Burnt brother

As they were now at the location, Maxi was already at there with a few other men. John then told Mifflin and Raven to follow him with their high-powered rifles, while he took his sidearms and Scott stayed in the car.

As they exited the car John was In the middle while Mifflin was on his left and Raven was on his right. John walked up to Maxi and said "Speak your mind"

"Not even an hello to a old friend" Maxi said.

John the replies "You left my brother and you betrayed me, we're not friends"

"Always so cold but let me get down to business, I'm here to get my share in that drug ring you got going on and this man is here to take Sarah off your hands" Maxi said as he points at a man who walks up to them.

John looks at the man and ask "What If I say no to either of your requests?"

"We'll were gonna take you and kill your friends" Maxi said.

John turns to Raven and nods to her. After which she and Mifflin went back Into the car.

"What did you do John? What are you up to?" Maxi asked.

John looks at him and said "You got this place surrounded so why are you worried"

"Your a tricky rat, you piece of shit" The man said after grabbing him by the neck and pushing him onto a car.

John then lowers a knife from his jacket and slash his throat open. As he releases John to hold his neck, John zips his Jacket open revealing a suicide vest which stops Maxi's men from opening fire.

"We both know you wouldn't put your friends in danger" Maxi said.

John laughs and said "That's an armored vehicle, that's why I told them to get into the car"

"You think the blast won't kill them?" Maxi asked.

John laughs "I don't know but I'm certain they can leave without your men shooting them down"

"Your always thinking ahead aren't you?" Maxi asked.

John replies "As one of my favorite artist said, Rob who, take what you tweaking. It's war Maxi and your loosing"

"Your always one step before me John. So what are you going to do?" Maxi asked.

John then replies "Your going to get into the car and come with me"

"And if I don't then what?" Maxi asked.

John then turns to everyone and shouts "If you don't come with me then I'll blow us all up. So you have thirty seconds to decide, starting now"

Fifteen seconds later, one of Maxi's men said "Hey let's throw him in if he doesn't want to go"

Another one turns to him and said "Are you crazy? That's our boss"

Another looks at them and said "We aren't getting paid enough plus most of us have kids"

"Five seconds remaining" John said as Raven starts the car and starts reversing.

One of the men rushes towards Maxi and gun butts him across his head knocking him unconscious. As he fell to the ground he rushes over and picked him up and said in a choir "Take the stupid bastard"

John turns to Raven and signal her to stop. He then said to the men "You guys made the right choice, don't throw away your life for a guy who would betray his best friends"

The men nods and tosses Maxi's into the trunk of the car. As they closes the trunk and was about to leave, John hands them a briefcase and said

"Take this and stick together. It's a million you guys can start a business or whatever but get out of Florida"

The men stood In shock after hearing this, they car then speeds off.

Thirty minutes later they were at a safe house that only John and Raven knew about. Maxi eyes opens as his consciousness returns, John walks over to him and hands him a glass of scotch.

Maxi gulps It down without a second thought and said "What have we become brother?"

"You were a coward and you sold us out" John replies.

Maxi then said "And here we are again"

"Your nothing but a greedy bastard, I left everything over there to you and made my own here. So why return?" John replies.

Maxi sighs and said "Call me stupid, call me sad but I was angry that you turned your back on me"

"Well doesn't matter cause I'm gonna take you out of the game permanently" John said as he hands him another round of scotch.

Maxi laughs as he downs the glass and said "This my last drink then"

"Are you not gonna fight back?" John asked.

Maxi laughs and said " Either way, you have help on the other side armed plus I'm sure that's what you want"

"Very well, Raven, Mifflin come In" John said.

As the entered John told them to tie him onto that chair. As they were finished Scott enters and hands John a Jug of gas.

"Go and gas the rest of house I'll handle this part" John said.

As they left Maxi said "Really John couldn't you have done something less painful"

"I'm sorry It had to come to this brother" John said as tears flow from his eyes

Raven enter and said "It's done John"

John replies with a cracking In his voice "Okay light It I'll be out soon" John started pouring gas onto Maxi as Raven left and lit the house.

"John you can just let me go you know, without them knowing" Maxi said.

John replies "What did you think was gonna happen If you came after me and failed. Bitch I'm the death reaper's scythe don't forget that"

"So your going to kill your brother" Maxi asked.

"Well your no longer my brother but I hope this answers your question" John said as he flick is lighter and caught him ablaze.

Maxi screams could be heard outside. As the others held their heads down In respect as they knew he was a brother to John. John then emerges from the burning house with the scotch bottle at his head.

As they all were In the car everyone kept silent knowing that It was pointless to ask If he was okay because they already knew the answer. So they kept silent as the drove home.