Chapter 3 "Congratulations and welcome to the Academy"

The day for announcing the winners of the Royal Star Academy competition came and I was told too scared to watch it. My grandma and mom forced me to,and I finally decided to watch it. I was not just scared of loosing but was scared of failing my grandma and mom. The announcement was to be made on TV,so we all went to the sitting room,where we watched the program. I was practically sweating

"Ari.." Grandma called me. I think she noticed my nervousness

"Hmm?" I answered trying to be calm

"I want you to know something,that you are amazing!,no matter what happens today,we will alway love you" Grandma told me with a huge smile that calmed my nerves almost immediately.

I smiled back at her and took in a deep breathe. Just then,the program came up and the guest speaker was introduced by the main speaker,I could not believe it,the guest speaker was popular singer,song writer and musician Ed Sheeran. He will be announcing the results himself. After several commercials,the announcement begun.

"And the time of the day that you all have been anticipating, before we announce our winners,it should be noted that the winners of this competition will be awarded a spot in the famous Royal Star Academy and an all expense paid trip to New York from anywhere in the world our winners are chosen from. I will be handing over to our guest speaker to do the honours" The main speaker concluded and handed the microphone over to Ed Sheeran.

"Hello New York and Hello Royal Star Academy!!!" Ed Sheeran spoke into the microphone, eliciting so much screams from the audience present and probably those at home.

"It was a really tough competition but as we all know,only 10 winners would be picked by the Academy. So let's hop straight into it,the first winner on my royal list is

1. Andi Pérez,a 16year old from Spain." Ed announced. Claps reigned in the air while her video was being played on the big screen for all and sundry to see.

"Congratulations Andi and welcome to the Academy" Ed Sheeran added.

"Next on our list, we have

2. Maria Bakker,a 16 year old from Netherland. Maria's video was played on the big screen." Congratulations Maria and welcome to the Academy. Next on our list is

3. Fernández Mateo,a 17 year old from Spain" Just like the others,his video was played on the big screen. I was really impressed with Fernández performance,he was really cute and looked so much like the artist whose song he preformed, Shawn Mendes. "Congratulations Fernández and welcome to the Academy,next on our list is..." Ed Sheeran continued. I was becoming nervous again.

"4. Anand Krish,an 18year old from India" Anand's video was played as well and he performed really well. He performed a song in his language that was really amazing. Ed proceeded with his announcements after Anand's video was played "Congratulations Anand and welcome to the Academy...,next on our list is

5. Jang Cho,a 19year old from Korea" Jang's video was also played like the rest. He looked so much like these idols from Korean boy bands.He looked more like Kim Taehyoung from the BTS boy band.

"Congratulations Jang, and welcome to the Academy. We will be going on a short commercial break,when we return we will announce our remaining 5 winners." Ed Sheeran announced and commercials came up immediately.

I didn't know I was crying until my mom sat next to me and wiped my eyes.

"It's not over yet my baby" Grace said trying her best to smile and calm me down.

"Mom it is!!it obviously is" I cried more now,I was done pretending.

My mom quietly hugged me and we stayed like that without saying a word. My grandma was quiet too.The program was back and I sat there staring lifelessly at it.

"Welcome back people, let's head straight into business,we don't want to keep our Royals waiting,do we?" Ed Sheeran said to lighten the already tense atmosphere. Then he proceeded with the results announcement

"Next on my Royal list is

6. Aleksandar Maric, a 19 year old from Croatia." Aleksandar's video came up and everybody clapped,the vocals and sound effects were amazing. Ed continued his announcement "Congratulations Aleksandar and welcome to the Academy,next on our list is

7. Amahle Nkosi, a 16 year old from South Africa" Amahle's video was played like the rest. "Congratulations and welcome to the Academy.Next on our list is

8. Fumilayo Esan, a 17 year old from Nigeria" Fumilayo's outfit in her video was gorgeous and her vocals were powerful,she was really talented."Congratulations Fumilayo and welcome to the Academy,next on my list is"

9. Smith Johnson, an 18year old, from USA!!" Smith's video was played,and his name and video was displayed on the large screen. "Congratulations Smith and welcome to the Academy, and the last one our list,not the least,this was a really close one but her creativity, earned her the spot,

10. Ariel Murphy,a 16 year old from USA!!"

"Wait that was me,I am Ariel Murphy,arghh,I got in!!!" I screamed out of excitement,I could not believe it,I was finally going to New York.

"I told you it was not over yet" Grace said with tears,she was so proud of me I guess.

Grandma was shedding so much tears,she could not believe it too, I was going to Royal Star Academy. Just then my video was played on the large screen with my name boldly written,it turned out that I qualified thanks to the originality of my song.

"Congratulations Ariel,and welcome to the Academy." Ed Sheeran added.

"Who said I wasn't going to go places,take that father,you will regret abandoning me" I thought with a smile on my face.

"I will prepare an amazing meal tonight to celebrate" grandma announced with a huge smile.

"Yess, chicken"I guessed,grandma knew it was my favourite

"Yes Ari,chicken" she answered and chuckled.

"Yay" I celebrated. During our celebration dinner I noticed my mom's sad demeanor,she was happy a while ago and now she is sad,i had no idea why and decided to find out.