I am what I am

After that time has passed she got up and was handed a ice pack by Hope.

She then asked "Hope where's Raven?"

"She went to see John" Hope replies.

Emily then said "Haven't she learned anything from this. Some friend she is"

"Emily you need to hear this but your wrong" Hope said.

She then asks "How am I wrong?"

"She's not only your friend, she's also John's friend. Second this the way they have always been and they work together so don't expect that to change and If you do then don't go further Into this" Hope said.

"Why should I end it and not her?" Emily asked.

Hope sighs and said "Because they both need each other"

"What do you mean?" Emily asked.

Hope replies "Only they can get certain jobs done. While the rest of us do the easy part"

"You do know we've been in a lot of fights too" Emily said.

Hope then said "Firstly we do fight but they've done most of it like 85% of everything. So only they can relate to the demons they have to face for us. They're so much alike to be honest they're both antisocial and both love us especially you even if they don't show it"

"So what should I do" Emily asks.

Hope replies "Simple, just got talk to them and don't judge. Check the balcony"

Emily then rushes to balcony where she saw them sitting looking at the sunset and laughing.

"What's happening here?" She asked.

John sighs and Raven then said "Not this again"

Emily then said "I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you both. I realize how close you guys are and you need each other I just got jealous that my boyfriend and my best friend doesn't need me"

"How dumb can one person be but I need you, like who's gonna do my hair and nails for my dates and who am I gonna discuss certain things about" Raven replies.

John then said "I need you the most, your my girlfriend and you make me happy you both do"

"Oh my gosh! Hope's so right" Emily said.

Raven asked "She is?"

John the asked "Right about what?"

"You both are the same, You guys are like retards. You can't even express your feelings. Your like different sides of the same coin" Emily said as she laughs.

Raven then said "Eww that's such a shitty thing to say"

John then pulls her into his lap and kisses her on the forehead before saying "She's right that so cheesy thing to say babe"

"You guys are like a collocation" Emily said.

John asked "What's a collocation?"

"It's when two or more words comes together and make a new one like fast food" Emily explained.

"Sometimes I forget how smart you are" Raven said as she laughs.

Emily then said "I'm gonna ignore that but your collocation word could be"

John then covers her mouth and said "NO more cheesy stuff, let's just sit and use the ice packs both of you"

Two hours before the meeting time Everyone was In the weapons room gearing up when Hope looked at John and asked "Do we have to kill him?"

Jordan replies "How many times do we have to go around killing people John?"

Anna then said "Their right we're so rich so why not continue without anymore killing"

"They have a point we could invest our money into legal businesses and get the FBI off our backs" Emily said while the others nods In agreement.

John turns to Raven and asked "So what do you say Raven"

Everyone turns looking at Raven hoping she would agree with their proposal.

Raven then said "I hate the killing but I hate loosing people and things I care about, so anything that comes before me shall be removed"

Everyone sighs and said "Fine!"

John asked "Raven are you down?"

Raven nods and replies "Of course, I'll always fight with you to the end. Even if I know we'll die"

John smiles at her and then said "You guys sit this one out"

"That's not fair John, don't bench us on this one" Hope said.

John turns and walks out with his weapon to the garage.

Emily rushes over to Raven and said "Raven don't bench us on this one"

"Mifflin and Scott let's go we could use you help" Raven said.

As the two headed to the garage Jordan then said "Are you ignoring us too Raven?"

"Well next time don't bitch about someone trying to take our stuff. How are we so opposite from you all? Don't you guys want to be in peace?"

Anna Replies "Of course we do, but how can there be peace if we always kill to solve our issue. That's being a monster and you both are acting just like predators"

Hope then made an Input saying "Not the right term but she's right you both need to calm and stop the killing"

"Ha Imagine how lonely we feel when we realize that you guys don't respect what we've done for you all" Raven said.

As she turns and opens the door, John was on the other side listening to everything they were saying. Raven then pulls him away and went down to the garage.

As they both entered the car John turns to Mifflin and Scott asking "Do you guys think we're monsters?"

Mifflin laughs and replies "Man I've owe you a lot I don't care what you are but to me you're a friend. Not many would do the stuff you did back then to help me"

"John sometimes a monster is what we need in order to be happy in this world or just to be free. I am what I am, remember that line John" Scott said as he pats him on his shoulders.

John then said as tears came to his eyes "Thanks for having our backs"

"Damn it Raven just get the car going before this shit gets more emotional" Mifflin said as he smiles.

Raven then said to John "Thank you for not killing me back then and not giving up on me, I know it's hard having to fight your best friend but I'm not gonna lie and tell you it's alright but it will be one day"

"Even if it's not we'll walk it with you" Scott said.

"Now I got to say something, ugh I'll be your weapon if you can't take the shot" Mifflin added to the conversation.

John then nods as he placed on a eyeglass.

Mifflin then said "Are you crying bro"

Raven smiles as she starts the car and drives off.