

Raven had her Left foot forward and both of her fist a few inches from her face.

Emily rushes in and sent a right hook at Raven's face, Raven then slightly shifts her left hand to block the shot. Emily then sends a shot to her right side with her left fist and a quick knee to her lower stomach. Raven then jumps back and held stomach, slightly bent with her eyes facing the floor. This was all done in shocked.

As the pain was starting to ease Raven looks up and Emily was already in front sending a left hook, which connected to her right cheek bone.

She then sent a follow up of a right left right combo and finishes it with a left uppercut, which sent Raven a few feet off the ground and landing on her back.

Emily then said "I hope now you learn not to hurt your friends feelings stupid"

"Lord forgive for my sins yeah, this about to get ugly" Raven said as she gets up, rubbing her cheeks.

As they both took back the same fighting stance, Emily came rushing towards her and throws a left hook. Raven then grabs her left hand and lands a left elbow to her nose bridge. As she step back and tries to keep her consciousness.

Raven grabs her by the collar bone and looked her into her eyes and said "Your my friend and your one of my closet that's why I got to kick the living shit so you remember how to act towards your friends"

Raven then lets her go and stepped back before landing a round kick to her face leaving her unconscious for a few seconds.