Chapter 2 "Competition"

Ariel POV

Royal Star Academy was a school for the rich and famous,it was unaffordable for commoners like me. This competition organized by the Academy is to find young stars with the talent but without the opportunity. The competition was to have just 10 winners out of the entries from all over the world. At first I doubted my chances of being selected,but I was perseverant and decided to give it a trial. The rules were simple,I have to make a video of myself performing or singing any song in any of the genres, Hip-hop,Rock,pop, etc. I decided on entering the competition with "Girl on Fire" by Alicia keys. I had practiced day and night, trying to get the tune and lyrics well,but had a change of mind,I felt like I was not being myself and decided to give them the real and true me. I ended up picking a song I had written "Rejected". It was a song I wrote when I was bullied in school and called a bastard child. I went home crying and locked myself up in my room. Music was my way of calming my nerves and soothing my soul so I had grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled my pain on it. I ended up throwing it in the trash,but grandma found it and told me it was a beautiful piece. I kept it but I don't regret keeping it now, because it was a way of showing the world who I was. I had a piano that my mom bought me on my 8years birthday. She worked really hard to get it since I showed so much interest in learning how to play it. I was now a professional and could play really well. I was finally ready to make my video,I turned on the camera,placed it in front of my piano and started doing what I did best,make music.

"Hello everyone,this is a song I wrote,hope you enjoy it."

"You think you have it all...

  but some don't have at all...

  I turned out to be the one...

  with no one to call...

why do I have to suffer...

this pain is too much to bear...

why did you have to hurt her...

cause now I have so much to fear...

Mistakes has been made...

pain has been faced...

and now I have to face...

the day I was made...

Why do I have to suffer...

this pain is too much to bear...

why did you have to hurt her...

cause now I have so much to fear...

  Now the past is in the past...

  the future is in my hands...

  I have to make a change...

  and give myself name...

  There is no more need to suffer...

  the end of the pain is near...

  she is too strong for you to hurt her...

  cause now I have a future to rear...

  This is endless...the stigma is too much...

  I just wish it will come to an early      end.

Thank you."  I smiled and ended the video. I realized I was tearing up when a tear touched my lip.

"No oo this is horrible,I should have just used Alicia's song, urghh,I should try again" I complained after wiping my tears.

*clap..clap...clap* I heard clapping sounds and turned immediately to see my mom at the room door, crying and clapping.

"Mom!" I called her, surprised that she had been there the whole time.

"That was beautiful my baby,I will sue that fancy school if you don't make it in" Grace said with a proud smile on her face.

"You really think it was nice? I was planning to do something else" I replied looking at her, hoping for a positive answer,I really needed motivation at the moment.

"It's not nice" Grace answered with a straight face.

"ohh,but you just said..."

" it was amazing!!" Grace interrupted me

"Thanks Mom,let's hope the Academy doesn't think otherwise" I replied with a huge smile.

"Let me leave you to finish up with what you are doing." Grace said then headed downstairs,I am pretty sure I heard her scream "my baby is a star".I smiled at how supportive my mom could be and returned back to editing my video.After watching the video gazillion times,I breathed in deeply and finally clicked the send button then I received a notification that my video had been successfully uploaded. By the time I was done,it was already getting late,so I went down to join my grandma and mom for dinner.

"Ari,help your mom set up the table" Grandma said while carrying the grilled chicken,which I helped her with.

"Chicken!!" I said with excitement and my eyes lit up. I loved chicken,like who doesn't. Grandma laughed at my childishness.

"You're so like your mom,those eyes of yours reminds me of when your mom hears that I prepared chicken when she was younger" Grandma said with a smile

"Who doesn't like chicken?" Grace defended herself

"Everyone loves chicken but you went too far by bringing home our neighbors live chicken to cook" Grandma added

"What!!mom you really did that?" I said bursting into laugh

"common,I was just 8" Grace said pouting her lips

"Not all 8year olds go around carrying live Chickens"grandma answered with a smirk.

The both women continued their banter while I laughed on. We were finally done setting the table and took our seat. My grandma was a really religious woman so we had to wait until she was done with her prayers before touching the food. We finally started eating,and grandma and my mom's banter continued. After eating,we all retired to our various rooms as it was time for bed. I thought about the competition, before finally falling asleep. The next morning,I checked my phone for any information regarding the competition and found out that the winners will be announced in the next 2 months and these winners will be sent admission letters to start their program at the Academy. The audition videos of all the competitors were made available online for all to see and give their opinion. I was stunned by the wonderful performances of the competitors,they all sung songs of their favourite artists,some went as far as shooting music videos and going to studios. I lost hope of winning after seeing how tough the competition was. I closed the site and took my mind off it.